unctnain because th. author only pro.id«l the Arabi< trnnoliteration_ (<
I, Inability 10 understand the nature of Islam,
II. The love oflife and hating death,
HI. The ignorance of the aim for which M uslim~ were created.
This despair will be removed, and glory and victory will be
achieved when they recogn ize that Islam is:
a. 'Ihe rel igion of strength and pO'Oler,
b, The religion which calls to knowledge and science,
c, The rel igion which regards man as the vicegerent of AlIiih on
earth to live in, discover it, and to benefit from its provisions,
d, The religion which honors man and prdcrs him above all
e. The religion of work, activity, labor and vitality,
f. l hc religion of contemplation rutd thousht on the creations of
the heavens and earth so as to reach the truth about these
j. The religion which prohibits despair,
h. The religion of honor and dignity.
Despair will be removed alld glory and victory will be achieved
when Muslims in general, and callers and scholars in par ticular,
liberate themselves from the love of this life and indulging in
worldly pleasures. Also, when they liberate themselves from
eo..,;ardice, fear , and haling death and be sure that Alliih is til:
Provider, the Hann-Inflicting and the Benefit-Giver.
Despair will be removed and glory and victory will be achieved
if they recognize the sublime aim for which they were created. This
aim is to worship Allah. The Qur'an dec lares:
"•{ _, fl,:~' "' ..-.-'..,-;:,''> .,J"H;' "'- C:.>' T,
"A " tI ! (AI/lih) a~tll~d "01 1M Ji"" anti mank jnd ~.T:Cl!pl lhal Ih' J'
$hollfd N'onllip lite (A lone). " (Adh-Dhariyyal, S6)
The question that arises is: What is the type of worship which
Allah commands us? It is submIssion to All iih's teaching.~ and
loyalty to Allah and His Messenger and the believers; it is also the
contilluous commandment of Allah to bring people out from the
worship of people alld idols to the worship of Allah; and reject ing
concepts and beliefs which are in disagreement with Islamic law.
This is the task and mission of the Muslim ;n this life. Thus.
Muslims should recognize the nalUre of their religion and Jibente
themselves from loving life and hating death and recognize the aim
uf thc il clcatiull :;u "s to ""hi"." gruwth fur blam amI regain their
previous glory and strength.
The question th"t arises is: What is the way to reformation and
what is the starting point to reform the good society? The answer
lies in the word ·'education" which encompasses many meanings,
concepts and lields. It includes education of the individual, :he
family, society and humanity. Under each meaning, there are other
t}PCS and divisions. All these meanings aim at setting up noble
societies and ideals. This education of children is a branch of
individual education in which Islam calls to prepare and reform
him to be a useful and good member of society.
This book explains the whole and right way of child education
in Islam. When you read it, you will rccogni7.c the chaTllctcristics
and comprehensiveness of Islamic Law. You will also recognizelhc
Wd)'S of Islam in education and reformation. When educators
follow his way, the Ummah will achieve stability, safety and
h.ppine,", ond disorder, fcar, and unhoppiness will be rcmoved.
You will recognize that Islam .s (he religion of life, humanity,
awareness, education, and refonnation.
It is noticeable that the Islamic library is PQor in regards to
books Oil child education ill Islam. I did not find a comprehensive
book about child education in Islam from birth to puberty save th~
book entitled "Tu/iflll AI-/lfaududji Ahkam AI-Mawlu"" by Ibn
Qa}'Yim Al·J awziYYilh .w. It deals with the rules of the newborn. I
have referred to It in the third chapter. I did my best and searched
in references and volumes to write a comprehensive book de;lim!
with chi ld education from birth 10 puberty. It also deals with the
complete way upon which parents ami educators should foHow.
I have divided the book into tbree parts, Each part is divided
into numerous chapters, and c',cry chapter contains several
subje<:U_ [t wi ll be as follows:
Pan One:
Chapler One: The Idea! Marriage and its Relationsh ip \0
Chapter Two: The I'sychological Feelings Towards Children
Chapter Three: General Rules Concermng the New-born baby
Chapter Four: Causes and Treatment of Children's waywardness
Part Two:
Chapter One: The Responsibi lity for Fa ith Education
Chapter Two: The Responsibility for Ethical Education
Chapter Three: The Responsibihty for Physical Education
Chapter Four: The R esponsibi~ty for Intellectual Education
Chapter Five: The Responsibility for Psychological Education
Chapter Six: The Responsibility for Social Education
Chapter Seven: The Responsibility for Sex ual Education
Part Three:
Chapter One: EfTcctive Means of Children's Education
Chapter Two: The Ilasic Principles of Education
Chapter Three: Necessary Educational Suggestions
These are the main points for eaeh chapter in each part of the
book. The reader will find other impoft1Hlt points and useful
subjects branching from these chapters. The aim of these points
and subjects is to provide and outline an evident and better way for
ehild education. Finally. [ ask Allah to make this work sincere fo r
[·Iis sake and to accept it as a good work on the Day of Judgment. I
a!k Him also to make it useful for mankind.
'Abdull all Nasill 'U1wan
Part One
L Claptcr One: The Ideal Marriage and its Relationship to Education
2. Chapter Two: Psychological F«lings Towards Children
3. Chapler Three: General Rules Concerning the New-born Bab}·
4. a' ''l't~, Fvu, . C;su."", alld T rca\':Icnt of Childrcn 's Waywardnc ..
P." Or.<:
Chapler Qne
The Ideal Marriage and ib Relationship to Education
It is preferable to demonstrate three aspect.~ of marriage before
setting out to explain the foundallons laid down by Islam for
educating children:
A, Marriage i. a human instinct
8. Marriage is a socia! interest.
C. Mar riage is a selcction and choice.
A. Marriage as a Human Instin(t
Islamic Slmrf'ali oppo!':s monasticism, which eonnicls with
man's instinct, and contradicts his inclinat ions, desires, and
motivations. Likewise, Islamic Sliar f'alt prohibites Muslims to
tbstain from marriage or renoullce it and intend to livc as a monk.
devoting Oneself to worship. AI-Bukhiiri and Muslim related that
Anas 4J. said, "Three people came to the houses of the Propr.ct"s
wives to inquire about his manner of worship. When they were
told, they seemed to have deemed it little. So, Ihey said, How come
we compare ourselves to the Prophet $ as hi~ past and future
miweeds have been forgiven. Then one of Ihem said, 'I will
perform prayer th roughout the night forever.' The other said: 'J
will fast throughout the year and will never break my fast.' The
third sa id, " 1 will keep away from women and will not mlrry
forever. ' So, Alliih's Messenger came to them and said, 'Are you Ihe
prople .... ho said so and so? By Allah, I am the mrut SIlbmissivc /0
Allah and mrul afraid of llim among .1'011: yet I fust ami hreak my
fast. f pray and sleep. and I marry wamen. So. he who dOI!HJOI follow
my tradilion in religion. is no/ one of my followers ."
So, it is clear that marriage i! seen by Islam as a human instinct,
that makes man's desires a)d lIIchnations materialise, and
comform to the naturat taw of life.
8. Marriage as a Social Interest
I. Preserving the human TD ct': thrO'Jgh marriage, the human race
continues to exist, propagate, and continue until the Last Day.
The Noble Qur'iin pointed to this social rationale and human
interest by saying:
~ ~J.l;.:t ~ ~il ~ fJ j;;,.-' ,~ :t )' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,
"And Allah htl!J mutkfor you AZlfaj (matts or wi.t,,) of your own
kind, and has made for )"o",from yowr "'ius, sons and grandsons ... "
(An.Naht, 12) And AlIiih WI said,
W -f'~ ~ 4; ~.z q" ~; ;.:..~ ..,;L .;. j.)I;:. .;)( ?3.:; ;;.!i .,:.6i 'il!;. , ."" "0 mankind! & dariful ro your Lord, Who ( rtultd ),OU from a
single persoll (Adam), and from him (Adam) II~ crear~d his Wift
(f/a,.,wa (Ere) and from Ihem bnth fit cr~aled many men and
wom~n. " (",...Ni,,,, I )
2. Plcscn'ing Lineage: through ma:riage, the lineage or ancestral
line is defined. Were it not for marriage, which Allah has ordainee
for mankind, the society would have been swarmed wilh childrer.
of no lineage or honor; a situation that entails di ss ipating humar.
dignity, sublime manners, and awful diffusion of corruption ane
3, Kt-eping the SO(icty fret from immorality: through marriage, the
society is kept safe from immora~ly and social disunity. If the
instinct of inclination to the other sex is satisfied through
legitimate marriage, the nation will entertain the best morals and
manners, and WIll communicate the message, and fulfill their duty
as Allah wishes them to, Verily, nofling is more truthful than what
the Prophet 4: said to point out Ihe moral rationale or marriage
and its social benefits when he was urging the youth to get
married. He said, "0 youtll, Whoev(Y can marry must marry sinu il
wi/! kl'i'p his sighl "n,} priV{J/1! pliTt< cI~'rn (1m} PUFf/, but IfrOSt who
I .. " 0 ..
cannol marry. musl allelld 10/aJlillg. since il will cOMro/ his Je:mrU
desires . ..
4. I'resen' ing tile society from di sease: tllrougl1 marriage, tile society
maintains safety from widespread fatal diseases tllat result from
adultery, wlloredom. and fornication. sucll as syphilis gonorrhea.
and othcr deadly diseasc' that weaken the body, and diPuse
q"ndemie diseases.
5. Spiritual and psychological !;trcnity: through marriage, amity,
10\,1'. and intimacy grow between the husband and wife. Allah §fI:
'n" ,-, >, " 'w '''1 r"-" . ," j -<' ' I ,- ", ", " d - - - . ~..u .~ I .. ........, "+':' ~ """" ~ .;.-:;>-.J...- ,)I ' , •• ' in} T
~ ~lf':."- ~ 'j :,:'; ~; -! ~
"And arnot/I: lIis Signs is t~iJ, thot lie cuoud/or ),OU wi.es/rom
among ),ourseil·es. thaI you may find upose in r~em, and lie hIlS put
hetwetn ),OU affectio" lind meuy. Yuif),. in t~ut are ;"dud 5iglllJ/n,
a people w~o "'flut." (Ar.Rum. 11)
Such a psychological and spiritual sercnity is a good aid for
raising children and caring for :hem.
6. Cooperation between spouses for building the family and rai, ing
children: through marri;tgc. the spouses cooperate to build a
family and bear its responsibility , as each of them arc
complementary to the other. So. the wife does what is prescribed
to her, and what confonns to her feminine nature. by supervlilog
lind managing the household chores, and looking 3ftcr the
chi ldren.
And the husband works within his domain, and does what
conforms to his nature and manhood. So he works. toils, and looks
after the family. By such cooperation between the spouses, a
faithful generation and good oITspring would come into being, and
Ihc house would be a place of love and stahility.
7. Uurning passion for parcmllood: through marriage, the p.trenls·
Tho Ideal M •• ri, SO and it> Rcla.ion>.bip to Edw::ation ~~~~~~~~~ 21
feelings and sentiments towards the children begins to burn, and
motivate them to care for their children and to bring them up
properly. These arc the most important social interests stemming
from marriage. They are very closely related to family reformation,
child breeding, and raising generations.
Co Maniage as a Sell'dion and Choice
Islam has established bases and rules for both the suitor and his
fiano&. If they follow them and take them as guidelines, the
marriage will be successful and will nourish, and the family will be
faithful, moral, and secure. The following are the most important
of them:
t. Choice based on reli gion: what is mcant by religion here is the
sound undcrstanding of Islam, practical application of all its
rulings and manners, and full commitment to the Sharf'ah 's
methlXls and principles.
If both the suitor and his fiance are up 10 such a standard of
understanding, application, and cO!;lmilment, we describe them as
religious and well-mannered. That is why the Prophet ~ guided
marnage seekers 10 look for a piom partner. AI-Bukhari, Muslim,
Abu Dawud, An-Nasa.'i and Ibn Majah relatcd that Abu Humirah,
said that the Prophet ~ said, "II is self-evident Ihal a woman is
soughl for marriage for four reasons: her riches. her nob/ebirlh, her
beauly. and her religion. So. gel the piOUS one and strive 10 get her. ··
In accordance with that, the Prophet tj:. guided the girl's family
to ~k the religious and well-mannered suitor. At-Tirrnidhi related
that Abu fi atim AI-Mazni said that the Prophet 3 said, "If you
were approached by he whose uligion and manners salisfy you, leI
him marry yoor daughter. if you do nol do thai. Ihere will be
dissell3iOll in the earth and greal corruption. ·'
Is there any greater dissension inllicted upon religion and
morals than a faithful girl falling in a libertinistic suitor's hands, or
11 ~========================================= P.~ ~
an atheist husband who bears no respect for honour or jealousy?