E 1. Analyze the structure of the following words: eg. misuse
Convene dislike preface foresee darkroom subway
Recut supervise postwar policeman friendship typist
Loneliness assistant intervene
E 2. – Separate word form into its constituent morpheme:
Eg. expression = {ex-} {-press} {-ion}
- State whether the base is bound or free and what it means
- Give at least two English words containing the same base.
Detachment = {de-} {-tach} {-ment}, the base {-tach} is a bound one; eg. attachment
Expectation = {ex} {-pect} {-ation}, the base {-pect} is a bound base, eg. pectize
Portable = {port-} {-able}, the base {port} is free base, eg. import, export
Correspondent = {cor-} {-respond} {-dent}, the base {-respond} is free base, eg. irresponsive
Revise = {re-} {-vise}, the base {-vise} is bound base, eg. supervise
Eject = {e-} {-ject}, the base {-ject} is bound base, eg. inject, project
Retainer = {re-} {-tain} {-er}, the base {-tain} is bound base, eg. maintain, contain
Contradic = {contra-} {-dict}, the base {-dict} is bound base, eg. predict, dictionary
Telephone = {tele-} {-phone}, the base {-phone} is bound base, eg. homophone, headphone
Apprehensible = {ap-} {-pre} {-hens} {-ible}, the base {-hens}is bound base, eg. comprehensive, comprehensible
Regress = {re-} {-gress}, the base {-gress} is bound base, eg. congress
Deceiver = {de-} {-ceiv} {-er}, the base {-ceiv} is bound base, eg. receive, perceive
Department = {de-} {-part} {-ment}, the base {-part} is free base, eg. apartment
Intervene = {inter-} {-vene}, the base {-vene} is bound base, eg. convene, subvene
Consent = {con-} {-sent}, the base {-sent} is bound base, eg. resent, assent
IV. 1. Affixation
E 1. Give examples of nouns with the following suffixes. State which of the suffixes are productive?
-tion, -dom, -ness, -ism, -ship, -er, -or, -ist, -ess, -ing, -th, -age
- tion: nation, derivation, station
- dom: kingdom, freedom
- ness: homelessness, loneliness
- ism: criticism, terrorism
- ship: friendship, scholarship
- er: worker, teacher, lawyer
- or: actor, professor, vendor
- ist: impressionist, specialist
- ess: lioness
- ing: wedding, functioning
- th: sixth, eighth
- age: leakage, advatantage
E 2. State the origin and explain the meaning of the suffixes in the following words
Childhood, friendship, freedom, toward, backward, brotherly, rider, granny, teacher, aunty, hierling, village, hindrance, drunkard, limitation, reinforcement, cheerfulness.
1. Native suffixes:
- hood: state or quality of , condition
- ship: state or quality of , condition
- dom: condition or state of
- ward: in the direction of
- ly: in the way mantioned, having the quality of
- er: denoting agent, residence of, device
- y: full of, having quality of
- ing: denoting agent, action, fact
- ness: the quality, state or charater of
- ard: having the quality
2. Borrowing suffixes:
- age: action or result of action (Latin)
- ance: state or charater (Latin)
- ion: action or process (Latin)
- ment: action, process (Latin)
E 3. Give adjectives or adverbs with the following suffixes:
- y: sleepy, cloudy, sunny, windy
- ed: talented, interested
- ward: backward, onward, upward
- long: age-long
- wise: clockwise, likewise
- ly: windy, manly, brotherly, slowly
E 4. Give verbs with the following suffixes:
- ize: legalize, civilize, industrialize
- en: lengthen, darken, widen
- fy: clarify, testify, modify
- ish: poverish, publish, polish
- ate: generate, activate, demenstrate
E 5. Form some adjectives from noun stems by adding the suffix – ish. Explain the meaning of the derivatives.
Child – childish girl – girlish baby – babyish cat – cattish
In this form, suffix –ish is added to the noun to make the adjective have meaning “similar to or behave like”. (use antonyms or synonyms to explain)
E 6. Form some adjectives from adjective stems by adding the suffix – ish. Explain the meaning of the derivatives.
Cool – coolish red – reddish yellow – yellowish fool – foolish
When suffix –ish is added to adjective stem to make adjective it will add an depreciation to the meaning of the stem.
E 7. Pick out the productive and non-productive prefixes:
Un-, be-, pre-, al-, non-, mis-, post-, a-, anti-, out-, ex-, for-, re-, up-, counter-, extra-, super-, dis, trans-, inter-, ante-, ultra-, infra-, under-, intro-
Productive prefixes:
Un-: unhappy – unhappily, uneasy – uneasiness – uneasily
Be-: beget – begetter
Pre-: preheat – preheating
Al-: allocate – allocation, almighty – almightily – almightiness
Non-: non-productive – non-productiveness
Mis-: misunderstand – misunderstanding
Post-: postposition – postpositional
A-: achromatic – achromatize – achromatism
Out-: outfight – outfighting, outfit – outfitter
Ex-: ex-service – exserviceman
For-: forbidding – forbiddingness
Re-: rearrange – rearrangement
Up-: upland – uplander
Super-: supercharge – supercharger
Dis-: disable – disability
Trans-: transact – transaction
Inter-: interact – interactive – interaction
The rest in bold are non-productive prefixes.
E 7. Classify the following prefixes according to their origin:
Re-, under-, with-, in-, over-, trans-, anti-, a-, non-, pre-, de-, dis-, inter-, mis-, co-, ex-
Native prefixes: under-, with-, over-, a-, mis-
Borrowing prefixes: re-, in-, trans-, non-, pre-, de-, dis-, inter-, co-, ex- (Latin).
anti- (Greek)
IV.2. Composition – compound
E 1. Arrange the compounds given below into grooups: idiomatic and non-idiomatic. Say whether the semantic change within idiomatic compounds is partial or total.
Total change
Partial change
E 2. Identify the neutral compounds in the word combinations given below and write them out in three columns: simple neutral compounds, neutral derived compounds and neutral contracted compounds.
Simple neutral
Neutral derived
Neutral contracted
A car’s windshield
A heavy topcoat
A snow-white handkerchief
A howl long and wolf-like
An air-conditioned hall
A high pitched voice
Thoudsands of gold-seekers
A lightish-colored man
A glass-walled room
A radio-equipped car
A big hunting-knife
To fight against H-bomb
Big A.A. guns
To go into frantic U-turns
To fix M-day
E 3. Analyze the structure of the following words:
Get-at-table, undertaker, looking-glass, sea-coast, fountain-pen, stay-at-home, red-hot, will-to-live, heart-broken, hair’s breadth, bird’s eye, penny-a-liner, butter-fingers, mother-of-thousands, sunfish, ladybird, no-longer-young, mother-in-law, non-stop-flight, up-to-date, gaslight, office-in-charge, workday.
These above words are compounds, and they can be divided in to 3 groups according to the structural aspects: neutral, morphological and syntactic compounds.
Neutral compounds
Morphological compounds
Syntactic compounds
Sea-coast, fountain-pen, red-hot, sunfish, ladybird, gaslight, workday
Undertaker, looking-glass, heart-broken, hair’s breadth, bird’s eye, butter-fingers
Get-at-table, stay-at-home, will-to-live, penny-a-liner, mother-of-thousands, no-longer-young, mother-in-law, non-stop-flight, up-to-date, office-in-charge
E 4. - Comment on the meaning and the form of the following compounds
- Compare the meaning of the compound with that of its components.
+ butterball, butterfinger: N + N, idiomatic, total change
buttermilk, butter-woman: N + N, idiomatic, partial change
+ dustman, motorman, milkman, fisherman, shipman, postman, oilman, woodman: N + N, idiomatic, partial change
nobleman, madman: Adj + N, non-idiomatic.
+ craftsman, salesman, batsman, oarsman, kinsman, herdsman, statesman, sportsman: N + infix + N, idiomatic, partial change.
+ pot-boy, stable-boy, post-boy, cowboy, doughboy: N + N, idiomatic, partial change.
+ ladybird, lady-in-waiting, lady-killer, lady-love: mixed up, idiomatic, total change.
+ hot-blooded, cold-blooded, thick-headed, woodened-headed, pig-headed: Adj + N_ed, idiomatic, total change.
+ cross-eyed, eagle-eyed, sharp-eyed, single-eyed, wild-eyed, green-eyed (idiomatic, total change), round-eyed: Adj + N_ed, idiomatic, partial change.
hollow-eyed, dim-eyed, sleepy-eyed: Adj + N_ed, non-idiomatic.
+ black-hearted, lion-hearted, stony-hearted, chicken-hearted, cold-hearted, light-hearted, cruel-hearted: Adj + N_ed, idiomatic, total change.
E 5. Form as many compounds as possible, using the follwing stems as their first component:
Grass-, hand-, ink-, horse-, mother-, pack-, steam-, steel-
Grass-: grassroots, grasswidow, grasshopper
Hand-: handwriting, handicraft, handbag, handball, handbrake
Ink-: inkpot, inkbottle, inkpad, inkwell
Horse-: horsepower, horseback, horsebean, horse opera, horse race, horse-tail
Mother-: mother-in-law, mother-of-thousands, motherland, mother tongue, mother-to-be
Pack-: pack horse, pack saddle, pack job, pack rat, pack train
Steam-: steam engine, steam bath, steamturbine, steam jacket
Steel-: steelworker, steel band, steelhead
E 6. Form as many compounds as possible, using the following stems as their second components:
-man, -berry,- woman, - boy,- room, -looking
-man: salesman, policeman, businessman, spokesman
-berry: blackberry, strawberry, cranberry
-woman: policewoman, businesswoman, chairwoman
-boy: pot-boy, cowboy, post-boy
-room: livingroom, bathroom, bedroom
-looking: good looking, forward-looking
IV.3. Words formed by special processes:
IV.3.1. Conversion:
E 1. State the relationships in conversion of the following words:
- ape
- ass
- duck
to ape
to ass
to duck
Nouns are the names of animals, verbs denote typical actions or behaviour.
- fish
to fish
Try to catch fish
- eye
- finger
- shoulder
to eye
to finger
to shoulder
N – name of part of the human body, V – an action performed by it.
- top
to top
N – name of place, V – the process of occupying the place or of putting sth/ smb in it.
- dress
- pocket
to dress
to pocket
N – name of container, V – act of putting sth within the container
- line
- square
- star
to line
to square
to star
N – name of symbol, V – process of making it.
- cork
to cork
N – name of tool, V – action performed by the tool.
E 2. Compare the meaning of the words in the bold type with that of the corresponding nouns.
- to head an army: means to lead the noun head – part of body.
- to toe a mark: means to make or press the noun toe – part of body.
- to eye a foe: means to watch the noun eye – part of body.
- to chair a candidate: means to point the noun chair – name of place.
- to table a resolution: means to discuss the noun table – name of place.
- to foot a stocking: means to wear the noun foot – part of body.
- to mind a command: means to notice the noun mind – part of body.
- to fish a compliment: means to try to get the noun fish – name of animal.
- to stone a martyr: means to kill the noun stone – name of tool.
- to dress a wound: means to cover or wear the noun dress – name of container.
IV.3.2. Shortening
Write out in full the following shortened words. Define the type of shortening.
- N.C.O: Non Commissioned Officer acronym
- pub: public house ellipsis
- ad: advertisement final clipping
- fancy: fantasy contraction – rhythm
- H-bomb: Hydrogen bomb initial abbreviation
- V-day: Victory day initial abbreviation
- USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics acronym
- UNO: United Nations Organizartion acronym
- UNESCO: United Nations Educational, acronym
Scientific and Cultural Organizaton
- mike: microphone shortening spoken language
- lab: laboratory final clipping
- FIFA: International Football Association acronym
(Fédération Internationale de Football Association)
- USA: United Nations of America acronym
- ml: millilitre acronym
- UFO: Unidentified Flying Object acronym
- TEFL: Teaching (of) English as a acronym
Foreign Language
- UEFA: Union of European Football Associations acronym
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