Practical classes are held in the auditorium equipped with multimedia devices for each academic group. Classes are conducted using active and interactive methods. Boomerang, Cluster, and Case Study technologies are used, and the content of the technology and methods used is determined by the teacher. Various visual aids and information are transmitted using multimedia devices.
Topics and forms of independent work
Independent study topics
The subject of hotel marketing, its purpose
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Methodological bases of marketing in hotels
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
The concept of services. Customer service features
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Internal marketing in hotels
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Strategic planning of marketing activities in hotels
Making a short presentation on a given topic
Competitiveness in the field of services and competitiveness of hotel services
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Formation of acceptance of customer service in hotels
Studying the formation of product policy and range of services in hotels
Quality of services in hotels
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Price policy at hotels
Preparing a lecture basing on net data
Trade policy at hotels
Working with literature
Creation and management of marketing communication complex in hotels
Gathering data and bringing as a graph and diagram
Analysis and forecasting of marketing activities in hotels
Writing an essay as an analysis of a scientific article
Marketing efficiency in hotels
Preparing case in small groups
| Total |
Information and methodological support of the program
Students studying the subject "Hotel marketing" work independently, under the guidance of teachers of the department, based on an independent system of education to strengthen the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom. They study additional literature and use the Internet to prepare abstracts and research papers, do homework on the topic of practical training, and prepare visual aids and slides.
The student is recommended to use the following forms in the preparation of independent work, taking into account the characteristics of a particular subject:
• study science topics in textbooks and manuals;
• mastering the part of the handouts;
• work with computer technology systems;
• preparation of abstracts and abstracts on special literature;
• In-depth study of literature, monographs and scientific collections related to the master's research;
• active participation in interactive and problem-based learning;
• participate in the organization of distance learning.
Interim control questionnaire
1. The role and importance of marketing in the hotel industry.
2. Marketing - as a modern approach to solving problems related to services in hotels. 3. Conditions for the use of marketing in the hotels of Uzbekistan.
4. The role of hotels in tourist clusters.
5. Subject, purpose, tasks and structural structure of the hotel marketing category.
6. The concept of marketing management.
7. Organization of marketing services in hotels.
8. Marketing services and organizational structure.
9. Functions and functions of marketing services.
10. Methods of organization of marketing departments: functional organization, geographical organization, organization by goods or brands, organization by goods and markets, corporate organization by departments.
11. Foreign experience in hotel management.
12. Strategic approach to the creation of a market-oriented company in the context of modernization, technical and technological modernization of the country.
13. Marketing application.
14. Supervision of marketing activities.
15. The concept of service.
16. As a service-commodity.
17. Features of services.
18. The main requirements for the differentiation of services from goods.
19. Classification of services and the basis of classification.
20. Socio-economic content and essence of the concept of hotel services.
21. Principles and directions of service marketing.
22. Consumption value and utility of services.
23. Organizational and managerial levels of hotels.
24. Marketing approach to HR management in hotels.
25. Motivation and corporate culture in hotels.
26. Recruitment and creation of new jobs in hotels.
27. Stages of formation of the internal marketing system of the enterprise
28. Simple sales department
29. Sales Department, which performs the function of marketing
30. Independent Marketing Department,
31. Modern Marketing Department
32. An effective marketing company
33. A company based on processes and results. Yield Marketing Concept.
34. Revenue management in hotels.
35. The importance of marketing planning in hotels.
36. Tools for marketing planning in hotels.
37. Development of marketing complex.
38. Strategic planning in hotels.
39. The essence and characteristics of the hotel marketing plan.
40. Marketing control and budget in hotels.
41. Features of the choice of marketing strategy of hotels in the domestic and foreign markets.
42. Situational analysis of the environment. SWOT analysis matrix.
43. Application of Boston Consulting Group's "Market Share - Market Growth" matrix in hotel marketing.
44. Advantages of General Electric's “Network Attractiveness / Competitiveness” matrix.
45. Product-market matrix (Ansoff matrix). Choice of innovative strategies in hotels. 46. Sales Strategies.
47. Advertising and service promotion strategy.
48. Price strategies.
49. Commodity strategies.
50. Evaluation of alternative strategies based on the "Product Market" matrix.
Final control questionnaire
1. Assess the factors influencing the growth of income and profits in hotels.
2. Use of multiplier effect in marketing planning.
3. Competition in the field of services.
4. Analysis of the competitive environment and strategic forces.
5. Competitive strategies in the services market The competitiveness of hotels.
6. Competitiveness of hotel services.
7. Ensuring competitive advantage of hotels.
8. Analyze the attractiveness of the competitive market and study the demand.
9. Determine the absolute and current capacity of the competitive market.
10. Effective management, financing and design as hotels competitive factors.
11. Determining the competitive position of the company in the market.
12. Assess the level of competitiveness of hotels.
13. The role of tourist and recreational clusters in increasing the competitiveness of hotels.
14. Development of services in hotels.
15. Consumer and quality characteristics of hotel services.
16. Stages of development of hotel services.
17. The “life cycle” of services.
18. Package of services.
19. Classification of hotel services at different stages of the “life cycle”
20. Key, supportive, strategic and forward-looking services and application features. 21. Formation of assortment policy in hotels. Designing a range of tourist products. 22. Hotel service program.
23. Testing of hotel services.
24. Algorithm for planning the range of services.
25. Demand study and development of new services.
26. Problems of creating new services in hotels and their introduction to the market. 27. The main directions of the study of market conditions.
28. Areas of market research.
29. Analysis of market conditions.
30. Segmentation of hotel services.
31. Types, methods and trends of segmentation.
32. Geographical, cultural, psychological and economic segmentation.
33. Segmentation strategy
34. Marketing of hotel services.
35. Positioning steps: identify the existing competitive advantage, compile a list of competing hotel services, determine the most alternative competitive advantage and select the selected position.
36. The concept of quality of hotel services.
37. Identify and accommodate the consumer value of hotel customers.
38. Quality model of service.
39. Advantages of quality service.
40. Service quality and quality management in hotels.
41. Evolution of quality assessment of hotel services and quality of hotel service.
42. The system of indicators of the quality of service in hotels, the content.
43. Development of quality improvement and control programs in hotels.
44. Service management strategy.
45. Sales efficiency.
46. Effectiveness of sales promotion.
47. Effectiveness of public relations.
48. Marketing service efficiency.
49. Approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of marketing services
50. The main directions of improving the effectiveness of marketing in hotels.
Qosimova M.C., Abduxalilova L.T. Marketing tadqiqotlari: Oquv qollanma - T.: TDIU, 2010, 15V b.
Alieva M.T., Salimova B.X., Mehmonxonamenejmenti. - T.: Moliya, 2005, -2V5 bet..
Bekmuradov A.SH., K,osimova M.S., Safarov B.J. Xizmatlarmarketingi. O‘quvqo‘llanma. - Toshkent, TDIU, 2010 y. 134 bet.
J.J.Jalolov, I.A.Axmedov, I.U.Nematov, YO.I.Egamberdiev. Marketing tadqiqotlari. O‘quvqo‘llanma. - T.: TDIU, 2011 - 168 b
Additional literature
O‘zbekiston RespublikasiKonstitutsiyasi. T: 2011 yil. -32 b
2014 yilyuqorio‘sishsur’atlaribilanrivojlanish, barchamavjudimkoniyatlarnisafarbaretish, o‘zini oqlagan islohotlarstrategiyasiniizchildavomettirishyili bo‘ladi" O‘zbekistonRespublikasiBirinchi Prezidenti I.A.Karimovning 2013 yilningasosiyyakunlariva 2014 yildaO‘zbekistonningijtimoiyiqtisodiyrivojlantirishningustuvoryo‘nalishlarigabag‘ishlanganVazirlar Mahkamasiningmajlisidagima’ruzasi// Xalkso‘zi, 2014 yil 18 yanvarь
VasyuxinO.V.,Osnovыssenoobrazovaniya - SPb: SPbGU ITMO, 2010.- 110s.
Durovich, A.P. Marketing gostinitsirestoranov: Uchebnoeposobie. 2- izd. — M.: Novoeznanie, 2006. — 632 s.
LesnikA.L..Gostinichnыy marketing:teoriyaipratikamaksimizatsiiprodaj. Uchebnoeposobie. - M.,2007.KN0RUS.-232 s.
Pesotskaya E.V. Marketing uslug -SPb: Izdatelьstvo «Piter», 2000.-160 s.
Voskolovich N.A. Marketing turistskixuslug: Uchebnik. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: YUNITI-DANA, 2009. - 207 s.
Efimova O.P. Ekonomikagostinitsirestoranov: Uchebnoeposobie.-4-e. izd. ster.- Minsk: Novoe znanie,2008.392 s.
Ivatov I. Turizmdastrategik marketing. Darslik. el.ver. -T.: TDIU 2011. -210 bet
Kamilova F.K. "Xalkaroturizmbozori". O‘quvkullanma. Toshkent. TDIU 2007 y. - 164 bet.
Konkurentnыe pozitsiibiznesa: Monografiya/ E.M. Korotkov, YU.T.SHestopal, V.D.Dorofeev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 261s.
Websites: TSEU electron library TFI electron library –e-books on management and marketing s of regulations of Uzbekistan education portal books, research results on marketing. research materials on marketing portal
Assessment of students' knowledge on the course is based on the statue “On the system of control and evaluation of students knowledge in higher education” verified by the Minister of higher education and secondary specialized education with the order №19-2018 dated in August 9,2018.
Intermediate and final controls are used to assess student knowledge in the subject. Assessment by types of control: 5 - "excellent", 4 - "good", 3 - "satisfactory", 2 - "unsatisfactory".
Mid-term examinations are conducted twice a semester, based on the nature of the subject, in the form of written work. Estimates from the midterm examinations are recorded as a result of the intermediate control.
Students are regularly evaluated and averaged over each subject during the semester. This includes taking into account the student's timely and full implementation of practical and independent learning tasks and activities.
In addition, evaluations of practical exercises and independent learning assignments are taken into account in the evaluation of interim control. At the same time, the mean scores for each intermediate control type are averaged over the mean control grade.
The final type of control is given at the end of the semester according to the approved schedule and form.
Regardless of the type of control a student is graded:
If a student is able to make independent judgments and decisions, to think creatively, to think independently, to apply what he has learned, to understand, know, express, tell about the subject and have an understanding of the subject grade 5 (excellent);
If a student is able to think independently, apply what he or she has learned, understand the nature of the subject, know, express it, explain it, and have an understanding of the subject- grade 4 (good);
If a student is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to understand the essence of the subject, to know, to express it and have an understanding of the subject. - grade 3 (satisfactory);
If a student is found to have not mastered a science program, does not understand the matter of the subjec, and has no understanding of the subject - grade 2 (fail).
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