Annotatsiya tadqiqot maqsadi. Talabalik davrida tolerantlik tafakkurini shakllantirishning ijtimoiy-psixologik muammolari o’rganish. Tadqiqot obyekti. Tdpu pedagogika va psixologiya fakulteti 1,2,3,4 kurs 200- nafar sinaluvchisi
ANNOTATSIYA Tadqiqot maqsadi. Talabalik davrida tolerantlik tafakkurini shakllantirishning ijtimoiy-psixologik muammolari o’rganish.
Tadqiqot obyekti. TDPU Pedagogika va psixologiya fakulteti 1,2,3,4 kurs
200- nafar sinaluvchisi .
Tadqiqot predmeti. Talabalik davrida tolerantlik tafakkurini shakllantirish jarayonidir.
Tadqiqotning ilmiy farazi 1) Talabalar orasida kurs bo’yicha tolerantlik xususiyatlari farq qilinishi ehtimol va talabalarda tolerantlik tafakkur jarayonida nizoli vaziyatlar javob qaytarish xulq-atvor reaktsiyalarida farqlar kuzatilishi mumkin.
2) Talabalar orasidagi o’zaro tolerantlikning rivojlanganligi va ularning agressivligi sabab bo’lishi mumkin.
3) Talabalar jamoasidagi negativ ta`sirlarga nisbatan tolerantlikni shakllantirish bir qator ijtimoiy-psixologik omillarga bog`liq bo’lishi mumkin.
4) Talabalar jamoasida muloqot ko’nikmalarini tarkib toptirish orqali tolerantlikni shakllantirish mumkin.
Tadqiqot vazifalari. 1. Mavzuga oid ilmiy-psixologik, metodik manbalarni o’rganish asosida talabalarniнг tolerantlik tafakkuri dolzarb psixologik muammo ekanligini ilmiy jihatdan asoslash.
2. Talaballik davrida tolerantlik tafakkurni rivojlantirish bo`yicha, boshqarish bo’yicha psixokorreksion dastur tuzib chiqish.
3. Talabalik davrida tolerantlik tafakkurini shakillantirish bo’yicha tuzilgan psixokorreksion dasturning samaradorligini aniqlash.
4. Talabaliк davrida tolerantlik tafakkurni shakillantirish bo’yicha pedagogik-psixologik tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish.
Tadqiqot metodlari. 1.Kuzatish metodi bu metod orqali talabalarning kundalik faoliyatlari tizimli ravishda kuzatilib maxsus kundalikka qayd qilib boriladi
2. So’rovnomalaridan foydalanildi:
a) Psixologik iqlimni aniqlash metodikasi; (A.V.Batarshev)
b) Tolerantlik xulq-atvor tiplarini namoyon bo’lishi metodikasi;(K.N.Tomasning)
c)Muloqotchanlik darajasini aniqlash metodikasi;( Ryaxovskiyning) d)Kommunikativ tolerantlik metodikasi; (V.V.Boykoning)
e) “Tolerantlik indekslari” so‘rovnomalari;
3.Natijalarni qayta ishlash uchun matematik statistik metod
ANNOTATION The purpose of the study. To study the socio-psychological problems of the formation of tolerant thinking in the student period.
Object of research. TDPU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology 1,2,3,4 course 200 testers.
Research subjects. Tolerance is the process of forming thinking in the student period.
The scientific hypothesis of the research.
1) There may be differences in tolerance characteristics among students throughout the course, and differences in behavioral responses to conflict situations in students may be observed in the process of tolerance thinking.
2) The development of mutual tolerance between students and their aggression may be the cause.
3) The formation of tolerance for negative influences in the student community may depend on a number of socio-psychological factors.
4) Tolerance can be formed in the student community by building communication skills.
RESEARCH TASKS. 1. Scientific substantiation of the fact that students' tolerance thinking is a topical psychological problem on the basis of the study of scientific-psychological, methodological sources on the subject.
2. Development of a psycho-correctional program for the development of tolerance thinking in the student period.
3. To determine the effectiveness of a psychocorrection program designed to form a tolerant mindset during the student period.
4. Development of pedagogical and psychological recommendations for the formation of tolerant thinking in the student period.
Research methods.
1. Observation method Through this method, students' daily activities are systematically monitored and recorded in a special diary
2. Used surveys:
a) Methods for determining the psychological climate; (A.V.Batarshev)
b) The method of manifestation of tolerant behavior; (K.N. Thomas)
c) Methodology for determining the level of communication; (Ryakhovsky) d) Methodology for communicative tolerance; (V.V.Boyko)
e) Tolerance Index surveys;
f) Test of cultural and spiritual orientation; g) Questionnaire for the study of ethnic identity (developed by O.L Romanova);
3. Mathematical statistical method for processing results