. Pronunciation is taught according to the following principles: Using information of comparative analysis of phonetic systems of foreign language and language(s) the pupils speak. The steady pronunciation skill of the pupil who started to learn a foreign language often interferes in learning new phonetic units. Comparative analysis helps to define the difference and similarity between them. Synchronous formation of speech action and hearing images of pronunciation in foreign language. During pronunciation skills of hearing and speech action compose inseparable unit. Oral utterance is controlled by hearing analyzer.
What are the main principles (criteria) of selecting phonetic/pronunciation minimum?
- Distribution and typology of pronunciation material Minimum of the EL phonetic (pronunciation) is selected according to vocabulary and grammar minima. Language material is usually consists of active and passive minima. The notions of active and passive in phonetic (pronunciation) minimum are treated differently. Active and passive pronunciation minima are learned simultaneously. They are included in the complex language skills and appear in speaking and perception. Pronunciation minimum is selected according to the following criteria: (1) the proportion of phonetic unit to the need of speech communication; (2) appropriate style for selection; (3) normativity of pronunciation; (4) prevalence. According to the first criterion there are selected phonemes and intonemas that differ meaning, as pronunciation minimum includes all phonemes (but not their variants). Appropriate style for selection takes as a base full style of pronunciation, i.e., literary, academic style (conversation style is not appropriate). Literary style could seem to be more artificial but it is more suitable to secondary education. Criterion of pronunciation norm is close to style criterion, the task of which not to allow the inclusion of dialectal pronunciation into pronunciation minimum. It is recommended to learn phonetic sample, i.e. literary pronunciation. Prevalence is also like criteria of style and norm. The most used phonetic units are selected and included into phonetic minimum. On the base of these criteria pronunciation minimum is selected from the phonetic system of the learned foreign language. The most used phonetic units in speech are selected and included into minimum. In keeping the criteria the phonetic peculiarities of the EL are taken into consideration. In distribution of vocabulary and grammar material the first issue was to divide into active and passive. Distribution of phonetic material in pronunciation is particular. The listened (passive) and uttered (active) as pronunciation units are not acquired alternately but simultaneously, there occur inner speech in listening and outer (oral) speech in utterance. Distribution of phonetic material occurs according to the following scientific-methodical criteria: 1) speech orientation; 2) distribution of difficulties. These criteria act variously in different textbooks. The common thing is that the received lexical-grammatical distribution predetermines pronunciation distribution.