2.1 Control functions
In the educational process, control, as its organic component, performs certain functions, affects both this process, the activity of the teacher, and the activity of the student. These functions are very diverse and multidimensional. They can be differentiated depending on the role that control performs in the activities of the teacher and the student. As the study of this issue has shown, the control functions are as follows: One of the most important control functions is controlling - checking the quality of solving tasks (achieving a certain level of foreign language skills, mastering a certain amount of knowledge). The very structure of control presupposes, in general didactic terms, the functioning of feedback, without which "it is impossible to ensure the regulation and correction of this process, the design and specification of new learning goals."
This control function allows the teacher to manage the learning process, act intelligently and systematically. Considered through the prism of control theory, the feedback function is necessary for the normal course of the educational process, in which two subsystems are interconnected: the controlling (teacher) and the controlled (learner). Such a unified system allows for flexible variation of training through the use of various management techniques.
The long-term practice of teaching foreign languages allows us to state with confidence that the teaching function of control is no less important than the actual controlling one. The essence of the training control function is that the content, techniques and methods of control should be of a training nature. This means that control by your own means and, first of all, by control tasks should contribute to the implementation of learning tasks, that the purpose of control in a certain way is adequate to the learning goals. Researchers have repeatedly pointed out the learning function of control and noted that the system of control tasks synthesizes previously learned material and acquired skills, ensures their repetition and consolidation.
To carry out correctly training control means, accordingly, to encourage the student to perform specific training actions, evaluate the quality of these actions and use the results of this assessment to improve the process of mastering a foreign language. Under this condition, control becomes one of the effective ways of learning [12, p. 97].
The training function of control is closely related to the so-called Guiding, or managerial, function, when control has a positive effect on the process of training and education of trainees. The control function is implemented successfully in the case of adequate interaction of all components of the educational process according to optimal parameters and, first of all, provided that all general didactic and proper methodological principles of modern methods of teaching foreign languages are taken into account and implemented in practice.
If the interaction of the teaching and control functions is successful, then there is not only a stronger mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also their systematization, logical grouping, as well as an increase in the general culture of mental activity of the trainees. In addition, the prevention of negative learning outcomes, in particular, errors, is provided. One can even assume that the motto of control should be: "Checking, teach, and teaching, check."
In addition to improving the process of forming skills and abilities, an important result of the control is, in the light of current requirements for foreign language proficiency, teaching speech communication. An especially important role is played by oral forms of control, in the process of which there is an improvement in mastering the skills of speech contacts, their formation and development. The next control function is a diagnostic, or diagnostic, function, i.e. the ability to diagnose learning, determine the existing level of students' proficiency in foreign language skills, skills, knowledge at a specific stage of learning, thereby revealing "the success or failure of the teaching, and depending on the results found, build further learning activities." As you know, mastering a foreign language by students as a means of communication is a process of gradual and systematic formation of foreign language speech skills and knowledge acquisition.
During this process, the level of these skills changes - either positive dynamics is carried out, or a negative result is detected, the presence of gaps in the student's training. Monitoring helps to identify these gaps, establish the cause of their occurrence and at the same time diagnose the difficulties experienced by students. In addition, the effectiveness of the chosen methodology - techniques and methods of training is diagnosed: "The content of the diagnostic control function includes not only the establishment of the fact of success failure in training, but also the analysis of the reasons that led to this fact." Thus, in accordance with the diagnostic function, the control directs the activity of the teacher to identify and measure achievements and shortcomings in teaching a foreign language.
During this process, the level of these skills changes - either positive dynamics is carried out, or a negative result is detected, the presence of gaps in the student's training. Monitoring helps to identify these gaps, establish the cause of their occurrence and at the same time diagnose the difficulties experienced by students. In addition, the effectiveness of the chosen methodology - techniques and methods of training is diagnosed: "The content of the diagnostic control function includes not only the establishment of the fact of success / failure in training, but also the analysis of the reasons that led to this fact." Thus, in accordance with the diagnostic function, the control directs the activity of the teacher to identify and measure achievements and shortcomings in teaching a foreign language.
The diagnostic function of control is directly related to its corrective, or corrective, function, which consists in improving the possession of individual students or groups of students with knowledge, skills and abilities by making changes to the teaching methodology. Correction is carried out depending on the characteristics of students - their psychological and age characteristics, the level of training and adequately to the latest data of methodological theory and practice. This means that on the basis of the information obtained during the control, the teacher, after analyzing this data, can draw conclusions about the need for correction of learning. Thus, the control "signals compliance or inconsistency between the intended goal and the results achieved, thereby contributing to the correct construction and correction of the work program." Pointing to the importance of corrective control functions, the researchers note that this function, determining the effectiveness of the entire learning system is implemented in two directions: — identifies the level of the inspected object, information about its poor condition encourages people to make changes in the teaching process (hereinafter, the teacher needs to check the presence of a positive effect done by the correction); — incomplete sets used consistent methods of teaching to check the object. Close in value to the corrective, but somewhat different from it is the warning, or warning, control function. Its significance lies in the fact that the control makes it possible to draw the attention of students to the compliance of the quality of their knowledge, skills or abilities with the requirements.
No less important than the warning is the stimulating, or stimulating-motivating, control function, one of the tasks of which is to create positive motives for learning, in this case, mastering a foreign language: "... the presence or expectation of control stimulates the learning actions of students, is an additional motive for their learning activities." It is known that control and assessments are not indifferent to students: a positive assessment gives rise to a sense of satisfaction, a negative one signals trouble, the need to eliminate the lag in learning. As for mastering a foreign language, the control can significantly increase interest in the study of this subject. This position is due to the fact that control creates a certain emotional mood in the lesson, helping, as a reinforcement and incentive, each student to see their progress, their progress.
The stimulating and motivating function of control is directly related to its evaluative function, in particular, its psychological and pedagogical aspect. Performing this function, the control characterizes the activity of students from two sides. On the one hand, the process of activity is evaluated, a judgment is made on the quality of its flow, on the degree of activity / inactivity of students. On the other hand, the results of the activity of both the teacher and the students are evaluated. Thus, the influence on the nature of the teacher's controlling activity and on the stimulation and creation of motivation of efforts is realized. It is from the evaluation function that the correct psychological and pedagogical impact and the effectiveness of control largely depend, since thanks to the evaluation, a group of motives that guide the student's educational activity is born.
Thus, it can be argued that the motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students is determined by the evaluation function of control, which must be taken into account when organizing and conducting it. In many methodological works, another control function is noted - generalizing. This function consists in the fact that the control allows you to identify the degree of proficiency in foreign language speech skills, skills and knowledge at the end of studying a certain topic or after part of the academic year.
Finally, one of the most important functions of control, inextricably linked with the functions discussed above, is its educating, developing and disciplining functions [13, p. 164].
Researchers rightly recognize the enormous importance of this control function; they point out that in control "there are various and far from exhausted possibilities of educative learning", that control, in addition to establishing the actual level of assimilation of the material, "is intended to have an educative effect on students and a reverse effect on the educational process", i.e. to influence both the student and the teacher's activities. In the evaluation of the control results, there is an incentive, under the influence of which the cognitive interests of the trainees are formed, the desire, the motive for cognition and at the same time the desire to be a person who commands respect. Properly organized control develops the ability to quickly concentrate efforts to solve a specific mental task in a certain period of time, cultivates concentration, the ability to mobilize internal reserves of the psyche.
- thinking, memory, attention, perception and others. The attitude to control, as shown by the research of psychologists and methodologists, entails an intensification of the brain, keeps it in an active state, which, in turn, ensures an active attitude of students to the subject of assimilation. Thus, the independent and intellectual activity of the trainees develops. Control contributes to the education of students and such character traits as perseverance, will, endurance, self-control, critical attitude to their work.
In addition, the educational function of control is, according to the didactics, that it is the first and most important type of reporting to which the student is subjected. "The results of his individual efforts become the subject of public judgment and evaluation, which is of great educational importance." An important role is played in this regard by the evaluation of the results of the exercise, marks, but only if they are objective.
Control is also able to carry out such a function as the development of the student's intelligence, improving the culture of his thinking, his logic, the ability to analyze and generalize, systematize and classify, and others. The developing function of control is especially enhanced when such techniques are used in which controlled activity is carried out in the process of solving certain mental tasks: on the path of intensive search for their solution, the student's mental activity is extremely activated, the work of the mechanisms of guessing, ingenuity is stimulated by the problem, while elements of research, creative skills are formed.
Recognizing the close interrelation and interdependence of all the functions considered, it is nevertheless necessary, following 3. K. Mazhuolene, to recognize the legitimate division of the above functions into didactic and educative. These are the functions of control as the most important component of teaching a foreign language [14].
It seems quite reasoned and rational such a system of control objects, which includes: - language knowledge of the trainees, including information concerning certain aspects of the language (phonetic and graphic systems, words, their paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections, phrases, phraseological units, grammatical system - its rules, patterns, as well as features of the functioning of linguistic units and linguistic and cultural information);
- skills of using the material of various aspects of a foreign language in different types of speech activity (auditory, lexical, grammatical, spelling); - components of communicative competence - foreign language speech skills in different types of speech activity (speaking, listening, writing and reading), communication skills in different spheres and situations of reality; - professional foreign language speech skills and abilities, skills of pedagogical and professional activity in teaching a foreign language.
It should be noted at once that the problem of control of objects belonging to the last group is the least developed at the present stage of development of the methodology of teaching foreign languages as a science and is waiting for its solution. Naturally, the listed objects of control should be specified for each stage of training and type of educational institution in accordance with the goals facing the training and conditioned by the current program. Differentiating the objects of control by types of educational institutions, it can be argued that such objects are:
for general secondary school and non-linguistic higher school: - foreign language speech skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing; - auditory-pronouncing, lexical, grammatical skills, including, of course, knowledge of the language material and the rules for using it;
for secondary school with in-depth study of a foreign language / foreign languages and language higher school: - language knowledge - information in the field of linguistics and language theory; - language skills and speech skills in different types of speech activity;-skills of effective independent work on a foreign language;
for language higher school (in addition to the above for secondary school): - skills of foreign language expressive influencing speech as a specific professional activity; - professional skills necessary for pedagogical activity in teaching a foreign language. An important element of control is the indicators of the assimilation of knowledge and the level of formation of foreign language speech skills and abilities.
Speaking about these indicators, it is necessary first of all to clarify what is meant by this term. Following the researchers, we will proceed from the following when solving this issue: indicators of the quality of knowledge acquisition, the level of formation of a particular skill or skill should only be "such characteristics that develop under the influence of the pedagogical process, depend on the characteristics of specific skills, the stage of training", and also meet the requirements of compliance with the objectives of training and stimulation of the student's speech-thinking activity.
Since the levels of knowledge, skills and abilities of students are not static and change during the learning process, control indicators should have the quality of measurability, the ability to reflect qualitative and quantitative changes in student learning, dynamics occurring under the influence of the pedagogical process. Therefore, the most important task in solving a complex problem of control is to establish indicators that could determine the level of students' learning in a particular object of control. At the same time, certain characteristics can be used as indicators only if they are sufficiently specific and objective [15].
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