the qo`llanadi
the qo`llanmaydi
“republic”, “union”, “kingdom”, ”states”, ko`plikdagi nomlar oldida
the republic of Korea
the Soviet Union
the United Kingdom
the United States
qit`a, mamlakat, viloyat, shtat, shahar, qishloq kabi joy nomlari oldida
New York
orollar guruhi nomlari oldida
the Canary Islands
the British Isles
yakka orol nomi oldida
ko`llar guruhi nomlari oldida
the Great Lakes
yakka ko`l nomi oldida
Lake Michigan
Lake Victoria
tog`lar guruhi nomlari oldida
the Alps
the Andes
yakka tog` nomi oldida
Mount Everest
Ben Nevis
dunyo taraflari, regionlar nomlari oldida
the east / the north
the west / the south
the Middle East
eastern, western, southern, northern nomlaridan so`ng
eastern China
western Canada
northern England
the Mail Road
ko`cha, yo`l, maydon, hiyobon nomi oldida
Navoi Street
Mutaqillik Square
inson yoki joy nomi qo`yilmagan aeroprt, o`quv yurti, saroy, zopark, park nomi oldida
the White House
the Royal Palace
the Aqua Park
the Stone Castle
the Green Zoo
atoqli ot bilan boshlangan aeroport, o`quv yurti, saroy, zopark, park nomi oldida
Tashkent Station
Edinburgh Castle
Kennedy Airport
Cambridge University
Hyde Park
inson ismi bilan atalmagan do`kon, bank, restoran va otel nomi oldida
the Shoe Shop
the National Bank
the Star Restaurant
the Grand Hotel
inson nomi bilan nomlangan do`kon, restoran, bank, cherkov va otel nomi oldida
Harrods (shop)
Maxim’s (restaurant)
Claridge’s (hotel)
Barclays Bank
St. Paul’s Cathedral
qamoqxonaga, kasalxonaga, o`quv yurtiga, cherkovga ularga belgilangandan boshqa maqsadda borsa
My father went to school.
They go to the church to repair the roof.
We went to the hospital to visit Jack.
qamoqxona, kasalxona, o`quv yurti, cherkov, taom (vaqti), bed, work, home nomlari bilan
He is in prison.
I go to school.
We have supper at 8.
I go home/to work.
Jack is ill and he is in hospital now.
millat yoki ijtimoiy holat, sport va musiqa anjomlari, ma`lum gurhga oid narsa birlikda bo`lsa
The Uzbek like palov.
The blind can’t see.
The ball is in the box.
The violin is mine.
The lion is a wild.
millat, ijtimoiy holat, sport va musiqa turi, ma`lum turga oid narsa ko`plikda bo`lsa
I am Uzbek.
He is rich.
I like football.
She likes roses.
radio, sky, ground, country, world, universe so`zlari va oila nomi oldida
I listen to the radio.
We can see millions of stars in the sky.
Russia is the biggest country in the world.
The Simpsons are in the country now.
television, space, inson va jonzot nomlari bilan
I watch television.
We can see millions of stars in space.
Qit`a va geografik joylar [Proper nouns]
America, North America, South America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica; Northern Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe, Central America, Southern Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia.
the Western Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere, the Arctic, the Antarctic, the North, the East, the Southwest, the Far East, the Middle East, the North Pole.
Okean, Dengiz, daryo, kanal, sharshara, ko`l nomi oldidan the artikli ishlatilishi va ishlatilmasligi:
the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean;the Mediterranean Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea; the Amazon, the Mississippi, the Nile, the Volga, the Amu Darya; the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, the English Channel, the Victoria Falls, the Niagara Falls, the American Falls, the Canadian falls
Lake Baikal, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Geneve, Crater Lake; biroq: the great Salt Lake, the Great Lakes.
the British Isles, the West Indies, the Kuril Islands, the Bahama Islands, the Azores, the Canary Islands, the Philippines.
Tog`, Vulqon, Tepalik nomlari oldidan
Everest, Fuji, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Mount Whitney.
Capitol Hill, Telegraph Hill
the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains, the Caucasus, the Ural Mountains, the Paamirs, the Andes, the Alps.the Black Hills, the Berkshire Hills.
Cho`l, vodiy nomlari oldidan
the Sahara, the Kalahari Desert, the Arabian Desert, the Kara Kum the Ruhr Valley, the Nile Valley, the Central Valley, the Valley of the Kings
Biroq: Death Valley, Silicon Valley.
Yarimorol, burun
the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Indochinese Peninsula, the Balkan Peninsula, the Iberian Peninsula.
Biroq: Kamchatka, Indochina.
THE ARTIKLI ISHLATILMAYDI: Cape Horn, North Cape, Cape Canaveral, Cape Chelyuskin.
Mamlakat, davlat, shtat nomlari oldidan
England, Great Britain, Ireland, Holland, France, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Greece, America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zeland, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Turkey, UZBEKISTAN.
the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Cuba, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Spain, the State of California.
Shaxar nomlari oldidan
Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Cairo, Delhi, Lisbon, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Tennessee, Ohio, Texas, Tashkent, Rome.
Biroq: the Hague.
the City of Athens, the City of Moscow, the City of New York, the City of Oslo, the City of Tokyo
Ko`cha, prospekt, yo`l nomlari oldidan
Main Street, Wall Street, 42nd street, Oak Alley, maple Boulevard, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Lexington Road, Highway 66
Biroq: the Arbat, the Mall
1) Noaniq artikl a book, an apple
2) Aniq artikl the [ze] book, the [zi] apple
1. Noaniq artikl ingliz tilida otdan oldin, sifatdan oldin (agarda sifatdan keyin ot kelsa) qo’yiladi. Fe’ldan oldin qo’yilmaydi. Faqat birlikda ishlatiladi. Gapda tarjima qilinmaydi. Lekin ma’no jihatdan “bir, qandaydir, alla qanday” deb tarjima qilinishi mumkin.
2. Aniq artikl ingliz tilida otdan oldin sifatdan oldin (agarda sifatdan keyin ot kelsa) qo’yiladi. Fe’ldan oldin qo’yilmaydi. Ko’plik va birlikda ishlatiladi. Gapda tarjima qilinmaydi. Lekin ma’no jihatdan “bu, bular” deb tarjima qilinishi mumkin.
Artikllarga izohlar:
1. Gapda biror so’z birinchi marta kelsa o’sha so’zdan oldin noaniq artikl qo’yiladi. Lekin o’sha so’z gapda 2-marta takrorlansa undan oldin aniq artikl qo’yiladi.
1. This is a book Read the book
2. That is a pen Take the pen
2. Ism-familiya, ko’cha, shahar va mamlakatlar nomidan oldin artikl qo’yilmaydi.
Jahongir Valiev. Sadacha street. Namangan region. Toshkent. Uzbekistan.
3. Otdan keyin son kelsa artikl qo’yilmaydi.
Page ten – o’ninchi bet
Note seven. Text five. Exercise eleven…….
4. Egalik olmoshlaridan oldin va keyin birdaniga artikl qo’yilmaydi.
His, her. Its. My. Your. Our. Their.
[My a book emas_____my book]
5. Sifatdan keyin ot kelsa artikl otdan oldin qo’yiladi. Sifatni o’zi kelsa artikl qo’yilmaydi.
This is a red pen. This pen is read.
That is a big book. That book is big.
6. Biror kim o’z kasbi yoki birovning kasbi haqida gapirsa (kim bo’lib ishlashi haqida) o’sha so’zdan oldin noaniq artikl qo’yiladi. Kasblar ko’plikda kelsa artikl qo’yilmaydi.
I am a doctor. He is a doctor, too.
Jack is also a doctor. We are doctors.
7. Ko’pincha qaysi artikl qo’yish gapning ma’nosiga bog’liq.
Where is the yellow tie? Qayerda sariq galstuk?
Is this a yellow tie? Bu sariq galstukmi?
Give me a pen. Menga ruchka ber
Give me the pen. Menga ruchkani ber.
8. Ob-havo va ish so’zlaridan oldin noaniq artikl qo’yilmaydi.
Weather work
It is hot weather. It is easy work.
The weather is hot. The work is easy.
9. This/that/these/those/there/have-has got/buy/sell
So’zlaridan keyin the ishlatilmaydi, u yerda a/an keladi.
This is a book. I have got a pencil
We sell cars I bought a new house yesterday
[lekin: I sold the car [o’zimni mashinamga ishora qilyapman]]
10. Relative clauselarda the ishlatiladi.
This is the book which I gave you yesterday.
11. Artikl gapni ma’nosini o’zgartirishi mumkin.
To go to a(the) collage – kollejga bormoq (binoga).
To be at a(the) collage – kollejda bo’lmoq (binosida).
To go to collage – kollejga bormoq (o’qigani).
To be at collage – kollejda o’qimoq
To go to a(the) hospital – shifoxonaga bormoq (binosiga).
To be in a(the) hospital – shifoxonada bo’lmoq.
To go to hospital – shifoxonaga yotmoq.
To be in hospital – shifoxonada davolanmoq.
To go to school – maktabga bormoq(o’qigani).
To go to a(the) school – maktabga bormoq (o’qigani).
To go to a (the) bed – krovatga bormoq (oldiga).
To go to bed – uyquga ketmoq.
To be on bed – uxlamoq.
To be on a(the) bed – krovat ustida bo’lmoq.
Stay in bed – yotib qolmoq (Bemor kishi haqida).
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