DVD F5 16.50
464 CRASH TEST DUMMIES songs of the unforgiven X2 12.80
303 CRAVEN, BEVERLEY best of C8 8.50
400 CRAWFORD, MICHAEL performs weber P8 8.30
464 CRAWFORD, MICHAEL very best movies, musicals,….. E4 13.50
236 CRAZYTOWN dark horse C8 8.30
435 CREAGER, ROGER live across texas X4 12.00
431 CREAM disraeli gears de-luxe ed’n Dble F5 16.50
364 CREATION psychedelic rose – lost album X6 9.00
239 CREATION red with purple flashes DVD F5 16.50
443 CREATION REBEL/NEW AGE STEPPERS threat to creationX6 9.00
470 CREED greatest hits CD + DVD X2 12.80
234 CREEK, THE the creek/storm the gates Dbl F1 14.50
287 CREEKDIPPERS political manifest X2 12.80
274 CRESCENTS, THE crescents E8 7.50
219 CRESSIDA cressida/asylum X2 12.80
237 CRIBBINS, BERNARD very best of E9 5.60
185 CRIBS cribs A8 9.50
422 CRICKETS & THEIR BUDDIES same X4 12.00
347 CRIME MOB crime mob B5 12.00
424 CRISTINA doll in the box X1 13.70
425 CRISTINA sleep it off X1 13.70
150 CROCE, JIM classic hits W4 13.00
304 CROCE, JIM facets C8 8.50
217 CROCKETT, ALISON on becoming a woman X4 12.00
346 CRONSHAW, ANDREW ochre X5 11.60
476 CROSBY, BOB proper introduction A2 6.00
330 CROSBY, STILLS, NASH acoustic concert DVD F3 15.50
331 CROSBY, STILLS, NASH daylight again DVD F3 15.50
320 CROSBY/NASH no title – july 2004 (new album)X1 13.70
193 CROSSFADE white on blue R4 13.40
352 CROVE, JIM way we used to be – anth. Dbl X2 12.80
263 CROWBAR time heals nothing/obedience… R4 13.40
215 CROWELL. RODNEY fate’s right hand C3 13.70
256 CRUZ, CELIA very best of Double X1 13.70
221 CRYSTAL METHOD, THE legion of boom X2 12.80
439 CULLUM, JAMIE live at blenheim palace DVD F7 17.50
301 CULT pure cult DVD X1 13.70
396 CULT OF LUNA salvation X2 12.80
371 CULTURE chanting on X7 8.50
173 CULTURE too long in slavery E8 7.50
436 CULTURE CLUB greatest hits DVD F1 14.50
317 CULTURE CLUB live albert hall 20th ann. DVD B1 10.20
305 CULTURE MUSIC CLUB waride scents of zanzibar E4 13.50
290 CURE cure June 2004 P1 13.70
290 CURE cure June 2004 +DVD limited F2 15.00
328 CURE staring at the sea – singles IMP X1 13.70
478 CURE three imaginary boys remix Db F5 16.50
134 CURE, THE join the dots 4CD b sides etc J2 37.50
115 CUTLER, IVOR dandruff E8 7.50
116 CUTLER, IVOR jammy smears E8 7.50
117 CUTLER, IVOR velvet donkey E8 7.50
429 CUTS cuts X2 12.80
214 CYPRESS HILL still smoking – ult. coll’n DVD C3 13.70
195 CYPRESS HILL til death us to part X2 12.80
389 CZARS goodbye X3 12.30
36 D BLOCK we are still the streets X2 12.80
840 D H X the great depression CD + DVD P1 13.70
969 D.J. CAM liquid hip hop F1 14.50
846 D.J. FORMAT presents a right earful X1 13.70
770 D.J. HELL my muscle B5 12.00
849 D.J. JAZZY JEFF hip hop forever 2 X2 12.80
830 D.J. KAY SLAY the streetsweeper vol 2 X2 12.80
945 D.J. KRUSH jaku X2 12.80
824 D.J. MARKEY/XRS in rotation X2 12.80
855 D.J. NUMARK hands on X2 12.80
949 D.J. RELS theme for a broken soul X2 12.80
839 D.J. RHETTMATIC exclusive collection IMP X1 13.70
888 D.J. SHADOW in tune and on time + DVD G2 20.00
841 D.J. SHADOW the private press CD + DVD P1 13.70
905 D.J. SHADOW/CUT CHEMIST product replacement+DVD G1 19.50
817 D.J. SIGNIFY sleep no more X1 13.70
805 D.M. & JEMINI ghetto pop life X2 12.80
959 D.T.X. one more sinner X7 8.50
987 D’ABO, MIKE handbags & gladrags X7 8.50
881 DADDY LONGLEGS oakdown farm X3 12.30
780 DAILY PLANNET team leader X1 13.70
910 DALY, SHONAGH beautifulview B5 12.00
785 DAMAGEPLAN new found power W4 13.00
20 DAMNED, THE machine gun etiquette 25th ann. X2 12.80
974 DAMNED, THE neat neat neat 3 CDs X2 12.80
893 DAMONE, VIC the collection 3 CDs B2 10.50
951 DANKO JONES we sweat blood R4 13.40
883 DANKWORTH, JACQUI detour ahead X2 12.80
795 DANZI, DANNY danziland R4 13.40
880 DARE beneath the shining water X2 12.80
931 DARIN, BOBBY beyond the sea – very best Dbl F3 15.50
16 DARIUS live twice P1 13.70
862 DARK TRANQUILITY exposures in retrospect… Dble R4 13.40
869 DARKTHRONE preparing for war A5 7.50
879 DATSUNS outta sight outta mind X2 12.80
28 DAVENPORT, BOB this common stone X2 12.80
777 DAVID, MILES birdland 1951 – live E8 7.50
922 DAVIES JR., ROY water for thirsty children X2 12.80
907 DAVIES, DAVE bug X4 12.00
988 DAVIES, MILES comp. Columbia 1963/64 7 CDs ZZ 80.00
828 DAVIS GROUP, SPENCER keep on running 40th ann’ary X6 9.00
818 DAVIS, CARLENE the author finisher X2 12.80
925 DAVIS, GUY legacy R4 13.40
39 DAVIS, MILES electric/diff’nt kind of blue DVD F9 18.50
809 DAVIS, MILES mojo presents C8 8.50
892 DAVIS, MILES story of/kind of blue + DVD F3 15.50
867 DAVIS, TYRONE dakar hit singles a’s & b’s Dbl X2 12.80
848 DAWN OF THE REPLICANTS the extra room X5 11.60
891 DAY, DORIS you’re my thrill/young at heart C8 8.50
975 DAYBREAK best of friends X7 8.50
913 DAYS IN DECEMBER countless hours making waves A2 6.00
935 DAYTON dayton E8 7.50
936 DAYTON hot fun E8 7.50
970 DAZ DILLINGER got love in these streets B5 12.00
890 De BURGH, CHRIS missing you – the collection P9 5.60
798 DE DANNAN how the west was won Dble X1 13.70
977 DE LA SOUL the grind date X1 13.70
843 DE LISLE, GREY the graceful ghost X3 12.30
786 DE LUCIA, PACO costas buenos B8 13.00
960 DE VILLE, WILLY crow jane alley X1 13.70
878 DE, WARDENER & MAX where i am today X2 12.80
944 DEAD COMBO dead combo X2 12.80
829 DEAD PREZ r.b.g. revolutionary B1 10.20
930 DEAD SOUL TRIBE the january tree R4 13.40
815 DEAN, ELTON sea of infinity X2 12.80
863 DEAN, JIMMY complete columbia hits & more R4 13.40
985 DEARS, THE no cities left X3 12.30
874 DeBURGH, CHRIS beautiful dreams *** P8 8.30
875 DeBURGH, CHRIS timing is everything *** P8 8.30
835 DECAMERON parabola road – anthology X6 9.00
781 DECAPITATED yhe negation X2 12.80
25 DECLAIME conversations with Dudley X2 12.80
808 DEEP FOREST essence of the forest – best of B5 12.00
967 DEEP PURPLE burn 30th anniversary B9 12.00
826 DEEP PURPLE live in paris 1975 Dble X2 12.80
26 DEEP PURPLE live in stockholm 1970 Dble X2 12.80
827 DEEP PURPLE new, live and rara X2 12.80
789 DEEP PURPLE the early years E8 7.50
895 DEEPEST BLUES late september P1 13.70
856 DEERHOF milk man X4 12.00
13 DEF LEPPARD best of P1 13.70
14 DEF LEPPARD best of Double (limited) F3 15.50
15 DEF LEPPARD best of DVD F3 15.50
792 DEICIDE scars of the crucifix + DVD X1 13.70
791 DEL THA FUNKY HOMOSAPIEN best of W4 13.00
834 DELAYS faded seaside glamour X4 12.00
941 DELERIUM best of X5 11.60
928 DEL-FI HOTRODDERS same Double G3 21.00
968 DELGADOS universal audio X4 12.00
807 DELMORE BROTHERS classic cuts 1933/41 4CDs F1 14.50
979 DEM FRANCHISE BOYZ same IMP X1 13.70
857 DEMPSEY, DAMIEN seize the day X2 12.80
909 DEMUS, CHAKA/PLIERS gal wine X7 8.50
803 DENNY, MARTIN exotic sound of X7 8.50
21 DENNY, SANDY boxful of treasures 5CDs J3 38.00
997 DENNY, SANDY the collection P9 5.60
976 DENVER, JOHN song’s best friend – best of R2 13.70
995 DEPECHE MODE devolutional DVD Double G2 20.00
12 DEPECHE MODE remixes 1981/2004 Dble X1 13.70
814 DES-ELAGES, GARY no compromise X2 12.80
33 DESTINY’S CHILD destiny fulfilled C3 13.70
18 DETROIT COBRAS baby A8 9.50
32 DETROIT COBRAS life, love & leaving A8 9.50
31 DETROIT COBRAS mink, rat or rabbit A8 9.50
6 DEUENTED ARE GO best of X7 8.50
927 DEVILINSIDE volume one R4 13.40
923 DEVIN THE DUDE to the extreme X1 13.70
980 DEVO complete truth about… DVD G2 20.00
943 DEXY’S M.R. it was like this – live DVD X1 13.70
876 DEXY’S M.R. very best of P8 8.30
29 DI FRANCO, ANI trust DVD F3 15.50
771 DI FRANCO, ANNI educated guess R4 13.40
802 DIAMOND HEAD am i evil – anthology Dble X2 12.80
956 DICKSON, BARBARA full circle X1 13.70
898 DICKSON, BARBARA live albert hall DVD B1 10.20
801 DICKSON, BARBARA very best of C3 13.70
964 DIDDLEY, BO tales from funk dimensions X2 12.80
981 DIE CAST tearing down your blue skies R4 13.40
27 DIEFENBACH run trip fall X4 12.00
885 DIESELBOY dungeon masters guide Dble X2 12.80
822 DILATED PEOPLES neighbourhood watch A9 10.00
942 DILLARDS pickin./wheatstraw./copperhead B9 14.00
938 DILLINGER cocaine in my brains – anth. D X1 13.70
919 DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN miss machine X2 12.80
837 DILLINGERS instro-mania A9 10.00
961 DILLON, PHYLLIS love is all i had X7 8.50
917 DIMITRI FROM PARIS cruising attitude X2 12.80
779 DIMITRI FROM PARIS in the house 3CDs (limited) X2 12.80
24 DINOSAURS friends of extinction X2 12.80
926 DIO master of the moon R4 13.40
816 DION 70s from acoustic to wall of X2 12.80
886 DION, CELINE a new day – live las vegas X2 12.80
992 DION, CELINE miracle X2 12.80
920 DIOS dios A9 10.00
957 DIPLE forida X4 12.00
954 DIPLOMATS PRESENT JIM JONES on my way to church F1 14.50
901 DIPLOMATS, THE greatest recordings X2 12.80
23 DIRE STRAITS on the night DVD F3 15.50
22 DIRE STRAITS sultans of swing DVD F3 15.50
854 DIRECTIONS have you felt this way before X4 12.00
914 DIRTY CRIMINALS organised confusion X2 12.80
800 DIRTY DOZEN BAND we got robbed – live new orlean X2 12.80
860 DIRTY DOZEN BRASS BAND funeral for a friend X2 12.80
1 DIRTY VEGAS one E4 13.50
933 DISCHARGE society victims 3CDs F8 18.00
903 DISCORDER very best of DVD A7 8.50
853 DISTEFANO, PETER gratitude X1 13.70
782 DISTEL, SACHA when i fall in love P1 13.70
784 DISTEPHIA soda lake – mini album A3 6.50
934 DISTOPHIA soda lake A5 7.50
929 DISTRICT don’t mess with hard punks R4 13.40
819 DISTURBED music as a weapon F4 16.00
812 DIVINE COMEDY absent friends E4 13.50
11 DIVINE COMEDY live at the palladium DVD F8 18.00
788 DIVINE EMPIRE nostradamus R4 13.40
884 DIVISION OF LAURA LEE das not complete X1 13.70
772 DIXIE HUMMINGHBIRDS diamond jubilation X2 12.80
852 DIZ diz world P1 13.70
952 DIZZEE RASCAL showtime X2 12.80
778 DOBSON, FEFE fefe dobson P1 13.70
838 DOBSON, FEFE same P1 13.70
877 DODGY free peace sweet *** P8 8.30
845 DODGY the collection P9 5.60
10 DOGS D’AMOUR best of CD + DVD F3 15.50
904 DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS please describe yourself X5 11.60
973 DOKKEN change the world X7 8.50
7 DOKKEN erase the state DVD A7 8.50
908 DOKKEN hell to pay X1 13.70
783 DOKKEN japan live 1995 DVD F5 16.50
986 DOLAN, JOE make me an island Dble X6 9.00
947 DOLLBOY plans for a modern city X4 12.00
38 DOMINO domination B2 10.50
790 DOMINO, FATS best of E4 13.50
998 DON’T LOOK DOWN the fear in love X4 12.00
955 DONA, CHRISTINA same A9 10.00
775 DONDEREVO good science/friendly goods X4 12.00
34 DONEGAN, LONNIE this yere de story X5 11.60
8 DONNAS, THE gold medal B1 10.20
9 DONNAS, THE gold medal CD + DVD W4 13.00
921 DONNELLY, TANYA whiskey tango ghosts X2 12.80
40 DONOVAN 7-tease X4 12.00
924 DONOVAN beat café R4 13.40
866 DONOVAN cosmic wheel/essence to essen X6 9.00
902 DOOBIE BROTHERS greatest hits W3 13.50
999 DOOBIE BROTHERS live in wolf trap X1 13.70
958 DOOBIE BROTHERS siblin rivalry A5 7.50
836 DOOM total doom A5 7.50
912 DOORS live in europe 1968 DVD B7 13.00
996 DOORS no one gets out alive DVD Db G2 20.00
918 DOORS (Reformed) la woman – live DVD B7 13.00
850 DOUBLE U life behind a window X1 13.70
939 DOVEY, CATHY something ilk B1 10.20
868 DOWN THE SUN same P8 8.30
894 DOWNES, LILA one blood E4 13.50
823 DOWNING, WILL emotions P1 13.70
932 DOWNLINER SECT sectuality X7 8.50
911 DOWNS, JASON the spin B4 11.50
897 DOWNSET universal X1 13.70
873 DOZIER, LAMONT reflections of A9 10.00
889 DOZIER, LAMONT reflections of A9 10.00
870 DR. ALIMANTADO born for a purpose X7 8.50
882 DR. JOHN n’allinz dis dat or d’udda E4 13.40
865 DR. JOHN storm warning X7 8.50
776 DR. SAMUAL J HOFFMAN waves in the ether X7 8.50
17 DRAGONFLY the edge of the world P3 13.40
847 DRAGONFORCE sonic firestorm X1 13.70
982 DRAGONLAND starfall R4 13.40
978 DRAKE, NICK a treasury SACD P1 13.70
872 DRAKE, NICK made to love music P1 13.70
810 DRAMA QUEEN DIE same R4 13.40
864 DRANSFIELDS fiddlers dream + bbc sessions D X2 12.80
962 DREAM it was all a dream P3 13.40
861 DREAM EVIL book of heavy metal R4 13.40
859 DREAM SYNDICATE complete live at raji’s Dble X5 11.60
858 DREAM SYNDICATE ghost stories X7 8.50
5 DREAM THEATER images and words DVD G2 20.00
4 DREAM THEATER live at budokan DVD G2 20.00
993 DREAM THEATRE live at budokan 3 CDs G2 20.00
899 DREAMTIME cathanger X2 12.80
983 DRESDEN DOLLS same X2 12.80
821 DREW songs from the devil’s chimney B1 10.20
916 DRISCOLL. JULIE/BRIAN AUGER streetnoise X7 8.50
948 DRIVE BY TRUCKERS dirty south X4 12.00
799 DRIVE LIKE JEHNO yank crime X7 8.50
2 DRIVER, MINNIE everything i’ve got in my pocket E4 13.50
842 DROWNING POOL desensitised B1 10.20
950 DRY KILL LOGIC the dead & dreaming R4 13.40
30 DRYLANDS gothic tales R4 13.40
773 D-SIDE stronger together P1 13.70
825 DUAL CONTROL left or right X2 12.80
787 DUB SYNDICATE no bed of roses X2 12.80
813 DUBSTAR stars – best of E8 7.50
794 DUEL dual P1 13.70
972 DUFF, MARY just a country girl X4 12.00
966 DUFFY, STEPHEN/ feat NIGEL KENNEDY music in colours E8 7.50
3 DUFFY, STEPHEN/LILAC TIME keep going A5 7.50
946 DUKE, GEORGE the essential Dble B5 12.00
796 DUM DUM PROJECT desi vibes R8 8.30
793 DUNBAR, SLY sly wicked & slick E8 7.50
896 DUNKLEY, ERROL o.k. fred – best of X7 8.50
937 DUNLAP BAND, GENE tired of being a nice guy E8 7.50
851 DUNN, IZZI the big picture X2 12.80
797 DUPLAIX, VIKTER singles – prelude to the future X4 12.00
984 DUPREE, CHAMPION JACK from new orleans/champion X2 12.80
806 DUPREE, SIMON/BIG SOUND part of my past Dble A8 9.50
871 DURAN DURAN 1st/rio/ragged tiger 3CDs J6 24.00
990 DURAN DURAN astronaut X2 12.80
991 DURAN DURAN astronaut CD+DVD limited F3 15.50
953 DURAN DURAN the singles 1986/95 14 CD Box J6 24.00
833 DURAN, DURAN arena 20th anniversary + bonus E8 7.50
820 DURAN, DURAN sing blue silver DVD B4 11.50
994 DURUTTI COLUMN best of Double B9 14.00
35 DURY, IAN new boots & panties extended X2 12.80
940 DYBLE, JUDY enchanted garden X2 12.80
963 DYER, DAN of what lies beneath B5 12.00
831 DYLAN, BOB bootleg series 6 new york’64 D F9 18.50
832 DYLAN, BOB unplugged DVD C3 13.70
887 DYNAMITE MC world of dynamite X4 12.00
19 DYNAMO PRODUCTIONS get it together X1 13.70
37 DYNASTY greatest hits X7 8.50
378 E.L.O. the early years E8 7.50
480 E.S.G. all american gangsta X2 12.80
401 EAGLES OF DEATH METAL peace love death metal IMP X1 13.70
398 EAMON i don’t want you back X1 13.70
435 EARL, ROBERT magic of P9 5.60
362 EARLE, STEVE just an american boy DVD X1 13.70
443 EARLE, STEVE revolution starts now X2 12.80
402 EARLE, STEVE transcendental blues live DVD B7 13.00
388 EARLE/VAN ZANDT/CLARK together at the bluebird A9 7.50
437 EARLIES, THE these were the earlies B1 10.20
445 EARTH OPERA same/great american eagle D B9 14.00
486 EARTH, WIND & FIRE live at montreux 1997 DVD F5 16.50
490 EARTH, WIND & FIRE live DVD B4 11.50
400 EARTH, WIND & FIRE the promise X4 12.00
447 EAST OF EDEN mercator projected X5 11.60
448 EAST OF EDEN snafu X5 11.60
489 EASTWOOD, KYLE paris blue B2 10.50
361 EASYWORLD kill the last romantic X1 13.70
456 EATER live in barbarella 1977 X7 8.50
434 EBERG plastic lions X5 11.60
420 ECHOBELLY gravity pulls B4 11.50
389 ECKMAN, CHRIS the black field X2 12.80
488 ECKSTINE, BILLY proper introduction to A2 6.00
430 ECSTACY OF SAINT THERESA thirteen years in noise X7 8.50
481 EDGAR, JIMMY bounce, make, model A5 7.50
408 EDGE OF FOREVER feeding the fire R4 13.40
406 EDWARD, TODD new trend sounds X1 13.70
359 EDWARDS, KATHLEEN live bowery ballroom X1 13.70
392 EEK A MOUSE mouse gone wild X1 13.70
413 EEK A MOUSE mousekeeter X7 8.50
477 EGAN, WALTER funda,emtal roll/not shy Dble X2 12.80
449 EGG egg X5 11.60
450 EGG polite force X5 11.60
442 EGG, forwards X5 11.60
458 EGYPT midnight sun X2 12.80
468 EIGHTEEN VISIONS best of P8 8.30
469 EIGHTEEN VISIONS obsession B1 10.20
470 EIGHTEEN VISIONS obsession CD+DVD limited B1 10.20
467 EIGHTEEN VISIONS vanity P8 8.30
366 EINSTURZENDE, NEUBATEN perpetuum mobile X1 13.70
425 EINSTURZENDE, NEUBATEN kalte sterne Dble (early) X2 12.80
426 EINSTURZENDE, NEUBATEN tabula rasa Dble X1 13.70
409 ELDRITCH portrait of abyss within R3 13.40
363 ELECRELANE the power out X6 9.00
474 ELECROCUTE troublesome bubblegum X2 12.80
387 ELECTED, THE me first X4 12.00
380 ELECTRIC life’s a struggle X1 13.70
419 ELECTRIC EEL SHOCK go europe X2 12.80
455 ELECTRIC PRUNES re-wired – live brighton 02 DVD B2 10.50
473 ELEFANT sunshine makes me paranoid X2 12.80
451 ELEPHANT MAN good to go X2 12.80
377 ELEPHANT MEMORY same X2 12.80
364 ELLA GURU first album B1 10.20
438 ELLA GURU the first album B1 10.20
412 ELLINGTON, MARC rains/reigns of change X2 12.80
432 ELLIOTT, LOUIS the long way round X1 13.70
478 ELLIOTT, RAMBLIN JACK lost topic tapes cowes 1957 B1 10.20
479 ELLIOTT, RAMBLIN JACK lost topic tapes i-o-w 1957 B1 10.20
457 ELLIS, ALTON be true to yourself Dble X1 13.70
396 EL-P (Hip-Hop) high water mark X1 13.70
439 ELY, JOE settle for love – comp’n X4 12.00
459 EMBRACE out of nothing B1 10.20
440 EMBRYO steig aus X1 13.70
441 EMERSON DRIVE what if X1 13.70
424 EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER ultimate collection Dble F3 15.50
487 EMERSON, LAKE, PALMER live at montreux 1997 DVD F5 16.50
428 EMERSON,DARREN.JACKSON,PAUL underwater ep3…Db X2 12.80
356 EMERSON/LAKE/PALMER an introduction to X7 8.50
358 EMERSON/LAKE/PALMER masters from the vaults DVD B7 13.00
482 EMINEM encore P1 13.70
483 EMINEM encore + bonus CD F3 15.50
484 EMINEM encore coll. edition limited F9 18.50
386 EMINEM is back (withdrawn) 00 0.00
475 EMMANUEL, TOMMY endless road A8 9.50
436 EMOTIONS songs of iinnocence&experience X2 12.80
422 EMPATHY beyond nucleus X7 8.50
399 EN VOGUE soul flower B5 12.00
390 ENCORE layover X1 13.70
397 ENCORE playover X1 13.70
357 END, THE within dividia X2 12.80
381 ENFORSAKEN the forever endeavor R4 13.40
355 ENGLAND’S GLORY legendary lost album X6 9.00
446 ENID, THE something wicked DVD F5 16.50
416 ENO, BRIAN another green world B5 12.00
417 ENO, BRIAN before and after science B5 12.00
463 ENO, BRIAN discreet music r/m B5 12.00
414 ENO, BRIAN here come the warm jets B5 12.00
461 ENO, BRIAN music for airports r/m B5 12.00
462 ENO, BRIAN on land r/m B5 12.00
415 ENO, BRIAN taking tiger mountain B5 12.00
368 ENTRANCE careless love – mini album A2 6.00
452 ENTWISTLE, JOHN the ox – anthology Dble X2 12.80
394 ENUFF Z NUFF suck it and see – favoutitesDVD F9 18.50
427 ENVOY shoulder to shoulder A8 9.50
403 ENVY all the footprints … X2 12.80
471 ERASURE tank, swan, balloon live DVD D X1 13.70
466 ERELLI, MARK hillbilly pilgrim X4 12.00
376 ERIKA cold winter night R4 13.40
423 ERIKSEN, TIM every sound below R4 13.40
379 ERROR error mini album A2 6.00
433 ESKOBAR a thousand last chances X5 11.60
410 ESSEX, DAVID on tour/rock on Dble X6 9.00
411 ESSEX, DAVID same/out on the street Dble X6 9.00
460 ESTEFAN, GLORIA amor a suerte X1 12.80
470 ESTELLE the 18th day X2 12.80
444 ESTES, SLEEPY JOHN someday baby blues X8 5.90
365 ETHERIDGE, MELISSA lucky P1 13.70
404 EUROPE rock the night (retro) Dble C3 13.70
405 EUROPE rock the night (retro) DVD C3 13.70
465 EUROPE start from the dark P1 13.70
369 EURYTHMICS be yourself tonight r/m R4 13.40
370 EURYTHMICS in the garden r/m R4 13.40
371 EURYTHMICS peace r/m R4 13.40
372 EURYTHMICS revenge r/m R4 13.40
373 EURYTHMICS sweet dreams r/m R4 13.40
374 EURYTHMICS touch r/m R4 13.40
375 EURYTHMICS we too are one r/m R4 13.40
485 EVANESCENCE anywhere but home CD + DVD X1 13.70
476 EVERCLEAR 10 years gone – best 94/04 IMP F2 15.00
393 EVERGREEN the inner circle R4 13.40
492 EVERGREEN TERRACE burned alive by time R4 13.40
491 EVERGREEN TERRACE writers block R4 13.40
418 EVERLAST white trash beautiful P1 13.70
360 EVERPRESENT FULLNESS fine and dandy X7 8.50
384 EVERYTIME I DIE hot damn B1 10.20
431 EWICKEIT radio ixtlan X2 12.80
391 EXHUMED platters of splatter 1992/2002D X2 12.80
407 EXODUS another lesson in violence X2 12.80
354 EXPERIMENTAL POP BAND tarmac & flames X2 12.80
454 EXPLOITED punk’s not dead A5 7.50
453 EXPLOITED troops of tomorrow A5 7.50
385 EXPLOITED twenty years of anarchy & X2 12.80
395 EYEDEA & ABILITIES e.a. X7 8.50
382 EYES OF FIRE ashes to embers R4 13.40
632 F…… CHAMPS greatest hits X4 12.00
784 FABIO GROOVERIDER drum & bass arena F2 15.00
829 FABOLOUS real talk W4 13.00
620 FABRIC 14 stacey pullen X2 12.80
733 FACES 5 guys walking to a bar 4CD ZZ 42.00
692 FADES, THE social misfits P8 8.30
661 FAHEY, JOHN best of vol. 2 X2 12.80
732 FAHEY, JOHN live in tasmania X2 12.80
837 FAHEY, JOHN the yellow princess X7 8.50
668 FAHL, MARY the other side of time B1 10.20
812 FAINT, THE danse macabre A6 8.00
803 FAINT, THE wet from birth X4 12.00
715 FAIRFIELD PARLOUR from home to home X3 12.30
810 FAIRPORT CONVENTION airing cupboard tapes X7 8.50
753 FAIRPORT CONVENTION angel delight r/m + P8 8.30
755 FAIRPORT CONVENTION babbacombe lee r/m + P8 8.30
811 FAIRPORT CONVENTION festival cropendy 2002 Dble X5 11.60
648 FAIRPORT CONVENTION from cropredy to portmeirion X7 8.50
647 FAIRPORT CONVENTION gladys’ leap X7 8.50
707 FAIRPORT CONVENTION jewel in the crown X2 12.80
625 FAIRPORT CONVENTION live legend 1990
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