amount of current is passed through the sensor needle immersed in the sample and the
temperature of the sensor needle is monitored over time to get the thermal conductivity.
Mathematically, this process of obtaining the thermal conductivity reading can be
by the following equation
is the thermal conductivity in [Wm
is the applied heat per unit length in
is the heating time in [s], and
is the rise in temperature over the heating time
in [K].
The amount of current input kept minimal so that the heat input is small which minimizes
the sample movement from the sensor and free convection. The KD2 Pro is capable of
resolving 0.001°C temperature so the small amount of heat added does not significantly
affect the result.
The KD2 pro is well capable of measuring the thermal properties of liquids. However,
extra care should be taken to minimize errors. Error may result from convection or bulk
movement of the measuring samples. The sample should be in thermal equilibrium so
that no thermal gradient exists in the sample to minimize free convection. To minimize
error from forced convection, the sensor and the sample must be absolutely still.
Readings must be done during the night time or the weekends
so that we do not encounter
any vibration from the HVAC. It is also a good practice to shut down other equipment in
the lab before taking the thermal conductivity reading as they can be a source of vibration
which can induce forced convection. The sensor needle should be placed into the sample
in a vertical position to get accurate readings.
Before taking any readings, the KD2 Pro and the experimental method should be checked
for its accuracy. This can be done with the help of a provided thermal conductivity
standard liquid whose thermal conductivity is 0.285 W/(m.K) at 20°C.
The following is a procedure which is followed to take a thermal conductivity reading:
Take 40 ml of the liquid sample in a septum vial. Ensure that it is completely
filled. Insert the sensor needle into the vial. It must be noted that the sensor needle
is not touching the walls of the vial and it almost lines up with the axis of the vial.
Place the vial along with the needle
into the temperature bath
To have the sensor needle in
a perfect vertical position, attach it to a lab stand.
Set the temperature bath at a specified temperature at which the reading is to be
taken. Once the bath temperature indicator indicates that it has reached the
specified temperature, keep running the bath at that temperature for 15 minutes to
ensure no thermal gradients in the sample.
After that, turn off the temperature bath. Allow 1 min for everything to come to a
still before taking a reading so that no vibration exists.
Take a reading; while taking the reading it should be noted that there are no
disturbances or vibrations around.