The supervisory board of the autonomous institution considers the proposals
of the founder or the head on specific issues of activity and makes its
recommendations; gives an opinion on the draft plan for the financial and economic
activities of the autonomous institution and on the proposal of the head on the choice
of credit institutions in which the autonomous institution can open bank accounts;
approves draft reports on the activities of the autonomous institution and on the use of
its property, on the implementation of the plan of its financial and economic activities,
and the annual financial statements of the autonomous institution.
The influence of the supervisory board on the head and on the activities of an
autonomous institution as a whole is manifested only in cases when proposals are
received from the head to conclude a major transaction or an interested-party
transaction, and it also becomes necessary to audit the annual financial statements of
the autonomous institution. The creation of this collegial body is associated with the
provision of financial and economic independence to autonomous institutions, the
absence of subsidiary liability of the owner of the institution and the need to control
the disposal of extra-budgetary funds [7,152].
The Boards of Trustees are created in order to facilitate the solution of current
and future tasks of the development of higher educational institutions, to attract
additional financial resources to ensure their activities in priority areas of development
and to monitor their use.
The administrative principles of the model of one-man management (rector) and
collegiality (academic council) adopted in Russian higher education establish the
balance of power spheres of these bodies, the essence of their powers. At the same
time, this makes it possible to single out the principle of "separation of powers", which
ensures greater democratization in the management of the university, its openness. This
is also the manifestation of autonomy, a new form of power and management.[8, 54].
Meanwhile, among the problems of the development of universities of different
scale and profile of activity were considered inadapted management structures of
universities to the changed conditions, the dominance of operational management
tasks, the absence of a system for making managerial decisions ahead of schedule, a
slow response to changes in the external environment, unclear management
procedures, etc. [9, 129].
History and traditions, modern management practice in universities confirm the
importance of implementing the function of the head of a university through the
presence of other forms of managerial decision-making (for example, the university
administration), as well as the development of public participation in the management
of an educational institution. [10, 135].
Currently, the Uzbek universities are tasked with "entering by 2021 at least five
Uzbek universities in the first hundred of the world's leading universities according to
the world university ranking." This Decree clearly formulates the main criterion by
which one can judge the degree of approximation to the set goal: “by 2015, an increase
in the share of publications by Uzbek researchers in the total number of publications in
world scientific journals indexed in the“ Network of Science ”database (WEB of
Science) , up to 2.44 percent. " A SWOT analysis of a possible strategy for SFedU's
entry into the top hundred world universities, carried out by experts from the Ministry