ethylene glycol –also called ethylene alcohol. a colorless, sweet liquid, C 2 H 6 O 2 , used chiefly as an automobile antifreeze and as a solvent.
evtektik qotishma –eutektik moddalar.
e utectic –a eutectic substance.
eynshteyniy–transuranik element. Ramz: Es; atom raqami: 99
einsteinium –a transuranic element. Symbol: Es; atomic number: 99.
faktis – oltingugurt yoki oltingugurt xloridini o'simlik yog'i bilan reaksiyaga kiritish orqali tayyorlangan yumshoq kauchuk material
factice – a soft rubbery material made by reacting sulphur or sulphur chloride with vegetable oil
faoliyat – faoliyat olib boriladigan
activity – an action to be performed