The study conducted in this course work aimed to study the linguistic and stylistic features of scientific style texts, which required the solution of a number of problems. All the tasks were solved, the goal of the study was achieved, and on the basis of the study data, the following conclusions can be drawn.
The only function of the scientific style is intellectual and communicative, since the scientific style is typical for texts intended to communicate accurate information from any special area and to consolidate the process of cognition. It is this circumstance that determines the nature of the features of the scientific style in the English language.
The characteristic features of the style of English scientific prose are a logical, consistent and connected presentation of the material, abstractness, the authors' desire for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity while maintaining the information richness of the material. The scientific style is characterized by the desire for the exact use of terms, the rejection of indirect, descriptive designations of objects, the widespread use of stamps of special vocabulary. All the described features of the scientific style were found in the scientific article "Fast and Robust Track Initiation Using Multiple Trees" and analyzed in detail.
The variety of the scientific style and the genre of the scientific text have little effect on the selection of language means and the construction of a scientific work, since the features of a scientific text are universal and are used in any text of this kind.
A specific feature of scientific prose is lexicocentricity. There are three layers in the vocabulary of scientific speech: general (non-special), general scientific and terminological vocabulary. General scientific vocabulary includes international words, the meaning and use of which in Russian and English may not coincide. This sometimes leads to difficulties in understanding and errors in translation, since dictionary descriptions are mainly limited to revealing the semantics of words in popular use. Therefore, this layer of vocabulary needs more detailed study.
The terms are unambiguous and independent of the context, however, interscientific terminological homonymy often takes place, when the same term can be included in different terminologies of the language. A characteristic feature of scientific vocabulary is also the formation of neologisms, since new concepts constantly appear in science. These lexical features cause difficulties in the translation of scientific texts, and therefore require detailed study.
The grammatical features of the English scientific style are reflected in the wide use of parallel constructions and introductory words. This is due to the requirement of consistency of such texts. The syntactic structure of scientific texts is dominated by complex sentences. Postpositive or prepositive definitions are common, which contributes to syntactic compression. The trend in writing scientific papers in English is the rejection of nominalization and the use of verbs to express meaning more accurately.
Stylistic features of English scientific prose include the use of the author's "we", impersonal forms, and the passive voice. This emphasizes the participation of a large team of scientists and involves readers in the process of reasoning and proof. However, the example of the article "Fast and Robust Track Initiation Using Multiple Trees" shows that the number of impersonal sentences and sentences with passive constructions in the text is small. While the author's "we" is very common. Therefore, the study of modern trends in the field of stylistics of English scientific prose seems to be extremely relevant.
The results of the study indicate that the language of English scientific prose is gradually changing with the development of science. Neologisms appear, the syntactic structure is simplified. This indicates the need for further detailed study of the peculiarities of the style of English scientific prose.
Stilistika tilshunoslikning nutqning turli funktsional uslublarini, shuningdek, tilning turli ifoda vositalari va vositalarini o'rganadigan bo'limidir. U fikr va hissiyotlarni uzatish uchun leksik, grammatik, fonetik va boshqa til vositalarini tanlash va ulardan foydalanish tamoyillari va natijalarini o'rganadi. Tilshunoslik va adabiy stilistika stilistikaning bir-biridan farq qiladigan va bir-biriga bog'liq bo'lgan ikkita fanidir. Lingvistik stilistika tilning funksional uslublari va xususiyatlarini ularning his-tuyg‘ularni ifodalash va yuzaga keltirish qobiliyati nuqtai nazaridan o‘rganadi. Adabiy stilistika ma'lum bir badiiy asarga, adabiyotshunoslikka, adabiy harakatga, oqim yoki davrga xos bo'lgan ifoda vositalari va uslubiy vositalarni tekshiradi. Stilistika tilshunoslik fani, masalan, fonetika yoki tilshunoslik fanlari bilan bir xil emas. Fonema tilning eng kichik birligi; morfema ko‘p fonemalardan tashkil topgan yuqori darajali birlikdir. Stilistika tilning barcha darajalarini va umuman matnlarning turli tomonlarini ko'rib chiqadi.
Professor Kunin: frazeologik birliklar, frazeomatik birliklar va chegara (aralash) holatlarni ajratib turadi. Erkin so'z turkumlari nisbatan erkindir, chunki ularning a'zo so'zlarining birikmasi asosan leksik va sintaktik valentlik bilan chegaralanadi. Frazeologik birliklar nisbatan barqaror va semantik jihatdan ajralmas. To'liq motivatsiya va a'zo so'zning o'zgaruvchanligi o'rtasida son-sanoqsiz chegara holatlari mavjud.
D.O.Dobrovolskiy: Milliy xususiyatlar tilning o‘ziga xosligini so‘zlovchilar nigohi bilan ko‘rish, ya’ni o‘z-o‘zini tekshirish va o‘z-o‘zini kuzatish orqali o‘rganiladi. Introspektiv yondashuv ona tilida so'zlashuvchilarning sezgilariga ishora qiladi, ba'zi hodisalarni o'ziga xos va faqat o'ziniki deb belgilaydi. Frazeologik birliklarni xalq mentalitetini ifodalovchi stereotiplar bilan bog‘lanishi asosida tahlil qilib, ularning milliy-madaniy mazmun mazmuni bo‘lgan madaniy-milliy ma’no va xarakterini ochib beramiz. Frazeologiyada stereotiplarning aks etishi nihoyatda kuchli tasvirlangan, chunki tasvirlarni tushuncha va ma’no bilan uyg‘unlashtiribgina iboraning ijtimoiy va madaniy ahamiyatini ochib berish mumkin.
Frazeologik birliklarning buzilishi frazeologik birlik elementlaridan biri erkin birikma sifatida qaralganda sodir bo'ladi. Bir atamaning ikkinchisiga almashtirilishi ko‘pincha birinchisiga antonim bo‘ladi: Hayot bor ekan, umid bor, o‘lim oldida umid bor. Omad so‘zining mazmuni “Omad topmoq, tug‘ma omad” frazeologik birligida butunlay yo‘qolgan. "Og'iz" malakasini qo'shish orqali muallif atamaning ma'nosini jonlantiradi va juda yangi, ijodiy va hayajonli tavsifni beradi. Xira metafora yoki metafora elementining jonlanishi ma'noning asl o'tkazuvchanligini tiklaydigan va esga olib keladigan biron bir so'z yoki so'zning kiritilishi bilan baholanishi mumkin. Tarkibida takrorlash ("kundan kun", "bosqichma-bosqich" tipidagi) iboralar ham ba'zan qo'shimcha so'z bilan buziladi. Ba'zan so'zlovchi (yozuvchi) alohida morfemalarga omonim ma'nolar berib, so'zning tuzilishiga aralashadi. So'z ma'lum bir tushunchaning kelib chiqishi va mavjudligining zaruriy shartidir, lekin har bir so'zning asosi tushunchaga ega emas. Har bir so‘zning leksik ma’nosi tegishli bo‘lakning leksik-grammatik ma’nosining konkret ko‘rinishidir. So'zlarning ma'nolari tilning butun leksik-semantik tizimi bilan belgilanadi. Leksik ma’nolar ma’lum tildagi so‘zlarning konkret aloqalari va o‘zaro munosabatidan kelib chiqadi. Ko‘p tillar birlashadigan tushunchalardan farqli o‘laroq, so‘zning leksik ma’nosi milliy xususiyatga ega. Oq - yaxshilik, haqiqat, sadoqat, adolat va iffatning rangi. Bu beg'uborlik, fazilat, poklik va quvonchni anglatadi. Qora rangning konnotatsiyalari asosan ingliz va oʻzbek tillarida salbiydir.
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