2. Poet’s famous works and their brief summaries
Navoi had a great influence in areas as distant as India to the east and the
Ottoman Empire to the west. Babur (1483-1530), founder of the Uzbek dynasty of
India, wrote one of the first autobiographies among Islamic rulers, the epic
"Baburnama". He was influenced heavily by Navoi and even includes his respect
for the writer in this famous book.
The Ottomans were highly conscious of their Central Asian heritage;
Süleymân the Magnificent was impressed by Navoi and had the Divan-i Neva‘i,
Khamsa and Muhakamat added to his personal library.
The renowned Azari poet Fuzuli, who wrote under the auspices of both the
Safavid and Ottoman empires, was heavily influenced by the style of Navoi.
Further influence can be found in Kazan of Russia, Turkistan/Central Asia, modern
day Turkey and all other areas which Turkic speakers inhabit.
Navoi became one of the most beloved poets in the Turkic-speaking world.
With the rise of the great Ottoman poets, the place of Turkish as a classical
language of Islam and a major world literature was solidified.
Annually on February 9 in Uzbekistan and far beyond it is celebrated as the
birthday of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi Mir Nizomiddin (1441-1501).
A prominent statesman, patron of science and culture, the founder of classical
poetry on "Turks" (old Uzbek language), one of the principal figures of the Eastern
Renaissance era Timurids, Alisher Navoi is firmly entrenched in the multitude of
the most prominent poets of all time. In independent Uzbekistan works of the great
poet is always surrounded by an aura of reverence and worship.
Navoi‘s works, becoming a unique phenomenon, still cause ecstatic surprise
worldwide. Work of this outstanding poet and thinker was one of the peaks of
spiritual and artistic thought of his time.
The heritage of a great poet and thinker is large and multifaceted. He wrote
about 30 books of poetry (gazelles), major poems, prose works and large tracts.
The pinnacle of poetry Alisher Navoi was a collection of poems "Khamsa"
("Five"), which includes five of the most famous of his works "Confusion of godly
people", "Layli and Majnun", "Farhad and Shirin", "Seven Planets" and "Wall of
Alexander." Famed poet entered the history of our people as the founder of the
literary Uzbek language.
The poet's life was spent in difficult conditions post Timurids era when
between representatives of the ruling dynasty there were constant clashes in the
struggle for Power. However, the beneficial effects of the flourishing of science
and culture of that period, went down in history of world culture as a period of
"Eastern Renaissance" undoubtedly prevailed over all political developments.
Significance place in the development of Alisher Navoi as a poet and thinker
belongs Maverannahr capital and the state of Amir Temur Samarkand city, where
the future great poet spent the whole four years (from 1465 to 1469
years.),mastering the bases of secular and religious sciences of that era.
Hundreds and thousands of scientific research of the investigators dealing
with works of Navai were devoted to the life and work of Alisher N, but the most
famous work of the years of his stay and study in Samarkand is the study of
Samarkand scientist, poet and public figure, academician Wahid Abdullah "Navoi
inSamarkand", where a broad historical background, he showed the role of
Samarkand scientists, poets and thinkers in the development of Alisher Navoi as an
outstanding thinker and poet.
Alisher Navoi. Complete Works in 20 Volumes 1–18. Tashkent. 1987–2002,p 87
The capital of the Timurid – Samarkand city, in the middle of the XIV
century experienced its highest flowering as a "shining face of the earth", a major
center of science and culture of the time. like a magnet it attracted for all the thirsty
of knowledge and excellence. Despite the tragic events connected with the death of
Ulugbek in 1449, the influence of his creative activity as a ruler and scientists
continue to dominate the subsequent cultural life of the city.
The city was surrounded by a network of landscaped gardens - "Bogi
Shamol," "Bogi Dilkusho," "Bogi Hamishabahor", "Bogi Baland" and inlaid
porcelain from China "Chinnihona" - all this splendor, not counting the palaces,
madrassas and mosques within the city walls , provided a stunning impact on those
who comes to Samarkand. Living in such splendor, likening it to a paradise on
earth, Alisher Navoi called the city "Samarkand firdavsmonand", ie "Samarkand
like the Garden of Eden."
Living and studying in the city, where at one time lived and worked Rudaki
Dakiki Mansur, Omar Khayyam, Sadi Sherozi Qosim Anvor, Amir Timur,
Ulugbek, Abdurrahman Jami and other prominent figures, Alisher Navoi continued
their glorious tradition.
All spent time spent in Samarkand city, Alisher Navoi devotes comprehension
of science - philosophy, history, astronomy, mathematics, geography, deepening
their knowledge in the circle of his mentor Abulaysa Fazlullah, scientists
Muhamad Olim Samarkandiy, Aloi Shoshi and othe famous people of the time. At
the same time Navoi polishes his poetry, spinning in a circle among Samarkand
poets, so in his memoirs, he fondly refers to poets - Mirzobeka (Vafoi) Mirzo
Hodge Sugden, Harima Kalandar, Riѐzy Samarkand, Sayyid Qutb
A. M. Prokhorov, ed. (1997). "Navoi, Nizamiddin Mir Alisher". Great Encyclopedic
Dictionary (in Russian) (2nd: a b c d Robert McHenry, ed. (1993) p34-35
Spirit of the age, soaked influence " Academy of Ulugbek" was forever
imprinted in the works of the great poet. In his work "Mazholisun nafois"
("Collection of poets"), Navoi speaking about Ulugbek emphasizes that "... He was
the ruler of a scientist. He had many fine qualities. He knew astronomy and
sciences well. He composed "Zinj" (ie, star catalog) and built an observatory, and
his "Zinj" is famous all over the world. "
Upon his return to Herat, and until his death, Alisher Navoi fondly recalled
the years of his youth and studies conducted in the state capital Sohibkirana Amir
Timur and Ulugbek - the city of Samarkand. In the epos "Farhad and Shirin" of his
famous "Khamsa" Navoi again recalls his great predecessors and gives them
"Temurhon naslidin Sulton Ulugbek
Ki olam kurmadi Sulton aningdek.
Rasadkim boglamish zebi jahondir,
Jahon ichra Jan bir osmondir.
Va Lek ul ilm sari topdi Chun will,
Kuzi oldida buldi Osmon pastes.
Bilib bu Navier Ilmi Osmon,
Ki Andino yozdi "Zij Kuragony."
Qiyomatga degancha ahli ayyom,
Yozarlar uning ahkomidan ahkom. "
Ali Shir Nava'i Muhakamat al-lughatain tr. & ed. Robert Devereaux (Leiden: Brill) 1966,p 45-
"From the dynasty of Timur- Sultan Ulugbek, the world has not seen before such a
ruler. His observatory, combining the sky to the ground, he has created on the
ground is another sky. Because of his thirst for knowledge, before his ease were
brought before the sky and the stars. Knowing everything about heaven, he created
the "astronomical tables." As long as human history continues, his deeds will be
glorified through the ages. "
The greatest humanist, a fighter against human evils, Alisher Navoi raised in
his ghazals and poems of the age-old philosophical questions of government,
morality, love and friendship, confirmed the ideals of justice and purity of the
current at all times. And so it works endure through the ages.
Everyone has an aim in life and can aspire to it all his life. Some, who do
their best to reach their goal, can become a hero. My favorite heroes can be found
in the poems Farkhod and Shirin by A. Navoi. A. Navoi wrote his most important
work, five works entitled ―Quintuple,‖ between 1483-1485. During that time,
Navoi wrote his best stories and novels. One of the novels was Farkhod and Shirin
in which the writer described the love between Farkhod and Shirin. In addition to
writing about their love, he also wrote about the problems of his country. Life itself
was shown in his plays, which explains why Navoi‘s heroes are still depicted on
the stage. His works have made me think about our history as well. Farkhod is my
favorite hero in this novel because he was a very clever, honest and kind man. He
liked the people of his country and was very kind to them. When the people needed
help, Farkhod helped them.
Farkhod‘s father was a rich man, however, Farkhod isn‘t interested in his
father‘s riches. He is, however, in love with the poor girl who was named Shirin,
who also is in love with him. Farkhod was stronger and more handsome than most
of the other people, but was also kind and smart. These traits make me like this
Hoberman, Barry (January–February 1985). "Chaucer of the Turks". Saudi Aramco World:
character. This novel teaches us to be good and clever, to take care of the neediest
people, and to be kind to poor people.
In February of 2000, President Karimov of the Republic of Uzbekistan
invited the people of his country to join in the Navoi anniversary celebration. Here
is what the press release stated:
That year marked the 559th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Alisher
Navoi. However, his humanism and poetry have not lost their significance.
President Karimov noted the creative legacy of this poet at the first session of the
Oliy Majlis, saying that it is our spiritual duty to study his works. He is a symbol
of our spiritual and national pride.
The dreams of this poet for a just society and
harmonious development of mankind have become a reality thanks to
February 9 is the birthday of the poet and is being marked by meetings and
evenings of Navoi's poetry. The main celebration in Tashkent was opened by hero
of Uzbekistan and chairman of the Union of writers Abdulla Aripov. The
Presidential state adviser N. Djuraev, Hero of Uzbekistan and people's poet Erkin
Vahidov, literary critic N. Komilov and others noted that all around study of
Navoi's works is a great help in building a democratic society and educating people
in the spirit of harmonious development of mankind.
On August 24, 2001 Uzbek President Islam Karimov was in Navoi in
Central Uzbekistan to take part in the opening ceremony of a memorial complex to
the great 15th century poet and thinker, Alisher Navoi. There President Karimov
met with journalists. He was asked the following question by one journalist: As
one of the initiators of this project: in what way do you think the image of Alisher
Navoi which is perpetuated here will inspire the people of the town of Navoi?
President Islam Karimov's reply:
"About the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoiy". the National Library of
Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoiy. Retrieved 14 March 2013.
―What I ask myself is this: Navoi is no less great, no less immortal and no
less respected around the world, but do we, the people, the successors of Navoi,
who is a great son of the Uzbek people, do we know our great poet who 560 years
ago left us a legacy which should be studied every day, studied profoundly, studied
so that this heritage helps us in our every day life to chose the correct path.
I am confident that if every young man who embarks upon life knows by
heart most of the works by Navoi or knows his hero, Farkhod, the great legendary
figure who has made a huge impact on the perception of the world and on the
formation of the characters of millions and millions of young people, if we have all
studied the works of Navoi such as Farkhod and Shirin, Layli and Majnun and
Saddi Iskandari and others - I am confident that those young people who have
studied Navoi profoundly would never set out on a bad path or stumble somehow
or go against some moral values‖.
Unfortunately we sometimes act against those moral values. We see this
from examples amongst our young people. This is our fault, our misfortune. If, I
repeat, if we studied Navoi in schools profoundly, I am confident, this would be a
great support or, if you like, our most specific guide. And there would not be any
need to speak very much. Simply one should learn Navoi so as not to do anything
one might regret.
The monument of Alisher Navoi is located in the centre of a big same-name
park behind the Palace of the Friendship of Peoples. After scaling the wide steps
you will get to an observation site in the centre of which there is a rotunda and a
monument to Alisher Navoi - the great Uzbek poet of XV century. The rotunda
dome is decorated in oriental style. The lines of the verses at the pedestal say: ―Just
see the people of the world the enmity is the worst thing in the world, leave in
peace and know that nothing can be better‖. Even Alisher Navoi who lived 500
years ago knew that peace is the most worthful thing in a man‘s life, and a woman
which is not only a maid and a housekeeper is the most worthful thing for a family.
The woman is a friend of soul for a man. He said: ―The house with a wife who is a
householder and a friend is a wonderful place, but the house without a woman, a
housekeeper and a friend is the place without a light‖
Alisher Navoi left about 30 works in prose and verses. The opus magnum of
Alisher Navoi is named Khamsa and includes following masterpieces: ―The Whirl
of Righteous Men‖, ―Farkhad & Shirin‖, ―Leili & Mejnun‖, ―The 7 planets‖ (―The
7 pilgrims‖), ―The wall of Iskander‖.
The literature before Alisher Navoi had been writing in Farsi. Even in
modern era Farsi is used to be the most euphonious language for conveying of
literature ideas. But Alisher Navoi made people understand that Uzbek language is
not less beautiful and lyrical. He led Uzbek literature language to the highest level
and became an originator of Uzbek literature. His beautiful works had been
translated to many languages
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