Baltic russian institute

Rubenis A. Senās Grieķijas dzīve un kultūra. R., 1994

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Rubenis A. Senās Grieķijas dzīve un kultūra. R., 1994.

  • Rubenis A. Senās Romas kultūra. R., 1994.

  • Ardags F. Seno grieķu mīti un leģendas. Egmont Latvija, 1998.

  • Eliade M. Mīta aspekti. R., 1999.

    Resources on the internet:

  • История зарубежной литературы ХХ века: 1917-1945. - Available at:
    1. История зарубежной литературы ХIХ века /Под редакцией Н.А.Соловьевой. - Available at:

    2. Зарубежная литература ХХ века / Под редакцией Л.Г.Андреева. - Available at:

    3. Книжный развал. Учебники, лекции, статьи по мировой литературе. - Available at:

    1. В.Н. Богословский, В.Г. Прозоров, А.Ф. Головенченко. Американская литература: Романтизм (1991). - Available at:

    2. Иностранная литература. Ежемесячный литературно-художественный журнал. - Available at:

    3. Pasaules literatūra vidusskolām. - Available at:

    4. Зеленая лампа. Учебный культурологический журнал. - Available at:


    Course title: Creative work psychology
    The course includes of the professional BA programme in Cultural Administration part

    Course author: P. Tjurin, Dr psych., assoc. prof.; L. Kozlova, MA psych.
    Aim of the course:

    To give an idea about the psychological basis in a human’s creative work, to get the students acquainted with different approaches in the notion of creativity, its basic problems. To give an idea about methods of solution of creative tasks.

    Course tasks:

    • To get the students acquainted wih the theoretical aspects of the creative work psychology;

    • To maintain the mastering of the literature of the study discipline.

    Credit value: 1 CP (40 academic hours, 20 contact hours, 1/3– practical studies)
    Assessment: test.
    Requirements: active participation in the lectures and accomplishment of the practical tasks (work in the auditorium).
    Course content:

    1. Introduction. Subject of the creative work psychology. Essence and criteria of creative work. Psychological aspects of a human creative work. Types of creative work activity.

    2. Theoretical approaches to the comprehension of creativity (G. Gilford, E. P. Torrens; M. Vollah and N. Cogan; V. Druzinina, N. Nazratova approaches).

    3. Abilities of creative work in the structure of human abilities. Creativity and intellectual activity. Problems of development of the creative work abilities. Motivation and creative work.

    4. Creative personality, its psychological peculiarities and race. Psychotypes of a creative personality in the history of art and scientifically-technical field.

    5. Creativity pre-requisites. Obstacles for the creative thinking and activization requirements. Indivudual and team work.

    6. Conclusion (seminar- summary of the mastered material).


    1. Handboor of creativity. Cambridge,1999

    2. Mihalko M. Cracking creativity. Berkeley, USA, 1998.

    3. Mohn R. Freedom for creative people. Guetersloh,1996

    4. Nollke M., Kreativitātes metodes radošo spēju attistīsanai. R.,2003

    5. Radošā personība. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. Rīga, 2000.

    6. Robins A., Creativ Art Therapy. N-Y., 1976.

    7. Thomas B.W. Creative thought an research of conceptual sturtures

    and processes. Wash.,1997

    1. Аллахвердов В. Психология искусства. Спб.:Изд-во ДНК, 2001.

    2. Дружинин В. Психология общих способностей . Спб.: Питер, 1999.

    3. Леонтьев А. Некоторые проблемы психологии искусства. В кн.: Избранные психологические произведения. Т.2., М: Педагогика, 1983.

    4. Маслоу А. Самоактуализация.- В кн. : Психология личности. Тексты. М.: МГУ. 1992.

    5. Семке В. Основы персоналогии. М: Академ проект, 2001.

    6. Франкл В. Человек в поисках смысла. М: Прогресс, 1990.

    7. Фрейд З. Леонардо да Винчи. М.: Наука, 1988.

    8. Фрейд З. Художник и фантазирование. М. 1995.

    9. Фридман Дж. Конструирование иных реальностей .М.,2001

    10. Художественное творчество и психология М.,1991

    11. Яковлева Е. Эмоциональные механизмы личностного и творческого развития.- Журнал «Вопросы психологии»., 1985, № 6.



    (research of basic sources)
    Course includes: Professional Bachelorprogramme “Culture Administration” part “B”
    Author of the course: Aleksandrs Gavrilins, LU assoc. prof., Doctor of history
    Synopsis: Analysis of issues on historical sources classification and evolution. Principles of scientific critics of historical sources, methods of its interpretation, syntheses of sources, special ways of research different historical sources.

    Aims of the course:

    1. Brief introduction to the history and theory of sources.

    2. Development of students’ skills to investigate historical sources.

    3. Development of students’ analytical thinking.

    Credit Values: 1 CP, 20 contact hours (10 lectures, 10 seminars)

    Studies of the literature sources- 10 hours

    Preparation of the project- 12 hours

    Assessment: test

    1. Participation at all of seminars.

    2. Giving an extra talk at the time of the test in case of seminars missing.

    3. Each student has to analyse 5 historical sources.


    1. Subject of historical sources research. Issue on classification of historical sources. Genesis of sources evidence. Main stages and components of historical sources research. Internal and external critique of historical sources.

    2. Analysis of chronicles. Statements as a historical source. Office-work material as a historical source.

    3. Judicial documentation as a historical source. Statistical materials as a historical source. Scientific work as a historical source.

    4. Periodicals as a historical source. Political work and journalism as a historical source. Memoirs, diaries, and letters as a historical source. Literature work as a historical source. Folk-lore as a historical source.


    1. Aron R. Introduction to the Philosophi of History. An essay on the limits of historical objectivity. Boston, 1961.

    2. Baltias valstis starp Vāciju un PSRS (1920-1934). R., 2003.

    3. Vipers R. Vēstures lielās problēmas. R., 1990.

    4. Бернгейм Э. Введение в историческую науку. – С-Пб., 1908.

    5. Блок М. Апология истории или ремесло историка. – М., 1986.

    6. Иванов Г.М. Исторический источник и историческое познание. – Томск, 1973.

    7. Ланглуа Ш. и Сеньобос Ш. Введение и изучение истории. –С-Пб, 1899.

    8. Лаппо-Данилевский А.С. Методология истории. – Вып.2, -С-Пб., 1913.

    9. Медушевская О.М. Современное зарубежное источниковедение. –М., 1983.

    10. Ранке Л. Об эпохах новой истории. –М., 1898.

    11. Февр Л. Бои за историю. – 2. М., 1990.

    12. Шепелев Л.Е. Работа исследователя с архивными документами. М., Л., 1966.

    13. Янин В.Л. Очерки комплексного источниковедения. –М., 1977.

    14. Гуревич А.Я. О кризисе современной исторической науки // Вопросы истории. –1991, № 2,3.

    15. Медушевская О.М. Теоретические проблемы источниковедения. –М., 1978.

    16. Источниковедение: Теория. История. Метод. Источники Российской истории: Учебное пособие. М.: Российский Государственный гуманитарный университет, 2000.

    17. Коломийцев В.Ф. Методология истории. М., 2001.


    Course includes: Professional Bachelorprogramme “Culture Administration” part “B”
    Author of the course: Ivan Mihailov, MA humanitarian art sciences, MA social legal sciences , lectorer
    Abstract: The course offers conception of process in culture administration and collaboration, as well as financial assets and possibility in Latvia.
    Aim of the course: to give knowledge of content and manifestation of the administration work of cultural institutions.

    Course tasks: to get acquainted with the trends in administration of cultural institutions. To get acquainted with the laws and employment aspects of the cultural institutions of the Republic of Latvia. To develop the skills in building the cooperation with the structures managing the cultural processes, managers of cultural institutions, and ability to coordinate projects with respective institutions independently.
    Credit Value: 2 CP, academic hours (20 lectures, 12 seminars)
    Assessment: test with the mark
    Requirements: completing the course tasks, test (written), successful completing of the test.
    Content of the course

    1. State and self-government structures. Law of a cultural institution; Provision of the cultural institutions (goals, tasks, functions). Place of cultural institutions in the cultural infrastructure.

    2. Variety of financing and forms of activity at culture institutions.

    3. Responsibility of supervision of culture process.

    4. Possibilities to plan in sphere of culture.strategic planning. Tactical planning- year plan and its realization. Operative planning. Special plans.

    5. Satisfaction of the social interests. Research of present and potential interest of the audience. Planning of the work content accordingly to the differentiation of the society. Maintaining and keeping of internal and external communication.

    6. Co-ordination of culture projects and process of trends.

    Course literature:

    1. Kultūrpolitika Latvijā. Nacionālais ziņojums. Eiropas Padomes ekspertu ziņojums. R., 1998.

    2. Nacionālā programma “Kultūra”. Īsinātais variants. R., 2001.

    3. Kulturindikatorer: Norden. En studie i komparativ kulturstatistik. 1993.

    4. Danish Cultural Policy. 1998; 1999.

    5. Yearbook of Nordic Statistic 1996; 1998; 1999.

    6. Statistical Yearbook of Sweden. 1997; 1998; 1999.

    7. Cultural Facts. Swedish National Counsil for Cultural Affairs. 2001.

    Latvijas Valsts kultūrpolitikas pamatnostādnes//


    Nacionālā programma „Kultūra” 2000. – 2010.//http://

    Eiropas Savienības atbalsts kultūrai. Informatīvs palīgs projektu pieteicējiem un interesentiem// /UI/main.asp?id=15655

    Compedium: Cultural Policies in Europe//http://

    Forty years of European Cultural Co=operation//


    Course title: INTRODUCTION INTO THE SPECIALITY: introduction into the research work
    The course includes of the professional BA programme in Cultural Administration part B
    Course author: Tatjana Kuzmina, lect.

    Course abstract: the course is oriented on the mastering of the general algorithm of the research work. It serves as a basis for the further students’ individual research work (writing the course paper and the bachelor paper). During the course the keystone of the research work are to be analysed, basic methods and technics of the humanitarian research are to be described.
    Aims and tasks of the course:

    1. To get the students acquainted with the main genres and methods of a research work.

    2. To develop the students’ skills in writing different texts.

    3. To teach the students to to formulate the research goals and tasks, as well as choose a research genre and methods relevant to it.

    4. To develop in the students the research work culture in a primary stage of the material and information gathering, as well as its analysis, work conclusion and formation.

    Credit value: 1 CP
    Contact hours 16 academic hours ( lectures - 10 hours, seminars - 6 hours )
    Assessment: test
    Requirements: preparation of the report in compliance with the norms of the research cycle; defence of the report; writing tasks envisaged in the course.
    Course content:


    Specific character of a research work in the field of the humanitarian sciences. Principles of the research organization. Genres of the academic texts. (practical task: to write an essay and review)


    Methods of a scientific research. Basic elements: theory- methods- technics. Research levels. Generally accepted and specific scientific methods. Methods of other sciences in the humanitarian researches.


    Algorithm of a researc work. (Choice of a theme, formulation of a problem, goals, and tasks, work plan, gthering the materials)


    Design of a research text. Structure. Scientific apparatus. Bibliography. Appendixes.


    Presentation nd defence of a research .

    Course literature

    1. Методические указания к выполнению студенческих научных работ. Составитель проф. М.П. Шешуков. Рига: БРИ, 1995 г. – 15 с.

    2. Умберто Эко. Как написать дипломную работу. Москва: книжный дом «Университет», 2001 г. – 389 с.

    3. Alberts Varslavāns. Ievads vēstures zinātnē. Rīga: LU, 2001. – 156 lpp

    4. Коломийцев В.Ф. Методология истории. (От источника к исследованию). М: РОССПЭН, 2001. – 191 с.

    5. Минюшев Ф.И. Социокультурное исследование // Минюшев Ф.И. Социология культуры. Раздел V. СС.229-259// М. 2004, 272 с.

    6. Никифоров В.Е. Требования и рекомендации по подготовке дипломных работ: Методика написания, правила оформления и порядок защиты. Рига: БРИ, 2003.


    The course includes of the professional BA programme in Cultural Administration part

    Course author: Irina Markina, doc.
    Credit value: 2 CP
    Course abstract: the studies of culture set high demands for the study work effectiveness in terms of both content and methods. This has to do with the difficulties of theoretically empirical complex of disciplines of culturology- the heterogeinity of its development and structure from theoretical analysis till the empirical research and from the models of general definition of culture till the special culturologies in the content. Also, the administration of culture as an interdisciplinary field which theory is based on many other sciences- economics, administration, communication, sociology, etc- in practice can apply skills the students master within the studies.
    Aim of the course:

    • To give the students an overview of the general organization of the university studies;

    • To give an idea about culturology as the trend of the humanitarian science, about the administration of culture as the field of the social activity.

    Course tasks:

    1. To get the students acquainted with the basic principles of an optimal work with the scientific literature, to give an idea about the study forms of the university and specific character of a scientific work.

    2. To help the students to orient in th enew study forms.

    3. To show the specific character of the basic notion of theoretical discourse and aspect of the problem.

    4. To guide the students to the comprehension of modern cultural texts and analytic reading.

    Course requirements:

    1. Participation in all seminars.

    2. Accomplishment of 2 practical tasks.

    3. Writing test.

    Assessment: test with the mark
    Assessment description: 30%– assesment of a writing task (around 5 000 signs) to be handed in electronic format during the last syudy week;

    30%– assessment of the seminar work;

    40%– writing test.
    Course content:

    1. Getting acquainted with oneself and course mates.

    2. Specific character of the university studies. Studies based on experience, individual study style.

    3. Effective listening, participation in the university study forms: lecture, seminar, group work. A student’s individual work and practice.

    4. How to search for the literature: literature types, structure and application of the bibliography, sources of the materials on culturology, practical methods in the literature search, inquiries and auxiliary means, system of a scientific library. (practical studies).

    5. Effective reading: reading technics, assessment of literature, registration and catalogue of the study materials, revelation of the content. Effective writing.

    6. Culture as a type of new existence. The unique nature of a human. Specific character of the humanitarian sciences: subject of cognition, methods, ways of approachement (seminar).

    7. Extracultural aspect. Cultura space: human, society, nature. Cultural dimensions.

    8. Intracultural aspect: forms of the cultural space and time. Differences in the cultural level of human, differences between traditional, religious, totalitarian, democratic, and other cultures and their manifestation. Problem of identity. (seminar “Identity problem in the context of globalization”).

    9. Subjective and objective in the culture: cultural activity of a human and its results. Tehchics and technology the the 20th century cultural space. Innovative thinking and innovation as a value (seminar: “Innovation and tradition in the modern Latvian culture”).

    10. Cultural past and topicalities. Cultural heritage and mechanisms of translation. Cultural dynamics.

    11. Idea of a dialogue and opportunities in the modern culture.

    Course literature:

    Andersone Z. Kulturoloģija. 2.Daļa. R., 2001

    Gīrcs K. Kultūru interpretācija. R.,1998

    Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R.,1997.

    Klīve. Kultūras filozofija un kultūras politika.// Latviešu kultūra laikmetu maiņās. Daugava,1966.

    Konvencija par pasaules kultūras un dabas mantojuma aizsardzību. R.,2003.

    Kultūra. Teksts. Zīme. R.,1993.

    Kultūras mantojums. R.,1993.

    Parandovskis I. Mitoloģija. R.,1976.

    Priedītis A. Ievads kulturoloģijā. D-pils, 2003.

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