Hisoblash Materiallar miqdorining ifodasi, shu jumladan ushbu miqdorni o'lchash uchun ishlatiladigan birlikning tabiati. o'lchov, hajm Eslatmalar: Hisoblash misollari 32 ta element, 52 qutini o'z ichiga oladi.
counterfeit An item that is falsely represented as the thing it imitates; an unauthorized copy presented as an authentic original; a forgery. Notes: includes casts of a sculpture not authorized by the artist.
Qalbaki taqlid qilgan narsa sifatida noto'g'ri ko'rsatilgan buyum; haqiqiy asl nusxa sifatida taqdim etilgan ruxsatsiz nusxa; soxtalik. Izohlar: rassom tomonidan ruxsat etilmagan haykalning qoliplarini o'z ichiga oladi.
counterseal A mark impressed into the back of an object to give added validity or authenticity to the principal seal on the front of the object.
qarama-qarshi muhr Buyumning old tomonidagi asosiy muhrga qo'shimcha kuch yoki haqiqiylikni berish uchun ob'ektning orqa tomoniga bosilgan belgi.
cover1. Something that conceals or protects something else. – 2. The outer boards or sheets attached to a bound document. – 3. A sheet attached to the front of a document. – 4. An envelope; first day cover. – 5. The performance of a musical work written by another
Qopqoq 1. Boshqa narsani yashiradigan yoki himoya qiladigan narsa. – 2. Bog'langan hujjatga biriktirilgan tashqi taxtalar yoki varaqlar. – 3. Hujjatning old tomoniga biriktirilgan varaq. – 4. Konvert; birinchi kun qoplamasi. – 5. Boshqa muallif tomonidan yozilgan musiqa asarining ijrosi
cover paper A generic term for heavy paper stock, often used as the outer sheets of a Cover paper is typically available in a range of colors and may have a textured finish.
qopqoq qog'ozi Ko'pincha Muqova qog'ozining tashqi varaqlari sifatida ishlatiladigan og'ir qog'oz zaxirasi uchun umumiy atama odatda turli xil ranglarda mavjud va teksturali qoplamaga ega bo'lishi mumkin.
coverage date The time period of the covered in materials, often expressed as a range of dates. The coverage date is independent of the date the materials were created. The coverage dates for a history of the United States Civil War written in 1990 might be 1850–1870.
qamrov sanasi Ko'pincha sanalar oralig'ida ifodalangan materiallarda yoritilgan vaqt davri. Qamrov sanasi materiallar yaratilgan sanadan mustaqil. 1990 yilda yozilgan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari fuqarolar urushi tarixini yoritish sanalari 1850-1870 yillar bo'lishi mumkin.