ribonuklein kislotasi (rna) – the ribonuklein kislotasi: hujayra yadrosidagi yoki mitoxondrion yoki xloroplastdagi dnk dan transkripsiyadan o'tgan tekis zanjirli molekulalar sinfining har birida strandga transkripsiyadan o'tgan dnk strandini to'ldiruvchi bir nukleotid asoslarining lineer sekansini o'z ichiga oladi: rnk molekulasining tarkibi dnk bilan bir xil bo'lib, shakar ribosini deoksiribozaga almashtirish va timin uchun nukleotid tayanch urasil o'rnini bosishdan tashqari
ribonucleic acid (rna) – ribonucleic acid: any of a class of single-stranded molecules transcribed from dna in the cell nucleus or in the mitochondrion or chloroplast, containing along the strand a linear sequence of nucleotide bases that is complementary to the dna strand from which it is transcribed: the composition of the rna molecule is identical with that of dna except for the substitution of.
ribose for deoxyribose and the substitution of the nucleotide base uracil for thymine.
rodiy – platina oilasining kumush rangli metall elementi, rangli eritmalar hosil qiluvchi tuzlarni shakllantirish: korroziyaning oldini olish uchun mikroskoplarni va asboblar qismlarini elektrolizlash uchun ishlatiladi. Ramz: rh; atom og'irligi: 102.905; atom raqami: 45; o'ziga xos tortishish: 20 ° c da 12.5.
rhodium – a silvery-white metallic element of the platinum family, forming salts that give rose-colored solutions: used to electroplate microscopes and instrument parts to prevent corrosion. Symbol: rh; atomic weight:102.905; atomic number: 45; specific gravity: 12.5 at 20°c.
rubidiy – fotoelektr hujayralarida va radioeshittirish quvurlarida ishlatiladigan kaliyga o'xshash kumush-oq, metall, faol element. Ramz: rb; atomi og'irligi: 85.47; atom raqami: 37; o'ziga xos tortishish: 20 ° c da 1,53.
rubidium – a silver-white, metallic, active element resembling potassium, used in photoelectric cells and radio vacuum tubes. Symbol: rb; atomic weight:85.47; atomic number: 37; specific gravity: 1.53 at 20°c.
ruda bo‘lagi – granulalar erkin oqimga aylanadi
prill – material converted into a granular free-flowing form
ruteniy – metall platina guruhiga mansub po'lat-kulrang, noyob metall element. Ramz: ru; atomi og'irligi: 101.07; atom soni: 44, o'ziga xos tortishish darajasi: 12.2 ° c.
ruthenium – a steel-gray, rare metallic element, belonging to the platinum group of metals. Symbol: ru; atomic weight: 101.07; atomic number: 44;specific gravity: 12.2 at 20°c.
rux – galvanizli temir, guruch va boshqa qotishmalar tayyorlashda va voltaik hujayralardagi element sifatida ishlatiladigan po'stlog'i, ko'k-oq metall element. Belgilar: zn; atomi og'irligi: 65.37; atom raqami: 30; o'ziga xos tortishish: 20 ° c da 7.14
zinc – a ductile, bluish-white metallic element: used in making galvanized iron, brass, and other alloys, and as an element in voltaic cells. Symbol: zn;atomic weight: 65.37; atomic number: 30; specific gravity: 7.14 at 20°c