English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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115. KET is…………….

*a) Key English Test

b) Kingdom of English Testing

c) Keyboard English Testimony

d) Correct answer is not stated
116. The Direct Method also called………………..

*a) Natural Method

b) Unnatural Method

c) Simple Method

d) Super segmental Method

117. The Direct Method was established in ………………………

*a) Germany and France

b) England and Poland

c) China and Japan

d) Uzbekistan and USA
118. The Direct Method was established around ………….

*a) 1900

b) 2010

c) 1995

d) 1920
119. What is LAD?

*a) Language Acquisition Device

b) Long Advanced Distance

c) Live Admire Dialogue

d) Lost Alphabet Dictionary
120. TPR built on coordination of ……………………

*a) speech and action

b) writing and action

c) listening and action

d) reading and action

121. Exam KET is…………….

*a) Key English Test

b) Key European Test

c) Key Eurasia Total

d) Correct answer is not stated


1.Pair work________________________________________

*a) provides opportunities for intensive listening and speaking practice

b) provides individual approach

c) provides special methods of teaching foreign languages

d) a, b

2. CEFRL is…….

*a) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

b) Commonly Eurasian Fundamental of Reference for Literature

c)Commonly Eurasian Fundamental of Reference for Library

d) Common European Frame of Railway for Line

3. CALL is……..

*a) Computer Assisted Language Learning

b)just calling someone

c) Communicative Advanced language Learning

d) none of them

4. The main benefits of using ICT in teaching English are…….

*a) attract the learners attention and elevates their interest in learning English language

b)just save your time and money

c)to be modern teacher

d) b and c

5. ICT core competencies are………

*a) searching, creating, teaching and evaluating

b)searching and downloading

c)create the positive web environment

d) none of them

6. What is MOODLE?

a) distance education

b)free education

c)difficult education

d) its just old fashioned education form

7. Multimedia is……………

a) Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content.

b)its just technical tools

c)means of communication

d) none of them

8. An approach is a way of looking at________________

a) teaching and learning

b) a certain method

c) a methodology

d) a technique

9.The communicative approach aim to make all the _________ attain communicative competence

a) learners

b) teachers

c) methods

d) techniques

10. The merits of communicative approach is to develop the________________ among the students

a) speech ability

b) listening ability

c) writing skills

d) reading skills

11.Demerits of communicative approach_________________

a) ignores grammar and structures

b) ignores interactive learning

c) ignores grammar-translation method

d) ignores international testing systems

12. What is the objective of the audiolingual method?

a) It is an accurate pronunciation and grammar

b) It is just listening skill

c) That is the style of teaching

d) That is the approach of teaching foreign languages

13. Cluster is………………

a)is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups

b)This teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

c)is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

d) b, c

14. Brainstorming is…………….

a)a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic, a way of generating ideas without judging them

b)is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

c)This teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c

15. What is interaction?

a) patterns of communication (verbal and non-verbal) between people

b) an activity where a learner has to write an essay

c) productive skills

d) mixed-ability

16. Listening and reading are …..

a) receptive skills

b) productive skills

c) language skills

d) c,d

17. Speaking and writing are …..

a) productive skills

b) receptive skills

c) language skills

d) c,d

18. Put all the language skills in correct order

*a) listening, speaking, reading, writing

b) speaking, reading, writing , listening

c) speaking, reading, listening , writing

d) reading, listening , speaking, writing

19. Dictation makes the pupils and the teacher aware of the pupils'

comprehension on ..… errors

a) phonological and grammatical

b) sematic and pragmatic

c) lexical and phonological

d) none of them

20. Find correct definition for Question Dictation.

a) This fun ESL dictation is ideal for reading comprehension practice. Stick numbered questions about your target text in different places outside the classroom. Divide the students into pairs.

b)In this ESL dictation, students work together to recreate a dictated text. Tell the students that you are going to dictate a text to them three times.

c)none of them

d)This type of dictation can be used to help students practice describing and prepositions of place. Divide the students into pairs. Have each pair sit back to back.

21. Find correct definition for Running Dictation

a) Here is one of the most popular types of ESL dictation. Stick a text on a wall outside the classroom. Divide the students into pairs. One student is the 'reader' and the other is the 'writer'. The readers run to the text, read a sentence or two, remember it, run back and tell their writer.

b)In this amusing ESL dictation, students dictate a text to a partner by whispering. Divide the students into pairs (A and B). Put the chairs into two rows with the seats facing each other. Make the space between the two rows quite large.

c)This type of dictation can be used to help students practice describing and prepositions of place. Divide the students into pairs. Have each pair sit back to back.

d)a and d

22. Find correct definition for Shouting Dictation

a) This ESL dictation helps students with their communication and listening skills. Divide the students into pairs (A and B). Rearrange the chairs so there are two rows of seats facing each other. Make the space between the two rows quite big.

b)This type of dictation can be used to help students practice describing and prepositions of place. Divide the students into pairs. Have each pair sit back to back.

c)This fun ESL dictation is ideal for reading comprehension practice. Stick numbered questions about your target text in different places outside the classroom. Divide the students into pairs.

d)none of them

23. Find correct definition for Silent Dictation

a) In this amusing ESL dictation, students dictate a text to a partner by whispering. Divide the students into pairs (A and B). Put the chairs into two rows with the seats facing each other. Make the space between the two rows quite large. The pairs sit opposite each other.

b)Here is one of the most popular types of ESL dictation. Stick a text on a wall outside the classroom. Divide the students into pairs. One student is the 'reader' and the other is the 'writer'. The readers run to the text, read a sentence or two, remember it, run back and tell their writer.

c)This type of dictation can be used to help students practice describing and prepositions of place. Divide the students into pairs. Have each pair sit back to back.

d)none of them

24. What is a cloze activity?

*a) fill-in-the-blanks exercise in which some words are omitted designed to measure how well the pupils understand the text.

b) pupils dependence on their first language in clarifying the meaning of English words should be diplomatically discouraged.

c) pupils guess the meaning of unknown words where possible and to deduce the principles of vocabulary use in English on their own.

25. What are the main aims of the lesson?

*a) educational, developing, socio-cultural or up bringing

b) forming the competencies on the subject

c) forming the speaking skills

d) working on pupils’ pronunciation

26. what is the goal of CLT?

*a) The goal of this teaching method is communication, both in classroom and in real life. It encourages pupils to talk more on communicative purposes. Teacher has a role of facilitator

b) A technique used commonly in teaching reading and listening, where words are removed from the text and replaced by gaps. The learners then fill in the gaps.

c) gathering information about a class or an individual in order to form a judgement

d) fill-in-the-blanks exercise in which some words are omitted designed to measure how well the pupils understand the text.

27. What is Gist ?

*a) b and c

b) the main idea of the spoken text

c) the main idea of the written text

d) no correct answer

28. Reading ,listening, speaking ,writing are …

*a) the four principal language skills

b) productive skills

c) receptive skills

d) lexical and phonological aspects

29. What is a pictogramm?

*a) a drawing of a word which represents a word

b) colouring pictures

c) using pictures in the lesson

d) picture dictations

30. A word family/ a group of related words is ….

*a) Lexical set

b) lexical family

c) related group

d) word set

31. When is microteaching used?

*a) in training situation to concentrate on a particular aspect of a teacher’s teaching skills

b) when pupils are evaluated on the level of knowledge

c) when pupils are assessed by the teacher

d) in the demo-lessons

32. Controlled writing..

*a) is used for teaching the mechanics of accuracy and readiness for the further writing. It is completely controlled by the teacher.(text , copying the text, working on handwriting, dictations)

b) is used to provide graded guidance in vocabulary and structures to help pupils to avoid mistakes (teacher gives the structure/vocabulary, filling up the gaps, choosing the tense, reproduction)

c) offers freedom to write the original content, using own language (essay, letters, narrations , making up sentences, composition, essay, picture description)

d) is the process where the written text is shared with others

33. Offers freedom to write the original content, using own language (essay, letters, narrations , making up sentences, composition, essay, picture description) ………..

a) free writing

b) controlled writing

c) pre- writing

d)guided writing

34. Apostrophe is used….

*a)all answers are correct

b)To form most possessives.

c)In contractions.

d)To indicate that letters have been omitted from a word.

35. Warm up activity is used to…

*a)all answers are correct

b) wake up students and make them interested in English and motivated to learn.

c)helps students to start thinking in English, contribute to achieve the best results.

d)teachers include warm up activity to check: knowledge, preview or pre-teach some language points.

36. what activities can be used as a warm up?

*a) all answers are correct

b)Crosswords, Riddles.

c)Rhymes, Songs

d) Tongue-Twisters

37. Phonetics deals with

*a) vowels, consonants, voiced and unvoiced sounds, diphthongs

b) tongue twisters

c) warm up activities

d) icebreacers

38. Word stress is

*a) saying a syllable in the word with a greater energy and higher

b) is normally given to the word that a speaker thinks most important to the meaning of the sentence

c) the way speaker changes the level of the voice to meaning

d) a smallest unit of the sound that can make a difference to meaning in a language

39. Mirror is mostly used while teaching..

*a) pronunciation

b) speaking

c) writing

d) grammar

40. You can demonstrate varying …. within a word by stretching rubber bands.

*a) vowel lengths

b) voiced sound

c) unvoiced sound

d) main word

41. What is direct feedback?

*a)teachers should be informed about their mistakes and told what to do

b)teachers should be asked question that would make them consider alternative practices

c) teachers should be invented to open up their feelings about their teaching

d) its an icebreaker game

42. What is a suggestopedia?

*a) it is a type of method with using song or music

b) ) it is a type of method with using some suggesting words

c) the method with using grammar structure

d) it’s a group of activity in which leaners discuss the ideas

43. Why should we use Icebreaker?

*a) it is used to get to know each other

b) it is used to warm up the students

c) it is used in the middle of the lesson

d) it is used in the end of the lesson

44. Choose the correct useful English websites for teaching and learning English language

*a) eslpartyland.com, eslvideo.com, dictionary.com

b) Wikipedia.com, facebook.com, pinkmonkey.com

c) usingenglish.com, ok.ru, vk.com, hasanboy.uz

d) dictionary.com, eslvideo.com, mail.ru, rambler.ru

45. How many types of reading are there?





46. What is fluency?

*a)the ability to produce the language easily, communicate quickly, but not necessarily with grammatical correctness

b)the material taken from real life sources originally intended for native speakers

c)the way someone communicate a message with their body

d)to collect together ideas very quickly without judging whether they are good or not

47. Topic sentence is…..

*a)this is a main idea of the paragraph the most general sentence of paragraph

b)it can finish a paragraph by repeating the main idea or giving a final comment about the topic

c)gathering information about a class or an individual in order to form a judgement

d)concluding sentence with a full of data

48. Approach is defined…..

*a)it is theoretical part of teaching foreign language

b)way of teaching

c)leaners learn best through hearing information

d)a and b

49. Types of brainstorming…..

*a)making a list, free writing, mapping

b)reviewing and revising

c)skimming and scanning

d) a and c

50. How many types of vocabulary are there?

*a)active and passive

b) positiveand negative

c) new and old

d) b and c

51. “ From practice to rules” is the principle of ….

*a) inductive learning

b) deductive learning

c) communucative teaching

d) grammar translation method

52. “ from rule to practice” is the principle of …

*a) deductive learning

b) inductive learning

c) communucative teaching

d) grammar translation method

53. If a teachers bring some real objects into the classroom, he …

*a) uses realia

b) uses pictogramms

c) uses suggestopedia

d) uses TPR

54. What does PPP stand for?

*a) Presentation-Practice-Production

b) Power Point Presentation

c)Presenting, Pronunciation, Producing

d) Plot, Play, Produce

55. Affixes are ….

*a) prefixess and suffixes

b) phonemes

c) parts of the word

d) forms of the word

56. What is Task based language learning?

*a) it is a method of instruction which focuses on the use of authentic language

b) It is an emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language

c) It is a strategy of teaching students where a teacher allows pupils to compare two different historical perspective to the same question

d) a,b,c

57. Visual intelligence is

*a) developed when pupils do exercises supported by pictures or flashcards

b) activated when children listen to and immitate intonation and rhythm, sing songs

c) baesd on silent individual work and self-reflection

d) necessary in pair and groupwork activities

58. Which activities do not develop interactive speaking skills?

*a) substitution drills

b) info-gap activities

c) role plays

d) dictation

59. Which activity dos not focus on developing ideas?

*a) jigsaw reading

b) brainstorm

c) discussion

d) mind map

60. In TPR ….


61. Find a word which has a prefix and suffix

*a) disappearing

b) cooked

c) imagination

d) preteach

62. Interaction is….

*a)The leaners listened to a recording and wrote down the words he did not know.

b)a leaner discussed with his teacher why his answer was correct

c) a group of leaners disigned a poster together

d)leaners listened short dialogue

63. Inferring reading is…

*a)reading between lines(to understand things which are not writen in the text)

b)reading for gist

c)reading tho whole text very intensivly

d)reding for details

64.Which are post-reading activity?

*a)reflection summarizing


c)jigsaw reading

d)preteaching words

65.Stages of reading lesson are…

*a)pre reading, while-reading,post-reading



d)scanning,pre reading

66. Kinesthetic learner is…..

*a)learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.

b)Someone who is a visual learner tends to observe things, pictures, demonstrations, films, etc. in order to improve her or him level of knowledge.

c)They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.

d)They are used to drawing math problems. Then, they have less difficulty in order to solve them. They interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.

67. What is strategy?

*a)set of decisions to achieve an objective that results in plan.

b)the personal art and style of the teacher in carrying out the procedure of teaching.

c) a series of related and progressive acts performed by a teacher and students to achieve the objective of the lesson.

d) one’s viewpoint toward teaching

68. "According to Webster’sThird New International Dictionary, methodology is…"

*a)"“a body of methods, procedures,working concepts, rules and postulates employed [...] in the solution of a problem or indoing something”"

b)"Appropriacy of language use is considerad alongside accuracy, which hasimplications for error correction, matehals and activities."

c)The concept communicative is applied to all four language skills.

d)encouraging students to help each other in a cooperative not competitive spirit

69. Auditory learner is …

*a)They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.

b)Someone who is a visual learner tends to observe things, pictures, demonstrations, films, etc. in order to improve her or him level of knowledge.

c)learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.

d)They are used to drawing math problems. Then, they have less difficulty in order to solve them. They interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.

70. "Broughton specifies the most typicalfeatures of the grammar-translation method, which are…"

*a)"rules, [its] examples,its paradigms [...] and related exercises"

b)" It gives excessive weight to grammatical facts of secondary importance, andthus neglects important generalizations.Slight treatment is given to syntactic relations."

c)"Appropriacy of language use is considerad alongside accuracy, which hasimplications for error correction, materials and activities."

d)"It can use learner's knowledge and experience with their mother tongue. It has introduced a better level of language reflection and awareness in itslater times."

71. Choose an appropriate definition to "technique"

*a)technique is just one single procedure to use in the classroom

b)technique is a language unit

c)technique is a paradigm or model of FLT

d)"the three major language learningissues that language pedagogy and ELT have dealt with through this century"
72. Discussion is…..

*a)an active method of sharing opinions on a specific problem individually and freely

b)based on the information – gap principles

c)It is based upon the idea that motion is useful for learning

d)It is based on re-reading and re-writing
73. How many types of learning styles?


b) 5

c) 9

d) 10

74. In Modern Method grammar must be taught in….




d)Tenses, translation and Grammar

75. In which activity students are encouraged to act out roles of people in different spheres of society?

*a)Role play

b)jig saw activity

c)information gap

d)fish bowl
76. In which method well known for its common use of small colored rods of varying length and color coded word charts depicting pronunciation values, vocabulary and grammatical paradigms( Fidel Chart, Word Chart, Sound Color Charts) and concentrates on cognitive principles in language learning?

*a)The Silent way


c)Grammar Translation Metod

d)Audio-lingual Method
77. "In which method students may create their own story and draw several sequential pictures that describe story?

*a)Story narrating through the pictures


c)Story forming

78.In which method students write and re-tell the stories?



c) common

d)Semantic Base
79."listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be classified into which twogroups?"

*a)receptive and productive

b)sharing and sending

c)sending and posting

d) none of them
80. method is…-

*a)just the mediator between theory and classroom practice

b)the same with technique

c)a classroom research

d)an analysis of students
81. Native Language mostly used in…

*a)Traditional Method

b)Communicative Methods

c)Structural Approach

d)Oral Method
82. What kind of organizer is a “T”-charts?




d)Directed to think
83. What language is used in grammar translation method?

*a)Native language

b)Target language

c)Both of them

d) none of them
84. What skill is firstly taught in direct method?


b) Reading

c) Writing

85.What types of language acquisition do you know?

*a)Oral and written

b)the second and the third answers

c)Natural and oral

d)Selective and Oral
86. Who is actively involved in direct method?

*a) learner


c) teacher and leaner

87. The Direct Method also called………………..

*a) Natural Method

b) Unnatural Method

c) Simple Method

d) Super segmental Method
88. The Direct Method was established in ………………………

*a) Germany and France

b) England and Poland

c) China and Japan

d) Uzbekistan and USA

89. The Direct Method was established around ………….

*a) 1900

b) 2010

c) 1995

d) 1920
90. The Direct Method appeared as an answer to the shortcomings of the……………..

*a) Grammar Translation Method

b) Interactive Method

c) Unusual Method

d) Indirect Method

91. The Method of Discussion is………………………………………………….

*a) This type of interactive method requires studying and teaching material on the theme before starting discussion

b) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c

92. The Method of Role Playing is………………………………………………….

*a) It is also one of the activity used in teaching innovative methods. They are made to improve the efficiency of teaching. It involves the learners into active work by positively influencing on their inner activity.

b) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

c) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

d) b, c

93. What is Multimedia learning?

*a) It is the combination of various media types as text, audio and video materials by the help of which teacher presents information to the learners.

b) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c

94. Brainstorming is……………..

*a) its technique for generating new ideas on a topic

b) its just simple method

c) its unusual method

d) b, c
95. What is Competence-based approach?

*a) This approach in the system of higher is intended to increase attention to the effective and technological formation of professional competences.

b) its unusual method

c) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

d) Indirect Method

96. Vocabulary is a ………………………. of words and phrases in language

*a) collection

b) selection

c) reflection

d) direction
97. What is teaching approach?

*a) Its one’s viewpoint toward teaching or refers to what one believes in, regarding teaching, upon which are based on teaching behaviors

b) Its just process of education

c) Its only method of teaching

d) b, c
98. What is learner based approach?

*a) It starts from the belief that the learner is at the center of the learning process and not the syllabus and as such they are self-directed equals in the learning process along with tutors, teachers

b) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c

99. Flash cards can be used for…

*a)telling a class a story

b)practicing scanning reading

c)practicing skimming reading

d)improving pronunciation

100. Phonemic Chart can be useful for….

*a)improving pupils’pronunciation

b)improving oral fluency

c)visualisation activities

d)giving intensive reading practice

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