Sub-basin Name: Bulson Creek - South Fork
ID No.
Nearest Rd.
Parcel No.
Bulson SF 01
Bulson Rd
Upstream creek originates in pasture wetland area
Bulson SF 02
Bulson Rd
Farm Pond
(Field check).
Bulson SF 03
Bulson Rd
1' rcc road crossing culvert
Undersized. PSS wetland on F/P U.S.(water backed up). Houses on uplands
Bulson SF 04
Bulson Rd
P17391 -
Alpaca pasture with no buffer
Hobby farms; alpaca grazing in PEME wetland, creek partially fenced
but no buffer either sides. Expensive large houses on uplands.
Bulson SF 05
English Rd
36" rcc road crossing culvert
Undersized culvert under a large road fill. Inlet partially blocked with gravel. U.S.
channel BFW about 7', BFD 8" FPW 20' gravel bed. OK forest on slopes of ravine
Outlet nearly completely blocked with gravel and branches. Impassible to fish.
Observed salmonid fry in pool D.S. of culvert 10-29-04
Bulson SF 06
English Rd
Confluence with Middle Fork
(no site visit)
Bulson SF 07
SR 534
6' steel road crossing culvert
New, with 6" gravel in bed. Not blocking. Adequate forest buffer upstream
Bulson SF 08
SR 534
Concrete fishway
County installed concrete pool and weir fishway at culvert outlet in 2000(?)
Channel d.s. of fishway gravel & cobble bed, BFW 14', BFD 12", F/P >100'
Intact cedar and salmonberry forest
Bulson SF 09
Okerlund Dr.
Confluence of N, S Frks
Forested area designated as PCA. (No site visit)
Sub-basin Name: Bulson Creek - Middle Fork
ID No.
Nearest Rd.
Parcel No.
Bulson MF 01
SR 534
Gravel quarry
Wilder Construction Co. quarry. Seasonal drainages eventually flow to PFOW
wetlands and then crk. No major runoff problems noted April '04 site visit.
Bulson MF 02
SR 534
highway runoff
SR 534 runs along the creek, minimal or no buffer along shoulder in places.
Creek floodplain is primarily PSS or PFOW wetland.
Bulson MF 03
English Rd
Road crossing culverts
Four culverts: 36" CMP, 30" rc, plus 24" CMP overlfow and 24" rc overflow. All
are partially blocked with sediment, evidence of flooding.
Sub-basin Name: Bulson Creek - Main (North) Fork
ID No.
Nearest Rd.
Parcel No.
Bulson NF 01
Estate Drive
42" CMP road crossing culvert
Not perched. OK buffer. Note u.s. creek location on tax map is incorrect
Rock-lined road swales drain to Lake 16 and creek
Bulson NF 02
Lake 16 Lane
___ Road crossing culvert
Forested floodplain, channel in good shape
Bulson NF 03
Lake 16 Rd
Reference condition?
U.S. of road, crk runs through little valley of mature fir and cedar. Bed is either
gravel or on ledge, meandering, pools, LWD. FPW 25', BFW 20', BFD 12" typical
Bulson NF 04
Lake 16 Rd
3 x 36" CMP road culverts
Culverts about 36' long, outlets perched about 18" above small scour pool
Bulson NF 05
Lake 16 Rd
Houses - creek modifications
About 300' of channel D.S. of road with several modifications. One roof drain,
2, 2" PE water intake pipes, two sections of R. bank armored with timber and
concrete blocks, a small concrete block dam. No obvious septic seepage noted
Bulson NF 06
Hermway Hgts
Waterfall - fish pass. blockage
Behind house #20810 HH Rd, an approx. 60' high water fallover natural ledge
Some dumping or yard waste and eroded banks U.S. (in a steep wooded ravine)
Bulson NF 07
Okerlund Dr
Confluence of N, S Frks
Forested area designated as PCA. (No site visit)
Bulson NF 08
Bulson Rd
Driveway bridge
Driveway to #20825 Bulson Rd. 30'(?) bridge. U.S. channel BFW 10', BFD 18"
50' F/P. Left F/P rcg, right F/P forested. Channel partially clogged with rcg
Bulson NF 09
Bulson Road
Canary grass floodplain
D.S. of driveway bridge, wetland floodplain grown over with rcg and blackberry.
Bulson NF 10
Bulson Road
2 X 36" RCC road culverts
About 30' long, floods frequently (undersized). Low road profile. Cty gauging stn.
Bulson NF 11
Bulson Road
Dredged channel
D.S. of road, BFW 8', BFD 12", FP about 80' - PEME wetland, gravel channel,
dredge spoils on right bank - gravel aggradation.
Bulson NF 12
Bulson Road
Boon Dairy
SCD WQ monitoring here. No buffer on channel. Dairy barns on upland terrace.
Bulson NF 13
Bulson Road
Confluence with Hill Ditch
Farm bridge and manure line crossing of Hill Ditch. No buffer.