nitride – a compound, containing two elements only, of which the more electronegative one is nitrogen.
nitrid – faqat ikkita elementni o'z ichiga oladigan tarkibiy qism bo'lib, ular ko'proq elektrodgativ bo'lgan azotdir.
nomenclature – a set or system of names or terms, as those used in a particular science or art, by an individual or community, etc.
nomenklatura – muayyan ilm-fan yoki san'atda ishlatiladigan shaxslar yoki jamoalar va boshqalar kabi nomlar yoki atamalarning tuzilishi yoki tizimi.
nonelectrolyte – also called electrolytic conductor. a conducting medium in which the flow of current is accompanied by the movement of matter in the form of ions.
noelekrolit – elektrolitik simob sifatida ham tanilgan. oqim oqimi moddalarning ionlar shaklida harakatlanishi bilan birga olib boriladigan o'tkazuvchi vosita.