August | 2020
and art critics, have also played an important role in the restoration of high-quality
products of traditional arts and crafts. The masters themselves realized the need to
change the craft.
Nowadays, traditional pottery is declining in Rishtan. Many craftsmen are creating
their work for market trade. Of course, this is a good market economy and tourists are
creating affordable products, but it can lead to the gradual disappearance of traditional
pottery. saw the face of the world with. Due to the adaptation of Uzbek ceramics to the
conditions of the market economy and the attempt to sell their products in the market
conditions, many masters have created products that are attractive to tourists, undermining
the originality of ancient traditions and style.
There are also many problems with disci pleshi p. The ancient "teacher-disci ple"
system is now alive. If in the past, teachers tested their students in exams and gave them
a certain level of knowledge and skills before giving them a "white blessing" in lieu of a
di ploma, now such internshi ps, unfortunately, are not observed. Since young masters
do not have the opportunity to study for a long time, after completing 2-3 months of
training, they rush to sell their artistically very poor quality products in the market.
Trade in the market disrupts the traditional system of training highly skilled potters.
This has led to a further decline in the status of previously popular pottery centres, as
noted above. At a time when leading masters of high-quality ceramics are trying to sell
their products at high prices, students are selling products at a low price. They have filled
the art salons, markets of Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent tourist centres with low-
quality products.
Young potters are accelerating the production of products to suit the needs of the
market and the customer. This lowers the quality of the product. Of course, there are
young potters who understand ancient traditions and try to preserve them in some way.
During the period of independence, the process of restoration of traditional pottery
intensified. All economic incentives are being created for masters to sell their products.
Currently, the development of national ceramics, the preservation of its unique
nature, its ancient patterns and the structure of the artistic image of Uzbek ceramics is
a pressing issue. Despite the problems of a creative and organizational nature, the positive
results that have taken place during the period of independence are gratifying. The social
status of folk masters has increased. Interest in pottery traditions has grown significantly
in Uzbekistan and neighbouring countries. Many masters were sent on creative tri ps
abroad to improve and strengthen their skills. They also managed to hold solo exhibitions
In conclusion, it should be noted that for the development of traditional ceramics it
is necessary to pay more attention and expand the conditions to ensure its continuity.
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