Cambridge O`quv markazi
O'zbekistondagi eng yirik INGLIZ TILI marafoni – "Barcha zamonlar 7
Lesson 7:
Future perfect and Future perfect continuous
Future perfect
Bu zamonni biz kelajakdagi bir vaqtgacha qandaydir harakatni qilib tugatilganligini
aytish uchun ishlatamiz.
Form- fo`rmulasi
Subject+will+have+ved(regular)/v3(past participle)
I will have studied the English tenses by next month.
Men ingliz tilidagi zamonlarni keyingi oygacha o`rganib bo`laman.
You will have studied the English tenses by next month.
He/she/it will have studied the English tenses by next month
We will have studied the English tenses by next month
They will have studied the English tenses by next month