1.8. The Hydrogen Atom We used the factorization method to find the eigenvalues of the Kepler problem, Eq. (8.154). Now let us apply the same method to a system composed of a positive charge interacting with an electron of charge . The Hamiltonian in this case is
Denoting the eigenvalues of the operators and by and . respectively we have
Again for a fixed we choose the solution which maximizes the eigenvalue;
Solving for and we find
For a hydrogen atom at rest and the energy eigenvalues are
where is a nonnegative integer and is a positive integer.
Hydrogen Atom Eigenstates - The wave function for the Coulomb potential can be found from Eq. (8.81) or from
The lowering operator reduces the angular momentum quantum number by one unit [12]-[15]. Then we have
This lowering of the can be continued up to the point where becomes zero. In this way we can generate all of the wave functions of the hydrogen atom.
As an example consider the normalized which is given by
Here the phase of the wave function is given by whereas this phase is 1 in the standard textbooks [7].
The complete wave function which includes the angular part can be written as