Dear Malika How are you?I am fine.Now abou me.I am 12.I have a father,a mother and a little brother.My brother’s name is Ted and he is 4.I like school.My school is in London.It is new.It is in West Street.There is a big library,a staff room, a gym, a canteen and a lot of classrooms.The first lesson is at 9.15.At school we have English,French,maths,computers,history and music.I like music very much. And what about you? Please write to me Love Anvar Lesson 26
Karim and Alice are on duty today.They come into their classroom in the morning.Karim opens the windows to air the room.Alice takes the duster and cleans the blackboard.She takes the chalk and writes the date.Then she puts chalk and the duster on the blackboard.Karim cleans the teacher’s table,her chair and pupils’ desk.Then he puts the books,a pen and ared pencil on the teacher’s table.He puts the books on the pupils’ desks too.Now the class is ready for the lesson.The pupils come in and sit down at their desks.The teacher comes in too and the lesson begins.
Lesson 27
Alice lives in the village.It is near a town.Here is Alice’s school.It is not very big.
SCHOOL It has ten classrooms and staff room.In front of the school there is a small garden.There are flowers in it.Behind the school there is a large garden with apple trees.Alice’s classroom is large.There are four windows there.There is a blackboard on the wall.The teacher’s desk and chair are near the blackboard.Alice’s desk is on the right.There are maps and pictures on the walls.There is a wall-news paperon the wall.Alice likes her school.
Lesson 28
Where is the shelf?-kitob javoni qayerda?
Whose pen is green?-kimning ruchkasi yashil.
It is mine-bu meniki
The boys’ books are red-o’g’il bolalarning kitobi qizil
Whose work is this?-bu kimni ishi?
Not mine-meniki emas
Is this pen yours?-bu ruchka senikimi?
Can I have this book?-shu kitobni olsam maylimi?
Our school is new-bizning maktabimiz yangi
There is a canteen in our school-bizning maktabimizda oshxona bor
School rules for pupils-o’quvchilar uchun maktab qoidalari
Type- tur this-bu
Burn-kuydirmoq describe your school-maktabingizni tasvirlang
Fury-g’azab positive-ijobiy
Cure-davo negative-salbiy
During-davomida love-sevmoq
Choose-tanlamoq hate-nafratlanmoq
Need-zarur lose-yo’qotmoq
Prefer-afzal ko’rmoq make-qilmoq,yaratmoq
Depend on-bog’liq pay-to’lamoq
Know-bilmoq put-qo’ymoq
Mean-anglatmoq see-ko’rmoq
Believe-ishomoq sell-sotmoq
Remember-esda qolmoq sleep-uxlamoq
Forget-unutmoq stand-turmoq
What do you mean?-buning ma’nosi nima? Tell-aytmoq
Take photograph-surtaga olmoq think-o’ylamoq
What are you doing?-nima qilyapsiz? Win-yutmoq
Excuse me-kechirasiz yesterday-kecha
What time do you do the lesson?-qaysi vaqtda darsingiz boshlanadi?
Please speak more slowly-iltimos biroz sekinroq gapiring
I come from england-men angliyadan keldim.
dance-raqs tushmoq when I was a child-bola bo’lganimda
lunch time-tushlik vaqti ago-oldin
a lot of people- juda ko’p odamlar take off-kiyimni yechmoq
Drink-ichmoq three times-3 marta
Eat-yemoq housework-uy ishlari
Find-topmoq house wife-uy bekasi
Fly-uchmoq do shopping-xarid qilmoq
Get-yetib bormoq write letter-xat yozmoq
Hear-eshitmoq very often-juda tez
Leave-ketmoq the hotel is comfortable-mehmonxona qulay
Those shoes are fashionable-o’sha tuflilar zamonaviy
Can I have something to eat?-yeyishga nimadir olsam bo’ladimi?
Arrive-kirib kelmoq public holiday-xalq bayrami
Why are you angry?-Nima uchun jahliz chiqyapti?
Friendly-do’stona what happened-nima bo’ldi
New year-yangi yil fall asleep-uxlap qolmoq
They are standing at the bus-stop-ulay avtobus bekatida turibdi
Wait-kutmoq do-qilmoq,bajarmoq
Have a headache-bosh og’rimoq
What kind of car do you have?-qaysi turdagi mashina bor?
How much-qancha how many-nechta
Lesson 29
Polite-odobli sometimes-ba’zida
Hardworking-mehnatsevar leave home-uydan ketmoq
West-g’arb get to school-maktabga yetib bormoq
Playground-o’yin maydonchasi never-hech qachon
What about you-bu haqida nima deysiz? Play see-saw-arg’imchoq uchmoq
Theme-mavzu upset-xafa
Warm-hearted-mehribon get dressed-kiyinmoq
Celebrate-nishonlamoq put on clothes-kiyimlarni kiymoq
Wealth-boylik wake up-uyg’onmoq
Yard-hovli get up-turmoq
Usually-odatda play tag-bekinmachoq o’ynamoq
Always-har doim make the bed-o’rnini yig’ishtirmoq
Often-tez-tez comb-taroq
Comb hair-sochni taramoq do homework-uyga vazifani bajarmoq
Air the room-xanoni shamollatmoq late-kech
Get washed-yuvinmoq teach-o’qitmoq
Wash hands-qo’larni yuvmoq have a cup of tea-bir piyola choy ichmoq
Do hair-sochini turmaklamoq on time-vaqtida
Brush the teeth-tishini yuvmoq dislike-yoqtirmaslik
Go for a walk-sayrga chiqmoq come home-uyga kelmoq
Feed the animals-hayvonlarni boqmoq take a shower-dush qabul qilmoq
Lay the table-dasturxonni tuzatmoq biscuits-shirinlik
Go shopping-xaridga bormoq sweets-shirinlik
Take photos-suratga olmoq at all-umuman
Eat-yemoq get good mark-yaxshi baho olmoq
Ride a horse-otda yurmoq good boy-yaxshi o’g’il bola
Factory-fabrika it is nice-bu ajoyib
Letter-xat shopping centre-do’kon markazi
Get home-uyga yetib bormoq much time-ko’p vaqt
My day-mening kunim key-kalit
Touch-teginmoq everywhere-har qayerda Before-oldin everybody-har bir kishi
After-keyin everything-har narsa
Sound-tovush everyone-har bir kishi
Than-qaraganda dentist-tish shifokori
Leave school-maktabdan ketmoq
Clean the table-stolni tozalamoq
Lesson 30
1.she is never late.she always goes to school on time and comes home from school at about one o’clock.Usually she has her lunch at home.
2.he likes sport very much.He is a very good football player.he always plays football with his friends.But he’s not good at maths at all.
3.he is a very good pupil.He is always on time for his lessons.There are a lot of books on his desk.english is his favourite subject.He does his homework in the evening and gets good marks.
4.She is often late for her lessons.She never does her homework.She doesn’t like to help her mother at all.She is not a good girl.
Lesson 31
Alice’s day
My name is Alice.I am a pupil.I am 12.Every morning I get up at 7 o’clock.Before breakfast I do my morning exercises,wash with cold water and get dressed.In morning I have breakfast.Then I go to school.After school we come home.At home I have dinner.After dinner I do my lessons.I have many friends and I play ball with them.After supper I play with my sister.At 10 I go to bed.
Lesson 32
My little brother Ahmad and I schoolboys.We go to school in the morning.We get up at 7 o’clock and make up our beds.We do our morning exercises.Then we wash and dress.After that we clean the table.At 9 o’clock we take our school bags and go to school.Ahmad is in the second form and I am sixth form.We have 5 or 6 lessons every day.After lessons we go to home.At 2 we have dinner.At 4 we go to play with our friends.At 5 our parents come home from their works and we have a tea.At 7 we watch TV and have supper.At 8 I and my brother do our home and finish them at 9.At 10 we go to bed and have a dream.
Lesson 33
Police officer-politsiya ofitseri
Doctor-shifokor teacher-o’qituvchi
Businessman-tadbirkor poet-shoir
Mechanic-mexanik engineer-injener
Farmer-fermer bookeeper-hisobchi
Driver-haydovchi cleaner-tozalovchi
Secretary-kotiba pilot-uchuvchi
Dancer-raqqos clown-masqaraboz
President-prezident housewife-uyda ishlovchi ayol
Writer-yozuvchi football player-futbol o’yinchisi
Military-harbiy pupil-o’quvchi
Fireman-ot o’chiruvchi translater-tarjimon
Cook-oshpaz librarian-kutubxonachi
Sportsman-spot bilan shug’ullanuvchi inson
Computer programmist-bloker
Tv star-televizor yulduzi
Sales asistent-sotuvchi
Is your father a worker?-otangiz ishchimi?
What do you do before breakfast?-nonushtadan oldin nima qilasiz?
Can you tell me when you get up in the morning?-ertalab qachon turishizni ayta olasizmi?
What do you do in the morning?-ertalab nima qilasiz?
It is time to go to school-maktab borish vaqti keldi
It is difficult to do this exercise-bu mashqni bajarish qiyin
It is interesting to read book-kitob o’qish qiziqarli
On my day off-mening dam olish kunimda
Lesson 34
Visit-tashrif buyurmoq
Historial place-tarixiy joy
Dark skin-qorachadan kelgan
Look after-g’anxo’rlik qilmoq
Piece of paper-bir parcha qog’oz
To be married-turmushga chiqmoq
Look for-qidirmoq
Can I help you?-yordamim kerakmi?
I am on holiday-men tatildaman
Do the washing-yuvinmoq
Have a shower-dush qabul qimoq
Take a shower-dush qabul qilmoq
What do you do?-nima ish qilasiz?
What do you do after school?-maktabdan keyin nima ish qilasiz?
Fall asleep-uxlab qolmoq
do the ironing-dazmollamoq
sit-ups-o’tirb turmoq
a bowl of soup-bir kosa sho’rva
a can of honey-bir bidon asal
a glass of juice-bir stakan sharbat
go to the market-bozorga bormoq
sport centre-sport markazi
lie-yolg’on gapirmoq
affirmative form-darak gap
interrogative form-so’roq gap
negative form-inkor gap
grow flower-gul o’stirmoq
at all-umuman
once a day-kuniga bir marta
sightseeing-ko’rishga arzugulik joy
we often play football-biz tez-tez futbol o’ynaymiz
they usually go home on foot-ular odatda uyiga piyoda boradi
tashkent is a beautiful city-toshkent chiroyli shahar
The registan in Samarkand is very ancient-samarqanddagi registon juda qadimiy
Bukhara is also nice-buxoro ham ajoyib
Historial place interest turists very much-tarixiy joylar turislarga juda ham qiziq
A lot of turists visit hitorical place in Uzbekistan-ko’p turistlar o’zbekistondagi tarixiy joylarg tashrif buyuradilar
She never lies-u hech qachon aldamaydi
On Sunday I go to the market-yakshanba kuni men bozorga boraman
Lesson 35