Measures to improve the efficiency of PFM This DFA reveals that total available development finance is expected to stagnate as a
share of GDP in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the short-term priority for financing the
COVID-19 recovery focuses on improving the spending efficiency and development impact
of currently available development finance, mostly public, but also increasingly private
investment. Countries can save about as much through efficiency efforts in education, health
care, and infrastructure as they could raise through tax reform (IMF, 2018). The ongoing
PFM reforms are a timely opportunity for mainstreaming the SDGs principle of ‘Leaving no
one behind’ across the Uzbek PFM system. This will, in turn, support related SDG financing
solutions that depend on certain advancements in PFM.
The JP focuses explicitly on strengthening the GoU’s asset management by developing
standard processes and enhancing organizational structure to allow the Uzbek authorities to
effectively deliver their functions on asset management; enhance the capacity of practitioners;
and, develop a manual on asset management procedures and best practices.
In complement to the PFM Reform Strategy and the JP’s ongoing activities, this DFA
identifies the following areas of reform that can be considered for improving public spending
efficiency and delivery:
ncentivize greater inter-ministerial coordination and cooperation: For example, allocation of funding for planning and activities can be made conditional on cooperation and joint implementation across several ministries.
Mainstream SDGs across the Medium-Term Investment Policy Strategy to link the key performance indicators of the Public Investment Strategy with socio-economic development priorities of the country towards achieving positive structural changes in the economy of Uzbekistan. This could be extended to selection criteria for businesses accessing investment promotion measures.
Improve the governance of SOEs (See list of policy options recommended by the World Bank in the section on SOEs).
Introduce a more transparent system of intergovernmental fiscal transfers: Accelerating progress in the fiscal management of subnational governments is especially critical considering the COVID-19 pandemic. Progressing towards a predictable and needs-based allocation of intergovernmental transfers and equalization grants would enable a more equitable distribution of financial resources towards building back better.
Integrate SDG considerations into the Supreme Audit Institution’s strategic planning to assess and report on institutional capacities to operate effective, accountable and transparent institutions.
Strengthen internal accountability systems through digitization and e-governance and improving public access to information and decision-making.
Step up the fight against corruption by better enforcing the recently adopted provisions on the prevention of conflict of interest in the public administration.
Measures to improve social protection and assistance
Development partners identified the following reform priorities in social protection: assessing the needs of all categories of population; supporting the expansion of the existing social protection system, strengthening institutional coherence among social assistance, labor market and social insurance programs; revision of eligibility and delivery mechanisms to make them more responsive to current pandemic and future shocks; and, strengthening system capacity at the national and local levels to respond to the urgent and evolving needs of population over the medium and long term.