Editorial : When a Judge Himself Commits Crime, When a police himself robs, Murders …


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( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 )









PIN – 570017.









CHARGE SHEET NO staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 01.01.1985


Amended charge sheet  staff no.3798/156-84/85 dt 08.04.1985




1. Why didn't you notice the alleged crimes of 1977 , 78 & 79 till the

mid of  1979 ?


2. This crime came to light only due to anonymous phone calls of good

Samaritans to authorities , but not due to your inspection . is your

inspection division working properly ?


3. why there is no security check up of officers during entry & exit

out of premises ?


4. why there is no individual weighment , individual statement of

value of bags of reissuable notes & bags of note meant for destruction

, after sorting is done, why they are not tallied with total weight ,

value of notes issued for sorting ?


5. Immediately after noticing the crime, why did not you transfer all

the employees of those sections ?


6. why did not you take steps to preserve3 & protect respective

documents relating to such high profile crime ?


7. why didn't you immediately issue charge sheet to all the accussed &

waited till 1983 ?


8. Why RBI has left out , so many officers ( who worked in the same

sections for more period than accused officers ) from domestic enquiry ?


9. why CBI also failed to put those people in the charge sheet before

the court ?


10. is it because they were in favorable terms with the vested interests ?


11. did the CBI dance to the tune of vested interests in RBI while

preparing charge sheet & during investigation , instead  of

independent investigation ?


12. those left out probables from the charge sheet might have caused

the destruction of evidences / records. During the course of domestic

enquiry / court proceedings , it has been recorded that some records

have been destroyed. Are not CBI & RBI responsible for destruction of

evidences , aiding true criminals get away ?


13. in normal times , what is the period specified in RBI regulations

for preserving old documents / records ?


14. after noticing such a high profile crime the RBI must have taken

utmost care to preserve such old records for indefinite time , for

producing before courts of law as & when demanded. But it  didn't , why ?


15. does not this point to connivance of higher authorities of RBI ,

with the criminals ?


16. RBI authorities have conducted domestic mass enquiries , instead

of individual enquiries , is it not detrimental to the rights of defense ?


17. RBI authorities have stated  that court proceedings & domestic

enquiry are independent of each other & are not binding on one

another. However  RBI authorities straight away took on record of

domestic enquiry the court statements , evidences , but didn't honour

the order of same court of law ? why this double standard by RBI ?


18. The alleged crime  was committed in 1977-79, but charge sheet was

framed in mid 1985 , why this long delay ?


19. didn't this facilitate the masterminds of crime to destroy ,

manipulate evidences ?


20. as stated before court , indeed some records , 22nd currency note

packet were missing , who is responsible for it ?


21. has the CBI conducted enquiry , polygraph test of RBI higher

officers - S.N.RAZDAN , W.S.SARAF , J.P.AWASTHI , J.MITRA & others ,

if not why ?


22. is it not due to inefficiency , negligence of duty by such high

ranking managers , that such a crime occurred in RBI Bangalore ?


23. what disciplinary action RBI has taken against the inefficient ,

negligent higher officials ?


24. whatever internal rules an organization makes must be within the

line of law. If such internal laws of the organization are violative

of law , fundamental rights of employees , such internal rules become

illegal. Are not the way of RBI disciplinary proceedings illegal ?


25. as per RBI pension regulations 1990 , RBI has the right to deduct

any loss caused to the bank , from the pension of RBI employee if the

misconduct of employee is proved in judicial proceedings . even though

mr.G.Hariram came out clean from the court , why  RBI has denied his

pension ?


26. judicial courts of law are appellate authorities over & above ,

domestic enquiry committees & judicial orders supersedes the domestic

enquiry proceedings. Still RBI showed contempt of court & didn't

reinstate mr..G.Hariram into service , why ?


27. even if an employee's misconduct causing loss to the bank is

proved , before denying him pension (towards making up loss to the

bank) , previous sanction of the central board of RBI must be taken.

But in mr.G.Hariram's case , pension was denied in full without taking

previous sanction of the central board of RBI , is it not illegal ?


28. RBI alleged that mr..G.Hariram caused loss to the tune of Rs.14000

to the bank & recovered it from his provident fund dues. There was

nothing left over to recover , still RBI  completely denied pension to

mr.G.Hariram , why ?


29. ideally, domestic enquiry findings / disciplinary actions should

be completed first , then the employee can appeal to appropriate court

of law. In mr.G.Hariram's case , CBI & RBI failed to prove the charges

in court of law , as a result court discharged him from the charges.

To cover-up it's failures RBI management dragged domestic enquiry much

beyond court orders date & gave findings indicting mr..G.Hariram. does

the enquiry officer of domestic enquiry think that he is over & above

the court of law ? is it not illegal & contempt of court ?


30. ideally , RBI authorities should have appealed to higher court

against lower court order discharging mr.G.Hariram from charges. But

it was not done , why ?


31. did the RBI pay interim relief to mr.G.Hariram , during suspension

period ?


32. the undue delay in filing charge sheet , consequent destruction of

key evidences , dishonour / contempt of court orders , undue haste in

giving findings , dismissal , denial of of pension without central

board's sanction , all point towards criminals within RBI higher

management. What disciplinary action has been taken against

J.P.AWASTHI, S.N.RAZDAN,J.MITRA, W.SARAF & others ? if not why ?


33. why charge sheet was amended? Is it legal ?


34. did the charge sheet was amended to falsely implicate

mr..G.Hariram , by including cancelled note vault in the charge sheet ?


35. does not this itself show that it is not statement of actual

happenings / facts , but a cunning ploy to mislead investigation

towards fixed innocents from actual criminals ?


36. is it true that that only 5% of sample inspection is done out of bundled verified defective note packets ?


37. is not the conduct of joint / mass enquiries of all charge sheeted officers illegal ?


38. how come such an important evidence 22nd note packet went missing ?


39. is it because it may point towards real criminals ?


40. as per the statement of management witness / inspection head / expert mr.vijendra rao , the notes of earlier dates have been removed from packets made into new bundles , right ?


41. as per his statement , entire certificates , seals of some asst treasurers are there , who didn't work at all on that day is not it ?


42. does not it show that some body else was misusing the seals , putting some innocents seals over the notes ?


43. does it not show that , crime has taken place at verification section ?


44. does it not show involvement of some asst treasurers ?


45. why asst treasurers have not been charge sheeted ?


46. why inspection of RBI Bangalore office was not done between 1975 & 1979 ?


47. is it not true that you failed to produce all records showing internal inspection / audits , during domestic enquiry & court proceedings ?


48. your expert mr.vijendra rao has stated that some seal marks are smudged , he has stated some seal marks appears to be so & so. He has clearly nowhere stated that this seal mark is exactly this , so he himself is not 100% sure ?


49. your expert nowhere said that 100% sure this seal mark is this , on that day this seal was issued to mr.G.Hariram , isn't it ?


50. your expert says during 1975 , he didn't notice3 any fraud. However approver says fraud was there before mid 1977 also. Why no action has been taken ?


51. why you didn't produce all records of all persons , who have specifically worked in alleged sections , the registers of those departments with daily activity report containing seal nos , packet nos , bag nos , etc ?


52. are not their chances of some criminals putting the seal marks of innocent officers over the notes , bundles , bags , etc ?


53. your expert is not 100% sure of seal mark , your records are not there to prove the presence of charge sheeted officers in the alleged sections , neither your expert nor your records are 100% sure on what date , at what stage , by whom crime was committed , isn't it ?


54. is not the charge sheet amounting to higher ups picking up officers they dislike & falsely implicating them ?


55. is it not cunning ploy of higher ups to divert attention from original criminals ?


56. why no action was taken against currency officer of 1977-79 mr.J.Mitra ? why his pension , super annuation benefits were not withheld ?


57. what is your justification , supporting evidence , records for picking up only three officers including mr.G.Hariram for legal prosecution and leaving the majority of probables ?


58. why you have dropped charges against five asst treasurers ? why you didn't even conduct domestic enquiry against them , let alone legal prosecution ?


59. Is it RBI's & CBI's way of fair play & justice ?


60. as inly 5% sampling of verified note bundles are done , there are more possibilities of rebundled packets getting unnoticed in relaxed 95% lot , isn't it ?


61. you have left out so many officers who worked in those sections, some of whom even became management witnesses , instead of being charge sheeted by the management, is it fair play & legal ?



62. who are the bank employees , from whom you have recovered the alleged bank loss of Rs.220000 ?


63. were all of them charge sheeted , enquired , legally prosecuted , dismissed & their pension , gratuity withheld ?


64. you don't have any internal statuotary records to prove that mr.G.Hariram worked in those departments , except a currency officer's office note dated just on the eve of charge sheet years after the alleged crime ? does it not prove that this note has been concocted just to fix mr.G.Hariram ?


65. where as you have records of other officials attendance in those departments , but not charge sheeted them why ?


66. three officers of staff grade A daily work in three sections out of 40 officers , why you have picked up only mr.G.Hariram , out of 1095 working days , he has worked for only 223 days in those sections , still those officers who worked for more days in those sections are not charge sheeted why ? the approver , the management expert witness , shift registers , V2 registers , Destruction certificates , Form CD 55 , etc , nobody , no records were able to say on what date , at what stage , by whom crime took place , also they were unable to say on what date at what stage crime was committed by mr.G.Hariram ? is it not futile imagination , cunning ploy of RBI higher authorities to fix innocent Mr.G.Hariram ?


67. the management expert witnesses said , the most probable place of crime is punching / Cancelled Note Vault , incinerator , where asst treasurers were joint custodians . they were not enquired & let off why ?


68.        the charge sheet alleges extraction / substitution of defaced note packets. Where as the management expert witness say substitution of defaced notes only ? is not there difference between loss of one number of note & 100 number of notes ?




69. as per the normal course of duty , staff officers does not count notes in each bundles , but they just count the number of bundles only. Is not there chances of inserted note bundles or bundles containing less number of notes going unnoticed ? is it not the failure of statuotary system of work practices ?

70. does not all these prove higher authorities of RBI & CBI were hell bent to fix mr.G.Hariram & to shield the original criminals ?

Questions with respect to other cases :

71. how do you monitor the work of bank officials nominated as directors of companies which have availed bank loans ?

72. how do you monitor the work of companies , in which banks have invested ?

73. how do you monitor the rapid wealth growth of certain bank officials , who work in shares investment / equity funds section , etc ?

74. inspite of project reports by bank officials , over assessment of collateral securites / value of debtor companies by bank officials , the loans become NPAs & full value cann't be realized in the market by selling off the assets of debtor companies also. In such cases , what action is taken against erring bank officials who collude with criminal industrialists for availing higher amount of loan than permissible ?

75. give bankwise specific figures of NPAs.

76. give names of industrial groups / promoters whose companies have become NPAs , so that public can be aware of them , before investing in new companies promoted by them.

77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through rowdies / recovery agents , illegal ?

78. why not criminal complaints filed against bank mangers for aiding , abetting rowdism , murdering people ?

79. if your method of employing rowdies to collect loans of Rs.10000 from commoners is right , what would you do to a promoter of a debtor company to recover loans of crores of rupees , supari killing ? but debtors of crores of rupees is let off coolly by banks , why ?

80. what is the exact amount of loss caused to the exchequer by karim lala telgi who printed fake stamp papers ?

81. what action has been taken against those involved ?

82. have you taken action against all those mentioned by telgi during narco analysis test , if not why ? is it because they are powerful & bigwigs ?

83. how you are controlling the illegal finance activities , money lending by individuals , pawn brokers & chit fund companies ?

84. how you are monitoring the receipt of public donations , foreign donations by many NGOs ?

85. how many erring NGOs , chit fund companies , pawn brokers , individuals you have booked for illegal finance activities ?


86. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?

87. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for what criminal roles ?

88. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?

89. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the security set-up in R.B.I ?

90. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?

91. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process are accounted for?

92. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?

93. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of all the above?

94. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?

95. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?

96. Give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of stores assistant in BRBNMPL in the year 1995-96 ?

97. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistant at BRBNMPL in the year 1996 ?

98. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistants & maintenance assistants at BRBNMPL in the year 1996-1998 ?

99. is not RBI & BRBNMPL authorities created by statuotary laws , fully funded by public money ie from government exchequer ?

100. still why BRBNMPL & RBI refused to answer my previous information request as per RTI Act ? are you afraid that skeletons will come out of cubboard ?

101. what action initiated against the SBI branch Bangalore & SBI Overseas branch for loss of cheque / draft amounting to crores of rupees ? if not why ?

102. give me specific figures bank wise with respect to loss caused to the bank by loss of cheques or demand drafts , etc ?

103. how RBI is containing crimes of loss of cheques / DDs causing huge losses to the banks to the tune of crores of rupees ?




Date : 01.11.2008……………………. Your’s sincerely,

Place : Mysore…………………………….. Nagaraj.M.R.



Ten reasons why criminals in khaki get away

Siddharth Varadarajan


Behind every man like S.P.S. Rathore who abuses his authority stand the generals and footsoldiers who help and support him. We need to take them all down.

S.P.S. Rathore, the criminal former top cop of Haryana, may appear alone today but we must never forget that he was able to get away with the sexual molestation of a young child and the illegal harassment of her family for 19 years because he had hundreds of men who supported him in his effort to evade justice.

The fact that these men – fellow police officers, bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, judges, school administrators – were willing to bend the system to accommodate a man accused of molesting a minor speaks volumes for the moral impoverishment of our establishment and country. Decent societies shun those involved in sexual offences against children. Even criminals jailed for `ordinary' crimes like murder treat those serving time for molesting children as beyond the pale. But in India, men like Rathore have their uses for their masters, so the system circles its wagons and protects them.

The CBI's appeal may lead to the enhancement of Rathore's sentence and perhaps even the slapping of abetment to suicide charges, since his young victim killed herself to put an end to the criminal intimidation her family was being subjected to by Rathore and his men. But the systemic rot which the case has exposed will not be remedied unless sustained public pressure is put on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram, two men who have it in their power to push for simple remedies in the way the Indian law enforcement and justice delivery system works.

First, abolish the need for official, i.e. political sanction to prosecute bureaucrats, policemen and security forces personnel when they are accused of committing crimes. The original intent behind this built-in stay-out-of-jail card was to protect state functionaries from acts done in the course of discharging their duties in good faith. Somewhere along the line, this has come to mean protecting our custodians of law and order when they murder innocent civilians (eg. the infamous Panchalthan case in Kashmir where the trial of army men indicted by the CBI for murdering five villagers in 2000 still cannot take place because the Central government will not grant permission), or assault or molest women and children. No civilised, democratic society grants such impunity. It is disgusting to see former officials and bureaucrats from Haryana saying how they had wanted Rathore prosecuted but were prevented from doing so because of pressure. Such officials should either be made formally to testify in a criminal case against the politicians who so pressured them or they should themselves be hauled up for perverting the course of justice.

Second, stop talking about how making the police and army answerable to the law will somehow demoralise their morale. Does anybody care about the morale of ordinary citizens any more? Or the morale of upright police and army officers, who do not think it is right for their colleagues to be able to get away with criminal acts?

Third, bring an end to the cosy relationship between the police and politicians. Rathore was protected by four chief ministers of Haryana. He served them and they served him by ensuring his unfettered rise. It is absurd that the Indian Police is still governed by a colonial-era Act dating back to 1861. A number of commissions have made recommendations for reforming the police over the years; but no government or political party wants to give up its ability to use and misuse the police for their own benefit.

Fourth, ensure that police officers who abuse their authority and engage in mala fide prosecutions are dismissed from service and sentenced to jail for a long period of time. Mr. Chidambaram should use the considerable resources at his command to find out who were the policemen involved in filing 11 bogus cases against the teenaged brother of the young girl Rathore molested. He should then make sure criminal proceedings are initiated against all of them. The message must go out to every policeman in the country: If you abuse the law at the behest of a superior, you will suffer legal consequences.

Fifth, ensure that criminal charges against law enforcement personnel are fast-tracked as a matter of routine so that a powerful defendant is not able to use his position to delay proceedings the way Rathore did for years on end. The destruction or disappearance of material evidence in such cases must be treated as a grave offence with strict criminal liability imposed on the individual responsible for breaking the chain of custody.

Sixth, empower the National Human Rights Commission with teeth so that police departments and state governments cannot brush aside their orders as happened in the Rathore case. This would also require appointing to the NHRC women and men who have a proven record of defending human rights in their professional life, something that is done today only in the breach. The attitude of the Manmohan Singh government to this commission and others like the National Commission for Women (NCW) and National Commission for Minorities is shocking. Vacancies are not filled for months on end.

Seventh, ensure the early enactment of pending legislation broadening the ambit of sexual crimes, including sexual crimes against children. Between rape, defined as forced penetrative sex, and the vague, Victorian-era crime of `outraging the modesty of a woman', the Indian Penal Code recognises no other form of sexual violence. As a result, all forms of sexual molestation and assault short of rape attract fairly lenient punishment, of the kind Rathore got. In his case, the judge did not even hand down the maximum sentence, citing concerns for the criminal's age. Sadly, he did not take into account the age of the victim and neither does the IPC, which fails to distinguish between `outraging the modesty' of an adult woman and a young child.

A draft law changing these provisions and bringing India into line with the rest of the modern world has been pending with the NCW and Law Ministry for years. Perhaps the government may now be shamed into pushing it through Parliament at the earliest.

Eighth, take steps to introduce a system of protection of witnesses and complainants. The fate that the family of Rathore's young victim had to endure is testament to the fact that people who seek justice in India do so at their own peril.

Ninth, ensure that robust interrogation techniques like narco-analysis, which are routinely used against other alleged criminals, are also employed against police officers accused of crimes.

Tenth, the media and the higher judiciary must also turn the light inward and ask themselves whether they were also derelict in their duty. The Rathore case did not attract the kind of constant media attention it deserved, nor do other cases involving serving police officers accused of crimes against women, workers, peasants and minorities. As for the upper courts, their record is too patchy to inspire confidence. It was, after all, the high court which chose to disregard the CBI's request for including abetment to suicide charges.

Keywords: Siddharth VaradarajanS.P.S. Rathorecriminalskhakiformer DGP of Haryanacustodianssexual violenceNHRC



Why   Jury   System   is   superior   than   judge   system




1.     What is judge system and Jury System?

2.     How judge system has weakened India : A specific example

3.     judge-lawyer nexus in judge system

4.     Nexuslessness : KEY difference Jury System creates over judge system

5.     Knowledge/information factor

6.     Summary

What is judge system and Jury System?

     In any nation, there will be disputes over many issues between two or more individuals, and if these disputes are NOT resolved by the state/nation in short time, the individuals will resolve to private retribution thereby causing a chaos. Such chaos could wreck the nation. So for stability, it becomes necessary for the citizenry to give judgements on these disputes, and use force to enforce that judgement. 

     A nation consisting of lakhs and crores of citizens would have thousands and lakhs of disputes a year. It is NOT possible for every citizen to personally take interest in each of the these individual thousands and lakhs of disputes. A citizen can at best take interest in 1-2 disputes a month or year. Therefore, the citizenry has not much option, but to appoint some individuals, for each dispute and take their decision has almost final in most cases, and scrutinize (via appeal) them in some cases. 

     So one of the procedure that a nation has to execute, implicitly or explicitly, is to choose individuals to give judgement on a perticular dispute. There are two broad systems depening on how individuals are chosen

1.     The Jury System : Given any dispute, 5-10-15 citizens are chosen at random from the voter list of all adult citizens in that district/state, and these citizens, called as Jurors, hear the arguments, examine the evidences, and give a verdict

2.     the judge system : some senior individuals in the state appoints some chosen individuals in a district and appointed as judges, who will have term for 2-4-more years. And these fixed small number of appointed individuals will resolve the disputes.

     Other systems, which use BOTH, random selection of citizenry as well as appointed individuals are basically simple combitions of Jury System and judge system. And there are many other factors, like size of Jury, qualifications, screening rules etc which make one Jury System differ from another. But fundamental difference between Jury System and judge system is : Jury System depends on a few randomly chosen citizens from ENTIRE population, and DIFFERENT Jurors are used for different cases; WHILE judge system uses same appointed individuals for almost all cases that would come. 

     On the surface, this issue may look unimportant --- what difference does it make whether cases are decided by randomly chosen citizens or a fixed judges? But this trivial looking difference plays a huge role in the strengthening or weakening the nation.

How judge system has weakened India : A specific example 

     Cosider a specific kind of crime --- street criminals (commonly called as Daadaa) collecting protection money from small shop-keepers etc every month, openly and fearlessly. There are places in US/Europe with high crimes, but nowhere can one see criminals opnely extorting money from shop-keepers. 

     There are many differential reasons for this. One of the factor why career crime is rampant in India, and less seen in West is the that India uses judge system, while the West uses Jury System. The judge system makes India's courts very nexused, while the Jury System has drastically reduced the nexusproneness in Western courts. 

     Lets see how Jury System reduces the nexusproneness in Western Courts. Consider a mid-level career criminal with a gang of 50-100 criminals. He may be operating in some 5-10 areas. Now to sustain their operations, he and his gang members would need to pay monthly bribes to many MLAs, MPs, police officers, other officers, government lawyers, judges etc and would also need money to hire lawyers, mercinaries etc on time to time basis. All this, means a monthly FIXED COST of lakhs of rupees. Now such career criminal CAN NOT always find 5-10 victims that would cover all the costs and give profits every month. So almost always, a gang of career criminals has to victimise 100s of victims a month. 

     In short, a career criminal and his gang-member has to commit 100s of crime a month. Out of so many crimes, some 20-30 of victims would end up filing complain in the courts. This would generate some 300-400 court cases per year. 

     Now this is where judge system and Jury System would create difference in combating career crimes.

Career criminal in judge system

Career criminal in Jury System

·  In the judge system, these 300-400 cases will go to just 5-10 judges, who have a term of 2-4 years in their areas.

·  So in order to delay the case (to frustrate the complainers/witnesses) or get outright aquittals, the gang leader has to cultivate nexuses with ONLY 5-10 judges.

·  He cultivates nexuses with 5-10 judges, and bingo ... he can manage an acquital/delay in 99% cases.

·  In the Jury System, EACH case goes to 12-15 DIFFERENT Jurors, randomly chosen from the district.

·  So to get acquitals in 300-400 cases a year, the gang leader will need to cultivate nexuses with 3000-5000 Jurors a year.

·  Long delay in Jury Trials are rare as each Jury is given ONLY one case, hearings are from 11am to 4pm on one and only one case, and mostly next date is next day.

·  so managing acquitals in even 10%-20% cases is next to impossible, much much harder than it is in judge system

     IOW, since a large number of cases in Indian courts are resolved by a small number of individuals (i.e. judges) the career criminal who have cultuvated nexuses with are having a field day. While West uses a very large number of individuals to resolve court cases, which makes establishing nexuses in a larger number of cases difficult.

judge-lawyer nexus in judge system 

     That was about judge-criminal nexus. The courts in India are sprawling with judge-lawyer nexuses. How does judge-lawyer nexus come into existance?

judge-lawyer nexus

No Jury-lawyer nexus

·  Say 3-5 senior lawyers have 10-20 junior lawyers working for them. Say they are togather taking 200-400 cases a year in a district

·  Most of these cases would to same 10-20 judges posted in that district.

·  Within 3-6 months these lawyers can cultivate nexuses with these 10-20 judges.

·  No one in Western courts has even seen Juror-lawyer nexus. It simply cant exist as ...

·  the 3-5 senior lawyers, who are taking 200-400 cases a year will end up facing 2000-5000 Jurors a year

·  there is no time to cultivate nexuses with even 5% of them.

Putting it other way

When a lawyer makes a nexus with a judge during the trial of a case, that nexus with that judge will be CERTAINLY useful to that lawyer in ALL his cases which will come up before that judge.

Even if a lawyer manages to form nexuses with say 7-8 out of 12 Jurors during the trial of a case, those nexus with those Jurors will be of NO USE at all in ALL other case of that lawyer, as Jurors change with each and every trial.

Nexuslessness : KEY difference Jury System creates over judge system 

     I will re-explain the difference Jury System creates.

1.     There are 12 DIFFERENT Jurors for each case, and NO citizen is allowed to sit in Jury for more than once in say 5-10 years. (The judge's role is to guide the Jurors, not to decide the guilt.)

2.     So in the West, say there are 5000 cases a year in a district, the verdict is given by 50000 to 60000 Jurors. Where as in judge system, these 5000 verdicts will be given by mere 20-50 judges.

3.     Lets look at it another way. Say a judge gives say 100 verdicts a year and say a judge's career is 30 years long. So one individual, the judge, decides 3000 cases. Whereas, in The Jury System, EACH case goes to 10-15 DIFFERENT Jurors. So the judgements in these 3000 cases will come from 30000 to 40000 DIFFERENT Jurors.

4.     So the number of 'decision makers' in Jury System is much much larger. The number of decision makers in courts go up by not just 10-12-15 times, but almost 20000 to 40000 times higher.

     How does this make courts of West less nexusprone? While it is indeed possible to make nexuses with 7-10 out of 12 Jurors and get a favorable verdict, it is NOT possible for a lawyer or a career criminal to make nexuses with 1000 out of 2000 Jurors. Basically, in a district's courts, when number of decision makers are small, such as just 20-50, it is possible for a lawyer or a career criminal to cultivate nexuses with them. But when number of decision makers are large, as large as 50000-60000, it is next to impossible for a career criminal or a lawyer to cultivate a nexuses with many of them. 

[Note :

     The Jury System is the KEY reason why Courts in US are much less nexused than courts in India. But it is NOT the only reason. Following are the OTHER additional reasons why US Courts are less nexused than Courts in India

1.     Grand Jury System : The public prosecutors in US are accountable to Grand Jury consisting of some 25-30 citizens. They are semi-randomly chosen from citizenry; term is 6 months to 1 year, and repeatations are NOT allowed. This makes Grand Jury a fairly less nexusprone body.

2.     The public prosecuors in most states/district are elected. When not elected, they are appointed by PM/CM/Mayor, and appointment needs approval of majority of MPs/MLAs/Panchayat-Members. Where as in India, PPs in ALL districts are appointed by Law Ministers. The procedure is more nexus-prone compared to election procedure.

3.     The police chief in most districts in US is elected. This makes police chiefs more responsible to citizenry and less nexused than appointed police chiefs.

4.     The judges in many states/districts in US are elected. Election is less nexusprone procedure than appointment. When not elected, judges are appointed by PM/CM and appointment needs approval of majority of MLAs/MPs. This procedure is far less nexusprone than procedure used in India, where judges appoint judges without any public debate.

end of Note]

Knowledge/information factor

One objection often cited by anti-Jury pro-judge individuals is that Jurors have less knowledge/information about the law. This objection is partly incorrect --- BOTH jurors and judges have SAME knowledge/information about basic concepts of justice, fairness, right/wrong etc. The ONLY difference is that judges have more TECHNICAL knowledge about specific details. eg both judges and Jurors know that violence is crime, crime done with specific monetary motive is more henious than spotaneous violence etc. But Jurors may or may not be aware of specific details like such and such act carries maximum punishment of say 5 years or 7 years or 6 months and so forth. Such specific details are easy to grasp and apply. 

The pro-judge anti-Jury people do not mention the other point --- i.e. judges progressively get more and more nexused. A newly appointed young Magistrate is relatively nexusless, and so he is bold, upright, straight forward and fair. But as days go, he cultivates more and more nexuses with lawyers, criminals, other judges, officers, Ministers, MLAs, local riches etc. Whereas each Jury is DIFFERENT and so un-nexused. 

IMO, decisions from un-nexused Jurors will have more integrity and fairness than decisions of nexused judges, no matter how much more knowledgeable and informed they might be. Therefor, I prefer Jury System over judge system.

How to bring Jury System in India ?

The question is for all those, but ONLY those, who believe that decisions of inhererently ununexused Jurors will be better than decisions of the fixed permanent judges, who are nexusprone and often nexused. To those who believe that judge system is better than Jury System, this is a non-question. 

Now following is are the steps I suggest using which citizens in India can expel the judges and bring Jurors onboard.

1.     First citizens should get LM.01-03 passed in Panchayats, Assembly and Parliament. These procedures would reduce citizens dependence on MLAs/MPs etc in getting Jury related laws passed in Panchayats, Assembly and Parliament.

2.     Next, citizens should pass a law in Parliament using LM.03, which would give full powers the State Legislatures to draft the laws related with appointments of judges in all courts which would takes cases on issues which are State subjects. The Central government would ONLY manage the cases that are related with Central subjects.

3.     Next, citizens should pass a law in Assemblies using LM.02, which would give full powers the Districts to draft the laws related with appointments of judges in Lower Courts, whose power is restricted to maximum punishment of 3 years and fine of Rs 100,000, and would also empower Districts to have full control over administration of such LCs.

4.     Using LM.03, citizens can expel all appointed judges in SC and ensure that SCs has ONLY 10 judges of which all 10 are DIRECTLY elected by citizens of India. And using LM.03, citizens can pass a law that would create Jury System in Supreme Court of India.

5.     Using LM.02, citizens can expel all appointed judges in HC and ensure that HCs has ONLY 10 judges of which all 10 are DIRECTLY elected by citizens of the State. And using LM.02, citizens can pass a law that would create Jury System in High Courts of States

6.     Using LM.03, citizens can expel all appointed judges in LCs and ensure that LCs judges get DIRECTLY elected by citizens of the District. And using LM.01, citizens can pass a law that would create Jury System in Lower Courts.

Basically, 1st step redeuces the need to convince MLAs who are hostile to Jury System due to a mutual understainding that whereby judges will not hurt MLAs and MLAs will not hurt the judges. The second step will allow each state to decide whether they want judge system or Jury System, and how they want to manage their State courts. The third steps takes it down to district level --- for all crimes in which maximum punishment is below 3 years. Now citizens of districts are on their own --- some district may decide to continue as is with appointed judges, some may opt for elected judges with no Jury, some district may opt for elected judges with Jury System and so forth. 

This may reduce uniformity, but DOES NOT result into discrimination, as inside a court, all citizens are treated equally. Such uniformity does not exist even today, as some laws under state subjects vary from state to state. Also, since Criminal Procedure Code is joint subject in India, CrPC in different states does vary. Also, since the procedures to appoint judgfes in lower courts is left to HC chief judges, they vary from State to State. So we do NOT have uniformity today. So my proposed setup DOES NOT destroy uniformity, as we dont have uniformity anyway. 

To enact Jury based procedures in India, I have proposed following procedures :

1.     CT.01 - Jury for/against an employee staff of Municipality

2.     CT.02 - Jury for/against Junior Policemen

3.     CT.03 - Jury for/against State Govt officers related to taxation

4.     CT.04 - Jury for/against State Govt officers related taxation

5.     CT.05 - Jury in courts under Executive such as court of Executive Magistrate, District Magistrate, SSRD etc)

6.     CT.06 - Jury in Lower Courts

7.     CT.07 - Jury in High Court

8.     CT.08 - Jury in Supreme Court


The officers and private citizens in India are supervised by judges who have a tenure of 15-30 years and a term of 2-3 years in a given court. Such a long tenure and term is quite a long time for criminals/lawyers and judges to establish nexuses amongst themselves and benefit at the cost of nation. We, the commons of India, MUST abandon this system for good. Instead, we MUST use a rotating group of 5-10-15 citizens, chosen at random from citizenry to decide upon a case. Unless we use this Jury System in departmental inquiries, quasi-courts and courts, the problem of judge-criminal nexus and judge-lawyer nexus will remain in our courts and will contitue to corrode the nation. Earlier we switch to Jury System, better it is for India.



- An appeal to honourable supreme court of india


Indian prisons are meant to be reforming schools for the prisoners. By the corrupt practices of the officials , the prisons have become  factories turning out  hardened criminals.


Say , a person was caught by police on  suspicion  of  pick-pocketing. The police produce the accussed before the magistrate , in turn he remands him for judicial custody. Let us consider , The punishment for this offence pick-pocketing as per law is 6 months imprisonment. However the case drags on for 3 years , finally the court finds him guilty of offence & orders for 6 months imprisonment. Totally, the offender serves 42 months imprisonment sentence in practice. In some cases , the courts consider the time already spent by the accussed behind the bars while giving judgement. In this example , even if the offender is let free taking 6 months imprisonment sentence, the offender has been given excess sentence of 36-6=30 months.


Taking the same example further, say the court finds  the accused as innocent, not guilty of crime & lets him free. However , the poor chap has suffered 36 months imprisonment for no fault of his.


As per law, no body not even the courts of law are legally empowered to punish anybody  beyond the legal procedures , rules established. In this way, due to delay in our legal system , faulty bail procedures , thousands of under-trials  are suffering in various prisons throught India. Arew not the courts which remanded those accused to judicial custody responsible for this illegal act of excessive punishment ? what punishment should be given to those judges ?


The bail procedure in India , is also faulty without considering quantum of offence & financial status of the accused. A person accused of stealing rs.100 has to provide bail surety bond of rs.5000 or personal surety by a wealthy  person / government servant. The poor person having personal contacts , friendship with rich persons / government servants is quite remote , so he can'nt secure bail on personal bond. The poor chaps family is not rich enough to spend rs.5000 surety amount. As a result, unable to secure bail the poor chap suffers in jail for years.


Say, a rich industrialist is accused of  rs.20 crores tax evasion, he is let free on a personal bond of rs.1 lakh. Stamp paper scam kingpin karim lala telgi  has swindled government to the tune of thousands of crores of rupees, only few cases are registered against him. That too in one out of those cases involving rs.45 lakh worth stamp sale , judge has given him rigorous imprisonment plus a fine of rs.50000.


Considering the above examples it is quite clear the bail amount, fine amount  are peanuts for the rich  just a fraction of quantum of their crime , while for the poor it is huge many times more than the quantum of their crime.. it is biased towards rich & mighty criminals. As a result poor always suffers in jail, while rich are out on bail.


Even within prisons , the number of prisoners per sq.ft area , no of doctors , hospital beds , medicines available, weight of food per day given to prisoners , are all less & much below the statuotary limits. The food , health care , living conditions of  prisoners , under-trials are worse than pigs. The prison authorities are utterly corrupt, which has been brought into light again & again by the media. If a poor prisoner questions the illegal acts of the officials , he is subjected to 3rd degree torture , roughed up by rowdy prisoners on the instigation of the officials themselves. Many poor prisoners are suffering from  health problems , many are dying due to lack of proper health care & food in the prisons.


Whereas , the rich & mighty prisoners , by payting bribe get non-veg  , alchoholic drinks from outside restaurants daily. They even secure drugs  . they get spacious VIP rooms , television , mobile phones. They easily get parole & easily gets admitted in outside hospitals & roam free , while on record they are in-patients in hospitals.


The law of limitation which stipulates time limits for filing various cases is also biased towards the government as a party & rich , mighty.  For the purposes of evidences , filing of cases one needs various government records. The concerned officials don't provide those records for years unless bribed & sit over the files for years. Some times by making absurd , illogical file notings , rejects it back. There is no time limit  for the performance of duties by public servants. When a commoner don�t get relevant records , files , evidences in time , how can he file cases in time without those records , evidences ?


Nowadays , numerous cases of irregularities , charges of corruption against judges  are coming to light. However , in such cases  judges are asked to resign from service but no criminal prosecution against them is instituted , only in cases involving lower court judges it is done. When a case of irregularity by a judge in a specific present case comes , there are every possibility that in the past also he has committed the same in cases handled by him which has not come to light. In such instances , all the cases handled by that particular judge throught his career must be reviewed , but is not done why ? does not it amount to cover-ups ?


In many cases the higher courts have turned down the verdicts of the lower courts , let free the innocents , absolved innocents of charges & annulled death sentences when appeals came before  them.  However , in all such cases , the lower court judges  must be punished for  giving out wrong judgements, meating out injustice to innocents. Here a fact must be noted , only a fraction  of cases goes in appeal to higher courts, as in majority of cases the  poor people lack the financial might to make the appeal. The so-called  free legal services authority pre-judges the cases before giving legal aid. As a result , many innocents poor people resign to their fates suffer injustice in courts of law , undergo imprisonment punishment , some times even death sentence. So , the urgent need of the hour is to incorporate jury system or some outside monitoring system to review cases as & when decided.


In many cases involving the rich & mighty like telgi , case proceedings are conducted in-camera in judge's chambers or proceedings are conducted through video conferencing . outside from public gaze. The tapes are not made public  and the public cann't even ascertain the validity of tapes , whether it is edited , doctored .


One of the basic reasons for delayed justice  &  worse prison conditions in India , is low number of judges , police personnel , higher rate of case adjournments  and finally low amount of financial grants made by the government  to judicial department / police department. The government states that  it doesn't have enough money to provide for judiciary & police. As a result, fundamental / human rights of innocent commoners are thwarted. The state governments & GOI ,  is one of either parties in 75% of cases  before various courts in India, it is the biggest litigant & is influencing the judiciary by controlling the grants , recruitment to judiciary & by enticing some with post-retirement postings.


The government has got money  to spend on lavish parties of VVIPs , IAS officers serving non-veg foods , alchoholic drinks . their foreign jaunts , 5-star bungalows , limousines , interior decorations of their bungalows, etc. which is of higher priority , importance , whether the luxury of VVIPs or the fundamental / human rights of  commoners ? the courts should answer. The courts have the legal powers to order governments to provide enough financial grants to it , however it is keeping mum , turning blinds eye to crimes of VVIP�s. the government rewards such judges with salary hikes , promotions , luxury cars , bungalows , perks and post-retirement postings , sites at judicial lay-out , yelahanka , Bangalore , etc.


We at  e-voice  have  utmost respect for the judiciary , but hereby humbly bringing the crimes of judiciary before the honest  few judges seeking justice to the common folk. 







MYSORE - 570017.


Honourable DG & IG of Police ,
State Police H.Q ,


Honourable Circle Inspector of Police,
Vijayanagar Police Station,

Honourable Sir,

   Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India &  H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants 

                   Karnataka Police are NOT registering & acting on my  complaint  to them dated  04.07.2009 , 10.12.2004 ,. ETC.

A  person committing a criminal offense is a CRIMINAL. The Person  who aids a criminal in his criminal act , in hiding the criminal act , in destroying the evidences  of criminal act  is also  a CRIMINAL. The
person whose duty is to prevent criminal acts from  happening , who intentionally fails in his preventive duties  and  thereby facilitating  the criminal in committing crime is also a CRIMINAL.

Information  given by government  authorities are EVIDENCES , denial of information  amounts to hiding  of evidence ,  improper , half truth information given  amounts to MANIPULATION & DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCES. In this way many of our public servants including judges & police themselves are criminals , but are not prosecuted by the authorities , why ?

Due to delay in giving appropriate  information , many crimes have  taken place which could have been prevented. As the delay in taking action , giving information / evidence is on the part of government
authorities , the issue of TIME BARRED FOR ADMISSABILITY doesn’t arise. At the outset , we express  our whole hearted respects to the honest few  public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service don’t deserve  respect as individuals – as they are  parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals.

All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term “JUDGE” mentioned throught includes all public servants  discharging judicial
functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India.

Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise  their voice seeking justice  are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already
attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be
responsible  for it.

The Vijayanagar police in mysore stated that  they don’t have legal jurisdiction to book the criminals I have mentioned in the complaint & by taking a statement from me to that effect  closed the case
temporarily on  11.09.2010  after sitting over the complaint  for years together. Is it not the  duty of  DG&IGP to seek the permission from home ministry to legally prosecute the alleged criminal VVIPs ?
Why he was silent ? Ofcourse the lower rung police officers practically don’t have power to prosecute high & mighty ?

Hereby , I do request the  DG & IG OF Police , Government of Karnataka to seek the legal sanction from union home ministry & Karnataka state home ministry , for the prosecution of  below mentioned criminal VVIPs & to reopen my complaint here with.
In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are equal , have right to equal oppurtunity & equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the constitution has guaranteed these to every
Indian citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of his / her birth. However in india , CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES / PUBLIC SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords , autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS
appointed to serve the public, public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers & paymasters of this very same public servants. In India , corruption has spread it’s tentacles far & wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there corruption has spread .In present day India , if one is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from courts of law. there are corrupt police officials who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up different line of investigation ,  fix innocents , coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3
rd degree torture , file B report closing the case , decides not to appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the list of millionnaire police officials who are caught by karnataka lokayukta.

Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks for a price , as observed in high profile BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates , together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is left high & dry even though the judge is honest, he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is corrupt , people’s last hope , democracy is dead. Nowadays we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.

our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION before hon’ble supreme court of India but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION MEANS ? ISSUES WHICH ARE OF PUBLIC CONCERN AFFECTING MANY NUMBER OF PUBLICS.
The issues raised by us for sample :
1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages , colas affecting the health of millions of Indians & public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous products from india .
2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits , tribals , backward castes by government authorities whereas regularising  illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings by high & mighty people in total disregard to law. in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers.
3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws , pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.
4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants leaking india’s defense secrets to foreign countries & some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf countries & elsewhere. these type of appeals are for public good , national security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of india is not considering our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good , inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints. over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me. Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals  the Honourable chief justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI & PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti nationals , amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a cognizable offence.


http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate  ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html  ,

ACCUSED Chief Justice of India

http://crosscji.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/  ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/  ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/  , 

http://crosscji.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/  ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/  ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/  , 

http://crosscji.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/  ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/  ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/  , 

http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/  , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/

http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/  , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/  , 

http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/  , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/  , 

http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/  ,

http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/  ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/  ,

are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/  ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/  ,

http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/  ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/  ,

reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/  ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/  ,

crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/  ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/  ,

crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/  ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/  ,

crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/  ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/   ,

currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/  ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/  ,

killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/  ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/  ,

We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies , public servants , but it is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby repeatedly violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally prescribed FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF INDIA.

Hereby , i do request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants  ACCUSED CRIMINALS  viz

1.H.E.Honourable President of India
2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India
3. Union Home Secretary , GOI
4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India
5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of karnataka
6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority
7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority
8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation
9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka

       10. Central Information Commission Members and

11. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links, on the above mentioned charges.



 the whole issue of this news paper & the related materials at the weblinks provided, forms part of this
complaint. If i am  repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the
government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police
station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my
family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if
criminal nexus levels fake charges ,  police file fake cases against me or my dependents  to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.

if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. Thanking you.
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.

Date   : 20.08.2012…………………………Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore……………………………..Nagaraja.M.R.


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