Dasturiy ta’minot qurilmasi va evolyusiyasi” fanidan nazorat savollari

How many technological processes are defined in RUP

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80. How many technological processes are defined in RUP.
81. Purpose of testing the program
82. What testing methods (methods) do you know and describe their tasks?
83. Explain the methodology of "Black" and "White" box methods?
84. Purpose of testing the program
85. What testing methods (methods) do you know and describe their tasks?
86. Explain the methodology of "Black" and "White" box methods?
87. Task of testing tools
88. How many stages does the test consist of?
89. What do you understand by formalization of tests?
90. Purpose of testing the program
91. What testing methods (methods) do you know and describe their tasks?
92. State the six main characteristics of system reliability.
93. What do you mean by software evolution?
94. In what cases is it inevitable to change the software product?
95. What do you know about software maintenance?
96. What does the evolution of a software product depend on?
97. What is the role of the Internet in the development of software?
98. Describe the types of software services.
99. What does the term corrective service mean?
100. What does the term flexible service mean?
101. What does the phrase preventive maintenance mean?
102. Describe Lehman's laws of software evolution.

Dasturiy ta’minot qurilmasi va evolyusiyasi” fanidan nazorat savollari

  1. Dasturiy ta’minot qurilmasi va evolyusiyasi” fanini o’qitishdan maqsad va vazifasi nimalardan iborat?

ENG: The main goal of the course is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of various software construction methods, development of software constructions, and software development.
This course introduces students to various software architectures, develops and implements new software architectures.

  1. Dasturiy ta'minotdan foydalanish qulayligi haqida nimalar bilasiz?

ENG: Software usability refers to the quality of user experience when interacting with products or systems, including websites, software, devices, or applications. Usability depends on efficiency, effectiveness and overall user satisfaction. It is important to understand that usability is not a single, one-dimensional feature of a product, system, or user interface. "Usability" is a combination of the following factors:
Intuitive design: the site's architecture and navigation are almost easily understood
Ease of learning: how quickly a user who has never seen a user interface before can perform basic tasks
Usability: how quickly an experienced user can perform tasks
Recall: if, after visiting the site, the user can remember enough to use it effectively on future visits
Error frequency and severity: how often users make errors when using the system, how serious the errors are, and how users recover from the errors will be
Subjective satisfaction: if the user likes using the system

  1. Dasturiy ta'minotning barqarorligi nimalardan iborat?

ENG: Software stability refers to resistance to incremental changes in software. This is one of the most important attributes that affect maintenance costs. Software stability is considered as the most expensive and difficult phase in the software life cycle. It mainly consists of four steps, namely software analysis, creating change proposals, ripple effect analysis, and testing the changed software. It is estimated that software maintenance costs account for more than 60% of the total life cycle, and the third phase (ripple effect analysis) typically accounts for about 40% of software maintenance costs. is %. To make matters worse, this maintenance cost shows no sign of abating. The cost is so high that how to reduce it becomes a problem for many.

  1. Software so‘zining ma’nosini aytib bering.

ENG: Software is a set of instructions, data, or programs used to control computers and perform certain tasks. This is in contrast to hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a general term used to refer to applications, scripts, and programs that run on a device. It can be considered as the variable part of the computer, while the hardware is the fixed part. The two main categories of software are application software and system software. An application is software that fulfills a specific need or performs tasks. System software is designed to run a computer's hardware and provides a platform for applications to run on.

  1. Shareware so‘zining ma’nosini aytib bering.

ENG: Shareware is commercial software that is distributed free to users and ultimately requires or incentivizes users to pay for continued support of the software. You can see general programs in formats that pay for advanced features or offer a complete package for a limited time. Some software may even be fully functional and supported only by voluntary donations. First introduced in the early 1980s, its popularity increased in the 1990s as personal computers became mainstream in both offices and homes. This format allows software developers to put their products in the hands of potential users for testing before they decide to purchase a fully functional version of the program. Shareware is also popular among gamers because it allows them to try out a new game on a limited basis before purchasing the full version. Like other types of software, shareware is not a bad thing to avoid at all costs. Most shareware products are legitimate. But even legitimate products can have flaws.

  1. Freeware so‘zining ma’nosini aytib bering.

ENG: Freeware (Freeware) is a computer program that is fully functional, freely available for an unlimited period of time, and can be downloaded from the Internet or run on the Internet. Sometimes there are restrictions on software, such as not for distribution or commercial use. If a program contains ads, it is considered adware and not free. Free software differs from open source software and free software because open source software and free software allow the user to modify, learn, or use the software without restrictions. Freeware simply refers to software that costs nothing but does not allow the user to make changes to it. Although freeware is free for the user, it is still protected by copyright. No one can sell free software as their own unless they own it.

  1. Free and Open Source Software” iborasi nimani anglatadi ?

ENG: Free and open source software (FOSS) allows users and developers to edit, modify, or reuse the source code of the software. This gives developers the opportunity to improve the functionality of the application by changing it. The term "free" indicates that the software has no copyright restrictions. The term "open source" indicates that the software is in its own project form, which allows for easy software development by expert developers collaborating around the world without requiring reverse engineering. Free and open source software can also be called free/free open source software (FLOSS) or free/open source software (F/OSS).

  1. Kompyuterga dasturiy ta’minotni o‘rnatish jarayoni qanday nomlanadi?

ENG: Installation or Setup. Installing (or configuring) computer software (including device drivers and plug-ins) is the act of making the software ready to run. Installation refers to the special configuration of software or hardware to make it usable on a computer. A soft or digital copy of the software (program) is required to install it. There are different processes for installing a piece of software. Since the process is different for each program and each computer, programs (including operating systems) often come with a special program that is responsible for doing all the work necessary for installation (see below) . Installation can be part of a larger software deployment process.

  1. Dasturiy ta’minot qanday guruhlarga bo‘linadi?

ENG: Software is used to control a computer. There are different types of software that can run on a computer: system software, utility software, and application software. Operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS are examples of system software. Operating systems are loaded into RAM when the device starts up and have access to the hard drive. Utility software is a part of system software that performs certain tasks to keep the computer running. The utility always runs in the background. Examples of utilities are security and optimization programs. Anything that is not an operating system or utility is a program or application. Thus, word processors, spreadsheets, web browsers, and graphics programs are examples of application programs that can perform many specific tasks.

  1. Dasturiy ta'minotning harakatchanligi deganda nimani tushunasiz?

ENG: Software mobility means that users can use the software from anywhere using different devices and applications. The term usually refers to the use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets for business purposes.

  1. Dasturiy ta'minotni konstruktsiyalash deganda nimani tushunasiz?

ENG: The term software construction refers to the detailed creation of working software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging. The software engineering knowledge area (SA) is linked to all other SAs, but it is most strongly associated with software design and software testing because software engineering The process includes critical software design and testing. The process uses design results and provides input to testing ("design" and "testing" in this case refer to activities, not KA). The boundaries (if any) between design, build, and test will vary depending on the software life cycle processes used in the project. While some detailed design may be done prior to construction, most design work is done during construction activities. Thus, the CA of software construction is closely related to the CA of software design. During the build, software engineers both unit test and integration test their work. Thus, software construction KA is closely related to software testing KA. Software architecture typically produces the most configuration elements that must be managed in a software project (source files, documentation, test cases, etc.). Thus, software construction KA is also closely related to software configuration management KA. Although software quality is important in all KAs, code is the final deliverable of a software project, and therefore software quality KA is closely related to software construction KA. Because building software requires knowledge of algorithms and coding practices, it is closely related to Computing Foundations KA, which deals with the computer science fundamentals that support the design and construction of software products. It also has to do with project management, as construction management can be a big challenge.

  1. Dasturiy ta’minotni konstruktsiyalash qanday natijalarni beradi?

ENG: Software construction is a software engineering discipline. It is the detailed creation of working meaningful software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging. It is linked to all the other software engineering disciplines, most strongly to software design and software testing. Software architecture typically produces the most configuration elements that must be managed in a software project (source files, documentation, test cases, etc.). A definition of Construction would be “Transforming design into an executable program”. Practically the relationship between Design and Construction activities varies based on the selected process model. For example in the traditional (Waterfall) model, Construction occurs only, when Design is completed. In that model, construction refers practically to coding.

  1. Modullashtirish iborasini tushuntirib bering.

ENG: Modularization is a technique to divide a software system into multiple discrete and independent modules, which are expected to be capable of carrying out task(s) independently. These modules may work as basic constructs for the entire software. Designers tend to design modules such that they can be executed and/or compiled separately and independently.
Modular design unintentionally follows the rules of 'divide and conquer' problem-solving strategy this is because there are many other benefits attached to the modular design of a software.
Advantage of modularization:

  • Smaller components are easier to maintain

  • The program can be divided based on functional aspects

  • Desired level of abstraction can be brought in the program

  • Components with high cohesion can be re-used again

  • Concurrent execution can be made possible

  • Desired from security aspect

  1. Tarkibiy dasturlash deganda nimani tushunasiz?

ENG: Modular programming (sometimes called modular programming) is a programming paradigm that simplifies programs with readable code and refactoring. Modern programming languages all support programming, but the support mechanisms, such as programming syntax, are different. Modules can also support code in different languages, as long as they follow a common module interface or application programming interface (API) specification, which can be regenerated from a modular or code library. Again, the data system and management can be fixed if the modules are reused, because it is important for the enterprise to define and apply a control policy to control the traffic from the modules that may bring with them access to the data. Structured programming encourages the division of an application into a hierarchy of modules, or self-contained material, that may contain other such objects in their own control. Within each element, the code can be generated using appropriate logic blocks designed to improve readability and retrievability. case, which tests variables against a set of values; Repeat while and for when creating loops that continue until a condition is met. In support programming languages, the unconditional o' 'Overall' or goto statement of control is obsolete and sometimes even non-existent.

  1. Dashturlash muhiti deb nimga aytiladi?

ENG: An environment is the context in which the code is executed. This includes all executable code and variables available to the executable code. You can think of the environment as code executing a unique machine. Every car is a different environment. In a general sense, a programming environment combines hardware and software that allows a developer to build applications.
Developers typically work in integrated development environments or IDEs. These connect users with all the features necessary to write and test their code correctly. Different IDEs will offer other capabilities and advantages.

  1. Talablarni tahlil qilish deganda nimani tushunasiz?

ENG: Requirements analysis or requirements engineering is a process used to determine the needs and expectations for a new product. This involves frequent communication with stakeholders and end users of the product to define expectations, resolve conflicts, and document all key requirements. One of the biggest challenges any organization faces is sharing the end product vision with customers. Thus, business requirements analysis involves the collective effort of all key stakeholders, software developers, end users, and customer managers to reach a common understanding of what the product should do. This is always done in the early stages of any project to ensure that the final product meets all requirements.

  1. Konstruksiyalash jarayoni qanday tuzilishga ega.

ENG: Software construction is the creation of a working software system through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and testing. The fundamentals of software design include: - Minimization of complexity; - Waiting for changes; - Controlled design; - Construction standards.

  1. Funksional konstruksiyalash iborasini tushuntirib bering.

ENG: Functional programming (FP) is an approach to software development that uses pure functions to create maintainable software. In other words, building programs by applying and composing functions.
Functional programming harnesses language support by using functions as variables, arguments, and return values—creating elegant and clean code in the process. FP also uses immutable data and avoids concepts like shared states. This is in contrast to object-oriented programming (OOP), which uses mutable data and shared states.
Functional programming languages focus on declarations and expressions rather than the execution of statements. Functions are also treated like first-class citizens—meaning they can pass as arguments, return from other functions, and attach to names.
FP focuses on the results, not the process, while iterations like loop statements and conditional statements (e.g., If-Else) aren't supported.

  1. Konstruksiyalash qanday bosqiсhlarga bo’linadi.

ENG: Software engineering is the creation of a working software system through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and testing.
Coding, sometimes called computer programming, is how we interact with computers. Code tells the computer what actions to take, and writing code is like creating a set of instructions.
Testing is the process of verifying that the software has achieved its goal without any errors. It is the process of ensuring that the product developed is correct. It checks whether the developed product meets the requirements we have.
Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of a program, called units, are tested separately and independently for correct operation. This testing methodology is implemented by application developers and sometimes QA personnel during the development process.
Integration testing -- also known as integration and testing (I&T) -- is a type of software testing in which the various units, modules, or components of a software application are tested as a unified entity. However, these modules can be coded by different programmers.
Debugging is the process of finding and fixing bugs or errors in the source code of any software. When software does not work as expected, computer programmers examine the code to determine why the error occurred.

  1. Foydalanuvchi interfeysi deganda nimani tushunasiz?

ENG: A user interface is the point at which human users interact with a computer, website, or program. The goal of an effective UI is to make the user experience easy and intuitive, requiring minimal effort from the user to achieve the maximum desired result. UI is built on interaction layers that appeal to human senses (sight, touch, hearing, etc.). They include input devices such as keyboard, mouse, trackpad, microphone, touchscreen, fingerprint scanner, electronic pen, and camera, and output devices such as monitors, speakers, and printers. Devices that interact with multiple senses are called "multimedia user interfaces". For example, everyday UI uses a combination of tactile input (keyboard and mouse) and visual and auditory output (monitor and speakers). Other types of user interfaces may include: - Form-based user interface: used to enter data into a program or program by offering limited choices. For example, the settings menu on the device is based on the form. - Graphical User Interface: Touch UI input with visual UI output (keyboard and monitor). - Menu-driven user interface: A UI that uses a list of choices to navigate within an application or website. ATMs, for example, use menu-driven UIs and are easy for anyone to use. - Touch User Interface: Touch or touch user interface. Most smartphones, tablets, and any touchscreen device use haptic input. - Voice user interface: interaction between humans and machines using auditory commands. For example, virtual assistants, text chat and GPS.

  1. Dasturiy ta’minotning hayotiy davri deganda nimani tushunasiz?

Jumping into software development without a pre-defined plan is a recipe for overbudgeting, delays, and costly failures. Instead of rushing into a project, more and more companies are turning to SDLC strategies that enable them to ship high-quality software as quickly, safely, and cost-effectively as possible.
An SDLC (software development life cycle) is a big-picture breakdown of all the steps involved in software creation (planning, coding, testing, deploying, etc.). Companies define custom SDLCs to create a predictable, iterative framework that guides the team through all major stages of development.
The character and the exact number of phases in an SDLC vary between businesses and projects. The most common models are variations on the following steps:

  • Requirement analysis.

  • In-depth planning.

  • Product design.

  • Coding.

  • Testing.

  • Deployment.

  • Post-production maintenance.

  1. Hayot aylanishi kontseptsiyasini aniqlashda foydalaniladigan umumiy shartlarni aytib bering.

  2. Dasturiy ta’minotning hayot aylanish jarayonining qanday standartlarini bilasiz.

  3. Dasturiy ta’minotning hayotiy davri bosqichlarini sanab bering.

The software development life cycle (SDLC) usually revolves around 6 main stages. This process is important when you’re developing new apps. Knowing what needs to be done in the SDLC process can help product managers guide the entire team to completion. It also helps you understand the milestones and communicate progress to stakeholders. Let’s jump in!
1. Planning & Analysis
The first stage of the SDLC includes two parts: the planning stage where you are gathering requirements from your client or stakeholders and the requirement analysis stage where you’re looking into the feasibility of creating the product, revenue potential, the cost of production, the needs of the users etc. 
2. Design
The design phase is where you put pen to paper—so to speak. The original plan and vision is elaborated into the basic structure of the software, including the system design, programming language, templates, platform to use, and application security measures. This is also where you can flowchart how the software responds to user actions.
3. Development
The actual development phase is where the development team turns product specifications and business requirements into code that makes the product. 
4. Testing
Before getting the software product out the door, it’s important to have your quality assurance team test it to make sure it is functioning properly and does what it’s meant to do. The testing process can also help hash out any major user experience issues and security issues. 
5. Deployment
At the deployment stage, your software is delivered to your intended user. You can automate this process and schedule your deployment depending on the type. For example, if you are only deploying a feature update, you can do so with a small number of users (canary release). If you are creating a brand new software, you can learn more about the different stages of the software release life cycle (SRLC).
6. Maintenance
The maintenance stage is the final stage of the SDLC if you’re following the waterfall structure of the software development process. However, the industry is moving towards a more agile software development approach where maintenance is only a stage for further improvement. 

  1. Hayotiy davr modellari deganda nimani tushunasiz.

A software development life cycle (SDLC) model is a conceptual framework describing all activities in a software development project from planning to maintenance. This process is associated with several models, each including a variety of tasks and activities. Software development is a cumbersome activity requiring proper identification of requirements, their implementation, and software deployment. However, the activities do not end there. After the distribution of the software, proper maintenance has to be provided in a timely manner. This term is also known as software development process model.
The above development process is streamlined by a series of models. The development team selects the best suitable model. The different models are:
Waterfall model: Developers state the requirements, analyze them, determine a solution and frame a software architecture, interface representation, and algorithmic details. Then they develop the code, test the code, deploy the software, and maintain it. While the waterfall method is easy to understand and sets requirement stability, it might give a false impression of not providing much customer participation. The main problem with this model is that the requirement to correct errors should be known upfront and at an early stage. Otherwise, the whole process may continue in a wrong direction, which could negatively impact the cost of production.
V Shaped model: Is a variation of the waterfall model. It emphasizes verification and validation of the product. All deliverables are testable and progress is tracked by milestones. Testing is implemented in parallel to the development phase.
Prototype model: A prototype is developed in the requirement phase and evaluated by end users. Based on user feedback, developers alter the prototype to satisfy user requirements. While this model finalizes the requirements easily, its use in the production environment might result in quality issues, thereby making the process of correction continue forever.
Spiral model: Makes use of both waterfall and prototype models. It adds 4th generation programming languages, rapid application development prototyping and risk analysis to the waterfall model. The system requirements are designed and a preliminary system design is created. An initial prototype is designed and tested. Based on the evaluation of test results, a second prototype is created. Subsequent prototypes are constructed to ensure customer satisfaction. The system is created based on the final prototype. The final system is evaluated and tested. Though this model reduces risk to a large extent, it may not meet the budget and is applied differently for each application.

  1. Standart dasturiy ta’minot tizimlarining hayot tsikli davomida bajarilishi mumkin bo’lgan tadbirlarni aytib bering.

  2. Dasturiy ta’minotning ishlash qobiliyati deganda nimani tushunasiz.

Software Performance Engineering (SPE) is a systematic, quantitative approach to the cost-effective development of software systems to meet performance requirements. SPE is a software-oriented approach that focuses on architecture, design, and implementation choices.
SPE gives you the information you need to build software that meets performance requirements on time and within budget.
The SPE process begins early in the software development life cycle and uses quantitative methods to identify satisfactory designs and to eliminate those that are likely to have unacceptable performance before developers invest significant time in implementation. SPE continues through the detailed design, coding and performance and load testing phases to predict and manage the performance of the evolving software as well as monitor and report actual performance versus specifications and predictions. SPE methods encompass: performance data collection; quantitative performance analysis techniques; prediction strategies; management of uncertainties; data presentation and tracking; performance testing, stress and load testing, model verification and validation; critical success factors; and performance design principles, patterns and antipatterns.

  1. Dasturiy ta’minotning ishonchlilik qobiliyati deganda nimani tushunasiz.

Software Reliability means Operational reliability. It is described as the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under static conditions for a specific period.
Software reliability is also defined as the probability that a software system fulfills its assigned task in a given environment for a predefined number of input cases, assuming that the hardware and the input are free of error.
Software Reliability is an essential connect of software quality, composed with functionality, usability, performance, serviceability, capability, installability, maintainability, and documentation. Software Reliability is hard to achieve because the complexity of software turn to be high. While any system with a high degree of complexity, containing software, will be hard to reach a certain level of reliability, system developers tend to push complexity into the software layer, with the speedy growth of system size and ease of doing so by upgrading the software.

  1. Dasturiy ta’minotning iqtisodiy samaradorligi deganda nimani tushunasiz.

Economic efficiency occurs when an economy can distribute or allocate all its goods and factors of production to their most valuable uses, minimizing or entirely eliminating waste. An efficient economy allows for a fair, accessible, and effective allocation of goods and services throughout society. These conditions enable businesses to reduce or eliminate waste by using all resources in a productive and efficient manner. Several factors affect an economy's ability to increase efficiency, including the availability of goods and services, the production processes common in the economy, and consumer behaviours. When an economy is efficient, it creates more opportunities for people, businesses, and industries to prosper. The reduction or elimination of waste means resources can benefit more people and businesses. Some key advantages of efficiency include:

  1. Dasturiy ta’minotning diskretlik xususiyati haqida nimalar bilasiz.

  2. Standartlashtirish iborasining ma’nosini tushuntirib bering.

Standardization is the process of developing and implementing technical standards. The process establishes a common agreement for engineering criteria, terms, principles, practices, materials, items, processes, and equipment parts, and components. Standards provide recommended processes to apply within an organization, describe expected tasks and outcomes, and describe how the processes and tasks integrate to provide required inputs and outputs. Standards are meant to provide an organization with a set of processes that, if done by qualified persons using appropriate tools and methods, will provide a capability to do effective and efficient engineering of systems.

  1. Aloqa va axborotlashtirish sohasidagi standartlashtirish tizimining asosiy printsiplarini aytib bering.

  2. Standartlashtirishning asosiy maqsadi nimalardan iborat?

Standardization is the process of creating protocols to guide the creation of a good or service based on the consensus of all the relevant parties in the industry. The standards ensure that goods or services produced in a specific industry come with consistent quality and are equivalent to other comparable products or services in the same industry.
Standardization also helps in ensuring the safety, interoperability, and compatibility of goods produced. Some of the parties involved in the standardization processes include users, interest groups, governments, corporations, and standards organizations.
The goal of standardization is to ensure uniformity to certain practices within the industry. Standardization focuses on the product creation process, operations of businesses, technology in use, and how specific compulsory processes are instituted or carried out.
One example of standardization is the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that companies must follow when preparing or reporting their annual financial statements. They ensure uniformity in how financial reports are prepared and improve the clarity of the financial information presented to the public.

  1. Metrologiya iborasining ma’nosini tushuntirib bering.

In engineering as well as in other fields such as business administration and a significant number of the social sciences, measurement is one of a number of analytical tools. Measurement in these other sciences is based on a large body of knowledge; such a body of knowledge, built up over centuries and millennia, is commonly referred to as the field of 'metrology'. This domain is supported by government metrology agencies, which are to be found in most industrially advanced countries. The ISO document that represents the official international and legal consensus is the ISO vocabulary of basic and general terms used in metrology [15]. While this key ISO document is widely known in the field of metrology, it is almost unknown in the 'software metrics' community. This ISO Vocabulary follows some of the concepts of the traditional presentation of vocabularies, with 120 terms described individually in textual descriptions. However, this mode of representation is challenging in terms of assembling the full set of interrelated terms; to improve the presentation and the understanding of this complex set of interrelated concepts, we presented in [3] an initial set of models for the various levels of metrology concepts within the ISO Vocabulary.

  1. Sertifikatlashtirish iborasining ma’nosini tushuntirib bering.

Software engineering certifications are exams that, when passed, confirm that the individual possesses the credentials or skills to operate certain software or programming languages. Depending on the certification administrator, earning software engineering certification typically involves taking a written test, completing coursework and readings, or creating a project that shows your abilities Obtaining certifications can help promote your competency and skills to potential employers and distinguish you from other candidates by emphasizing areas of specialization and commitment. Certification from a reputable company shows employers they can trust the quality of your work in that specific area. Some employers may require specific certifications as basic qualifications to consider you for a position, while others may encourage their employees to earn a new one each term. Having a variety of certifications can help you qualify for more positions or even negotiate a higher salary based on the additional value of your certification status..

  1. Standartlar qanday xususiyatlarga ega.

  2. Mintaqaviy standartlashtirish deganda nimani tushunasiz.

  3. Milliy standartlashtirishning asosiy maqsadi nimalardan iborat?

A national standardization strategy is a policy roadmap for a country to make certain that its national strategic priorities are supported by relevant national and International Standards. The International Organization for Standardization, ISO, has published a methodology for developing a national standardization strategy (NSS). One of the most critical aspects of an NSS is its basis on the economic, social and environmental priorities of the country – one which clearly aligns itself to the overall national strategy – and emphasizes the effective use of resources for standards development. It directly addresses both the mid- and long-term vision of NSBs, and can be used as a tool for strengthening the national quality infrastructure.
Overall, the publication provides comprehensive insights on the methodology of the development of national standardization strategies, specific aspects and extensions dealing with elements such as mapping national priorities to standards and dealing with missing or incomplete data, as well as provide examples from different national standardization strategies. Furthermore, a focus on the standards that are most needed is taken into account, setting the platform which can then contribute to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Standartlashtirishning asosiy tamoyillarini sanab bering.

Principles of standardization

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