Bog'liq IELTS Practice Now Practice in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking for the IELTS Test ( PDFDrive )
Pause 10 seconds to have a desk at home
W Now in this part of the interview I would
If you want to study, yes Maybe
like you to ask me as many questions as
W Yes I think if you want to study it's
you possibly can related to these topics
probably very good
and I would like you to ask me different
OK OK Thank you very much
types of questions Now I would like you
to imagine that you're new at the
Phases 4 and S
university and you have just found some
W All right Great Thank you Now
cheap accommodation Now, I'm the
return to what we were
accommodation officer
earlier on and I asked ) ou a little
P At the university
your background but primarily 1
W That's right And I can assist you with
about sport I would like to ask you
getting some inexpensive furniture So if
your educational background and
you would like to ask me some questions