Appendix A: Concurrency II
Breaking Lock & Wait
You can also eliminate deadlock if you refuse to wait. Check
each resource before you
seize it, and release all resources and start over if you run into one that’s busy.
This approach introduces several potential problems:
Starvation—One thread keeps being unable to acquire the resources it needs (maybe it
has a unique combination of resources that seldom all become available).
Livelock—Several threads might get into lockstep and all acquire one resource and
then release one resource, over and over again. This is especially likely with simplistic
CPU scheduling algorithms (think embedded devices
or simplistic hand-written
thread balancing algorithms).
Both of these can cause poor throughput. The first results in low CPU utilization,
whereas the second results in high and useless CPU utilization.
As inefficient as this strategy sounds, it’s better than nothing. It has the benefit that it
can almost always be implemented if all else fails.
Breaking Preemption
Another strategy for avoiding deadlock is to allow threads
to take resources away from
other threads. This is usually done through a simple request mechanism. When a thread
discovers that a resource is busy, it asks the owner to release it.
If the owner is also waiting
for some other resource, it releases them all and starts over.
This is similar to the previous approach but has the benefit that a thread is allowed to
wait for a resource. This decreases the number of startovers.
Be warned, however, that
managing all those requests can be tricky.
Breaking Circular Wait
This is the most common approach to preventing deadlock. For most systems it requires
no more than a simple convention agreed to by all parties.
In the example above with Thread 1 wanting both Resource 1 and Resource 2 and
Thread 2 wanting both Resource 2 and then Resource 1, simply forcing both Thread 1 and
Thread 2 to allocate resources in the same order makes circular wait impossible.
generally, if all threads can agree on a global ordering of resources and if they
all allocate resources in that order, then deadlock is impossible.
Like all the other strate-
gies, this can cause problems:
The order of acquisition might not correspond to the order of use; thus a resource
acquired at the start might not be used until the end. This
can cause resources to be
locked longer than strictly necessary.