operational definition– a description of an experimental procedure for the translation of a variable into measurement or numeric value
operatsiya tavsifi– bir o'zgaruvchining o'lchov yoki son qiymatiga tarjima qilish uchun eksperimental protseduraning tavsifi
optical– of, relating to, or applying optics or the principles of optics.
optikaga oid– optikani yoki optika tamoyillariga taalluqli yoki qo'llanishi mumkin.
optical rotation– the angle at which the plane of polarized light is rotated when passed through an optically active substance.
optik aylanish– optik jihatdan faol modda orqali o'tayotganda polarizatsiyalangan yorug'lik tekisligi qaytib kelgan burchagi.
orbit– the sphere of power or influence, as of a nation or person
orbita– davlat yoki shaxs kabi kuch yoki ta'sir doirasi