Learning idioms It’s great to learn as many idioms as possible, but the most important thing is to use them correctly – in sufficient volume and in proper place. First of all, we should wait until we hear an idiom from a native speaker in a natural context; we should not experiment with using an idiom until we have mastered the basics of English grammar. Once we have heard the idiom being used more than once, and fully understand its meaning, we can try using it by ourselves. Imagine that you have two job offers, one sure, but lower paying, and one that pays more, but is only tentative. Because of nervousness and fear of having no job at all, you accept the lower paying job, at which moment the better offer comes through and naturally you feel frustrated. You can then say Oh well, the die is cast… If you try this on a native speaker and he looks at you with sympathy and does not ask “what do you mean?” – you have achieved your first successful placement of a newly learned idiom in an appropriate context. This can be a rewarding experience. English people can definitely tell us how fluent we are and between foreigners and natives just by the fact of using idioms. If a person always uses a bookish, stilted expression and never uses an idiom in the right place, he might develop the reputation of being a dry, unimaginable speaker, or one who is trying to be too serious and too official. The use of idioms is, therefore, extremely important. It can strike a chord of solidarity with the listener. The more idioms we use in the right context, the more at ease English people will feel with us and the more they will think to themselves “this is a nice and friendly person – look at how well he expresses himself!” So, searching for idioms, finding and learning those, practicing in speech and catching their meaning when somebody else is speaking should become our second nature as interpreters/translators. If we come across or hear the idiomatic expression which is not fixed yet in special dictionaries make up your own notes of these idioms. Non-native speakers of English can reach a point in their knowledge of the language where they feel comfortable with standard literary speech; however, they’re liable to find themselves in hot water when confronted with idiomatic expressions. When hearing an idiom or colloquialism they may feel frustrated and confused, since the true meaning of the idiom generally cannot be determined by knowledge of its component parts. In many cases an attempt on the part of the learner to tie down a definition of an idiom that would work in all instances is a futile undertaking.
The Most famous people in the world
World leaders or political leaders are instrumental in shaping the destiny of a nation and the world. These are the world’s greatest leaders and they had a critical part to play in world history and will be forever remembered for their contribution to society. Here is a list of the most famous people in the world in the field of politics.
Abraham Lincoln
Adolf Hitler
Charles de Gaulle
Fidel Castro
Henry Kissinger
Ho Chi Minh
Barack Obama
John F. Kennedy
Joseph Stalin
George Washington
Margaret Thatcher
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Saddam Hussein
Thomas Jefferson
Vladimir Lenin
Winston Churchill
Yasser Arafat
Most Famous Writers and Poets
Can you imagine literature without Shakespeare’s sonnets or the beautiful poems by Wordsworth. Literature is what it is today, mainly due to the contribution of these most famous writers, novelists and poets. Here is a list of the most famous people in the world in the field of literature.
Allan Edgar Poe
Charles Dickens
Ernest Hemingway
Emily Bronte
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Leo Tolstoy
Lord Byron
Khalil Gibran
Mark Twain
Oscar Wilde
P. B. Shelley
P. G. Wodehouse
Pearl S. Buck
Rudyard Kipling
Rabindranath Tagore
Samuel Coleridge
T. S. Elliot
Thomas Hardy
Victor Hugo
V. S. Naipaul
William Sydney Porter
William Makepeace Thackeray
William Wordsworth
William Shakespeare
William Blake
Walter Scott
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Most Famous Singers in the World
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