When you have a job interview in English, you want to show your interviewer the best of yourself. This includes using all of the appropriate grammatical tenses you can. Part of your job interview preparation should be reviewing the tenses you know and how you use them. You can often predict the job interview questions that you will be asked, so you can think about what your answers will be.
When you have a job interview in English, you want to show your interviewer the best of yourself. This includes using all of the appropriate grammatical tenses you can. Part of your job interview preparation should be reviewing the tenses you know and how you use them. You can often predict the job interview questions that you will be asked, so you can think about what your answers will be.
Sizda ingliz tilida ish intervyusi bo’lgan paytda, siz intervyu oluvchiga o’zingizni eng yaxshi tomonlaringizni ko’rsatishni hoxlaysiz. Bu o’z ichiga to’g’ri grammatik zamonlarni oladi. Siz ish intervyusiga tayyorlanishingizni bir qismi bilgan zamonlarni takrorlashingiz va qanday qilib qo’llshingizdir. Siz so’raladigab intervyu savollarni oldindan tahmin qila olasiz, shuning uchun siz javoblaringiz nima bo’lishini ham o’ylashingiz mumkin.
How can you prepare for a job interview in English? – ingliz tilida ish intervyusiga qanday tayyorlanishingiz mumkin?
There are some tenses that you will need to use more than others. When talking about your experience you’ll need past tenses; when talking about your present job, that’ll be present tenses.
Boshqa zamonlardan ko’ra bazi zamonlar ko’proq qo’llaniladi. Tajribalar haqida gapirganda sizga oddiy o’tgan zamon kerak bo’ladi. Hozirgi ishingiz haqida gapirganda hozirgi zamonlar kerak bo’ladi.
Job interview tips on how to use a mix of English tenses – ingliz tili zamonlarini aralash holda ish intervyusida qanday qilib qo’llash yo’llari
The present simple – oddiy hozirgi zamon
We use the present simple when we want to talk about something that is true now, and is quite permanent. Talk about tasks related to your day-to-day job, things which don’t change very often, and about any skills that you have.
Doimiy va hozirda to’g’ri bo’lgan narsalar uchun ishlatamiz. Har kungiz ishingiz va sizdagi bor mahoratlarga ham ishlatamiz.
“I work in a very international team. My colleagues are from all over the world so we communicate in English.”