ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 10, Issue 9, September, 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.699
Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
After gaining independence, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan set thefollowing tasks
for the light industry: Creation of new production facilities,development of the sewing industry,
which can attract a large number of privateand state-owned enterprises, increase the production
of spinning, weaving,decoration, knitwear, which can create jobs.
We need to learn to trade raw materials with ready-made products, not withcheap semi-finished
products. Solving the above tasks requires a radically newapproach to the production of quality
finished products. One of the ways tocreate the competitiveness of finished products is to
produce high-quality andaffordable knitwear. The scientific approach to the expansion of the
range offinished products requires the development of design and technology based onthe
analysis of the concept of "raw materials - knitwear". Solving the abovetasks
requires a radically new approach to the production of quality finishedproducts. One of the ways
to create the competitiveness of finished products isto produce high-quality and affordable
knitwear. The scientific approach to theexpansion of the range of finished products requires the
development of designand technology based on the analysis of the concept of "raw
ergonomicrequirements, knitwear has a large place in the wardrobe of men, women and
children in the XXI century.
The production of knitwear has been known in the history of mankind forcenturies. A search of
the Egyptian pyramids turned up a variety of knitwear.
From the 5th century onwards, hand-knitting was introduced in the Arab world,and from the 11th
century onwards, the production of knitwear entered Europe.Workshops were set up in England,
France, Germany and the Czech Republic toproduce knitwear. In those days, socks, scarves and
hats were mostly wovenusing a knitting needle.The first knitting machine was invented in 1589
by William Lee. This machinewill be a breakthrough in the history of knitting. The Republic of
Uzbekistan ismoving forward on the path of independent life to a bright future. Over the
pastperiod, several practical steps have been taken to strengthen our independence
politically and economically. Today, the main task is to process our rawmaterials and produce
finished products for the world, to build new knittingenterprises to fully meet the needs of the
population in knitted goods, to usemodern technology and machinery to renovate existing
enterprises. Constructionand equipment are to raise the quality of products to world standards.
Thefulfilment of these tasks depends primarily on the training of highly qualifiedpersonnel. The
knitwear industry produces knitted fabrics, including technicalfabrics, socks, accessories,
underwear and outerwear, gloves, hats, scarves, andindustrial and medical products. Yarns made
of cotton, wool and man-madefibres are widely used in the production of knitwear.The weight of
knitted garments is constantly growing. This is due to the highservice life and cost-effectiveness
of knitwear. The steady growth of theproduction of chemical fibres, especially synthetic yarns,
and the rapiddevelopment of knitting production techniques have greatly contributed to
thedevelopment of the knitting industry.
The main directions of development of knitting production techniques andtechnologies are the
creation of automated continuous lines for the production ofcloth and socks, the acceleration of
production processes by replacingequipment with more efficient, continuous processing of