gipoxlorid – gipoklorik kislota tuzi yoki ester
hypochlorite – a salt or ester of hypochlorous acid.
giroskopik–havodan namlikni oladigan yoki o'ziga jalb qiladigan
Hygroscopic– absorbing or attracting moisture from the air.
glukol – bundan tashqari, etilen glukol, etilen spirtli. rangsiz, shirin suyuqlik, c 2 h 6 o 2, asosan, avtomobil antifrizasi va solvent sifatida ishlatiladi.
glycol – also called ethylene glycol, ethylene alcohol. a colorless, sweet liquid, C 2 H 6 O 2 , used chiefly as an automobile antifreeze and as a solvent.
golmiy– gadolinitda uchraydigan nodir-uchlik, trivalent element. ramz: azonni; atomi og'irligi: 164.930; atom raqami: 67.
holmium– a rare-earth, trivalent element found in gadolinite. Symbol: Ho; atomic weight: 164.930; atomic number: 67.