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In russian
Jahon moliyaviy iqtisodiy inqirozi
Global financial-economical crisis
Мировой финансово-экономический кризис
The global spread of the crisis out of a single state due to various reasons. The key aspects of the global financial and economic crisis in 2008 are the inevitability of recession and economic downturn, limitation of investment activity, a decline in demand and international trade, as well as severe social disasters affecting many countries worldwide.
Inqirozni ko‘lami, doirasi va oqibatlari
Sphere of crisis and its consequences
Диапазон и последствия кризиса
The financial and currency system of each country is stable, the degree of capitalization and liquidity of the national credit institutes (the paying capacity), their dependence on foreign and corporate banking, as well as the size of gold and foreign exchange reserves, the ability to repay loans, and ultimately, the level of sustainability, diversification and competitiveness of the country's economy.
Moliyaviy tahlilning zaruriyati
Of financial
Необходимость финансового анализа
Assessment of the current status and prospects for the future by formulating a database of managers on the basis of an estimate of the entity's current position based on the financial statements reflected in the financial statements
Moliyaviy holatni bilish
Knowing financial position
Изучение финансового состояния
The scale of business, the efficiency and effectiveness of the business, the realities of assets and their funding, the level of market and business activity of the subjects, the volatility of the funds, the level of competence and the ability to pay,
Axborotlarni o‘qish
Reading information
Чтение информации
Classify sources based on methodological basis and follow the systematic rules
Iqtisodiy tashxis qo‘yish
Economical diagnosis
Постановка экономического диагноза
The official conclusions of the analysis of the current situation and their expectations by studying economic resources at the disposal of the undertakings, their financial strain, liquidity and creditworthiness, financial stability, income and expenditures, cash flows
Moliyaviy tahlil
Financial analysis
Финансовый анализ
An analysis of the financial position of businesses and their future expectations based on financial reporting data
Управленческий анализ
Analysis of economic processes in the activities of economic entities, their effectiveness and their near-term expectations based on internal database management
Korxonaning moliyaviy holati
Financial state of entity
Финансовое состояние предприятия
A complex of important aspects of descriptive characteristics that describe the structural deficit of assets, capital and liabilities of enterprises, their solvency and liquidity, revenue and expense assessment, cash flow and financial stability
Moliyaviy tahlil mazmuni
Content of financi alanalysis
Содержание финансового анализа
Organization and carrying out of analytical procedures allowing the preparation of financial decisions of the undertakings on a certain period of time, having the necessary bases of current and prospective tactical control in continuous flow of information flows
Moliyaviy tahlil
Subjects of financial
Субъекты финансового
Who will be analyzed. Internal auditors may be required to provide information to employees of internal audits, external auditors (founders, tax authorities, auditors, supranational organizations and ministries, customers and customers, suppliers, insurance agents, advertising agents, bank employees and other persons)
Tahlil sub’ektlarining manfaatlari-
Interests of analysis subjects
Интересы субъектов анализа
Which means their interest in analysis. For example; owners and founders - with the benefit of more firms and companies, with the creditworthiness and financial viability of credit inspectors and bank employees - suppliers and buyers - the solvency of the business entity, are interested in analyzing, analyzing, etc.
Moliyaviy hisobot
Financial statement
Финансовая отчетность
Which means their interest in analysis. For example; owners and founders - with the benefit of more firms and companies, with the creditworthiness and financial viability of credit inspectors and bank employees - suppliers and buyers - the solvency of the business entity, are interested in analyzing, analyzing, etc.
Moliyaviy hisobotlar
Financial statements
Финансовые отчеты
As a separate component of the financial statement, is compiled on the basis of the “nas” and filled out with the comments, annexes, references
Moliyaviy hisobotlarni maqsadi
Goal of financial statements
Цель финансовых отчетов
Information about financial status, results and cash flows of separate businesses is provided by a database of financial status and expectations of users on free economic decisions
Moliviy hisobot axboroti deganda
The information of financial statement
Информация финансовой отчетности
Acceptance of investment decisions, attraction of credit and borrowing resources, assessment of future cash flows of economic activity, the use of the resources available to the business entity and their placement in respect of liabilities, anticipated assessment of the expectations, meaningful reflection of information on the appraisal of the effectiveness of the management apparatus of the business entity
Moliyaviy hisobotlash yuzasidan harajatlar
Costs on financial reporting
Затраты на составление финансовой отчетности
(preparation and submission of financial statements and explanations, records and explanations of expenses for the acquisition and study of normative documents on payment, creation and provision of staff for the time spent on creation and provision of information, distribution costs and other costs)
Moliyaviy hisobotga izohlar, hisob kitoblar va tushuntirishlar
Appendix to financial statement
Характеристика, расчеты и пояснения к финансовой
Tables or other forms of information
Moliyaviy hisobotlarni “o‘qish”
Reading financial statements
Чтение финансовых отчетов
The meaning of the method of addressing and describing the financial statements
Gorizontal tahlil
Horizontal analysis
Горизонтальный анализ
The method of examining the elements of financial statements and their articles on the basis of absolute and relative differentiation
Vertikal tahlil
Vertical analysis
Вертикальный анализ
Sources of funds and sources of their formation, income and expenses, and other elements of financial reporting
Trend tahlili
Trend analysis
Трендовый анализ
Is a dynamic learning method compared to the baseline
Qiyosiy tahlil (taqqoslama) tahlil
Сравнительный анализ
The method of studying one accounting period data from other reporting periods, as well as other information, normative criteria, average indicators, and other indicators
Финансовые коэффициенты
An analysis is the method of evaluating the elements and items of one or several financial statements based on the indicators determined on the basis of the mutual ratios
Omilli tahlil
Факторный анализ
Is the method of determining the units that affect the final indicator and the units in which the calculation can be made
Электронная отчетность
Modern forms of shooting and transmission of all types of reports (accounting, tax, statics) in electronic form
The term is derived from the latin bis twice, the banx - scale scales, which means both scales of the scales. It is used as equality, equilibrium.
Buxgalteriya balansi
Balance sheet
Is the most important reporting form of information about the financial condition of the enterprise and represents the status of assets, capital and liabilities of the enterprise for a certain date.
Tashkil topish balansi
Foundation balance
Первоначальный баланс
Balance at the time of the establishment. This balance is also called the balance of access
Joriy balanslar
Current balance
Текущий баланс
Balance that is settled within the timeframes established by law in the course of continuous operation of the enterprise
Tugatish balansi
Exit balance
Ликвидационный баланс
Balance when the enterprise is terminated
Bo‘lish balansi
Dividing balance