auigru for him someone 10 honor him when he i.T old."
Abu Dawi'id and At-Tirmidhi quoted 'Amr Ibn Shu'ayb who
quoted his father and granrather that Allah's Messenger 3 said,
"He who does no/ Iw~e mercy On our young people and acknowledge
the right of our old people does nOI belong 10 us."
Abu D;iwlld quoted 'A.ishah 0;3!. as saying that AlI'-ih's
Messenger said, "Keep 10 everyone hi.! due pO$ilion." From these
Instructions or lIadilhs we conclude:
a, To assign a proper position to an elderly person, Ihal is, to
consult him in matters, give him a prominent position in meetings,
and start with him in offering hospitality.
b. To start with the eldest in everything, that is, to give him priority
In leading prayers, in lalking to people, and in taking and giving.
What supports this is what Muslim related quoting Ibn 'Umar 4,;.
as saying that the Prophet $. said, "l .... as clean;IIg my teeth ... ith a
siwiik, ;11 a dream, twa people came to me. olle of them ;$ older thull
the other, alld l gave the siwak to Ihe younger one. l was laid to give
il 10 Ihe alder, so l gal'l! it 10 him."
c, Admonishing the young to not show disrespect 10 Ihe elderly
such as mocking or deriding him, or misbehaving in his presence,
since At."[abanini reiated In his book "AI·Kubir" quoting Abu
Umamah as saying that Alliih's Messenger $ said, 'Three groups
of people are nOI derided except by a hypocrite: elderly Muslims,
knowledgeable people, and a fair Imlim," From these meaning.s of
honoring elde rly peopte come some virtues and manners, which the
educators must bring up their children on, sticking 10 them and
command them to abide by them:
I. Shyness, which urges abandoning shamdul behavior, and
prevents misbehaving towards elderly people. Sons of the
Prophet's Companions used 10 act accordingly in the presence
of people older in age or higher in rank, Al-Bukhiiri and Muslim
quoled Abu Sa'id '*' as saying: "At the time of the ProphCllj: I
was a young boy, and I memorized a lot of his sayings, but what
used to prevent me from narrating what I memorize was the
presence of men older than me,"
2. Rising up for new--(:omers: rising up for a coming elderly man,
scholar, guest, or traveler is a social conduct that must be taught
to young children, based on the following evidence: AI· Bukhari,
Abu Dawud, and At·Tinnidhi related that 'Aishah" said, "I
have not seen anyone more similar to figure and character of the
Prophet 3 than his daughter Fahmah, in all her movements.
Whenever she came to him. he rose for her, kissed her, and
seated her in his seat. And whenever he went to her, she rose for
him, kissed him. and seated him in her seat." AI-lJu~~ari and
Muslim narrated that when Sa'd Ibn Mu'az approached the
mosque, the Prophet l\t said to AI-Ansar, "Rise up lor your
masler. or Ihe bes/ 0/ you." AI-BukhIiri and Muslim also
na/rated in the story of Ka'b Ibn Malik. when he remained
behind and did not participate in the battle of Tabuk, on the
occasion of AII:ih accepting his repentance, that he s.1id, "The
people came to me group after group to congratulate me. And
when I entered the mosque, the Prophet was sitting tbere
surrounded by people. Talha Ibn Ubaydullah hurried to me to
shake my hands and congratulate me."' Scholars concluded from
these hudillrs and others that it is permissible to rise for seholars
and virtuous people. On the other hand , what was related about
the Prophet ~ fo rbidding rising up for people is intended to
mean not to rise up for people who like others to rise up for
them. and look forward to it, or not to show glorilication, as
somc people used to do for glorifying their heads by rai sing fOT
them while they were sitting.
3. Kissing old people's h~LIlds: among the manners that should be
taught to young children is to kiss old people's h,mds, since it
has a great effcct ;n teaching him how to be modest and
respectful, and to acknowledge others' due positions. However,
educators mUSI lake two important things into oon~ideration in
teachmg children such mannars:
First, they should not exaggerate in teaching these manners, since
c ~aggerati on ;s against the nature of things, and may destroy the
child's personality.
The Reoporu.ibihty for Soc>aI .:.1"",,1;'" ===========~ 163
Second: they should not go far beyond legitimalc limits, such as
bowing during rising or kneeling during kissing.
These are thc most important principles I!lid down by Islam for
ob!lerving other peoplc's right s. So the educaton must inculcate
these principles into their children in order that they may grow up
caring for and respect ing elderly people, and may undcntand from
their very early days the rights of those who arc older than them,
and the merits of those who arc of more knowledge, higher rank.
and grcater virtue.
3. Adhering to General Social Manners
Among the principles laid down by Islam related to educating
children is to familiarize them with social manners from their very
early years, and habituate them to some important educational
principles. Among these principles are:
I. The manners of eating and drinking
2. The m~nners of greeting
3. The m~nners of asking pennission
4. The manners of meetings
5. The manners of conversation
6. The manners of jestmg
7. The manners of congratulating
8. The manners of visiting patients
9. The manners of giv ing condolences
10, The mallilers of sneezing and yawning
With Allah's help, 1 shall deal with cach one of these social
manners in some detail, in order thai educators may inculcate them
into the minds of children.
I. The Manners of • .:a ting and Drinking
The educator must teach his children certain manners relat ing to
eating, and guide them to practice them, and observe them. These
manners in order arc:
II. Washing hands before and after eating: AbiJ.-Oawiid and AtTinnidhi
quoted &!lman Al-Farisi 4';. as saying that A\Lahs
Messenger e said, "The blessing 0/ food is 10 have ablulion
before and a/ler if."
b. Mentioning Allah's name at the beginning and thanking Him at
the end: Abu Dawiid and At-Tinnidhi related that 'Aishah ~
T1>< Rc.po.wbihty for Social FAuc.tion ===========~ 165
said that Allah's Messenger G: said, " Whellner Olle of )'011 eO/s,
11'1 him memioll Ihe Nallle of Ihe Almighly_ {n case he forgol 10
lIIelll ioll il al Ihe beginning, /1'1 him say: 'in Ihe Nllme of AI/tih in
Ihe firST lind Ihe /asl ." ImAm Ahmad narrated that every time the
Prophet #- ate or drank, he used to say, " Praise be /0 A/fllh, who
gave liS food IIl1d drink, 11111/ made 1i.1 Mus/ims ."
c, Not to look down upon any food presented to him: AI·Bu~ari
and Muslim re lated that Abu Hurairah '*' said, " Allah's
Messenger 3: has never belittled any food; if he liked it, he
ate it, and if he did not like iI, he left iI"
d. To cat with his right hand from the dishes Immediately in front
of him: Muslim related that 'Umar Ibn Abu Salamah .t;-.. said, "I
was a young boy sitting in the lap of Alhlh's Messenger 3"
dipping my hand everywhere in the dish, so, Al1:ih's Messenger
oit said to me, '0 youllg boy, menlion/he Name of A/liih, em wilh
yOllr right haml, and eat of the neares/ food 10 you,"
c, Not to e;lt while recl ining: AI.llu~I~5ri quoted Abu Ju~ ayn;.h
Wahb Ibn Abdullah as saying that Al[;ih's Messenger $: said, "/
never eal reclining,"
r. Recommending talking while eating: it was narrated that the
Prophet 3: ILSed to talk to his Companions while they were
eating on more than one occasion,
g, Recommeding mvoking fo r the h05t after eating: Abil·D5wild
and At·Tirmid hi quoted Anus. as saying that the Prophet ~
went to Sa'd Jbn ' Ubl.duh, so, Sa'd presented bread and oil, and
the Prophet $ ate and then said, "May faslillg people break
their fo.I/ in yOllr house, and may benjgn people eat of yOllr f ood,
and may angels pray for benediction On YOll,"
h, Not to start eating before older peoplc: M llslim related that
Hudhaifah . sa id, "We used, in case we were with the Prophet
li: to not start eating before he startcd,"
l66i ",========================================= p.nTwo
i. Not 10 belittle the bounty: Muslim related that Anas ~ said,
Ihe Prophet ~ used 10 lick hl~ three fingers when he ate and
say 'if a piece of bnad dropped from allY of you, lei him pick it
up. clean ii, eal il. and IIHer leare il /0 Sawn', and commanded
us to wipe clean the food conlumer and said, 'you do not know
where in your food the blessing IS.' As for the manneN; of
drinkin g, they arc:
1, Recommending mentioning Alliih's Name and drinking in
three in tervals: At-Tirmidhi quoted Ibn Abbiis '*' as saying that
Allah's Messenger said, "Do no/ have all your drink in 0/1£ gulp as
camels do, but have it in '1<'0 or th,ee , and melllion Allah's Name
when you drink, and praire lIim when you fin ish."
2. Not to drink directly from the opening of a water container:
AI - Bu~~"i ri and Muslim related that Abu Hurairah .. said,
"Alhih's Messenger admonished us not to drink rrom the mouth
or a water container.
3. Not to breathe into the drink: At-Tinnidhi related that Ibn
Abbas ... said that the Prophet 3: forbade breatbing into the
drink or puffing into it.
4. Ret:ommending eating and drinking while sitting: Muslim
related that Anas"" said that the Prophet ~ forbade drinking
while standing. Qatiidah said, "We asked Anas about eating,
and he said, it is even worse. (What was na rrated that the
Prophet e drank while standing, was to show that it is
5. Forbidding drinking from a gold or silver vessel: Al- Bu~~ iiri
and Muslim related that Umm Salamah $ said that Alliih's
Messenger said, "'lfe who drinks f rom a silver C(mlai~r. !W"rs
Hellfire into his slOmach."
6. Forbidding filling one's stom ~ ch with food or drink: Ahmad,
AI-Ti rmidhi and others related that Allah's Messenger ~ said,
11>< Resp<>nsibility fOf Soci.1 F.J ocot ion 167
"Tile lIuman being lta.~ lIever filled 0 ('o" laill('r ,..0"-1.' /1111/1 !.is
s/omocll. II is qlliie sufficient for a"y humall beill{.: 10 ~a/ a I;II /e
food Ihal helps him do his /asks. 1/ he could 1101 help ealing, he
sho,,1d jill 0111.' Ihird of his slOmach .... illt forxi, one lhird 10 drink,
lind one-Ihird for bre(JI/tiIlK." So educators must adhere to these
principles, and teach them to their children.
2. Tile Manners of GreN;ng
Grecting has certain manners, which educators must instill 111
the child and get him acquainted wIth them. They arc g,ven m
order a~ follows:
a, To teach him that religion commanded us to greet one another,
acco rding to Allah's saying,
"0 you ,,-ho bl'liae! Ente, "Of houses arher than )'our 0 ... ", u"lif
yau Ir(H~ IlJked permission a"d greeted fhOfe ill Ihem" (An·Ni", 21)
and also according to H l~ saying,
.I. t, ~, .J '1", ~ " 1 i"~ ;; .. ~, ~" (I'l..
"t "'J J J 'M ~ ~ . -_ , r-r ,.., T
"Whe" you are greeted "'itlr a g,uli"g, Kud in utur" "'ith ,,'hal is
IHtI~r lira" iI, or (at leas/) r~/ur" it equally." (An_Ni$3, 86)
The Prophet ~ instructed people to greet each other~ A l-Bu~~ firi
and Muslim related that 'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn 'As that a man
asked Allah's Messenger: "Which act of Isl;lm is the best? The
Prophet sa id. "To offer food. ond 10 greel whomsoever you know
or do 1101 kno .... '" Mu ~lim also related that Abu Huraimh.:o. said
that Allah's Messenger said. "You ... iIl nOI enter Paradi,~e umil
you believe, ol1d yo" ... iII nOI believe umil you love each Olher. May
f tell YOIl somClltillg, ,,'hiet. if YOIl do ii, yolt ... iII/m'e eaeh mller?
Keep t'xcllollging greelings amongst yo"."
b. To tcach him how to gred: that is, to say, Assolaamu 'alllikwlI
... 11 rohmll/"lI11hi wa barakowh (peace, mercy, and blessings of
168 ~========================================"F\o~TWQ
Alhih be upon you), and reply by saying, wo aillikum assail/am
wa rahma/lliloh wa barak{./"h. (And upon you be the peace,
mercy, and blessings of A1Jii h) in the plural form, even if the
addressee was a single person.
c. To teach him the manners of greeling: that is, riders greet
walke rs, walkers greet sitters, small groups greet larger groups,
and the young greel the old.
d. To forbid him \0 greet people In a manner that COpies the
disbelievers: At-Tirmidhi quoted 'Amr Ibn Shu'ayb, quoting
his falher, who, in turn, quoted his father as saying that the
Prophet ~ said, "He does n(J/ belong 10 liS ,hal who imi/ales
(he di.lbelievers. Ne~cr imila/e Ihe Jews or Christians. The Jews
greet by pointing wilh fingers. lind the Chri5liom with Ihe palm
oj/heir hand •. "
c. Educators must take the ini tiative in greeting young people: AIBu~~
iiri and Muslim related that Anas 4;0 said that he passed by
some young boys, and greeted them, and said that the Prophet
3> used to do so.
f. To teach him to answer the greetings of non-Muslims by saying,
wa alaikum (and upon you). Al- Bu ~~ari and Muslim quoted
Anas'" as saying that AlI iih's Messenger said, "J/lhe people 0/
Ihe Book grce/ed you, you say, .... a alaikum fund upon you) . He
also must teach him not to initiate disbelievers with greetings,
since MU$lim narrated a Hod;I" that says, " Do no/ JI011 Jews or
ChrisliollS wilh greelings."
g. To teach him that greeting people is a Sunnah, but answering the
greeting is wdjib (compulsory): AlIiih !b says,
.I. ,'. ~ .~ ~ ;I: '.go -J,( I, t.~, .~ ,..., ~ ~.\ i4 ~< -<: ~., I~'~:"
"{ __ W"' ~ IT " ". " ~ ~ 'M;r- "... ~ (+t" v."
"Whm you Qre greeled ,.,ilh Q grafi"g, greet ill re/ur" "'ilh wllat is
belfer lha" it, 01' (at {eQs/) retu,n it equal/y. C"rtllillfy, Allill is
Erer a Carejul Account Taker of all t"ings." (An-NilKl, S6)
The educator must teach his charge that there are some cases