My first name is Javohir. My last name is Alikulov. I was born 2001 in Navoi uzbekistan. I am 20 year's old. I am medium hight and thin. I am a sandboy. I have a lot of interests
My first name is Javohir. My last name is Alikulov. I was born 2001 in Navoi uzbekistan. I am 20 year's old. I am medium hight and thin. I am a sandboy. I have a lot of interests. I vary keen on football therefore I am a fan of it.I consider myself talanted. This picture you see was taken in the winter of two thousand and twenty. Here the mountains of my village are visible, covered in white snow. I was a freshman at the institute at the time. It snowed so much that day that I had never seen such snow again. My brother and I were sledding that day and we were very happy. I had very good memories of that day.