1. What substyles represent the style of official documents?
2. What is the main aim of communication in the language of official documents?
3. Describe the essential features of the vocabulary of official documents.
4. What language means are used in the style of ‘officialese’ for the utterances to sound laconic? Give examples of acronyms which have appeared recently.
5. What is the aim of metaphors used in military documents? Do they have any aesthetic value? 6. Describe the most characteristic features of the syntax of official and business documents. 7. What is the most noticeable of all syntactic features in the style of “officialese”? 8. What parts does an official document usually consist of? What is a frame? a slot? a slot filler? 9. Describe the eculiarities of official papers design. 10. List the integrating features of the official style emanating from the general aim of agreement between the parties.
Analyze the “Resolution” from the standpoint of its formal syntactical structure. Comment on the numbered and capitalized parts of the document and punctuation. United Nations Economic And Social Council (UNESCO)
Technical Assistance Committee
Expended Programme of Technical Assistance
Review of the Programme for 1956
Australia and Egypt: revised draft resolution.
The Technical Assistance Committee,
RECALLING THAT according to Economic and Social Council resolution 542(XVIII) the preparation and review of the Expanded Programme and all other necessary steps should be carried out in away that TAC ought to be in a position to approve the over-all programme and authorize allocation to participating organizations by 30 November at the latest,
CONSIDERING THAT a realistic programme such as Expanded Programme cannot be planned and formulated without prior knowledge of the financial resources available for its implementation,
CONSIDERING THAT TAC, with the assistance of such ad hoc subcommittees as it may find necessary to establish, will normally need about one week to carry out the task referred to in the resolution mentioned above,
BEARING IN MIND the necessary consultations with the representatives of the participating organizations,
1. ASKS the Secretary-General to seek to arrange each year the Pledging Conference which should be convened as early as possible taking due account of the factors involved;
2. DECIDES that the Secretary-General should in future work on the assumption that in carrying out the functions of approving the programme and authorizing allocations as required by Economic and Social Council resolution 542(XVIII), the TAC will usually need to meet one week;
3. REQUESTS further the Secretary-general to transmit these resolution to all States Members and non-members of the United Nations which participate in the Expanded Programme. 55 – 29330