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Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine for power generation I: Assessment of
Darrieus VAWT configurations
Renewable Energy · March 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2014.09.038
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Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine for power generation I:
Assessment of Darrieus VAWT con
Willy Tjiu
, Tjukup Marnoto
, Sohif Mat
, Mohd Ha
dz Ruslan
Kamaruzzaman Sopian
Solar Energy Research Insititute (SERI), National University of Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia
Faculty of Industrial Technology,
National Development University, UPN Jogjakarta 55283, Indonesia
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 15 December 2013
Accepted 18 September 2014
Available online 9 October 2014
H rotor
a b s t r a c t
This paper aims to assess the Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) con
gurations, including the
drawbacks of each variation that hindered the development into large scale rotor. A comprehensive
timeline is given as a lineage chart. The variations are assessed on the performance, components and
operational reliability. In addition, current development and future prospects of Darrieus VAWT are
presented. The Darrieus VAWT patented in France in 1925 and in the US in 1931 had two con
(i) curved blades and (ii) straight blades con
gurations. Curved blades con
guration (egg-beater or phi-
rotor) has evolved from the conventional guy-wires support into
xed-on-tower and cantilevered ver-
sions. Straight blades con
guration used to have variable-geometry (Musgrove-rotor), variable-pitch
(Giromill), Diamond, Delta and V/Y rotor variations. They were stopped due to low economical value,
i.e. high speci
c cost of energy (COE). Musgrove-rotor has evolved into
xed-pitch straight-bladed H-
rotor (referred as H-rotor in this paper for simplicity). H-rotor, in turn, has evolved into several varia-
tions: Articulating, Tilted and Helical H-rotors.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
During the Cold War and energy crisis in 1970s, wind turbines
were recognized and developed for its potential in power genera-
tion since wind energy resource was unaffected by political and
economic insecurity. Interest in developing wind energy technol-
ogy had sprouted Darrieus VAWT out of the vacuum. An already
known wind turbine technology for electricity generation at the
time was HAWT pioneered by Poul la Cour in Denmark in 1891
Until currently, only variable-pitch Darrieus VAWT con
known as giromill that is deemed as ef
cient as HAWT with coef-
cient of performance (
) of about 0.5
. For a 500 kW variable-
pitch giromill at mean wind site of 5.4 m/s, Darrieus VAWT power
generation cost was found out to be about 18
39% less than the
HAWT counterpart
. However, the practical implementation has
been challenging for Darrieus VAWT researchers. Unlike HAWT
blades which see relatively steady angle of attack (AOA) of the
incoming wind, VAWT blades undergo inconsistent AOA which
changes rapidly between the positive and negative angles. In
addition, VAWT blades encounter turbulent wind in the leeward
side due to the vortices created by the blades passing through the
windward side. These phenomena present Darrieus VAWT de-
signers a complicated aerodynamic problems not experienced by
HAWT blades.
Darrieus VAWT was intensely investigated for about two de-
cades, mainly at National Research Council (NRC) in Canada, Sandia
National Laboratories (SNL) in the US, and The Carmarthen Bay
Wind Energy Demonstration Centre in the UK. Attempts in building
large scale Darrieus VAWT were carried out by Dominion
Aluminium Fabricators in Canada
, Alcoa in the US
, and James
Howden and Co., Wind Energy Group, Ltd. and VAWT, Ltd. in the UK
. Recent innovations on Darrieus VAWT have contributed to
simpler and predictable characteristics, which improve the reli-
ability and performance of the turbine. The innovations differ
distinctively from the previous developments in the 1970s
especially in terms of design complexity and the components used.
2. Evolution of Darrieus VAWT
After the WWI, G.J.M. Darrieus, a French aeronautical engineer,
invented a VAWT by adopting airfoil pro
le for the blades. He
Corresponding author. SERI, Level 3, Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel.:
603 8921 4596;
603 8921 4593.
E-mail address:
(W. Tjiu).
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Renewable Energy
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2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
patented the design in France in 1925 and in the US in 1931 and put
the working principle as a biomimicry of birds' wings by stating,
is thus possible to give these blades a stream line section analogous to
that of the wings of birds, that is to say, offering the minimum resis-
tance to forward movement and capable of converting into mechanical
energy the maximum available amount of energy of the
uid by means
of the useful component of the traverse thrust which this section un-
. The patent covered two major con
gurations: curved
and straight blades as shown in
Fig. 1
The curved and straight-blades con
gurations have evolved into
several variations, as shown in
Fig. 2
. Curved-blades con
has been known as egg-beater or phi-rotor due to the similar look.
There are several variations of phi-rotor, such as guy-wired,
on-tower and cantilevered versions (details on these types are
available in the following sections). Similarly, straight-blades
guration has several variations. Diamond, V/Y and delta (
variations have been documented
. Another variation, a
variable-geometry VAWT or often called Musgrove-rotor had been
replaced by
xed-pitch H-rotor (referred only as
in this
paper for simplicity). Currently, H-rotor has been actively investi-
gated, including multi-megawatt rotor for offshore application
(details on the topic are available in the Part II of this article).
Furthermore, improvements on H-rotor sprout another three var-
iations: Articulating, Helical and Tilted H-rotor. Details on Articu-
lating and Helical H-rotor are given in the following sections, while
Tilted H-rotor is given in the Part II of this article.
3. Support structures for Darrieus VAWT
G.J.M. Darrieus did not mention speci
c support structure for his
invention in the patent. However, curved-blades con
guration with
cable or guy wires support has been very popular due to the intense
research in the US and Canada. Nevertheless, several support
structures have been implemented for both curved- and straight-
blades Darrieus VAWTs, as shown in
Fig. 3
. Although the illustra-
tions in
Fig. 3
are depicted using curved-blades, it is applicable for
straight-blades con
guration as well.
Guy wires support (A) has been widely used for phi-rotor. Guy
wires cannot be readily mounted on top of the rotor shaft in
straight-blades con
guration without extending the rotor shaft or
the use of support arms for the wires. Alternatively, a combination
of cantilever support and guy wires (B) has been used for straight-
blades con
guration. Guy wires support has been less preferable in
recent years
due to several drawbacks, including increased
axial load on the bearings due to wire tension in (A), vibrations
induced by the rotor and the wind, and large land area required to
mount the wires
. Fixed-on-tower (C) requires a customized
generator for a particular tower since the generator stator coils are
mounted on the tower's stationary shaft, while generator rotor are
attached to the lower hub of the rotor shaft. In addition, the sta-
tionary shaft diameter to height ratio is preferably about 0.01
. Cantilevered-rotor (D) has been used with great success. It has
several advantages compared to other types due to its simplicity in
manufacturing and maintenance. The components manufacturing
exible since the drivetrain is not embedded into the rotor and
stator assemblies as in (C). In addition, the drivetrain is detachable
for simpler onsite maintenance
. Among these four types,
cantilevered-rotor will most likely be dominant in future Darrieus
VAWT development.
4. Tailored airfoils for Darrieus VAWT
Airfoils used for commercial Darrieus VAWTs are usually based
on the airfoils used in aviation industry. The most common pro
used are the symmetrical NACA airfoils
, with thickness
usually ranges from 12% (NACA 0012) to 21% (NACA 0021). Some
manufacturers camber the airfoils in order to capture more energy
at either side of the rotor
. However, no signi
cant difference
in the performance has been reported as compared to the Darrieus
VAWT with symmetrical airfoil, since cambering the airfoil causes
an increase of tangential force in one half, but decreases the force in
the other half of the swept region
SNL found that a way to improve the performance was by
designing airfoils speci
cally tailored for Darrieus VAWT
. They
argued that standard aviation airfoils are not intended for Darrieus
VAWT since the operating regime of a VAWT blade is very different
from an airplane blade, which can be summarized in
Table 1 [20]
Summary of the intended tailored airfoil characteristics by SNL
compared to the experimental results obtained are shown in
Table 2 [20]
. The tailored airfoil exhibits more reliable turbine
operation via better tip speed ratio (TSR) range cut-off near the
condition over the standard NACA 4-series, and is imple-
mented on variable-speed turbine
. The tailored airfoil is
employed at the transition and equatorial sections to provide over-
speeding regulation. While for the root sections at which the TSR is
lower than the equatorial section, standard NACA 4-series is used.
This is due to the customized natural laminar
ow (NLF) airfoils by
SNL have sharp leading edge, which make them more suitable for
high TSR. The root sections in a phi-rotor experience higher AOA, so
that the rounded leading edge of standard NACA 4-series airfoils
performs better. The combination reduces the COE and increases
the turbine reliability and lifetime
Based on the results by SNL, future Darrieus VAWT blades
should use the combination of standard NACA 4-series and NLF
Fig. 1.
Original illustrations by G.J.M. Darrieus in 1931 patent: curved blades (left) and straight blades (right). Annotations in the
gure: (a)
blades, (e)
supporting plates, (f1) and
hubs, (f) and (g)
rotor shaft
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
airfoils for phi-rotor and whole NLF airfoils for H-rotor. Fortunately,
standard NLF airfoils like NACA 65-series look similar to the SAND
airfoils. Therefore, with the help of modern analytical software,
various NLF airfoils can be investigated for use as Darrieus VAWT
Fig. 4
shows the comparison of SAND airfoils to NACA 65-
series. Standard symmetrical NACA 4-series are represented as
dotted lines to serve as the comparison baselines.
A recent investigation using computational
uid dynamic (CFD)
has been performed on 20 shape of airfoils listed in
Table 3
with the simulation results
. Unfortunately, the author neither
included symmetrical NACA 65-series nor SAND airfoils in the
Fig. 5
shows Selig S 1046, the best performing airfoil in
the simulation with
of 0.4051. The simulation, however, was
neither optimized for certain TSR nor Reynolds number. The author
simulated several rotor solidities between 0.1 and 0.25 with TSR
ranges from 2 to 10. The S 1046 has a similar trailing edge shape to
the NLF airfoils shown in
Fig. 4
. The leading edge is also slightly
sharper than the standard NACA 4-series, but it is not as sharp as
the NLF airfoils. However, the main difference between S 1046 and
SAND/NACA65-series is the location of the thickest point. S 1046
Fig. 2.
Timeline of Darrieus VAWT development.
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
has the thickest point similar to NACA 4-series at about 30% of
chord from the leading edge, while the NLF airfoils' thickest point is
at 50% (except for SAND 0015/47, which is at 47% from the leading
5. Egg-beater or phi (
) rotor
5.1. History of phi-rotor
Darrieus VAWT had experienced a vacuum period for about four
decades when South and Rangi of the NRC of Canada reinvented the
phi-rotor design in 1968
. The local community called it
South Wind Turbine
, being unaware it was previously
invented by Darrieus. Thereafter, Darrieus VAWT caught the in-
terests of many researchers
, and various dynamic analysis
on the performance were formulated, including blade momentum,
vortex, and
nite-difference models.
Unfortunately, not long after the investigations into phi-rotor
gained momentum, several machines experienced problems in
the drivetrain, control system and brakes. The failure started with
rst large scale phi-rotor of 224 kW manufactured by Dominion
Aluminium Fabricators under NRC supervision in Magdalen Islands,
. The machine crashed to the ground in 1978, a year after
its operation. In the US, Alcoa built several phi-rotors under SNL
supervision, including the 12.8 m, 17 m and 25 m diameter with
generating capacity of 30
60 kW, 60
100 kW and 300
500 kW,
respectively. However, similar fate with the turbine in Magdalen
Islands, turbines built by Alcoa had various problems. The 12.8 m
turbine collapsed in 1980 when the rotor column vibrated and
buckled due to over-speed. The 25 m turbine crashed in 1981 when
software error in the controller failed to actuate the brake in strong
The last and biggest phi-rotor built by SNL was called
Test Bed
with rotor diameter of 34 m, which was operational in 1988. The
rotor had a swept area of 955 m
and height-to-diameter ratio of
1.25. It achieved 500 kW rated power at 37.5 rpm in mean velocity
Fig. 3.
Types of support structures for curved- and straight-blades Darrieus VAWTs.
Table 1
Operating conditions of a Darrieus VAWT blade and an airplane blade.
Blades of a Darrieus VAWT
Blades of an airplane
Operate in unsteady conditions;
oscillate between positive and
negative AOA twice per revolution,
which are often exceeding
Operate in nearly
steady conditions
at near zero AOA.
Encounter stall frequently,
especially in strong wind.
Encounter stall only
in unusual operating
Between a few hundred thousand
and a few million.
Usually between
three and
thirty million.
Table 2
Comparison between actual and intended characteristics of SAND airfoils.
Requirements of tailored-airfoil
Actual characteristics of
Increase the maximum
(higher power generation).
Modest value of maximum
Force blade stall at a wind
velocity closer to the maximum
(Over-speed and power
regulation in strong winds).
- Low drag at low AOA, and
high drag at high AOA.
- Sharp stall.
Allow the turbine to operate at
higher rotational speed
(higher power generation and
lowering the cost of
direct-drive generator).
Higher operational speed is
achieved by using low
thickness/chord ratio.
Fig. 4.
Tailored airfoil by SNL (left)
and standard NACA 65-series (right).
Table 3
List of airfoils simulated with the corresponding
max Airfoil
max Airfoil
max Airfoil
NACA 0010 0.2345 NACA 63415 0.1711 AG18
0.0123 FX66S196
NACA 0015 0.2947 NACA 63418 0.2772 S 809
0.3428 FX77W256 0.1639
NACA 0018 0.2964 AH93W174
0.2469 S 9000 0.1696 FX71L150
NACA 0021 0.2679 AH93W215
0.2541 S 1046 0.4051 FXL142
NACA 6312 0.1290 AH94W301
0.2130 S 1014 0.2769 FXLV152
Fig. 5.
Selig S 1046 airfoil in comparison with standard NACA 0017 airfoil
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
of 12.5 m/s. The peak
of 0.409 was obtained at TSR of 6.34
Abundant data on large scale phi-rotor as well as the
Test Bed
available at SNL website. However, the largest Darrieus VAWT in
the world was a phi-rotor built in Canada with rated power of
4 MW, rotor height of 96 m and diameter of 64 m. Construction of
the phi-rotor called Eole began in 1982, and was completed in 1988.
However, the Eole was mostly operated in reduced speed, and the
power output was limited to 2.5 MW to ensure longevity
. The
turbine was successfully operated for 5 years until 1993 when it
was damaged during a storm
. Repairing the damage was
deemed too costly since the whole rotor needed to be dismantled.
Instead, the Eole was utilized as a tourism icon to show the
achievement of Canadian wind energy sector in attempting large
scale Darrieus VAWT.
Test Bed
inspired FloWind Corp. to commercially market
Darrieus VAWT under auspices of SNL and NREL. Extended height-
to-diameter ratio was developed with the blades made of com-
posite materials. Until the 1995, FloWind had installed more than
800 Darrieus VAWTs in the Altamont and Tehachapi passes in
. However, despite the successful operation of the
turbines, the company went bankrupt in 1997 due to production
nancing could not be obtained. Thereafter, VAWT was out-of-
favor and virtually all government sponsors on VAWT research
were terminated
Until recently,
xed-on-tower and cantilevered phi-rotors have
gained popularity. The new designs utilize tubular tower, and does
not use guy wires. The designs offer simpler and more reliable
system than the conventional guy-wired phi-rotor. 50 kW
tower rotors are developed by ArborWind in collaboration with
Johnson System, Inc. (JSI)
. The target markets include rural use,
large industrial, farm and green houses. Large scale
phi-rotor with power rating of 200 kW has been attempted by
McKenzie Bay International, Ltd. (MKBY) in collaboration with
Clean Green Energy, LLC. (CGE)
. However, high cost prohibits
the commercialization of the rotor. Instead, smaller cantilevered
versions of 20
65 kW are currently developed
. A 60 kW can-
tilevered phi-rotor is also developed by VAWTPower Management,
Inc. (VMI) in cooperation with the US Department of Agriculture
Conservation and Production Research Laboratory and SNL of the
US Department of Energy (DOE)
. VMI stated that the design is
an innovation of the earlier concepts developed by SNL, NRC of
Canada, Alcoa, Agway, the National Rural Electric Cooperatives
Association, FloWind and Vawtpower, Inc
. In addition, SNL
provides technical assistance and instruments to measure the rotor
performance. Furthermore, new interest in Darrieus VAWT for
multi-megawatt offshore wind power generation has granted SNL
$4.1 million from the US DOE. The project was started in 2012, and
will be completed in 2017.
5.2. Assessment on phi-rotor
Rotor illustration and the components of guy-wired phi-rotor in
the early 1970s development are shown in
Fig. 6
a and b, respec-
. Two and three-bladed rotors were manufactured, and
were structurally enhanced with struts forming
sign. The struts
were detrimental because they added costs, and lowered the per-
formance due to parasitic drag and turbulent
ow formed by them.
The struts were eliminated in the following designs since the tro-
poskein blades were able to withstand stresses in high rotational
The phi-rotor was supported by guy cables mounted at the top
of rotor shaft to the ground at equally-spaced angles. Thrust bear-
ings were used at the top and bottom of the rotor, enabling it to
rotate freely. Mechanical brake was mounted at the bottom of rotor
shaft to ensure safe operation in strong winds. Torque sensors via
exible couplings were utilized to monitor anomalies in the system
and to regulate the generators power. The early design of guy-wired
phi-rotor exhibited many disadvantages due to complex arrange-
ments as well as mechanical losses in the components.
In the development, researchers at SNL examined the guy-wired
phi-rotor design more thoroughly and made several conclusions,
such as: (i) two-blade design is more cost-effective than the orig-
inal three-blade design, (ii) struts should be kept short or possibly
eliminated since they add parasitic drag and cost, and (iii) the blade
airfoil shape should be tailored for VAWT application
. In
addition, the brake system had been positioned directly below the
rotor lower hub in order not to obstruct maintenance work on other
components while keeping the rotor stationary, and to prolong the
gearbox lifetime since braking force was not transmitted through
the gearbox.
The guy-wired phi-rotor blades were manufactured via stan-
dard extrusion method using aluminum alloy, which were then
Fig. 6.
Three-bladed DOE/Sandia 17-m guy-wired phi-rotor. (a) Photograph
and (b) major components illustration
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
bent conforming troposkein shape
. As implemented in the
, a blade was divided into three sections: root, transition and
equatorial section. The sections were equipped with extruded
NACA 0021 (1.22 m chord), SNL 0018/50 (1.07 m chord) and SNL
0018/50 (0.91 m chord) airfoil pro
les, respectively
. SNL code
denoted natural laminar
ow airfoils developed by Sandia for use
on Darrieus VAWT
. There seemed to be no standardization in
the naming of the tailored airfoils, for example, SNL 0018/50 might
be referred to as SAND 0018/50 or SANDIA 0018/50. Nevertheless,
the codes for airfoil thickness and thickest location remain the
Fig. 7
a and b shows the
Test Bed
with illustrations on the
blade sections and geometry. Upper root section was longer than
the lower one in order to maintain the shape under bending stress
due to gravitational loading.
The airfoil pro
le tailored to a particular section of a blade
serves two purposes: structural strength and aerodynamic perfor-
mance. Different propelling forces between the root and equator
section would cause localized edgewise bending on a blade of
uniform dimension from the root to the equator section. This
edgewise bending is insigni
cant for small scale rotor, but for large
scale rotor like the
Test Bed
it would be detrimental. Thus, in
order to minimize the fatigue, airfoil chord dimension was altered,
so that the propelling force would be more uniform from the root to
the equator. In addition, the chord of the root section was made
thicker for the same purpose of reducing fatigue due to bending,
and also to compensate for lower TSR and higher AOA.
Fig. 8
a and b
shows typical components of a guy-wired phi-rotor based on the
Test Bed
. Generally, the major components consist of the
rotor assembly (rotor column, upper and lower hubs, and
shaft assembly (interconnection shaft, brake disk and caliper,
rubber isolator, and torque sensor),
base structures (gearbox, generator, foundations, and ground
equipment station), and rotor support structures (support
stands, upper and lower rotor bearings, guy wires and
VMI has been testing VP100 (shown in
Fig. 9
a) since 2006, which
is a three-bladed cantilevered phi-rotor with 60 kW rating. The total
structure is about 23.7 m tall, while rotor height and diameter are
13.5 m and 15 m, respectively. The blades use NACA 0015 pro
with 0.35 m chord length, 0.053 m chord thickness and 0.0053 m
wall thickness
. The blades were made of extruded aluminum
alloy, which were bent into troposkien shape. The blades were then
tted with two hinges at the ends, which were epoxied into position.
The hinges allow vibration in the rotor assembly without stressing
the aluminum blades, which is an innovation of the rotor. VP100 is
connected to vertical gearbox and generator considering the
1200 rpm generator used in the system
, while the rotor speed is
only 62.4 rpm
. The high rotational speed of generator suggests
that a speed increaser is used in the system. The main reason of
using a combination of a speed increaser and a generator is to get the
reliability improvement over a multi-stage gearbox, while keeping
the cost reasonably below a direct-drive generator
Fig. 9
shows an artist's impression of the major components of the VP100.
Maintenance work demonstration on the VP100 showed that it
takes only four hours to replace the 800 pounds (363 kg) generator
without using crane as in typical HAWT maintenance. In addition,
only hand tools and light jacks are used in the process since the
generator is placed on the ground. VMI claims that the VP100
maintenance cost is much lesser than the HAWT counterpart, since
the use of crane adds thousands to tens of thousands of dollars in
the servicing cost of the wind turbine
MKBY and CGE successfully installed a 200 kW
phi-rotor in Ishpeming, Michigan in 2010, after having installa-
tion problems in the previous year. A troposkien blade was
deformed when lifted by a crane, which prompted for redesigning
the core structure of the blade. In the next attempt, a frame was
constructed to hold a blade while being lifted by a crane to be
assembled to the rotor shaft. However, the turbine has not been a
satisfaction, primarily due to the high cost in manufacturing. In
addition, the installation was too expensive and complex
Fig. 10
a and b shows the 200 kW and its major components
description, respectively. The turbine has an outer (rotor) shaft
which rotates around an inner (stationary) shaft. The stationary
Fig. 7.
Test Bed
. (a) Photograph
and (b) Blade geometry
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
Fig. 8.
(a) General view and (b) drivetrain view of the
Test Bed
Fig. 9.
A 60 kW cantilevered phi-rotor by VMI. (a) The VP100 photographed during operation
and (b) an artist's impression of major components of the VP100.
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
shaft functions as the holding post for the rotor assembly as well as
foundation post. Truss structure is used for additional foundation
support for the whole system.
MKBY and CGE are currently developing cantilevered phi-rotor
, which is scheduled for completion in 2013.
Wind-e20 is the 20
65 kW version based on the improvements on
the 200 kW model
. Wind-e20 has several unique features,
including remote-controlled foldable blades for safety in strong
winds, typically above 38 m/s. The blades are made of straight
sections with joints that are powered by hydraulic pumps, so that
during strong winds the hydraulic actuator pulls the blades close to
the shaft, similar to the closing of an umbrella. In addition, the
blades are equipped with airbrakes, particularly at the equatorial
section. The airbrake movement is electronically controlled
depending on the wind velocity
Fig. 11
shows an artist's
impression of the major components and the blades position dur-
ing normal operation (right) and folded in strong winds (left).
In another development, ArborWind in collaboration with JSI
have been manufacturing 50 kW
xed-on-tower phi-rotor similar
to the 200 kW model used by MKBY and CGE. However, the turbine
built by ArborWind and JSI does not include a ground-mounted
stationary shaft, and the blade is not manufactured in multiple
small sections. The lack of fully extended stationary shaft reduces
cost in trade off with higher bending stress on the shaft mounted
on the truss structure. In addition, a
xed blade further reduces cost
on the hydraulic pumps and complexity in the manufacturing.
Considering the troposkien shape of the blade, it is able to with-
stand centrifugal force in strong winds. The goal is to produce a
c COE between 9 and 12 cents per kWh
Fig. 12
a and b
shows the commercial prototype of the 50 kW and its major
components, respectively.
5.3. Shape of the phi-rotor blade
In the early development, phi-rotor was hailed for its advantage
of using troposkein blades, which took the shape of a jumping rope
enduring high centrifugal force. Therefore, the blades could be
made slender, light and low cost via relatively simple extrusion
manufacturing method
. However, phi-rotor performance varies
depending on the blade curvature as shown in
Fig. 13 [23]
. Ef
ciency is in
uenced by the length of the relatively straight section
at the equator to the rotor height
, which is denoted by
Therefore, SNL neither used ideal troposkien, catenary nor
parabola shapes for the phi-rotor due to the curvature effect.
Instead, SNL used straight-line for the top and bottom parts and
circular arc-shape for the middle of the rotor
. The reason
behind such con
guration is to increase the
ratio while still
having the ability to endure centrifugal force. In addition, blade
curvature is affected by the
ratio. In term of
ratio, pure
troposkien shape has the
ratio of about 0.9, while the
had the
ratio of 1.25. Furthermore, Paraschivoiu
suggested that future phi-rotor will use extended height-to-
diameter (EHD) with
ratio between 1.3 and 1.5, which makes
ratio closer to unity. However, the trade-off in increasing
ratios is the increment in operational bending
stresses since the shape has become nontroposkien
5.4. Disadvantages of phi-rotor
Recent innovations by MKBY and CGE, ArborWind and JSI, and
VMI have demonstrated signi
cant advantages of the
tower and cantilevered phi-rotor over the conventional guy-
wired phi-rotor, while still using the acclaimed fatigue-free
Fig. 10.
The 200 kW cantilevered phi-rotor by MKBY and CGE. (a) Photograph of the rotor in operation
and (b) major components illustration of the rotor
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
troposkien blades. Nevertheless, the phi-rotors are the product of
lessons learned in the guy-wired phi-rotor, which was the most
extensively investigated design among the Darrieus VAWT varia-
tions. Based on the failures in the design, several disadvantages of
phi-rotor, especially the guy-wired type, are such as:
High axial load on support bearings due to rotor assembly and
Tare and zero-wind losses are relatively small and can be
neglected compared to the total power produced
. Tare loss is
the power loss due to bearing friction of a rotor without the blades
attached, while zero-wind loss is the friction loss with the blades
attached and spun at no wind. However, a recent report released by
SNL in 2012 stated that the bearings, especially the bottom support
bearing must be designed to support both the rotor weight and
downward force due to the wires tension. Therefore, the required
high capacity of the support bearings can contribute signi
cantly to
the capital cost of the turbine
Uneven wind velocity across rotor height
The swept-area of phi-rotor is bound by the troposkien shape
and is determined by rotor height-to-diameter (
) ratio. With
the tendency to use higher
ratio in order to get higher
equatorial section
, rotor height increases more than the
increment in rotor diameter. For large-scale on-land phi-rotor
which is located on the ground, the effect of uneven wind ve-
locity is more severe due to terrain roughness. The rotor's upper
section may experience much higher wind than the lower section
near the ground surface, which causes uneven lift force produced
across the blades length that contributes to instability, bending
and torsion stress on the blades
. On the other hand,
straight-bladed con
guration type has the
exibility in adjusting
the swept-area. Rotor height and diameter can be independently
adjusted to suit particular design. In addition, H-rotor type is
mostly mounted on a tower, which further reduces uneven wind
velocity variation.
Gravity-induced bending stress on the blades
In phi-rotor, gravity-induced bending stress is the force to
deform the troposkien shape due to the blades own weight. For a
small-scale phi-rotor less than 100 kW, gravitational loading on the
blades may be neglected with respect to centrifugal force. However,
weight of the blades becomes signi
cant in large rotor since the
length of a typical phi-rotor blade is three times a HAWT blade with
the same swept area and solidity
. When the rotor is stationary,
the bending stress on the blade is static. However, when the rotor
starts to rotate, the static bending stress becomes dynamic and is
overcome by centrifugal force depending on the rotational speed of
the rotor. The bending stress oscillates in accordance with the
centrifugal force, which is affected by wind velocity, turbulence and
wake effect at the downwind side.
and Sutherland et al.
mentioned that
gravity-induced stress is related to rotor height-to-diameter (
ratio. Lower
ratio leads to greater gravitational stresses, but the
type of airfoil can be tuned to minimize gravity and radial aero-
dynamic in
uences. This is the reason why the
Test Bed
equipped with thicker root section than the equatorial section, and
upper root was longer than the lower one, i.e. to maintain blade
shape when the rotor is stationary as well as sustaining stresses
endured by the blades in motion.
Gravity-induced bending stress is less vulnerable for straight-
bladed con
guration since the blades are shorter and have lower
bending moment, i.e. the blades are more rigid at the same chord
length and thickness as a phi-rotor blades. In addition, they are
positioned vertically and are suspended by support arm(s), so that
they are not subjected to constant bending stress due to gravity.
Support arm is the component which endures gravity-induced
bending stress, and it can be made stronger and tapered from the
shaft to the blade.
Wake due to large rotor column
The rotor column of a phi-rotor needs to sustain high tension
produced by guy wires as well as cyclic torque produced by the
blades, so that buckling strength is the most important aspect of a
rotor column requirement
. However, large rotor column
extending across the height causes blades in leeward position to
suffer from turbulent
ow region known as wake, especially in
large-scale rotor. A wake not only reduces performance, but also
causes vibration on the blades and support structures.
Fig. 14
the vortices and wakes generated by the blades and rotor column of
a typical Darrieus VAWT
Rotor height limitation
Despite the low cost and simplicity in supporting a phi-rotor,
guy wires have a drawback of instability over a long distance,
including the catenary effect. In addition, guy wires also endure
intermittent rotor and wind forces which make them vibrate and
oscillate. The oscillation frequency and operating mode of guy
wires were studied extensively in order to avoid resonances with
Fig. 11.
An artist's impression of the Wind-e20 and its major components.
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
rotor vibration
. Therefore, it is dif
cult to build a very tall rotor
equipped with guy wires in order to take advantage of higher
altitude winds.
Large footprint to mount guy-wires.
Since guy-wires are
xed above the rotor assembly, large land
area is required for anchoring them. This restricts the imple-
mentation of phi-rotor at limited and utilized area, such as in
farming land. In addition, the use of guy-wires is not practical for
offshore application. Nevertheless, higher
ratio phi-rotor re-
quires smaller footprint.
6. Variable geometry VAWT (Musgrove-rotor)
6.1. History of Musgrove-rotor
Variable geometry Darrieus VAWT or also known as Musgrove-
rotor was invented by Peter Musgrove, a British aeronautical en-
gineer in the mid-1970s
. The rotor was a modi
cation of the
straight-blades Darrieus VAWT by employing blades ree
Fig. 12.
A 50 kW cantilevered phi-rotor manufactured by Arborwind and JSI: (a) Photograph
and (b) artists impression of the major components.
Fig. 13.
of phi-rotor in respect to curvature ratio
Fig. 14.
Vortices and wakes of a typical Darrieus VAWT
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
mechanism to prevent the rotor from over-speeding in strong
winds. The turbine consisted of two sets of straight blades sup-
ported on a horizontal beam similar to the shape of an
The horizontal beam, also taking the shape of an airfoil, was in turn
supported by a tower at the middle of the beam. The drivetrain and
generator were located at the base of the tower. Each set of the
blades consisted of two equal portions feather-able about the
horizontal beam, for which in reefed position they took the shape of
a double-arrow
, thus reducing the swept area as well as the
lifting force of the blades tangential to the radial line of the rotor.
The rotor was operational in the wind velocity of up to 30 m/s.
Fig. 15
shows the installation of an early experimental model of
, while
Fig. 16
shows the major components
Musgrove-rotor had similar components to the guy-wired phi-
rotor. However, Musgrove-rotor was equipped with two stages of
speed increaser (upper and lower gearbox) as shown in
Fig. 16
. The
consideration of using multi-stage gearbox is to reduce the number
of poles needed for the generator, therefore, reducing the cost of
generator. Transformer was used to step-up the AC voltage before
injecting it into transmission lines on electricity grid system.
Promising results in the early development made the UK govern-
nancially supported the scaling-up of Musgrove rotor in the
late 1970s
. The
rst large scale Musgrove rotor was completed
in 1986 by VAWT Ltd., and was named VAWT-450 (based on the
swept area of 450 m
). It had rotor diameter of 25 m and rated
power of 130 kW at 11 m/s wind velocity.
Fig. 17
shows the VAWT-
450 in reefed position. Several Musgrove rotors with 100 kW ca-
pacity were also built by VAWT Ltd. on Isles of Scilly and Sardinia
6.2. Assessment on Musgrove-rotor
Manufacturing process of straight blades is simpler than curved
blades. However, the main disadvantages of variable geometry
VAWT were the unnecessarily complex design of ree
ng mecha-
nism, large concrete structure and high cost in building the turbine.
In addition, the Musgrove-rotor consisted of many components
which hindered its cost-effectiveness. Despite the disadvantages,
after learning that there was a rotational speed limit of the fully-
extended blades, Musgrove-rotor development was terminated
and shifted to H-rotor.
7. Giromill or cycloturbine
7.1. History of giromill
Another variant of straight-blades Darrieus VAWT is giromill or
also known as cycloturbine. The term
was constructed
from two words: cyclogiro and windmill coined by MCAIR, which
developed cyclogiro airborne vehicle and adapted it to the version
of the windmill
. It was developed in the US around 1976, at
about the same time of Musgrove-rotor in the UK. Giromill is a H-
rotor with variable-pitch, so that wind's AOA to the blade is
maintained relatively constant at certain negative angle for one half
and certain positive angle for the other half of revolution at certain
wind velocity. The pitching method include mechanical and elec-
trical actuators, such as using a cam and push-rod mechanism
hydraulic mechanism, and DC motor connected to a blade pivot axis
via a timing belt
After the successful feasibility study, a three-bladed pre-
commercialization prototype giromill was built in 1980 under
funding from US DOE.
Fig. 18
a and b shows the MCAIR giromill
and its components description
, respectively. The giromill had
a diameter of 58 ft (17.7 m) and rotor height of 42 ft (12.8 m), which
produced constant power of 40 kW at 8.9
17.9 m/s wind velocity.
The drivetrain concept was similar to the Musgrove-rotor, except
for the placement of the brake disc and the single stage gearbox
utilized on the giromill. However, despite the successful develop-
ment of MCAIR giromill, the US government chose a two-bladed
downwind HAWT with similar power rating. The decision was
based on higher annual energy generation and lower COE.
7.2. Assessment on giromill
A giromill is able to achieve maximum
of 0.5
, which is
more ef
cient than other Darrieus VAWT variations presented in
this paper. Although variable-pitch mechanism in giromill shows
Fig. 15.
An experimental model of Musgrove-rotor
Fig. 16.
Major components of Musgrove-rotor
Fig. 17.
The VAWT-450 Musgrove-rotor
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
mechanism is costly. Complexities of the pitch-change system and
support structures for changing the pitching angle reliably over the
service time make the giromill not cost effective and have pre-
vented it from being manufactured in large-scale basis.
8. H-rotor
8.1. History of H-rotor
Despite its simplicity, H-rotor was developed later than Mus-
grove and giromill rotors although it was mentioned in the original
Darrieus patent. Experience gained from the VAWT-450 showed
that the ree
ng mechanism in Musgrove design was unnecessary
because passive stall of the airfoils in vertical position during strong
wind naturally prevented the blades from over-speeding. Thus,
another turbine was built as a H-rotor by VAWT Ltd. in 1988 and
was named VAWT-850 which had rated power of 500 kW and rotor
diameter of 38 m
Fig. 19
shows the VAWT-850, whose
connection of support bar and blades was simpler than the
Musgrove-rotor at the background. The turbine was completed in
August 1990 and was tested until February 1991 when one of the
blades broke due to an error in the
berglass blades manufacturing
Current large scale H-rotor is developed by Vertical Wind AB, a
wind energy research company based in Sweden in collaboration
with Uppsala University. After successful initial investigations on
2 kW and 12 kW prototypes
, the company produced a large
scale turbine of 200 kW
. The production of a 200 kW H-
rotor was started in October 2009, and has been operational since
April 2010.
Fig. 20
a and b shows the rotor and an artist's impression
on the major drivetrain components, respectively. The structural
concept of the H-rotor is similar to the giromill built by MCAIR.
However, the H-rotor developed by Vertical Wind is much simpler
since the rotor does not have wind detection and blade pitching
mechanism as well as a gearbox.
Vertical Wind AB also reported that fewer moving parts
compared to conventional wind turbines gives higher availability
and reliability as well as lower maintenance cost. The company
claims that direct-drive generator provides excellent cost ef
since it is placed on the ground, and hence, does not need to be
optimized for the weight and size. In addition, costs related to
gearbox failure are eliminated. Furthermore, the H-rotor is quieter
than a HAWT of similar size. The success story was received
enthusiastically by the Swedish Energy Authority, E.ON and Fal-
kenberg Energy, for which four turbines will be installed there
Fig. 18.
The MCAIR 40 kW prototype giromill. (a) The 40 kW giromill during testing
and (b) components of the giromill
Fig. 19.
The VAWT-850
xed-pitch H-rotor with the VAWT-450 Musgrove-rotor in the
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
8.2. Assessment on H-rotor
In the 1970s
1980s, glass-
ber reinforced plastic (GFRP) was
not common for being used as Darrieus VAWT blades. Until Mus-
grove and MCAIR started developing straight-bladed con
it was found out using aluminum via extrusion method was not
suitable for H-rotor blades due to cyclic
apwise bending stress.
Therefore, the recent straight-bladed Darrieus VAWT con
tions use GFRP and carbon
ber composites similar to the HAWT
blades, which is able to sustain continuous cycles of edgewise and
apwise bending stress during the blades service life. By the use of
GFRP and carbon
ber composite, the bene
t of stress-enduring
troposkien-shaped aluminum blades for phi-rotor is compensated
by the stress-enduring composite materials for H-rotor blades. In
addition, the aerodynamic drag caused by struts or support arms in
H-rotor is also compensated by the increased performance of the
rotor, since blade equatorial portion-to-rotor height (
) ratio
becomes unity, as described earlier.
The H-rotor program in UK was terminated after the failure of
VAWT-850 due to the prohibitively high cost in building the con-
crete tower and support structure
. Similarly in the US, H-rotor
was not attempted by the government despite successful tower
and drivetrain components installation in the giromill program.
Current development by Vertical Wind in the Sweden has
improved the designs of H-rotor by Musgrove in the UK and
giromill by MCAIR in the US. However, cyclic torque in large scale,
especially in multi-megawatt range, requires investigations into
strong and light-weight rotor shaft, since an extended rotor shaft is
prone to vibration and fatigue, primarily due to torsional stress on
the shaft.
A retrospective analysis by SNL in 2012 stated that H-rotor has a
high potential for cost-effective offshore wind power generation
. In particular, support bar of a H-rotor can be used as an aero-
dynamic braking system in strong winds, which has been a major
concern in Darrieus VAWT design. Airbrake system has been a
standard aerodynamic brake for commercial airplanes, which
deploy extended
aps during landing. In sport cars, aerodynamic
braking system has been used in conjunction with mechanical
brake to provide higher deceleration rate by deploying the rear
spoiler upward. Therefore, H-rotor has a potential to embed similar
aerodynamic braking system on the support bar cost-effectively,
without modifying the blades.
9. Helical H-rotor
9.1. History of helical H-rotor
H-rotor was modi
ed into another variant in which the blades
were twisted along the perimeter to form helical shape. Surpris-
ingly, the modi
cation was intended as a water turbine since the
inventor, Professor A.M. Gorlov of Northeastern University, is an
expert in hydro power. The invention was granted US Patents no.
5,451,138 on 19th September 1995. Although the tur-
bine was originally designed as a water turbine, the disclosed
patents stated that it could be used for hydro-pneumatic, hydro,
wind and wave power systems
Fig. 21
c show the comparison of Helical H-rotor for water and
wind turbines. The main difference between them is that the water
turbine has a much higher solidity, which is the ratio of blades
coverage area to turbine swept area. The hydrofoil's chord of the
Gorlov water turbine blades is made longer and thicker in order to
increase the structural strength. In addition, the rotating speed is
reduced, so that the chance of cavitation is minimized. Further-
more, the Gorlov water turbine rotates much slower than the
Fig. 20.
A 200 kW H-rotor by Vertical Wind. (a) Photograph of the H-rotor
and (b) artist's impression on the main components of the rotor.
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
QuietRevolution and Turby wind turbines, which is bene
cial to the
marine lives.
The QR5 turbine shown in
Fig. 21
b is manufactured by Quiet
Revolution in the U.K
. The rotor size is 5.5 m (H) by 3.1 m (D),
and has a rated power of 8.5 kW at 16 m/s wind velocity. The cut-in
and cut-out wind velocities for the turbine are 5.5 m/s and 26 m/s,
respectively. The turbine employs state-of-the-art components,
which include carbon
ber composites for the rotor assembly and
direct-drive permanent magnet generator. Another helical H-rotor
shown in
Fig. 21
c is developed by Turby BV, a Dutch manufacturer
which produces 2.5 and 10 kW turbines
. The company has
been cooperating with Delft Technical University to produce the
turbine. Similar to the QR5, the Turby blades are manufactured
using carbon
ber aramide composite. In addition, direct-drive
permanent magnet generator is also used. Turby has an overall
CP of 0.3 from the wind power to electricity. It utilizes NACA 0018
le for the blades, and is operated at TSR of about 3. The cut-in
and cut-out wind velocities of the turbine is 4 m/s and 19 m/s,
respectively, while the rated power is reached at 13 m/s
9.2. Assessment on helical H-rotor
Helical H-rotor improves the performance of H-rotor by
distributing a blade pro
le along the perimeter of the rotor
Fig. 21.
Helical H-rotor for: (a) water turbine (Gorlov Helical Turbine)
, (b) and (c) are wind turbines by QuietRevolution
and Turby
, respectively.
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
uniformly, and thus, making the swept area as well as blade sec-
tions constant to the wind at all instances of turbine rotation.
Therefore, rotor torque
uctuation is signi
cantly reduced when
the helical shape covers a full 360
rotation. Bene
ts of having
regular torque include better power output regulation and reduced
cyclic stress on the drivetrain. In addition, noise is reduced and
slightly higher effective chord is obtained
. Currently, helix
design is getting popularity not only because of better performance,
but also for the esthetic value, in which modern elegant design
harmonizes the elements in the space.
Comparison of Helical H-rotor to H-rotor and phi-rotor has been
Fig. 22
shows modeled geometry of H-rotor, phi-rotor
and helical H-rotor. The rotors were modeled with 3 blades spaced
equally at 120
using symmetrical NACA 0015 with chord-to-radius
at mid-span of 0.15, aspect ratio of 20 and TSR of 5. The modeled
rotors performance is shown in
Fig. 23
where torque
varies three times every rotation. The graphs show that a phi-rotor
has the most
uctuation with variation of about 0.3
, followed by
H-rotor with 0.2
, and the least
uctuation is achieved by the
helical H-rotor with variation of about 0.03
. However, despite the
ts gained, true helical blades are more expensive to
10. Articulating H-rotor
Another recent variation of Darrieus VAWT is the articulating H-
rotor developed by Blackhawk Project, LLC. The wind turbine
concept is based on a helicopter rotor that adjusts automatically to
the wind pressure, so that vibration and mechanical stresses are
reduced. Bruce Boatner, who invented the articulating H-rotor in
2006, is an engineer and helicopter pilot. The articulating H-rotor
received US Patent no. 7,677,862 on 16th March 2010
Currently, Blackhawk, LLC is testing TR-10, a prototype model of
1.5 kW at the Center For Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), Idaho
National Laboratory since 2009. The rotor has a diameter of 10 ft
(3 m) and height of 7 ft (2.1 m).
The working principle of the wind turbine is based on gimbal or
swashplate-like mechanism, in which the blades are free to oscil-
late or tilt around the rotor hub, i.e. the articulation point. Elasto-
meric dampeners are used to prevent the blades from over-tilting.
Linkages are connected from the hub to the blades, so that pitch
angles are altered depending on which blade is being pushed by the
Fig. 24
shows an illustration of the 1.5 kW articulating H-
rotor with annotation on its major components. Pitch-control via
Fig. 22.
Geometry of the modeled Darrieus VAWTs: (a) H-rotor, (b) Phi-rotor and (c) Helical H-rotor
Fig. 23.
Power coef
cient variations of a typical phi (
) rotor, H-rotor and helical H-
W. Tjiu et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 50
articulating motion allows the turbine to self-start at light winds
despite of having low solidity, higher torque during operation, as
well as for aerodynamic braking. Another advantage of articulating
motion is that the blades swiftly adapt to the wind force, thus
reducing vibration as often occurs in stiff and
xed blades. The
feature is highly advantageous for urban application, where the
wind is more turbulent.
11. Fish-schooling formation
The effort to study Darrieus VAWT in array con
guration has
been bio-inspired by the nature. Migrating birds and
shes show
that they have more stamina in traveling farther as a group. By
positioning themselves precisely at certain coordinates, the ani-
mals are able to gain from the vortices shed by the animals ahead.
This phenomenon has been investigated for wind turbine appli-
cation, and has been shown to be bene
cial for vertical axis
guration. A recent investigation
using stereoscopic par-
ticle image velocimetry (PIV) shows the wake and vortices formed
by a two-bladed H-rotor clearly. The H-rotor dimensions are 1 m
rotor diameter, 1 m rotor height and 0.06 m NACA 0018 chord
length, which rotates at TSR of 4.5 in a wind stream velocity of
9.3 m/s. The PIV images show the fast wake recovery of the H-rotor,
in which after only 1.5 rotor diameter distance downwind, the
cycloidal wake is no longer detectable and is replaced by large
vortical structures due to the roll-up of co-rotating small vortices
. The utilization of these vortices is the basis of VAWT
schooling formation.
Darrieus VAWT has an advantage in turbulence compared to the
HAWT, so that they can be formed into arrays to harness more
power in a given area. In limited area of urban population, this
arrangement would be advantageous. Unlike HAWTs that experi-
ence higher fatigue and performance loss when positioned close to
each other
, Darrieus VAWTs wind farm study suggested
slight reduce (or even increase in some cases) in performance
depending on the array con
. For a clustered tur-
bines, Darrieus VAWT pairs at downwind position recover the ef-
ciency to within 5% of an isolated turbine at four diameter spacing,
while HAWTs require 15-20 diameter spacing
. Similar phe-
nomenon has been observed for Savonius VAWT
. However,
research on the topic is still very scarce, and large Darrieus VAWT
cluster such as in a typical HAWT wind farm has not been per-
formed to observe the large-scale wake effects on the pairs for-
mation. Nevertheless, the studies showed the potential of small
inter-turbine spacing in Darrieus VAWT to reduce the size and
impacts of wind farm.
Fig. 25
a and b shows a biomimicry con
guration of Darrieus
VAWT wind farm based on wake vortices of
sh schooling studied
by Weihs in 1975
. Both
acw vortex
(anticlockwise) and
(clockwise) represent dipoles of wake vortices formed by the
school. The dipoles position are used as the placement of Darrieus
VAWTs. The distances between the dipoles are indicated by
is the downstream distance of two vortices in the same
is the lateral distance between
cw vortex
of a
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