The aim of the theme is to identify the main features of the subject in the sentence, basing on the theoretical and scientific works of Russian, English, American, Moldovan and Romanian authors and express It as the subject of the sentence.
Scientifiс novelty and practical value of the work included parts of the sentences and parts of speech as a way of expressing the subject during for the last ten years by means of development and applying of the internet technologies.. The work could serve as a good source of learning English by young teachers at schools , colleges and universities.
Construction of the theme is composed of three major parts: Introduction, Chapter I, Chapter II, conclusion and literature. Chapter I consists of Parts of the sentence. Chapter II deals withWays of expressing the subject.The first chapter explains the common analysis of part of the sentence in Modern English. Here we analyzed subject as the principal part of the sentence and agreement of the subject with the predicate. The second chapter deals with ways of expressing the subject and It as the subject of the sentence.
The conclusion of the theme sums up the ideas discussed in 2 chapters and shows the ways of implying of the qualification work.
1. Parts of the speech as a way of expressing the subject.
As we stated above any part of speech can be subject of a sentence. The subject can be expressed by a single word or a group of words. Thus it can be expressed by
1. A noun in the common case.
2. The subject can be expressed by proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns, class nouns. It can be expressed by both singular and plural forms of nouns.
1. Peter rose from the sturdy but utilitarian chair (K.M.B. p 79).
Julia so`zlovchiga qaradi.
2. Wolf leaned back in his chair an studied her (KMB p 30).
Wolf stuliga suyandi va unikuzatdi.
Note I occasionally a noun in the possessive case is used a subject. Clers Gummidge`s was a fretful disposition (Dicknes).
Oh, my dear Richard Ada`s is a noble heart (Dickens).
2. A pronoun-personal, demonstrative, defining, indefinite, negative, possessive, interrogative.
Ex: 1.The day before an examination I went over to the library desk to ask for a book.
Imtihondan bir kun oldin kitob so`rash uchun kutubxona partasiga bordim. (E.SL.S p1)
2.Plese Roger, I do not like family confrontation while I eat. (C.M.B p6)
Iltimos Rojer, ovqatlanayotganimda oilaviy tortishuvni yoqtirmayman.
3. One was tall and sporty, the other was quit and wore glasses (E.S.L.S. p1).
Biri novcha va baquvvat, boshqasi vazmin va ko`zoynak taqqan edi.
4. Nothing can change what has happened in the past.( C.M.A. p126.)
O`tmishda sodir bo`lgan narsani hech narsa o`zgartirmaydi.
5. Has everyone already gathered for dinner? (C.M.A. p 129.)
Hamma allaqachon tushlikka yig`ildimi?
6. This is just the man f or Sylvia (A.Ch. Sh.S. p.36).
Bu kishi Sylviaga mos.
7. It amused her at first. (A.Ch.Sh.S. p 136).
Bu avvaliga uning kulgisini qistadi.
8. All were members of her class. (C.M.A. p100.)
Barcha uning sinfi a`zolari edi.
9. I said “No one but me shall ever have you. No one”. (A.Ch.Sh.S. p136).
Sen uchun mendan boshqahech kim bo`lmasligi kerak. Hechkim.
10. “That`s your problem” he said. (A.Ch.Sh.S. p146).
“Bu sizning muammoingiz” dedi u.
11. Someone entered into the room (A.Ch.Sh.S. p 110).
Xonaga kimdir kirdi.
Note: The subject is often expressed by the indefinite personal pronoun one or the personal pronouns they, you we which refer not to people in General.
Note that they is used when the speaker is excluded, one when the speaker is included. Example:
1. They say the situation is going to change.
2. One can hardly live without friends.
A numeral (Cardinal or ordinal).
Ex1: The second was quiet and wore glasses. (E.S.L.S p1).
Ikkinchisi vazmin va ko`zoynak taqqan edi.
2. My two minute had finished (E.S.L.S. p6.).Meningikkiminutimtugadi.
3.There were twenty-four stairs up to our flat.(E.S.L.S. p 32).
Bizning kvartiramizgcha yigirma to`rtta zina bor edi.
4.Of course, the two were quite unable to do anything (Wells).
Albatta ikkalasi biror narsa qilishga qodir emasdi.
5.The first and fourth stood beside him in the water (Wells).
Birinchi va to`rtinchi uning yaqinida suvda turardi.
6.Seven cannot be devided by two.
Yettini 2 ga bo`lib bo`lmaydi.
7.The third was a young man with a dog.
Uchinchisi iti bor yosh kishi edi.
8.Two of them were left in the camp.
Ikkalasi lagerda yo`q edi.
9.The first was a tall lady with dark hair.
Birinchisi qorasochli novcha xonim edi.
10.Two were indeed young, about eleven and ten.
Ikkalasi haqiqatda yosh edi.
O`n, o`nbirlaratrofida.
A substantivized adjective or participle.
Ex: 1.The wounded were taken good care of. (Galswarthy).
Jarohatlanganlarga yaxshi parvarish ko`rsatildi.
2.The privileged have seen that charming and instructive sight.
An infinitive an infinitive phrase or construction.
1. To live is to work (Heym).
Yashash ishlashdir.
2. To be a rich man Lieutenant is not always roses and beauty.
Boy kishi bo`lish, Leytenant, har doim atirgullar va chiroy degani emas.
3. For him to come was imposible.
Uning uchun kelish imkonsiz edi.
4. To explain is very difficult but when you come across a peculiar thing you notice it. A.Ch.S.S. p8.
Tushuntirish juda qiyin ammo o`zgacha narsaga duch kelganingizda buni anglaysiz.
4.For her to fall a sleep in broad daylight was not at all usual.
5.To understand is to forgive. H.N.S. p2.
Tushunish kechirishdir.
6.To deny the past is to deny the future. C.M.B. p115.
O`tmishni inkor qilmoq, kelajakni inkor qilmoqdir.
A gerund or a gerundial phrase.
1.Understanding dawned on him. C.M.B. p138.
2.Riding is not that difficult .C.M.B. p 213.
Otda yurmoq qiyin emas.
3.Riding a horse call for no great skill. C.M.B. p 214.
Otda yurish ulkan mahorat deb atalmaydi.
4.Understanding of her pain echoed from his dark eyes. C.M.B. p220.
Uning dardini tushunish, uning ovozida va ko`zlarida aks etdi.
5.Lying doesn`t go well with me.(Heym)
6.Winnig the war is what counts(Heym)
Urushda g`olib bo`lish nima sanaladi.
7.Annette`s being French might upset him a little (Galsworthy).
Annetining fransuz ekanligi uni biroz xafa qilish imumkin edi.
8.There was no talking that evening. E.S.L.S.
O`sha tunda suhbatlashilmadi.
A group of words which is one part of the sentence is one part of the sentence i.e. a syntactically indivisible group.
1.Yet, at this very time their friend and defender is their friend and defendes is darkly groping towards the solution (Fox).
Ayni vaqtda uning do`stlari va himoyachilari yechim tomonga bormoqda edi.
Here the subject represents one person.
The needle and thread is lost. Here the needle and the thread are treated as one thing.
This is not to be confused with homogenous subjects where two people or things are meant and consequently the predicate is plural.
Any part of speech used as a quotation .
1. On is a preposition.
On predlogdir.
2.No is his usual reply to any request.
Yo`q, uningharqandayiltimosigaodatiyjavobiedi.
There are some classifications given by different authors. For example, from the structural point of view and functional point of view
From the point of view of the structure, the subject can be:
1. Simple, expressed by a word or a number of words in the nominal case, the combination of which represents one doer of the action.
No glass renders a man’s form or likeness so true as his speech. (Ben Johnson, Timber)
The proper force of words lies not in the words themselves, but in their application. (William Hazlitt, On Familiar Style)
All things are admired either because they are new or because they are great. (Francis Bacon)
Even in his novels Hardy’s pessimism is always a fighting pessimism. (T.A. Jackson, Thomas Hardy)
What do you think the weather will be tomorrow?
2. Compound, expressed by two or more nouns that represent one and the same notion (or one and the same person)
The great poet, essayist and philosopher died in 1882. (Emerson)
3. Coordinated or Homogeneous, that unites two or more different objects with the conjunction.
Tom and Maggie are the principal characters in ‘The Mill of the Floss’. (G. Eliot’s novel)
4. Complex, expressed by a special construction, first of all, by a noun in the nominal case with an infinitive or with a participle:
He had been reported to move house.
The rain could be heard rapping against the windows.
5. Double that is characteristic of the English folklore.
‘Some suits, some suits,’ the sheriff he said, ‘Some suits I’ll give to thee.’ (Robin Hood Rescuing the Widow’s Three Sons) [9, 186]
The most typical semantic role of a subject is AGENTIVE; that is the animate being instigating or causing the happening denoted by the verb:
John opened the letter.
Apart from its agentive function, the subject frequently has an INSTRUMENTAL role; that is, it expresses the unwitting (generally inanimate) material cause of the event:
The avalanche destroyed several houses
With intransitive verbs, the subject also frequently has the AFFECTED role that is elsewhere typical of the object:
Jack fell down
The pencil was lying on the table
We may also extend this latter function to subjects of intensive verbs:
The pencil was on the table
It is now possible to see a regular relation, in terms of clause function, between adjectives or intransitive verbs and the corresponding transitive verbs expressing CAUSATIVE meaning:
S affected Sagent/instr.Oaffected
The door opened John/The key opened the door
The flowers have died The frost has killed the flowers
Saffected Sagent/instr Oaffected
The road became narrower They narrowed the road
I got angry His manner angered me
Sagentive Sagentive Oaffected
My dog was walking I was walking my dog
The subject may also have a recipient role with verbs such as have, own, possess, benefit (from), as is indicated by the following relation:
Mr. Smith has bought/given/sold his son a radio → So now his son has/owns/possesses the radio
The perceptual verbs see and hear also require a ‘recipient’ subject, in contrast to look at and listen to, which are agentive.
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