Ning dipol momenti BeF2
Berilyum ftorid molekulasidagi ikkita berilyum-ftor bog'lari orasidagi bog'lanish burchagi 180o. Ftor berilliyga qaraganda ko'proq elektronegativ atomdir, shuning uchun u elektron zichligini o'zi tomon siljitadi. Ikkita alohida bog'lanish dipol momentlari bir-birini bekor qiladi BeF2 molekulasi. Ular kattaligi bo'yicha teng, ammo yo'nalishi bo'yicha aniq dipol momentiga qarama-qarshi bo'lgani uchun a BeF2 molekulasi nolga teng.
Suvning dipol momenti H2O
Suv molekulasida elektronlar kislorod atomi atrofida lokalizatsiya qilinadi, chunki u vodorod atomiga qaraganda ancha elektronegativdir. Kislorod atomida yolg'iz juft elektronlarning mavjudligi suv molekulasining valentlik qobig'i bo'yicha egilgan shaklga ega bo'lishiga olib keladi elektron jufti itarish nazariyasi. Shunday qilib, individual bog'lanish dipol momentlari bir-birini bekor qilmaydi BeF2 molekulasi. Suvdagi bog'lanish burchagi H2O molekula 104.5o. Suv molekulasidagi kislorod-vodorod bog'lanishining individual bog'lanish momenti 1,5 D. suvdagi aniq dipol momenti H2O molekula 1.84 D.
Dipole moment in BH3 and NH3
In the boron trihydride BH3 molecule, the dipole moment is zero. The dipole moment of ammonia NH3 is 1.49D. Boron trihydride BH3 has a symmetrical structure and the 3 B – H bonds are at an angle of 120o to each other. The 3 bonds are present in a single plane, so dipole moments cancel each other and the net dipole moment equal to zero. On the other hand, NH3 has a pyramidal structure, with 3 N – H bonds and a lone pair on the nitrogen atom. The resultant dipole moment of NH3 is 1.49 D.
Uses of Dipole Moment
The dipole moment is used to find the polar nature of the bond. As the magnitude of dipole moment increases, more will be the polar nature of the bond in a molecule. Molecules with zero dipole moment are non-polar in nature, while molecules with dipole moment are said to be polar in nature.
The dipole moment is used to find the structure or shape of the molecules. Molecules with specific dipole moment values will not have a symmetrical structure as they can be bent or angular in shape. While molecules with zero dipole moment will have a symmetrical structure or shape.
The dipole movement is in use for calculating the percentage ionic character in a molecule.
Dipol momenti molekulalarning simmetriyasini aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi. Ularning ichida ikki yoki undan ortiq qutbli bog'lanishlar bo'lgan molekulalar nosimmetrik bo'lmaydi va shu bilan dipol momentiga ega bo'ladi. Misollar Uchun H2U=1.84D, CH3Cl ya'ni, metil xlorid = 1.86 D. molekuladagi o'xshash atomlar Markaziy atomga qo'shilsa natijaviy dipol momenti nolga teng. Bunday molekulalar nosimmetrik tuzilmalarga ega. Misollar: JO2, CH4.
Dipol momenti cis - va trans-izomerlarni ajratish uchun ishlatiladi. Odatda, dipol momenti yuqori bo'lgan izomer trans-izomer va pastki dipol momenti bo'lgan izomer cis-izomer hisoblanadi.
Dipol momenti orto, meta va para izomerlarini ajratish uchun ishlatiladi. Odatda, para-izomer dipol momenti nolga, orto-izomer a esa meta-izomernikidan katta dipol momentiga ega.
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