Manometrning texnik xususiyatlari
Suyuqlik manometrlari
Raqamli manometrlar
Umumiy maqsad
100 dyuym
100 dyuym
20 dyuym
20-2000 H 2 O,
2000 in H 2 O,
20-2000 psig, 2000 psig,
2000 mmHg 2000 mmH
Kichik miqyosdagi bitiruvning ±%
Kichik miqyosdagi
Kichik miqyosdagi bitiruvning
±0,025-0,1% FS
±0,025-0,1% FS
bitiruvning ±% qismi
±% qismi
Quyma temir, zanglamaydigan
Akril, zanglamaydigan po'lat,
Toza, quruq korroziy bo'lmagan gazlar;
Toza, quruq korroziy bo'lmagan gazlar;
po'lat, PVX, shisha, Viton
po'lat, shisha, Viton
alyuminiy, shisha, Viton
zanglamaydigan po'lat bilan mos keladigan suyuqliklar
zanglamaydigan po'lat bilan mos keladigan suyuqliklar
yoki media
250 psig
250-500 psig
100-350 psig
2 x diapazon
2 x diapazon
Devor, stol
Devor, stol, yuvilgan
Devor, stol
old, quvur
Past / o'rta
Qo'shimcha o'qish uchun
Massey, BS 1989. Mexanics of Fluids, 6th Ed., London: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Meriam asbobi. 1997. Bosim, oqim va darajani aniq o'lchash uchun manometrlardan foydalanish, Klivlend: Meriam asbobi.
Meriam, JB 1938. Manometr va undan foydalanish. 2-nashr, Klivlend: Meriam asbobi.
Omega muhandislik. 1999. O'lchov va nazoratdagi operatsiyalar: kuch bilan bog'liq o'lchovlar, 2-nashr. Stamford, CT: Putnam nashriyoti va Omega Press.
Yeager, Jon va Hrusch-Tupta, MA, Eds. 1998. Past darajadagi o'lchovlar. 5-nashr. Klivlend: Keithley Instruments.
Yon panel:
Q Sensorlar
Texnoloqiva bo'vicha darsliklar
sinov va o'lchash
Bosim datchiklari
bosim. Nol bosimga havola qilingan o'lchov; o'lchov bosimi va atmosfera bosimi yig'indisiga teng. Umumiy birliklar kvadrat dyuym uchun funt (psia), millimetr simob (mmHga) va dyuym simob (in.Hga).
Aniqlik. O'qishning standartga yaqinligining o'lchovi. Mutlaq aniqlik uchun asosiy standart (NIST tomonidan tan olingan) bilan solishtiring. Aniqlik odatda to'liq masshtabning ortiqcha yoki minus foizi sifatida belgilanadi. Kalibrlash aniqligi ko'pincha ortiqcha yoki minus hisoblar bilan o'qishning ortiqcha yoki minus foizi sifatida beriladi.
Atrof-muhit bosimi. Qurilmani o'rab turgan muhitning bosimi. Dengiz sathida 29,92 dyuym Hg dan baland balandlikda bir necha dyuymgacha o'zgarib turadi.
Atmosfera bosimi. Atmosferaning birlik yuzasiga bosimi. Barometrik bosim ham deyiladi. Dengiz sathida mutlaq 29,92 dyuym Hg ni tashkil qiladi.
Hisoblash. Ko'rsatilgan A/D konvertatsiyasining eng kichik o'sishi.
Differensial bosim. Ikki o'lchov nuqtasi orasidagi farq. Umumiy birliklar suvning dyuymlari (in.H 2 O), kvadrat dyuym uchun funt (psi) va millibar (mbar).
Displey ravshanligi. Raqamli displeydagi raqamlarning maksimal soni. Masalan, 4% raqamli displey ruxsati maksimal 19 999 ta raqamni o'qiydi; va 5 ta muhim raqamdan iborat displey o'lchamlari maksimal 99 999 ta sonni o'qiydi.
Ko'rsatkich bosimi. Atmosfera bosimiga havola qilingan o'lchov. Bu barometrik o'qish bilan farq qiladi. Manometrlarning maksimal bosim darajasini belgilash uchun ham ishlatiladi. Umumiy birliklarga kvadrat dyuym uchun funt (psig) kiradi.
Diapazon. O'lchovlarning pastki va yuqori chegaralari orasidagi hudud.
Rezolyutsiya. Aniqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan o'lchovning eng kichik qismi.
Sezuvchanlik. Aniqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan o'lchovdagi eng kichik o'zgarish.
Ishonchsizlik. O'lchovdagi mumkin bo'lgan xatoning taxmini. Bu aniqlikka qarama-qarshidir.
Vakuum. Atmosfera bosimidan past bo'lgan har qanday bosim. Atmosferaga murojaat qilinganda, u vakuum (yoki salbiy o'lchov) o'lchovi deb ataladi. Nol bosimga
murojaat qilganda, bu mutlaq bosim o'lchovidir.
Nol mutlaq bosim. Hech qanday gazning to'liq yo'qligi; mukammal vakuum.
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Insteonninq aniq vopilishi "iste'molchilar qvineva cho'chqalariqa o'xshavdi"
2022 yil 20-aprel, 16:56
AMD siqnalni qayta ishlashni talab qiluvchi ilovalar uchun Al dviqatellari bilan Versal Premiumni taqdim etadi
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Intelninq Deep Link diskret grafiklarda ustunlik qilishni maqsad ailaan: Oltin
2022 yil 20-aprel, soat 10:12
Insteon loT fovdalanuvchilari ko'rinib turqan vopilishdan xafa bo'lishdi
2022-yil 19-aprel, 14:55
Insteonninq aniq yopilishi "iste'molchilar gvineya cho'chqalariga o'xshaydi
A smart home might not seem so smart to customers of Insteon after its apparent shutdown last week. Some ethicists and legal experts warn consumers to beware and include backup for their most trusted products, (getty images)
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Q Insteon j Q iste'molchi loT
nsteonning aniq yopilishi tufayli g'azab davom etmoqda, bu esa mijozlarni kompaniyaning aqlli uy markazidan yorug'lik o'chirgichlari va boshqa kalitlarni boshqarish uchun foydalanish imkoniyatidan mahrum qilmoqda.
Chorshanba kuni axloqshunoslar va huquqshunoslar muammolar birinchi mart a 14 aprelda yuzaga kelganidan so'ng, Reddit va boshqa foydalanuvchilar kengashlarida jamoaviy da'vo yoki boshqa chora ko'rishga chaqirgan yuzlab izohlar paydo bo'lganidan keyin tortishdi. Ko'pgina sharhlovchilar texnologik echimlar bilan o'rtoqlashdi, garchi ba'zilari o'zlarining uyali qurilmalari g'ishtli va yaroqsiz bo'lib, o'nlab aqlli uy qurilmalarini boshqarish imkoniyatini to'xtatib qo'yishgan.
Officials at Smartlabs, parent company of Insteon and Smarthome, could not be reached to comment on the outages, while Smartlabs President Rob Lilleness told Fierce Electronics in a brief message, “Unfortunately, I’m no longer involved with the company.”
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Separately, iHome, a trademark of SDI Technologies,shut down its iHome app and iHome cloud service on April 2 leaving some experts to wonder if the later Insteon shutdown is the start of an unfortunate pattern. R E L AT ED:Insteon loT users ghosted, upset over apparent shutdown
Some experts pointed the blame for the Insteon fiasco at over-reliance on cloud services and fragmented proprietary technologies, while others said tech buyers must beware with legal issues at play.
“Shutting down a cloud service without notice such as Insteon has allegedly done creates more than just inconvenience for their customers,” said Shubha Ghosh, a Syracuse University College of Law professor.“h trusted service, like heat or electricity, is lost as people who rely on access to information, the lifeblood of our economy, are denied a necessity. Legislatures and policymakers need to address this matter of critical concern,” he added.
Johannes Himmelreich, a professor at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse, argued that the Insteon episode illustrates “consumers are like guinea pigs with an addiction.” His work focuses on ethics of emerging technology and data science.
Himmelreich said most customers don’t realize their vacuum, doorbell or camera system are “so dependent on cloud software...Without open standards and interoperability, consumers pay the price of innovation. Buying from startups is like an investment, just without the benefits. You place a bet that the people you buy from survive in the market. But if they don’t, that’s on you.”
Theoretically, if the Insteon hub were interoperable with many other products on the market, it would not matter too much if a cloud server supporting it went out. But innovators tend to build new products that are not interoperable to be able to take advantage of the first mover to market, partly in hopes that their proprietary approach will be adopted by others. Standards bodies also require companies to agree on interoperable approaches. Working out the details can take years.
An emerging smart home interoperability standard called Matter is supported by Apple, Google, Amazon and others in the Connectivity Standards Alliance. It is important that large, secure companies are involved, according to some experts.
“Microsoft, Google, Apple and others are gigantic and very unlikely to just go away,” said Jack Gold, an analyst at J. Gold Associates. “Consumers automatically assume that companies they deal with and put their trust in, especially for something like running the whole house, will be around forever...The truth is there are many companies out there on the edge financially that could cease operations without warning. Buyers should do their homework on companies they rely on if they won’t want to be surprised.”
Gold also said consumers need a backup strategy, something that IT departments do when they diversity their suppliers.
“There is a lesson in this shutdown,” Gold said. “Consumers really need to have a backup strategy if they want to make sure they never lose their service. We’re not talking about regulated services like cable or electricity that aren’t allowed to fail. We’re mostly talking about startups, not all of which are funded or run well. If it’s mission critical to you, you need to have a backup plan."
Leonard Lee, an analyst and managing director at NeXt Curve, said cloud-based services in many smart home automation systems provide device provisioning, security credentialing, data storage and sharing and other features. "By design, these systems assume that data, controls and system configurations are going to be centrally administered which presents a security risk to the buyer when the service provider, in this case Insteon, practically goes out of business or decides to discontinue a service," he said via email.
"There is merit in in standalone systems that are designed with what NeXt Curve calls a Privacy First architecture that promotes designs that put the power and data in the hands of the homeowner," Lee added.
Himmelreich has a deeper concern about smart home technology, arguing that it can subject users to surveillance. "Consumers open the most intimate aspects of their lives to surveillance and at the same time become dependent on cloud technology outside of their home," he said via email. "It's a deeply ironic relationship of dependence and exploitation, especially in the U.S. where privacy is largely unprotected by the law."
loT & Wireless
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