HACUKADAMBI to commit dirty acts, to commit lewd acts
HACUMBI (-ka) to become dirty, to become defiled
HADA crag, a small cliff
HADA CIBIN rock-martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris)
HADA WEHE gravel, broken stones
HADABUMBI caus. of hadambi
HADAFUN see hadufun
HADAGAN see hadahan
HADAHA see hadahan
HADAHA USIHA the North Star
HADAHAN a nail or peg of iron, bamboo, or wood
HADAHAN NISIHA a small fish shaped like a tent peg
HADAI plug, wedge, tap
HADALA horse's bridle
HADALA MULTULEMBI to remove a horse's bridle
HADALA ŠABAN cleats--four iron teeth placed on a round frame and attached to the soles of shoes to prevent slipping on a slippery or steep surface
HADALA YOO a sore on a horse's mouth caused by a bridle
HADAHA BURGA a type of willow that grows alone--it has white bark and its wood is good for making arrows
HADAMBI 1. to nail, to tack 2. to sting (of insects) 3. to sole (shoes or boots) 4. to fix the eyes on
HADAHAI fixedly (of looking)
HADAHAI FEKSIMBI to run with an arrow stuck in the body
HADANAMBI to fix the eyes on, to stare
HADAHA grayling--a small fish that lives in clear cold water (Salmo thymallus)
HADUBUMBI caus. of hadumbi
HADUFUN scythe, sickle
HADUMBI to cut with a sickle, to reap
HADUNAMBI to go to cut with a sickle, to go to reap
HADUNJIMBI to come to cut with a sickle, to come to reap
HADUNUMBI to reap together
HAFA shallow
HAFA ŠORO a shallow basket
HAFAN official, officer
HAFAN BAHAMBI to obtain an official position
HAFAN EFULEMBI to be dismissed from office
HAFAN HALI an official
HAFAN HERGEN official rank
HAFAN I BOO office of personnel of the Court of Colonial Affairs
HAFAN I JURGAN Board of Civil Appointments, BH 333
HAFAN I JURGAN I KUNGGE YAMUN section of Personnel of the Censorate
HAFAN I TANGKAN an official grade or rank
HAFAN I TEMGETU I KUNGGERI an office of the Board of Civil Appointments charged with issuing orders to local officials who were appointed monthly and with checking on the terms of those previously appointed
HAFAN JERGI rank and title
HAFAN SINDAMBI to appoint an official
HAFAN SINDARA BOLGOBURE FIYENTEN Department of Inner Mongols, later jasak dangsei bolgobure fiyenten
HAFAŠŠA plural of hafan
HAFASI scholar, official
HAFASI ŠUFATU a head wrapping worn by hafasi
HAFIN clamp, vise
HAFIN MOO the two pieces of wood that hold a ship's mast in place
HAFIRABUMBI 1. caus./pass. of hafirambi 2. to be embarrassed, to find oneself in difficult circumstances
HAFIRAHŪN pressed, pinched, forced between two objects, narrow
HAFIRAKŪ pincers, pliers
HAFIRAKŪ SIBIYA metal fasteners that secure an axle to a cart
HAFIRAKŪ SIMHUN a sixth finger
HAFIRAMBI 1. to pinch, to press or hold between two objects 2. to hold under the arm 3. to press a seam together 4. to put pressure on, to compel 5. to put in a difficult situation 6. to threaten
HAFIRAHA AFAHA a memorandum pressed between the leaves of a document
HAFIRAN seam on a boot
HAFIRHŪN see hafirahfūn
HAFIRŠAMBUMBI caus. of hafiršambi
HAFIRŠAMBI to use economically
HAFIRŠANUMBI to use economically (of a group)
HAFIŠAMBI to pat affectionately, to flatter
HAFIŠANGGA obsequious, flattering
HAFITAMBI 1. to press or hold on both sides of an object, to pinch 2. to inlay
HAFITAME AFAMBI to attack from two sides, to mount a pincer attack
HAFITAME GEYEMBI to engrave on two sides
HAFITARA FULHUN one of the six minor scale pipes
HAFU 1. penetrating, going through 2. thorough, comprehensive 3. en-
lightened, possessing understanding
HAFU HAFU penetrating, thorough, throughout, total, comprehensive
HAFU HIYOOŠUNGGA thoroughly filial
HAFUKIYAOBI to inform in detail, to give a thorough rundown on
HAFULAMBI 1. to penetrate, to go through 2. to forbid
HAFUMBI (-ka, -re/ndara) 1. to penetrate, to go through, to soak through, to pierce 2. to understand thoroughly, to comprehend 3. to communicate, to have relations with
HAFUNDARAKU impenetrable
HAFUMBUBUMBI caus. of hafumbumbi
HAFUMBUKŪ interpreter, translator
HAFUMBUKŪ HAFAN an official translator
HAFUMBUKŪ KAMCIHABI accompanied by a translator
HAFUMBUMBI 1. caus. of hafumbi 2. to translate, to interpret 3. to inform in detail, to give a thorough account of
HAFUN transparent, permeable
HAFUN CECE smooth transparent silk gauze
HAFUNAMBI to connect with another place, to form a free passage to another place
HAFUNGGA thorough, constant
HAFUNGGA BOO in a house, a central room that connects with both front and back rooms
HAFUNGGA MAHATUN a hat with openings on both sides
HAFUNGGA OMOLO a descendant of the sixth generation
HAFUNGGA TALU a thoroughfare
HAFUNJIBUMBI caus. of hafunjimbi
HAFUNJIMBI to come through (in this direction), to come straight through
HAGA fish bone
HAGABUKŪ a four-inch wooden hook with an iron tip used to catch black carp
HAGAMBI 1. to get something caught in the throat 2. to form a hard abscess in the breast
HAHA male, man
HAHA I DEJI a superior man, champion
HAHABUKŪ the same as hagabukū
HAHAMA ANCUN an earring with a single pearl
HAHANGGE male, masculine
HAHARAMBI to act like a man, to act in a manly way
HAHARDAMBI to become a man
HAHASI plural of haha
HAHI urgent, hurried
HAHI CAHI hurried, agitated, urgent
HAHIBA quick, nimble
HAHIKAN rather urgent
HAHILAMBI to act quickly or urgently, to hurry
HAHŪBUMBI caus. of hahūmbi
HAHŪMBI to grow (of feathers on a bird)
HAHŪRABUMBI caus. of hafirambi
HAHŪRAKŪ choker used for restraining a dog
HAHŪRAMBI 1. to grab by the throat, to choke 2. to occupy a militarily strategic point
HAHŪRŠAMBI 1. to hold by the throat continually, to throttle 2. to accuse obstinately
HAICING the peregrine falcon; cf. šongkon
HAIDAN a large hook on which frogs and small fish were used as bait
HAIDAN SISIMBI to fish with a haidan
HAIDARABUMBI caus. of haidarambi
HAIDARAMBI to lean, to lean to one side, to droop, to hang the head
HAIDARŠAMBI to lean to one side while walking
HAIDU lopsided, leaning to one side
HAIFIRAMBI see hafirambi
HAIFIRŠAMBI see hafiršambi
HAIGARI see haihdri
HAIGŪ see haihū
HAIHA 1. mountain slope 2. spool for yarn or thread
HAIHABUMBI caus. of haihambi
HAIHAMBI to tumble over, to fall to one side
HAIHAN 1. welt of a shoe or boot 2. bone, feathers, hemp stalks, and hair fed to falcons to clean out their stomachs
HAIHARAMBI to lean to one side, to topple, to incline
HAIHARAME along the slope of a hill
HAIHARI see heiheri haihari
HAIHARILAMBI to reel from side to side
HAIHARŠAMBI to stagger, to reel, to sway
HAIHASHŪN inclined, leaning, awry
HAIHŪ 1. soft 2. staggering, weaving from side to side
HAIHŪLJAMBI to flutter (in the wind)
HAIHŪN one name for the otter; cf. hailun
HAIHŪNA Mongolian lark (Melanocorypha mongolica)
HAIHŪNGGA soft, supple
HAIHŪNGGA ŠUFA a new-style handkerchief
HAIJAN a mode of Manchu singing during which the singer imitates the movements of a snake
HAIJUNG SEME reeling under a heavy load
HAILAMBI to scorn an offering
HAILAMI see hailambi
HAILAN 1. elm tree 2. vexation, scorn
HAILAN GAIBUMBI to be vexed, to be distressed
HAILAN GAIMBI to vex, to distress
HAILAN SENCE a type of yellow fungus that grows on elms
HAILASHŪN precipitous, steep
HAILUN otter (Lutra lutra)
HAILUN CECIKE turquoise kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)
HAIRACUKA 1. pitiable, pitiful 2. too bad, what a shame!
HAIRACUN regrettable, pitiable
HAIRAKAN 1. regrettable 2. what a shame!
HAIRMBI (-ka, -ndara) 1. to regret, to begrudge, to be unwilling to part with 2. to love tenderly
HAIRAN regret, begrudging, compassion, tenderness
HAIRAN JAKA an object that one is loath to part with
HAIRAN NIYALMA a person that one is very fond of
HAIRANDAMBI to begrudge
HAISANDA wild garlic
HAITA a large wild pig
HAITANG crab apple
HAJAN wooden palisade surrounding a fortress
HAJI 1. dear, beloved 2. affection 3. scarce, lean (year), famine
HAJI ANIYA a famine year, a lean year
HAJI GUCU a dear friend
HAJI HAIRAN tender love
HAJILAMBI 1. to love, to fall in love 2. to fish with a net stretched across a stream
HAJIN affection
HAJINGGA BAIBULA one of the names of the paradise flycatcher; cf. baibula
HAJUN 1. weapon, tool 2. a sicklelike knife used in tiger traps
HAK (onom.) the sound of clearing one's throat
HAKCIN quick-tempered, rash, brusque
HAKDA old grass left over from the previous year, a spot of grass remaining in an area that has been burnt over
HAKSABUMBI 1. caus./pass. of haksambi 2. to scorch, to become scorched
HAKSAMBI (-ka) 1. to become scorched, to get dark from contact with sunlight or fire 2. to turn red in the rising or setting sun (clouds) 3. to have a burning sensation in the stomach
HAKSAHA TUGI reddish clouds
HAKSAN 1. steep, precipitous 2. cruel, brutal 3. golden, reddish brown
HAKSAN BOCOI JUNGGIDEI KIYOO a yellow sedan chair carried by eight men that was used by concubines of the second rank
HAKSAN BOCOI SUJE DE AISIN DAMBUHA GARUDANGGA KIRU a banner used by the escort of concubines of the second class--it had a phoenix embroidered upon a yellow background
HAKSAN HAKCIN precipitous, high and steep
HAKSAN UMIYESUN a yellow sash worn by members of the imperial clan
HAKSANGGA EFEN a type of baked wheat cake
HAKŠABUMBI caus. of hakšambi
HAKŠAMBI 1. to fry in fat 2. to render fat or oil 3. to become scorched
HAKŠAN scorched
HALA clan, family, family name
HALA HACIN all sorts of
HALA UMIYAHA a small red insect found in wells
HALABUMBI caus./pass. of halambi
HALAHAI nettle
HALAI FUDASI in confusion
HALAMBI 1. to exchange, to change (clothing), to take the place of 2. to burn (of a hot object)
HALAME JURUME ETUMBI to change clothes a number of times
HALAN 1. menstruation 2. exchanging
HALANAMBI to go to exchange, to go closer to
HALANDUMBI/HALANUMBI to exchange together
HALANGGA belonging to the same clan or family
HALANJAMBI to exchange in turn, to take turns
HALANJIMBI to come to exchange
HALAR (onom.) the sound made by jade pendants hitting together, tinkling
HALAR HILIR (onom.) the sound of bells on the girdle, the sound made by a shaman's sword
HALAŠAKŪ a pampered child
HALAŠAMBI 1. to act spoiled, to act up, to pout 2. to wiggle and squirm about, to act unsettled before the onset of a fever or smallpox
HALBA the shoulder blade
HALBAHA 1. a small knob on a helmet, the decoration on the top of a banner pole, a finial 2. the wide part of an arrowhead 3. a spoon
HALBAHA MOO a three-holed wooden plank two feet long used in ceremonies in the shamanistic shrine
HALBAHAN spoon-bill pelican
HALBIŠAMBI to curry favor, to fawn
HALBUBUMBI caus. of halbumbi
HALBULHA one who gives shelter to bandits and thieves
HALBUMBI to give entrance to, to take into one's home, to give shelter to
HALDA sturgeon's spleen--used as a medicine for boils
HALDA YOO a boil between the shoulder blades
HALDABA flatterer, an obsequious person, sycophant
HALDABAŠAMBI to be obsequious
HALDARAMBI to slip and fall
HALFIRI a flat hollow fruit about the size of a tangerine
HALFIYAKAN somewhat flat
HALFIYAN flat, thin
HALFIYAN NIMAHA flatfish, flounder
HALFIYAN TURI flat bean (Dolichos lablab)
HALFIYANGGA flat in form
HALFIYANGGA JAHUDAI a type of flatboat used on the Yangtze
HALFIYANGGA TUNGKEN a flat drum used in religious services
HALGIBUMBI caus. of halgimbi
HALGIMBI to wrap around, to wind, to entwine
HALHAN plowshare
HALHIMBI see halgimbi
HALHŪKAN rather hot
HALHŪN BEDEREMBI one of the divisions of the solar year--falling on the 23rd or 24th of August
HALHŪN ŠAHŪRUN BULUKAN NECIN hot, cold, warm, even--used to describe the nature of medicines
HALHŪN ŠERI a hot spring
HALHŪRI pepper
HALI 1. untillable marshland, swamp, untilled land, virgin land 2. official
HALI ULHŪ marsh grass
HALMAN face soap
HALMARI a sword used by shamans
HALMUN an iron ring placed in the hub of a wheel into which an axle is inserted, a bushing
HALTAN YOO see halda yoo
HALU fine flour or meal
HALUKAN EDUN a warm wind
HALUKŪ thick cotton trousers
HALUNGGA GŪLHA fur-lined boots
HAMGIYA 1. skullcap 2. plants resembling sagebrush or mugwort
HAMGIYA SUIHA dry brush, overgrowth
HAMGIYARI one of the names for the wild pig
HAMIBUMBI caus. of hamimbi
HAMIMBI (-ka) 1. to approach, to be close to, to almost reach 2. to suffice 3. to be within reach 4. to bear, to tolerate
HAMIKA almost, within reach
HAMIME about to, on the point of
HAMIRAKŪ 1. unbearable 2. insufficient 3. unattainable 4. unsuccessful
HAMINAMBI to go near to, to approach
HAMIINJIMBI to come near to, to approach
HAMIŠAMBI to go right up to, to approach closely
HAMTAKŪ a child who defecates where he ought not
HAMTAMBI to defecate
HAMTANAMBI to go to defecate
HAMTU felt hat
HAMU excrement
HAMUTAMBI see hamtambi
HAN emperor, khan
HAN I UKSUN I EJEHE the genealogy of the imperial clan
HAN I UKSUN I EJEHE KUREN bureau for the compilation of the genealogical record of the imperial clan
HAN USIHA the second star of the Great Dipper
HAN DUNG reservoir, tank
HANA a section of lattice wall of a yurt
HANCI near
HANCI FIMEMBI to approach, to come near to
HANCIKAN rather near
HANCIKI near, near place, vicinity
HANCIKINGGE that which is near, one who is nearby
HANCUHA MUCEN a three-legged cooking pot, tripod
HANDA a pock mark, a scar
HANDU 1. the rice plant 2. leaven for making soy sauce
HANDU BELE late maturing rice
HANDU BOIHON mud in a rice paddy
HANDU CISE a rice paddy
HANDU IRI the same as handu cise
HANDU ORHO rice stalks, rice straw
HANDU TARIRE KŪWARAN Imperial Agricultural Office, BH 90A
HANDU UMIYAHA the rice worm
HANDUCUN a song of the rice harvest
HANDUMBI to plant in a paddy field
HANDUTUN a round vessel for holding grain offerings at sacrifices
HANGGABUMBI 1. caus. of hanggambi 2. to impede, to hinder, to obstruct,to occlude 3. to spoil
HANGGAI packsaddle
HANGGAI ENGGEMU the same as hanggai
HANGGAI NIRU an unpolished, rusty arrowhead
HANGGAMBI to moisten by sprinkling
HANGGI see hangki
HANGGIR HINGGIR (onom.) the tinkle of bracelets and anklets
HANGGIR SEME tinkling, jingling
HANGGISUN a long silk cloth fringed at both ends
HANGKI China-berry tree (Melia japonica)
HANGNABUMBI caus. of hangnambi
HANGGAMBI to solder, to weld, to repair metal pots
HANGNARA FAKSI a repairer of pots
HANGNAN solder
HANGSE noodles
HANGSI 1. a type of very thin silk 2. the spring festival falling on the 5th or 6th of April
HANI MAJIGE see kani tani
HANI TANI tiny, little; cf. heni tani
HANJA incorrupt, honest, clean, pure
HANJA BOLGO incorrupt and clean
HANJA GIRUTU incorrupt and possessing a sense of shame
HANJADAMBI to act honestly, to act incorruptly
HANJAMBI to be covetous, to be greedy
HAO one ten-thousandth of a Chinese foot
HAR SEME pungent, having a sharp odor
HARA 1. the short autumn coat of sable or lynx 2. Setaria viridis-a common weed, foxtail 3. black (of horses)
HARAMBI to watch, to observe
HARAN reason, cause
HARANAMBI to produce foxtails, to produce weeds
HARANGGA 1. subordinate, subject, belonging to, vassal to 2. (the one) in question, the said . . . , the appropriate . . .
HARANGGA BA a dependent or subordinate area
HARANGGA HAFAN subordinate (official)
HARATU subordinate, underling, subject
HARDAME see herdeme hardame
HARGA see harha
HARGASI see harkasi
HARGAŠABUMBI caus. of hargašambi
HARGAŠAMBI 1. to look up, to look up to, to look into the distance from a high place 2. to go to court, to have an audience at court
HARGAŠAME GOIDAHA I have longed to meet you
HARGAŠAME TUWAMBI to look up, to look into the distance
HARGAŠARA DOROLONGGO KUNGGERI a bureau charged with checking the credentials of those granted imperial audiences
HARGAŠAN the court
HARGAŠAN DE HENGKILENJIRE BOLGOBURE FIYENTEN Department for Receiving Princes of Inner Mongolia, BH 495
HARGAŠANAMBI to go to court
HARGAŠANJIMBI to come to court
HARGAŠANJIRE ACANJIRE KUNGGERI a bureau of the Imperial Patent Office that was concerned with imperial audiences
HARGI 1. a place where water flows very swiftly, rapids 2. mustard
HARGI SOGI mustard (the plant)
HARGI ŠURDEKU whirlpool, eddy
HARHA the leather between the sole and the leg of a boot
HARHŪ mire, mud
HARHŪ BOIHON the mud at the bottom of a body of water, slime, mire
HARHŪ UMIYAHA Cicindela chinensis-a small worm with black and yellow spots that is used to cure the bite of a mad dog
HARHŪDAMBI to stir up the mud on the bottom of a river or lake in order to stifle fish
HARI 1. crooked, bent, curved, awry, inclining 2. cross-eyed 3. a net bag for holding deer's innards
HARIBUMBI caus./pass. of harimbi
HARIKŪ an iron (for pressing clothing), a cauterizing iron
HARIMA EFEN a type of baked cake
HARIMBI 1. to iron, to press (clothing) 2. to cauterize sores on cattle 3. to conceal, to hide
HARIHA EFEN baked cakes used as offerings
HARIHA GESE NIMEMBI to hurt like hell
HARINGGA see garingga
HARKASI influenza
HARSA yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula)
HARŠAKŪ protector, guardian
HARŠAMBI 1. to protect, to defend 2. to cover up for 3. to be partial to
HARŠANDUMBI/HARŠANUMBI to cover up for one another, to protect one another
HARTUNGGA 1. subordinates, subjects 2. Chinese banner troops in the provinces
HASAHA scissors, shears
HASAHALAMBI to cut with scissors or shears
HASAHANGGA FUKJINGGA HERGEN a style of calligraphy
HASALA a fast-running cow
HASALABUMBI caus. of hasalambi
HASALAKŪ shears for cutting metal
HASALAMBI to cut with scissors, to shear
HASAMBI to hurry, to be in a rush
HASAN mange, itch, scabies
HASANAMBI to get the mange or scabies
HASHALABUMBI caus. of hashalambi
HASHALAMBI to erect a fence or palisade, to mark off
HASHAN a fence of wood or kaoliang stalks, a palisade
HASHŪ 1. left 2. erroneous, improper, depraved
HASHŪ ERGI FIYENTEN first department (of a governmental organ)
HASHŪ TONGGO TABUMBI to fasten the thread on the left side
HASHŪTAI heterodox, depraved
HASHŪTAI DORO heterodoxy, black magic
HASI 1. persimmon 2. eggplant
HASI FUNTA the white powder on the surface of dried persimmons
HASI ŠATAN large dried persimmons
HASIBA 1. protection, care 2. speed
HASIHIMBI to go hurriedly, to scurry
HASIMA Manchurian crayfish
HASINGGA pertaining to the persimmon, persimmon-shaped
HASINGGA TAMPIN a persimmon-shaped container
HASIRI the color of eggplant, dark purple
HASRUN SIRGA a white horse with red spots about the nose and eyes
HASTAI see hashūtai
HASU ORHO a type of climbing plant whose melonlike fruit can be salted and eaten
HASURALAMBI see hasurgalambi
HASURAN the bark of the peach tree
HASURAN MOO the tree from which hasuran is taken
HASURGALAMBI to cover with the bark of the peach tree (arrows)
HASUTAI 1. left-handed, with the left hand 2. heterodox, depraved
HASUTAI DORO the same as hashūtai doro
HAŠA a small storage house
HAŠA BOO the same as haša
HAŠABUMBI caus. of hašambi
HAŠAHAN 1. a cloth covering (for vehicles) 2. a container for grain made of mats sewn together 3. the felt covering for a section of a Mongolian yurt 4. a device for catching fish 5. tablecloth, table covering
HAŠAKŪ a scrubbing brush made from kaoliang stalks or the stalks of other grains
HAŠAKŪ DENGJAN lanterns placed on the four corners of the yellow tent in temples and at altars on days of sacrifice
HAŠAMBI 1. to scrub 2. to surround, to encompass 3. to cover, to protect
HAŠAN drapery, curtain, hangings
HAŠATAMBI to protect carefully
HATA a thin belt or strip of cloth
HATABUMBI caus./pass. of hatambi
HATABURU hateful--an expletive
HATACUKA hateful, detestable
HATAKAN rather strong, somewhat hard
HATAMBI 1. to loath, to find repugnant, to hate 2. to immerse red-hot metals into water to harden them, to temper 3. to fire (ceramics or pottery)
HATAME DEIJIMBI to temper (metals)
HATAN 1. hard, strong 2. strong (of liquor) 3. pungent, strong tasting 4. violent, fiery
HATARAMBI to fall ill suddenly, to have a sudden pain, to have a fit of temper
HATUHŪN MUKE brackish water
HATUHŪN USIHA a type of fruit from the South
HAYABUMBI caus. of hayambi
HAYADAMBI to act licentiously
HAYAHAN border, trim (on clothing)
HAYAHAN DAHŪ a court garment trimmed with sable, lynx, or black fox
HAYAHAN I ERGUME a fur-trimmed court dress
HAYAHAN I ULHUN a sable-trimmed shoulder piece
HAYAHAN UNDURAKŪ trimmed dragon satin
HAYAKTA a wild pig with upturned tusks
HAYALJAMBI to wind, to twist, to slither
HAYAMBI 1. to coil, to twist, to twine 2. to hem, to trim, to edge
HAYAHA HIYAN coiled incense
HAYAHA MEIHE USIHA the name of a Chinese constellation that has the appearance of a coiled snake
HAYAN licentious, loose, dissolute
HE stretcher, litter
HE FA SEME gasping, panting
HE GI the hoki pheasant; cf. gūnggala
HEBDEBUMBI caus. of hebdembi
HEBDEMBI to discuss, to talk over, to consult
HEBDENEMBI to go to talk over
HEBDENJIMBI to come to talk over
HEBDEŠEMBI to talk over carefully or thoroughly
HEBE 1. consultation, deliberation, planning 2. plan, plot, intrigue
HEBE ACAMBI to hold a consultation, to come together to deliberate
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