Ihem to blam. and tell them abaut Al/ah '5 ,ighu Iluli arc
inrumbem on them. 8y Allah. thm Ife guides Olle perSOII through
you 10 /slam . is belfer for you than capturing the best WffU'/S."
Our first teacher 4f;. had his own best method, and his ideal way
of delivering admonition in various styles and ways of exposition.
li ere is an example of this method:
A. Taking up the lIa rrative method: for example, the story of the
leper, olle amieted by ringwonn and the blind.
AI-Bu~~iiri and Muslim quol~-d Abu Hura;rah.:.So as saying thai
he heard the Prophet e. say, "There were three men from Bani
Isrri'i/. a leper. a man aff/icted wilh ring ..... orm. ami a blind man whom
Allah wanted to leSI. Therefore, Ife sent an angel 10 Ihem . He came
10 Ihe leper;
Angel: Wltal is the thillK you want mosl?
Leper: A good complexion. good skin. and Ihal which made me
dirty in Ihe eyes of people to be gone. He rubbed his skin
ami his blrmis/, disappeared lind he .....
Angel: What is Ihe be5/ source afweailhfaf you?
Leper: "Camels." He ..... 1lJ" gil'en a pfegnam camel.
Angel: May Alliih bless you ..... ilh il. He came 10 the man lIff/icled
with rillgworm.
Angel: Whal is lire IIlilrg YOII like mosl?
RingwormI'd." Fine hair. and IhOl which made me dirly in Ihe eyes
of people 10 disappear, fie rubbed him IIml ..... as g;I'<>n fine
Angel: What is lile best source of weallh for y<)u~
Ringwormed: "Cows." lie was given a pregnant co ......
Angel: May Alllih blelS ilfor YOII.
III' came 10 the blind mall,
Angel: Whal is lire th!IIg you (ksire mO.~I?
Blind: "Thai Alfijh restores my eyesight for me so that I may see
people." fie rubbed him and restored Iris eyesight for him.
Angel: Whal is lire heSI souree of ..... eallh you like?
Blind. "Slreep." He was given a pregnam sheep. The animals
multiplied. so Ihal the three men Irad a I'alley frtll of
camels, cow.<, and sheep. respectively. Then lire Angel
came /0 the previous leper man in Ihe form of a leper.
Angel: A poor mall who Is CUI off from hi3 people wandering aroulf{l.
so I hal'e no mOlley IOdoy except from AlIiih Ihell you. 1 ask you
ill Ihe nome of the One who gare you the fair complexion, good
skin. and monq 10 give me a camel 10 eat duritlg my travel.
Leper: Ilul\'e mOllY debtsi
Angel: II seems as if I know you, Were you nOt U leper considered
dirty by people? Were YOIl nOl poor thell Allah mode you rlcM
upcr: I inherited Ihis money from my IlIIteSlors.
Angel: If you Ilre a hllr. may Alltih reSlOre you 10 your p re "iou,~
conditiOl.! He came 10 lire man p,e~lously afflicted wilh in the
fnrm of a man afflicled witlr Ihe some ailmenl.
Angd: A poor man ..... hn is CUI offfrom Iris people wondering around, so
I have no money loduy except from AlIiih tirell you. I ask you ill
Ihe nome of the 0111' Who gave )'au good hair. good looks, and
mOlley to gi"e me 0 cow so Ilrat / may 1'01 it during my Irtn'e[l
Ringwarmed: My debt.r are mOlly.'
Allgel: II seems 10 me Ilrat I kllow you. Were you n011l m(m uf/licted
with ringworm wh05e people cOTUiderrJ IlI'IY? Were you nOt
poor Ihell A lltilr made YOII riclr?
Ringwormed: I inheriled Ihis money from my ancestors.
Angel: If you are a liar, may AIMh reSlOre you 10 your previa" .•
condition. Then he came 10 Ihe man wlro had bel'li blind ill Ihe
form of a blind man,
Allge!: A poor mall who is CIII offfrom his people wandering arOlmd,
so I hOl'e no money laday exeepl from AIMh Ilren you. f /lsk
YOII in lite name of Ihe One who reslOred your eyesjghl 10 you
Ihal you give me a sheep 10 eat (Juring my lra,e!.
Blind man: I was blind then A/Mh reslOred my eytsight 10 me. Tilke
whatever yOIl want and leave ... lratever you want. By AIM/i, I
will not contradict you concerning any thing you tllke for Ihe
s,/ke of Alliih •.
Angel: Keep yO!" things_ You h{.u bun pullO Ii'SI. A!/iih is satisfied
wilh you, and dissatisfied with )"our comrodl's.
A good adviser, a wise educator, and a well-guided caller to the
way of Allah can adapt the exposition of a story to a style that suits
the mentality of the audience. They can also infer from the story
the most important morals and admonition, so that the effect may
be more touching. and the response st ronger,
B. Utilizing the method of dia logue and catechism: this is done
through posing questions to friends m order to draw their
attention, stir their intelligence, and feed them dTeetive admonition
in the form of conviction and catechism. An example of this is
AI-Bu~~'lri and Muslim quoting AbU. Hurairah '*' as saying that
the Messenger of Alliih G: said, "Do you kllow who is bankrupt?"
They sa id, ·'A bankrupt to us is who has no dirham or property."
He said. "A bankrllpl in my nallon is he who comes on the Last Day
with prayerJastillg. zakiih. and hajj. but he had sworn at lhis (man)
and slandered thlll. devoured sOll1l'One's money, shed Ihe blood of
onothcr, and beal someone. This man will be gi'"en from his good
deeds. aJJd thai man wi!/ be given from his good deeds. If his good
deeds are spell1 before he IHlyS his debls, he willllike from Iheir bod
deeds. which will he lidded 10 his, Ihm he will be thrown into Ihe Fire. "
C. Startmg admomtion with sweanng by AIHih: th is is intended to
caU the attention of the hearer to the importance of the thing that
is to be said. in order to do it or avoid it. An example is what AIB
u ~~iirl quoted Abu Shl/raih 40 as saying, that the Messenger of
Alliih ~ said, "8y Alliih. he is nOI a befiever; by A1f6h, he is no/ a
be/ieoer: by A/fiih. he i$ /10/ a believer." It was asked. "Who 0
Messenger of All iih?'· He said, "'Ihal person whose neighbor does no/
fnf safe from his evils."
D. Combining admonition and jesting: this is mtended to stir the
mind, prevent boredom, and arouse Intcrest. An example is what
Abu Diiwlld and At·Tirmidhi quoled Anas *' as saying Ihat a man
camc to the Messenger of Allah asking him for a camel from
charity so Ihat he m11y carry his household things on it. The
Messenger $ sa id, " I will give you a baby camel. The man said,
" 0 Messenger of Allah , what can [ do with 11 baby cametr' The
Messenger of Alliih $ said, "And do /I!male camels give birth
except /0 baby camels?'"
E. Being concise in specch to prevent boredom: Abu Oiiwud
quoted Jiibir Ibn Samurah as saying, "The Messenger of Alliih
used to not prolong the sermon on Friday. [\ was only a fcw
F. Controlling the audience through the effect of admonition: it
was stated In Ahmad'S Musnad and by Muslim that Ibn 'Umar .$
said that Ihe Messenger of Allah read this verse onc day on the
minbar (pulpit):
~p~'- )! ! , .,. .• ~.... ...~. .... .1 "f)):"J- ._~., .f.-r -..'.I !I.t.">-~'o ,;"- TIt..
A"{ ~/ -"-Yr:-' ~ .gr"<'-J ~r ''; .' --: .•. .":... .....,.: •:,•
" They made nOI u just estimate 0/ Alliih such U& iJ due 10 Him.
And an rhe Day 0/ Rtsu,reclioo the ",hole 0/ 'he earth "'ill be
Krasped by lIis Hlmd unu rhe hearens "'ill In rolled ap in Hi& RighI
Hand. G/tH"ijieli is lie, aod High is lie aoo.t all rhat they InsociAte
as par/nen with lIim!" (Az-Zum ... (7)
The Messenger of AlI iih # was saying this with his hand,
moving it back and forth, saying Ihe Lord glorifies Himself saying
J am the Potenate; I am the Proud; I am the King; I am the
Generous. The minbar shook with the Messenger of Allah, so that
we thought it may fall; wilt il collapse with the Messenger of Altah
if;? The admonishing caller 10 the way of Alliih cannot have this
dominating efTect unless he has a sincere intention, a kind of heart,
a pious soul, and clean of inner feelings; otherwise the
responsibility is so great towards AlIiih, the Lord of the worlds.
G. Admonishment by giving appropriate examples: the Prophct ~
used to clarify his words by gIving e ~amples that people easily
understand what they recognize with their se nses, and what is well
within their reach, so that the clTcel of admomllon may be stronger
and firmer in their minds. An-Nasai in his Swum quoted Anas 40
as s;\ying th~lt the Messenger of Allah 3: said, ",-I beliel'ef who
rewis Ihe Qu,'all is like ulruj)ult (u[ruil simi/ur 10 orange.!). II i$
[,ag,anl alii/lUSty. A believe, who does 1101 fead Ihe Qur'an ijlike a
[,uil which is IOsly bm nOI [ragram. An impious mun who 'eod$ Ihe
Qllr 'an is like slI"eel basil. which is [Wg'IIIII, bUI tasles biller. An
impious ma/I ,..ho does no/ read the Qu,'lin is like a coloc}'nlh which
is biller-lUsling. amI 1101 [ragrll/II. A bad companion is like u mun
... ·lto works Ihe bellows; if you do 1101 gel s/(Iined by him, his smoke
will harm ),ou. -'
H. AdmOnition by gesture: for example, AI-Bukhari and Muslim
quoted Abu Musa AI-Ash'ari.:Ji, as saying that Alhih"s Messenger
3: said ... A believe, is 10 II bellel'er like 0 buildillg whose purts
cOllSoIidale each mher; Allah·.1 Mc.lsenger inlerll'lIrmil his fingers."
1. Adomnition by drawing and illustrating: for example, AIBukhari
quoted 'Abdultiih Ibn Mas'Od 0$ as saying, "Allah's
Messenger ;'j: drew a square for us, drew a line outside of it, and
drew smaller and yet smaller lmes in the middle of the square. Then
he said, "This is man, and this is his life-time surrounding him; that
which is outside i.e. the line is his hope; these smaller and smaller
lines are a~idents and sudden affiictions. If he missed one of them,
another will snatch him. If he missed all of them, he will be
affiicled with old age."
J. Admonition by means of a practical act: for example, Al-Bukhari
narrated that the Prophet $ once led people lit prayer while he
was on the pulpit so that all of them could sec how he was praying,
and may learn by watching what he does. When he finished, people
came to him and so he said, "0 people, I have done this so that you
may follow my example, and teach others how I pray."
K, Admonition by seizing opportunities: for example, Muslim
quoted Jiibir" as saying that Alhih's Messenger ~ passed by a
market and entered it with people surrounding him. He came
across a dead goat with small ears. He caught it by the ear and
said,"Who would like to buy this for a dirham?" They said, "We
would not like it even fo r free; what would we do with it?"~ He said,
"Would you like 10 have il?" They said, "By Alliih, even if it were
alive, its short cars would be a defect, then how about if it were
dead1" He said, " By Alliiil, this world is more /ri,iol/o AIMiI than
thi.! is to you."
L. Admonition by paying attention to (he more important issues:
for example, Al-Bukhiiri and Muslim quoted Anas .. as saying
that an Arab of the desert asked Allfih's Messenger 3:. "When will
the Last Day be, 0 Messenger of Allah?" The Messenger of AlHih
4: said, ., What did you do 10 prepare for iI?" The man said, "The
love of Allah and His Messenger." The Messenger s
be with those you love."
M, Admonition by showing the prohibited thing he is fo rbidding
people from: for instance, Abil OfiwCid, An-Nasal, and Ibn Majah
in their Sunol! quoted Ali Ibn Abi Tiilib 4J, as saying, "Allah's
Messenger 4: held some silk in his left hand, and some gold in his
right hand, then raised them with his hands saying, "These are
prohibited jor the males of my nalion, but are allowed for the
f ellUlles."
The above are the most important methods which our firs!
teacher 4: used in guiding adults, teaching youngsters, directing
the elite, guiding commoners, strengthening virtue, and redressing
IV. EduCi tion by Observation
The meaning of education by observation is to take care of the
bel icf and moral formation of the child. to observe him in his
psychological and social constitution, and to continually inquire
about his physical upbringing and his Jearning progress.
There is no doubt that such education is one of the firmest bases
in forming a well-balanced and integrated human being who pays
everyone his due, who fully shouldcn; his responsibilities, and who
is a true Muslim . Such a Mushm is the corner stone in establishing
a firm Islamic basis by which the glory of Islam is established and
on which the Islamic state comes to fruit ion, Indeed, Islam is the
means of civilization.
Islam, with its comprehensive principles and Divine system, has
urged parents and educators to take interest in observing their
children in all aspc<:ts of life and education. To you, my brother
educator, I present the most important texts dealing with this
observation. Alliih '1ft says,
~\:i.;, l~ !tr- ~ i;4G .;6! (i;~;; CG ~~.t ~11; !fX iJr Q~ t
~ ~1 !: S;i" fa) t .if ~,,'-; y
"0 ),ou "'ho belie~e! Ward off/rom yourselves and >'our families a
nre ( llefl) "'hose/uel is men and stones, over ",hich are (uppointed)
angels Jtern (Qlld) u ~C'e, "'ho disobey not, (from exeCUTing) the
Commantb they reaiVl! from Alfiih, but do that ",hich they au
commanded." (At.Talyim, 6)
How Can an educator protect his own family from the fire if he
docs not command them, prohibit what is evil. and docs nO!
observe them?
Among the Prophetic Traditions that urge accompaniment and
observation is the one narrated by AI.Bu~~ari and Muslim
quoting Ibn 'Umar 40>: "And a man is the guardian of his
household, and is responsible for his wards, and a woman is the
guardian in her husband's house and is responsible for her wards_"
Our lirst educator and most honorable guide Muhammad"
used to give his nation an ideal example in taking care of his
Companions, inquiring after them, warning those who fell short,
encouraging the charitable, sympathi7.ing with the weak and poor,
educating youngsters, and teaching the ignorant. Here are some
examples of his observation and inquiries after his Companions:
_ Concerning social education we find that AI- Bukhari and Muslim
narrated Abu Sa'id AI-J9.1udri ., who s.aid that the Prophet 3-
said, "Beware of sifting in roads. They said, "We cannot help our
sittings where we talk." Allah's Messenger" SOl id, "Jf you COlmaf
help if, thel' give the road il3 due. " They s.aid, "What is the due of
the road, 0 Messenger of Allah?" He s.aid " Lowering Ihe gaze,
not inflicting IUlrm, remming greeting, commanding goodness, and
prohibiting evil."
- Concermng how the Prophet ~ warned against prohibitions we
find Ihal An-Nawawi narrated in Riya!J A!-$Iili~;n quoting Ibn
Ahbas.;io as saying that Alliih's Messenger#. saw a gold ring on
a man's finger, so he look it ofTand threw it away and sa id, "One
of you takes a piece of fire and pUiS if on his hand." After Alliih's
Messenger left, it was said to the man, "Take your ring and make
use of It." He said, "By Allah, no. I will never take it after Alliih's
Messenger $. took it ofT my finger."
_ Concerning how he educated youngsters we find AI-Bukhari and
Muslim narnl ted 'Umar Ibn Abi Salamah"" as s,1ying, " ] was a
boy in the lap of Allih's Messenger $. Ii. e. under his
observation] and my hand used to move everywhere in the
dish, so AlIiih's Messenger tI;:. said to me, "0 boy, mel1lion lire
name of AIMh, Cill wilh your righl hand, and eat from the nearl!sl
place /0 you."
_ Concerning how he guided adults we find tnal Abu Diiwud and
AI-Bayhaqi quoted 'Abdullah Ibn Amir 40 as saying, "My
mother once called me In the presence of Alliih's Messenger it in
our house, and she said, "Come here and r will give you
something." Al1flh's Messenger said, .. What dQ you want 10 give
him?" she said, " I want to give him dates." Allah'S Messenger
said, "Iiyou do nOI give him anything ilwill be wrillen 08 a lie."
_ Concerning moral education we find thai AJ- B u~~iiri and
Muslim quoted Abu Bakrah -$. as saying that a man was
mentioned to the Prophet $ and another man lauded him, The
Prophet ¢. said, "Woe 10 you: you held you, f riend's neck. I
repealedl}' .!oid, "/f anyone is inevitably lauding another, he should
say, I guess so and so even lfhe thinks he is right. AlIiih suffices/or
him and no one should be lauded 10 Alliih."
_ Concerning psychological education we find Al-Bukhiiri and
Muslim quoted An-Nu'miin Ibn Bashir 4\1. as saying that his
father brought him to Alliih's Messenger and said, " I gave my
son a slave of mine." Allah 's Messenger said, " Have you giYt'n Ihe
lik!! 10 all your sons?'" He sa id, "No." The Prophet said, "Theil
/ake /rim back." My father returned and took the slave back.
_ The e~ample of physical education is found when he saw some
people drinking in one gulp like a camel, so he said to them, as
narrated by At-Tinnidhi, "Do not drink in one gulp as a camel
does, but drink in two or three gulps, ond mention Allah's nome
before you drink. and thank Him afle, you finish."
_ Concerning how he educated to the way of Allah and was gentle
to people is found In Al - B u ~ ~iirl and Muslim who quoted Anas
.. as saying, " I marched with Alliih's Messenger who was
dressed in a Najnin coarse garment. An Arab of the desert went
up to him and pulled at his ganncnt so violently that it left a
mark on Allilh's Messenger's neck. Then th e Arab of the desert
said, "0 Muhammad, command that I be given from All iih's
money which you have access 10. The Prophel 4: turned to him
laughing, then commanded that he be given some.
- Concerning how he raised the status of women and gave them
their due, we find that An-Nasai and Ibn Majah narrated that a
young woman came to the Prophet tt: and said, "My father
married me to his nephew so that he may raise his status by me
i. e. cover his defect and I hate him. Allah's Messenger sent
someone to fetch her father and commanded him to leave the
matter up to her. The woman said, " I approve of what my father
has done, but I wanted women to know thai this matter is not up
to their fathers."
Among the important things which an educator should know i~
that education by observation is not confined to one or two aspects
of reforming the forrnallon of the human self, but should include