Bugs/fixes: A login time-out be implemented. A user should not stay logged in for a long time of inactivity.
Add some informative details on the jobs. Information describing the job state. For example when subject-specialist assigns a job to a question writer, it should reflect that ‘James is working on this job, ‘John accepted your job’, ‘Bob rejected the job’, ‘Jane has completed this job’ etc.
Re-ordering questions by examiner while generating a question paper. Right now the only way to re-arrange questions is by cancelling the whole process and then start afresh! There should be a way to Shift question two to question six for example.
Ability to pause and resume generating a question paper. When a user starts working on a job and somehow they can’t take it to completion, they should be allowed to resume the next time they come back to continue with the job.
Let’s reduce the modal to one level (not modal on top of modal). Let’s limit this to one level as much as possible.
The marks on the question paper should be on the same line as the question.
The font on the question paper should be strictly Tahoma (size 11 except for cover page which is 14px).
The line spacing MUST be 1.5 strictly for question paper content.
Numbering of items on all lists. All lists of items should be numbered and filterable.
Filtering on all lists. Add filters to all Lists.
Lists should display items in Ascending order (newest first preferably).
Cancelled/rejected job still appearing on the list of pending jobs of Assignee. If it does then it should reflect that’s it’s cancelled and the other party should be in the know.
All dialogs tool bar have a grey background header not plain white.
The toolbar to be fixed in one position should have a Dark gold colour for all interfaces.
The Logout button to be displayed on clicking the username. It should also provide a prompt/warning with a confirm or cancel option.
Pagination to be as on the design template and displayed items be limited to 15 per page
Let’s consistently use only dropdown lists. Let’s not mix with data lists.
Navigation to be improved as indicated on the design templates.
Button colours are too shouting, should be toned down
The questions module to be checked.
Questions to be displayed with all parts and subparts.
Login page elements to be aligned centre top of the page. It should have account reset option.
Subject specialist and admin can write questions and set an examination paper as well.
The Assignment for question writing and assignments for Examination paper generation should be well defined for the admin. If possible separate the two processes.
ALL modals should be scrollable by itself.
The author attribute of the question should reflect the last person to edit name.
The modals should not dispose if the user clicks outside of it but rather close with only the close button. The back shadow should be removed or reduced to a negligible size. The user should be asked if they wish to save any changes before closing the modal/popup window if at all any changes were made.
The main items on a list stand out from additional attributes and margins reduced. The additional attributes should be greyed out and in smaller font size.
When a user cancels or rejects a job assigned to them, they should provide a reason otherwise the rejection should not proceed and should be aborted.
Disable all browser back and forward buttons; all navigation should be within the app.
All delete and cancel operations should prompt for a confirmation before performing the action.
All modals with spill-over should have scroll.
A cancellation/Rejection of a job should be communicated to either parties. A re-assign button should be shown instead of Assign thereafter.
Add these filters on question selection for examiner: submodule/topic, question type and Difficulty level. That modal should display a question with all its parts and subparts if any. In case it becomes too big it should be paginated to 15 questions per page and scrollable.
We should create a semi-structured question as well, i.e. ability to add a question with parts and subparts. The structured question does not include a question but rather a scenario.
Question writers, subject-specialists, moderators and examiners to be tagged to a program category.
User details interface should have a department/category attribute, a profile photo and institution/company. It should be filterable, paginated to 15 per page and sortable. The edit and delete buttons should be floating icons they should appear when the user column is in focus (on hover). The list should be numbered as well.
Question parts to be numbered using lowercase letters in the form (a), (b), etc. not in uppercase. Question subparts to be numbered in the form (i), (ii), (iii) etc.
The ‘My requests’ page contains Jobs that the user has assigned elsewhere. They close automatically when the Job is marked ‘Complete’ or approved otherwise it should remain open.
The jobs ‘In progress’ should not be assignable to another person unless the assignee has rejected or the assigner has cancelled of which both parties must be notified. The same applies for completed Jobs
When admin defines a series with program categories, all the modules in those programs should be listed in module assignment. Currently when you create a new module, it is the only one which is listed under module assignment. When they get assigned to a Subject specialist, they should not disappear from the pool but rather indicate a status as assigned to: ‘Subject-specialist’s name’ and should not be assignable again UNLESS the subject-specialist has rejected. An appropriate filtering mechanism be implemented according to ‘module’ , ‘series’, ‘status’ , ‘Subject-specialist’. The same approach be used for all users who can assign.
The Questions pool should have questions that are written whether moderated or Not but excluding the used questions. The status should show as well with the author. A filtering mechanism be implemented as much as possible according to module, submodule, and series, moderated/not moderated. This should be accessible by admins and Examiners ONLY.
When a subject-specialist approves the questions from the moderator, admin should as well review and approve the work from subject-specialist. When this is done, the question should then be reflected in the general question pool and it should be tagged a status as moderated.
Question paper section is not editable. Provision to edit be included for examiner.
Mathematical equations and chemical equations on the editor
Examination paper should be tagged to a series and it should reflect on the final Examination paper printout.
Shared modules not catered for. There are modules which cut across more than one program.
At the printery, the user printing should select the template to print on. Every program category has their own cover page template.
Reporting not implemented yet.
ARCHIVES Module should have users in results who will be uploading files in .xl or .doc format. They will upload from the local computers. Uploads will be categorised according to the program categories. These uploads can later be browsed and downloaded/previewed
When the above are addressed, the first stable version of the app will be ready for deployment and payment released.