Personal information
Larisa Gaidarova
108, Ropažu 5, Riga LV-1039
7551895, mob. 9555443
1930, December 25
Higher education, philologist. Moscow State university of Mikhail Lomonosov. Speciality in the Russian language and literature.
Scientific degrees and titles
1967. Degree PSRS AAK of the pedagogy science candidate
1993. University of Latvia, scientific doctor degree in pedagogy
1970. Ass.prof. scientific title, PSRS AAK.
Moscow State University
Work experience:
2005. Baltic Russian Institute, Riga, ass.prof.
2003.-2004., University of Economics and Culture, Riga, ass.prof.
1993.-2004. Riga 74. Secondary school, deputy director.
Teacher, Institute of the language, Baku educational establishment
1973.-1993. Institute of the improvement of the pedagogic qualification, Riga, head department
tutored courses:
Topical problems and newest technologies in the language studies.
Social psychology.
Intercultural communication.
Culturology. Psychology of business relations.
Basics of the intercultural communication psychology
Psychology and pedagogy.
Additional education
2001.1.10. – 2002.27.02. Topical problems and newest technologies in the studies of the Russian language and literature in basic and secondary schools. Further education courses. Certificate Nr. 02-0455.
1999.21.10. – 2000.15. 03. Basics of the computer sciences. Certificate Nr. 00-422D.
language skills:
Mother tingue
Other languages
Latvian, Georgian, French
Organization skills
Member of international organizations (Zurich, Swiss)
Computer skills
Basic Word skills
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Билингвизм как социальная, лингвистическая и методическая проблема. (Сб. «Изучение государственного языка в системе педагогического процесса», Рига, 2000.)
Билингвальное обучение как инновация в современном содержании образования. (Сб. «Из опыта билингвального обучения», Рига, 2000.)
О содержательной и логической корректности педагогических исследований. (Сб. «Из опыта билингвального обучения», Рига, 2001.)
О приемах межъязыковых сопоставлений при билингвальном обучении. (Сб. «Из опыта билингвального обучения», Рига, 2001.)
Русско-латышский ассоциативный словарь учащейся молодежи. (Тезисы доклада на Международном конгрессе славистов «Славистика в начале XXI века», Гранада, Испания, 2004.)
Экономика как феномен культуры. (Тезисы доклада на Международной конференции в Каунасе, 2004.)
Культурологические термины в ассоциативном поле русского и латышского языков. (В соавторстве. Материалы Международной конференции «Взаимодействие языков и культур в коммуникативном пространстве новой Европы», Рига, 2005.)
2005. “__12___”_June Signature
Aleksandr Gavriļin
Personal data:
Born July 15, 1953
1984 -1987 – State University of Latvia, Academy of Sciences, Institute of History of Latvia, post-graduate studies
1970 – 1975 - State University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy
Academic titles and degrees:
1992 – Doctor’s degree of History (Dr.hist)
1991 – University of Latvia, the Chair of Archeology and Subsidiary Disciplines of History, associate professor
1987 – University of Latvia, Department of the USSR History, lecturer
1987 – candidate of Historical Sciences
Work experience:
2001- onwards – University of Latvia, the Chair of Archeology and Subsidiary Disciplines of History, associated professor
1991 – 2001 - University of Latvia, , the Chair of Archeology and Subsidiary Disciplines of History, department ass.prof.
1987 – 1991 - Department of the USSR History, lecturer
1979 – 1987 - University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of the USSR History, assistant
1975 – 1979 – Latvia History Museum, head of section
Other professional activities:
Module of studies “History, Protection of Culture Environment”, project leader
Specialization of studies “Cultural Heritage”, project leader
Latvian Academy of Culture, head of bachelors program “Russian culture”
Compiler and editor of “Orthodox Church in Latvia: historical surveys” (“Pareizticība Latvijā: vēsturiski apskati”) in three issues
Academic courses:
Since 1998 – Problems of Cultural Objects Preservation 32 h
Since 1997 – Development of Architectural Styles 32 h
Since 1996 – Language of Sacral Arts 32 h
Since 1995 – Relations Between State and Church in Latvia 32 h
Since 1989 – History of Orthodox Church in Latvia 32 h
Since 1991 – Cultural Monuments of Latvia 32 h
Since 1978 – Basics of Cultural Monuments Protection 32 h
Since 1988 – Historical Sources Research Theory 32 h
Conferences, seminars:
Has participated in scientific conferences and seminars in Latvia, Russia, Belgium, Swiss, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and Estonia.
Publications (number): (see addendum)
1987 – 2001 – around 40 popular science articles and reviews on Church history and cultural heritage related subjects.
Compiler and editor of “Orthodox Church in Latvia: historical surveys” (“Pareizticība Latvijā: vēsturiski apskati”) in three issues (1993., 1997., 2001., 2004.)
Scientific research:
Research is mainly connected with Baltic (Latvian) Church history with emphasis on the Orthodox Church history and development in Latvia. Also subjects related to the protection of cultural heritage. The most important published articles are dedicated to this theme, materials in Latvian and foreign archives are gathered. In 1987 the dissertation of the history sciences candidate on the theme “Baltijas zemnieku pāreja pareizticībā 19.gs. 40.gados” (“The conversion of the Baltic peasants into the Orthodox religion in the 40’s of the 19th century”) is defended. In 1992 the doctor degree in history is acquired. In 1999 the monograph “Очерки истории Рижской епархии 19 век” (368 pages) is published. Parallel to the main theme the Latvian churches as the cultural and historic objects are also researched. 2004- monograph «Люцинское (Лудзенское) благочиние Полоцко-Витебской епархии во второй половине XIX начале ХХ века».
Riga, 200_. “____”. _________________ Signature
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