The novel "An American Tragedy", creating which Theodore Dreiser studied a large number of documentary materials similar to that described in the novel, is the most realistic work. This contributes to the impression of complete authenticity of the depiction of the events taking place in the novel. Dreiser describes the life story of an ordinary American, Clyde Griffiths, from birth in a poor family of street preachers to death in the electric chair. On the example of the life path chosen by the protagonist of the novel, the author highlights the main problems affecting the American society of that time. These include the problems of a sharp division between rich and poor due to the economic rise of the country, the problem of the corruption of the young American generation brought up in a capitalist environment, as well as the moral decay of young people who were ready to do anything to achieve the notorious "American dream".
The hero of An American Tragedy (1925), Clyde Griffiths, dreams of success in life, for which he goes to any lengths. And Clyde has the same goal as Cowperwood - to achieve the success widely promised to everyone. And when Roberta appears on his way, for the connection with which he must now pay, he goes to crime.
For Dreiser, the fate of Clyde is the fate of hundreds of thousands of young Americans who sacrifice themselves to Moloch in their pursuit of success.
The writer came to the same conclusion: in a great country, in a country of “great opportunities”, in a country of the “great American dream”, happiness is a very rare thing and happy people are no less rare.
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