Reading Rules of English Vowels
A a
Urg‘uli bo‘g‘in
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
take, place, name, cake, state
yopiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
map, sat, stand, happy, apple
“r” harfidan oldin
car, art, dark, farm, party
“re” birikmasidan oldin
care, bare, share, prepare
urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
ago, about, legal, formal
Harf birikmalari
ai, ay
main, chain, day, wave, play
aw, au
saw, law, autumn, cause
wdan keyin “ar” kelishi
war, warm, warn
qu dan keyin“ar” kelishi
quarter, quarrel
an + undosh
answer, dance, chance
a + ss, st, sk
class, last, ask, task
a+ft, a+th
after, craft, bath, rather
watch, wash, was, what, want
E e
Urg‘uli bo‘g‘in
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
be, he, me, see, meter, Peter
yopiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
best, next, left, smell
“r” harfidan oldin
her, term, verse
“re” birikmasidan oldin
here, more, severe
urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
begin, return, because, between
mother, father, corner, over
Harf birikmalari
ее. Ea
green, seem, sea, clean
ea + d
bread, head, already
ei + gh qoidadan mustasno
eight, weight
[ju:] [u:]
few, new, grew, blew
grey, obey
ее, ea +r
deer, dear, hear, appear
ear + undosh
learn, earth, early
I i
Urg‘uli bo‘g‘inda oqilishi
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
life, live, fine, tie, time
qoidadan mustasno
live, give
yopiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
sit, lift, pick, little
“r” harfidan oldin
bird, girl, first, circle
“re” birikmasidan oldin
fire, tired, admire
urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
origin, engine
Harflar birikmasida i + ld, nd
child, find, kind, mind
Harflar birikmasida i+gh
right, light, night, high
Qoidadan mustasno
Urg‘uli bo‘g‘inda oqilishi
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
close, note, rose, home
yopiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
stop, long, song, copper
“r” harfidan oldin
form, born, fork, border
“re” birikmasidan oldin
store, before, restore
urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
photo, motto, Negro
-ous suffiksi bilan
famous, various, numerous
-or suffiksi bilan
doctor, tractor, conductor
Harflar birikmasida
o a
coat, boat, road, roast
oi, oy
oil, noise, boy, enjoy
oo + k
look, book, took
oo+l, m, n, d, t
cool, room, soon, food, root,
door, floor
bought, thought, brought
о +1 + undosh
old, cold, told, hold
town, brown, crowd, down
ow(so‘z oxirida)
know, grow, low, slow, show
but: now
w dan keyin –or
work, word, world, worse
U u
Urg‘uli bo‘g‘inda oqilishi
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
tube, tune, useful
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
blue, true, June
yopiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
cut, but. hurry, hunter
r+undoshdan oldin
turn, burn, curly, hurt
unlidan oldin
pure, during, sure
urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
upon, success, difficult
Y y
Urg‘uli bo‘g‘inda oqilishi
ochiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
my, try, type, cycle
yopiq bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
symbol, system
r+ unlidan oldin
unlidan oldin
year, you, young, yet
urg‘usiz bo‘g‘inda o‘qilishi
any, many, very, only
absolyutnolnuqtasi – kelvin shkalasi bo'yicha eng sovuq bo'lgan harorat, taxminan -273,15 ° c, -459,67 ° f
absolute zero – the coldest possible temperature, zero on the kelvin scale, or approximately −273.15 °c, −459.67 °f
adiabat kalorimetr – kimyoviy reaksiya, o‘zgarishlar yoki boshqa jismoniy o'zgarish bilan hosil bo'ladigan yoki so'rilgan issiqlikni o'lchash apparati issiqlikning yo'qolishi yoki yo'qolishi bilan yuzaga keladi.
adiabatic calorimeter – an apparatus for measuring the heat generated or absorbed by either a chemical reaction, change of phase or some other physical change that occurs without gain or loss of heat.
agent – kimyoviy yoki jismoniy ta'sir ko'rsatadigan yoki kimyoviy reaksiyaga olib keladigan modda
agent – a substance that brings about a chemical or physical effect or causes a chemical reaction
aglomerat, qizdirilganda birikkan material – silisli yoki kalkerli moddalar, bu geyser havosining atrofida shakllangan buloqlardan iborat.
sinter – siliceous or calcareous matter deposited by springs, as that formed around the vent of a geyser.
akseptor – loyiha yoki valyutani qabul qilgan kishi, qabul qilganidan keyin jalb qilingan shaxs
acceptor –one who accepts a draft or a bill of exchange; a drawee after he has accepted
aksilmodda – oddiy moddalarni tashkil etuvchi elementlarning antipartikullari bo'lgan elementar zarralardan iborat modda.
antimatter – matter consisting of elementary particles which are the antiparticles of those making up normal matter.
aktinoidlar qatori – akmiyumdan tortib to huquqshunosgacha atom raqamlarini ko'paytiradigan 15 ta radioaktiv elementlardan iborat
actinide series – a series of 15 radioactive elements with increasing atomic numbers from actinium to lawrencium
aktivator – transkripsiyani oshirish orqali bir yoki bir necha genlarni tartibga soluvchi har qanday kimyoviy yoki agent
activator – any chemical or agent which regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription
aldegid – spirtli ichimliklarning oksidlanishi natijasida hosil bo'lgan -cho guruhini o'z ichiga olgan organik birikma. Odatda aldegidlar metanal (formaldegid) va etanal (asetaldehid)
aldehyde –an organic compound containing the group —cho, formed by the oxidation of alcohols. typical aldehydes include methanal (formaldehyde) and ethanal (acetaldehyde)
alfa-nurlanish – alfa nurlarini ishlab chiqarishva tushirish
alpha emission – the production and discharge of alpha rays
alfa-zarra – ba'zi radioaktiv moddalar chiqaradigan geliy yadrosi, dastlab nur sifatida qabul qilingan.
alpha particle – a helium nucleus emitted by some radioactive substances, originally regarded as a ray.
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