Ohm's law states that in an electrical circuit, the current passing through a conductor, from one terminal point on the conductor to another, is directly proportional to the potential difference (that is, voltage drop or voltage) across the two terminal points and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor between the two points.In mathematical terms, this is written as:
where I is the current, V is the potential difference, and R is a constant called the resistance. The potential difference is also known as the voltage drop, and is sometimes denoted by E instead of V. This law is usually valid over a large range of values of current and voltage, but it breaks down if conditions (such as temperature) are changed excessively.
The SI unit of current is the ampere; that of potential difference is the volt; and that of resistance is the ohm. One ohm is equal to one volt per ampere. The law is named after the physicist Georg Ohm, who published it in a slightly more complex form in 1826. The above equation could not exist until the ohm, a unit of resistance, was defined (1861, 1864).
A voltage source, V, drives an electric current, I, through resistor, R. The three quantities obey Ohm's law: V = IR
Om qonuni shuni ko'rsatadiki, elektr zanjirida o'tkazgich orqali o'tuvchining bir terminal nuqtasidan ikkinchisiga o'tadigan oqim ikkita terminal nuqtasi bo'ylab potentsial farqiga (ya'ni kuchlanish pasayishi yoki kuchlanish) to'g'ridan-to'g'ri proportsionaldir va teskari proportsionaldir. ikki nuqta orasidagi o'tkazgichning qarshiligiga.Matematik nuqtai nazardan, bu quyidagicha yoziladi:
bu erda I - oqim, V - potentsiallar farqi va R - qarshilik deb ataladigan doimiy. Potensial farq kuchlanishning pasayishi deb ham ataladi va ba'zan V o'rniga E bilan belgilanadi. Bu qonun odatda oqim va kuchlanish qiymatlarining katta diapazonida amal qiladi, lekin agar shartlar (masalan, harorat) o'zgartirilsa, u buziladi. haddan tashqari.
SI tizimidagi oqim birligi amper; potentsiallar farqi - volt; qarshilik esa ohmdir. Bir ohm bir amperga bir voltga teng. Qonun 1826 yilda uni biroz murakkabroq shaklda nashr etgan fizik Georg Om nomi bilan atalgan. Yuqoridagi tenglama qarshilik birligi bo'lgan om aniqlanmaguncha (1861, 1864) mavjud bo'lishi mumkin emas edi.
Kuchlanish manbai V elektr tokini I rezistor R orqali o'tkazadi. Uch miqdor Om qonuniga bo'ysunadi: V = IR
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