faollashtirilgan kompleks – kimyoviy reaksiya reaktivlari orasidagi hosil bo'ladigan va energetik jihatdan qiziqarli bo'lgan bir sharoitda hosil bo'ladigan mahsulotlar
activated complex – a transitional structure, in an energetically excited state, that forms between the reactants of a chemical reaction and breaks down to form the products
faollashtirilgan taglik – qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan biror narsa. odatda, qo'shimcha yoki qo'shimcha sifatida ishlatiladi
activated support – something which supports. often used attributively, as a complement or supplement to
faollashtirish–maqomoti obyektini yaratishga olib keladigan voqealar zanjiri va ushbu obyektdagi interfeysga tegishli ko'rsatgichni qaytarish
activation– the chain of events that results in the creation of a COM object and returning a valid pointer to an interface on that object