(5/15/1917 Frostburg MD-
DC Regis # 1146; 2/6/1959
Ed: Virginia Polytechnic
Institute 1946-50 B.S.
Buildings & 1950-51 M.S.
Layton, Louis Henry
(7/24/1900 Fredericksburg VA-
DC Regis 1283; 1/24/1961
Ed: American Technical Society
Home Course 1920-21;
International Correspondence
School 1922-25; Columbia
Technical Institute 1947-49;
Catholic University 1951-56
Lazarus, Edward M.
1890 1300 F St NW (bd)
1891 608 14th St NW (bd)
Leckie, Robert
Superintendent of the Penitentiary
1827 Bet 21st & 22nd Sts NW
near Glass House (r)
1830 Bet 21st & 22nd Sts NW
near Glass House
Lecky, William Prescott
(1/21/1934 New York NY-
DC Regis # 1536; 7/14/1964
Ed: University of Georgia
1953-54; University of
Virginia 1955-60 BArch
Ledwith, Elroy Augustus
(5/6/1900 Dover NJ-
DC Regis # 678; 5/16/1950
Ed: University of Pennsylvania
1922-26; National Drafting
School (Washington DC) 1948-50
No profession listed
1948 815 18th St NW (r)
1949 Not listed
1952-60 1807 H St NW (bd)
Lee, Lawrence A.
Teacher, Public Schools
1934 1517 1st St NW (r)
1935 1517 1st St NW (bd)
1936-43 1517 1st St NW (r)
Lee, Robert Harold
(12/2/1926 Marianna AK-
DC Regis # 1192’ 11/5/1957
Ed: Hampton Institute
1948-52 B.S. Architecture
Lehto, Victor
1925-26 6631 Harlan Pl NW (bd)
Real Estate
1927 248 Carroll St NW (r)
Contracting Builder
1928 248 Carroll St NW (r)
Leicester, Samuel H.
1896 402 6th St NW (bd)
Leisenring, Luther Morris
(10/29/1875 Lutherville MD-
DC Regis # 3; 4/6/1925
Ed: Maryland Institute Night
School (Baltimore) 1892-94;
University of Pennsylvania
1896-98 Special Course in
1909-10 The Lenox (bd)
1911-22 1320 NY Ave NW (bd)
1923-27 817 14th St NW (bd)
1928-31 1707 I St NW (bd)
1932 1707 I St NW (r)
1933 1707 I St NW (bd)
Architect, Quartermaster General
1934-38 1777 Church St NW (r)
1939-41 1707 I St NW (bd)
1942-60 1777 Church St NW (bd)
LeMay, Michael F.
(1/18/1938 Grand Rapids MI-
DC Regis # 1548; 7/23/1964
Ed: Catholic University
1956-62 BArch; 1961-63 MArch
Lepley, Matthew Giles
(9/21/1886 Washington DC-
DC Regis # 748; 3/20/1951
Ed: George Washington
University 1904-06
1906 467 H St NW (r)
1907 467 H St NW (r)
1908 467 H St NW (r)
1909 1301 G St NW (bd)
1910 467 H St NW (r)
1911 1372 Kenyon St NW (r)
1912 3725 NH Ave NW (r)
No profession listed
1913 611 Colorado Bldg (r)
1914 Not listed
1915-16 1406 G St NW (bd)
1917-18 Dist Nat'l Bk Bldg (bd)
1921 218 Bond Bldg (bd)
1922-23 1402 I St NW (bd)
1924 2116 Kalorama Rd NW (r)
1925 4100 NE Ave NW (r)
1926 1302 L St NW (bd)
1927 1316 L St NW (bd)
1928 812, 1010 VT Ave NW (bd)
1929 1425 I St NW (bd)
1930-32 3726 Military Rd NW (r)
1933-34 Iron Fireman Sales (r)
1935-36 5230 NB Ave NW (r)
1937-38 Iron Fireman Sales (r)
1939 5230 NB Ave NW (bd)
1940-41 5230 NB Ave NW (r)
No profession listed
1942-45 5230 NB Ave NW (bd)
1946-47 5230 NB Ave NW (r)
1948 5230 NB Ave NW (bd)
1949-50 5230 NB Ave NW (r)
1951-52 5230 NB Ave NW (bd)
Lescaze, William
(3/27/1896 Geneva, Switzerland-
DC Regis # 359; 9/18/1939
Ed: Ecole Polytechnique Federale
(Zurich, Switzerland) 1915-19 MArch
1942-55 815 15th St NW (bd)
Lesley, John Vincent
(8/22/1910 Palo Alto CA-
DC Regis # 2325; 5/5/1965
Ed: Stanford University
1932-36 A.B.; Princeton
University 1936-39 M.F.A.
Lessig, Charles Walter
(3/27/1905 Reading PA-
DC Regis # 654; 4/12/1949
Ed: University of
Pennsylvania 1923-29 BArch
Lethbridge, Francis Donald
(10/5/1920 Hackensack NJ-
DC Regis # 937; 11/4/1954
Ed: Stevens Institute of
Technology 1937-40; University
of Colorado 1940-41; Yale
University 1945-47
see also Keyes & Lethbridge;
Keyes, Lethbridge & Condon;
Keyes, Smith, Satterlee & Lethbridge;
Satterlee & Lethbridge
No profession listed
1947 1507 WI Ave NW (r)
Draftsman, Berla & Abel
1948-49 1811 S Arlington Ridge Rd
Arlington VA (r)
1950 Satterlee & Lethbridge (bd)
1951-55 Keyes, Smith, Satterlee &
Lethbridge (r)
1956 3 Dupont Circle NW (bd)
1957-60 1300 CT Ave NW (bd)
Leuse, Herman
1905 1442 FL Ave NW (r)
Leuze, Egon H.
1907 1405 F St NW (bd)
Levenson, Gustave
(11/19/1914 Bronx NY-
DC Regis # 1251; 5/20/1960
Ed: Mechanics Institute
(New York NY) 1933-38;
University of Biarritz (France) 1945;
Catholic University 1950-52
Lewis, Henry G. (also T.)
1891 1205 12th St NE (r)
1892 12th St & FL Ave NE (r)
1893 1100 FL Ave NE (r)
1894 1100 FL Ave NE (bd)
1895 1100 FL Ave NE (r)
1896 1100 FL Ave NE (bd)
Lewis, Henry G.
1918 111 4th St NE (bd)
Lewis, Stanley T.
(8/12/1927 Washington DC-
DC Regis # 1204; 9/29/1959
Ed: University of Minnesota
1948-49 & 1953-54
No profession listed
1954-55 2212 Washington Ave
Silver Spring MD (r)
1956 Mills Petticord &
Mills (r)
No profession listed
1957-58 4520 Fairfield Dr
Bethesda MD (r)
1959 4520 Fairfield Dr
Bethesda MD (bd)
1960 1703 Rockville Pk,
Rockville MD &
4520 Fairfield
Bethesda MD (bd)
Lind, Knut Waldemar
(4/30/1891 Sweden
DC Regis # 527; 9/17/1946
Ed: Society of Beaux
Arts Architects, Atelier
Wynkoop (New York) 1909-15
1947 1101 Wilson Blvd
Arlington VA (bd)
1948 Not listed
No profession listed
1949-52 3023 S Buchanan St
Arlington VA (r)
1953 Page missing
1954-55 3023 S Buchanan
Arlington VA (r)
Lindsey, Arthur R.
Architect & Builder
1899 620 F St NW (r)
1900 Kenilworth (r)
1901-02 Kenilworth (r)
1903 Kenilworth (bd)
1904-05 Kenilworth (r)
1906 Kenilworth (r)
1907-12 Kenilworth (bd)
1913 Kenilworth (r)
Printer, General Printing Office
1914 Kenilworth (r)
1915-16 Kenilworth (bd)
1917 1316 Kenilworth Ave NE (r)
1918 Not listed
1919-20 1316 Kenilworth Ave NE (r)
Lindsey, Jerome Wilborn, Jr.
(4/7/1932 Pheonix City AL-
DC Regis # 1603; 5/5/1965
Ed: Howard University
1951-56 BArch; MIT 1958-59
MArch; MIT 1959-61 Master
of City Planning
Linthieum & Linthieum
1927-28 912 NY Ave NW (bd)
Lippincott, Thomas B.
1920 1426 NY Ave NW (bd)
1921 305, 734 15th St NW (bd)
Liss, Stuart
(7/4/1930 Brooklyn NY-
DC Regis # 1624; 7/7/1965
Ed: Fenn College (Cleveland OH)
1948-50; Rensselear Polytechnic
Institute 1950-53 BArch
Little, Harry Britton
(8/18/1882 Hingham MA-
DC Regis # 200; 11/20/1929
Ed: Harvard College1900-04 A.B.&
1907-09 Architecture; Ecole des
Beaux Arts (Paris) 1909-11
see Frohman Robb & Little
Lix, Daniel J.
1902-03 1810 K St NW (r)
Draftsman, Treasury
1904-07 1810 K St NW (r)
1908-09 1516 21st St NW (r)
1910 1030 Kenyon St NW (r)
1911 2425 18th St NW (r)
Architectural Draftsman, Treasury
1912 632 Irving St NW (r)
1913-14 3552 11th St NW (r)
Architect, Treasury
1915 23 W St NW (r)
President, Washington Arch'l Club
1916 23 W St NW (r)
Architectural Draftsman, Treasury
1917-19 4109 Ingomar St NW (r)
1920 4109 Ingomar St NW (bd)
Draftsman, Treasury
1921-22 4109 Ingomar St NW (r)
Lloyd, George H.
1903 1507 10th St NW (r)
1904 1507 10th St NW (r)
1905-06 Not listed
1907 Ellaston Ter (bd)
1908 1328 NY Ave NW (r)
1909 Langdon (r)
1910 1328 NY Ave NW (bd)
Loane, Harry A.
1887 114 C St NW (bd)
Lockard, William Abram
(4/20/1904 Point Marion PA-
DC Regis # 440; 6/4/1943
Ed: Carnegie Instituteof Technology
(Pittsburgh) 1923-28 BArch
Lockhart, George L.
(6/16/1883 Greenville PA-
DC Regis Denied; “not of
Satisfactory character”
Ed: Dickson Tennessee Normal
School 1904; Watkins
Institute (Nashville TN) 1899
1935 Tower Bldg (bd)
1936 1401 K St NW (bd
Lockie, Joseph Alexander
(11/27/1881 Warren ME-
DC Regis # 51; 5/4/1925
Ed: George Washington
University 1903-07
see also Porter & Lockie
1920-21 812 CT Ave NW (r)
1922 Waddy B. Wood (r)
1923 1417 K St NW (bd)
1924-26 Transportation Bldg (bd)
1927-31 Architects Bldg (bd)
1932 Dupont Circle (bd)
1933 2 Dupont Circle (bd)
1934 Metro Bank Bldg (bd)
1935 613 15th St NW (bd)
1936-39 Metro Bank Bldg (bd)
1940-41 Porter & Lockie (r)
1942-39 Metro Bank Bldg (bd)
Lockman, Alan Joseph
(8/27/1932 Baltimore MD-
DC Regis # 1282; 1/23/1961
Ed: University of Pennsylvania 1950-55 BArch
Locknane, George E.
1929 1347 L St NW (bd)
1930 1320 Harvard St NW (r)
1931-33 Not listed
Mutual Construction Company
1934 2505 13th St NW (r)
Lockwood, Frederick E.
see also Sherman, Lockwood &
Paschal; Sherman, Sherman, &
1897-98 717 10th St NW (r)
Clerk, Treasury
1899 1217 L St NW (r)
1900 1113 O St NW (r)
1901 1304 S St NW (r)
1902 1403 F St NW (bd)
1903 216 John Marshall Pl NW(r)
Locraft, Thomas Hall
(11/13/1903 Washington DC-
DC Regis # 233; 4/21/1931
Ed: Catholic University 1922-26
BArch & 1926-28MArch; Ecole des
Beaux Arts (Paris) 1928-31
see also Murphy & Locraft;
Thomas H. Locraft Asso
Instructor, Catholic University
1933-35 2520 10th St NE (r)
1936-37 101 Kennedy St NE (r)
1938-45 1413 H St NW (bd)
1946-48 1413 H St NW (r)
1949-58 1518 P St NW (r)
1959-60 Thomas H. Locraft Asso (r)
Loehler, John G. & Asso
Consulting Engineers
1956-57 726 Jackson Pl NW (r)
1958-59 10635 CT Ave
Bethesda MD (r)
1960 10635 CT Ave (bd)
Bethesda MD (r)
Loney, Robert Stanley
(2/26/1907 Washington DC-
DC Regis # 471; 1/30/1945
Ed: Ohio State University
1926-31 BArch
No profession listed
1940 1321 N Taylor St
Arlington VA (r)
War Department
1941-42 1321 N Taylor St
Arlington VA (r)
Capt, US Army
1943 1321 N Taylor St
Arlington VA (r)
Major, US Army
1945 1321 N Taylor St
Arlington VA (r)
1946-52 2518 N Columbus St
Arlington VA (bd)
1954-58 3435 N Glebe Rd
Arlington VA (bd)
Long, John W., Jr.
(12/12/1925 Johnstown PA-
DC Regis # 1229; 2/4/1960
Ed: Pennsylvania State
College 1946-50 B.S.
Loveaire, Matthew
see also Hilder & Loveaire
1904 1118 NY Ave NW (r)
1905 813 K St NW (r)
1906 Hilder & Loveaire (bd)
Loveless, W.A.
1920 333, 1410 H St NW (bd)
Low & Kendall
Architects/Civil Engineers
1888-90 1416 F St NW (bd)
Low, Henry H.
1889 1425 NY Ave NW (bd)
Low, James P.
see also Low & Kendall
Civil Engineer
1878-87 1336 Corcoran St NW (r)
1888-90 Low & Kendall
1891-96 1328 Corcoran St NW (r)
No profession listed
1897 1328 Corcoran St NW (r)
Chief Division, Treasury
1898-1905 1328 Corcoran St NW (r)
Civil Engineer
1906 1328 Corcoran St NW (r)
Chief Division, Treasury
1907-08 1328 Corcoran St NW (r)
Civil Engineer
1909-10 1328 Corcoran St NW (r)
Lowry, Edward J.
(3/12/1914 Baltimore MD-
DC Regis # 875; 8/14/1953
Ed: Catholic University
1946-51 BArch
No profession listed
1949-52 1003 Otis St NE (r)
1953 Page missing
1954-60 1003 Otis St NW (bd)
(7/31/1901 Charleroi PA-
DC Regis Denied; not qualified
for exemption
Ed: Carnegie Institute of
Technology 1920-24 B.S.
Lubienski, Paul S.
(1/6/1885 Warsaw, Poland-
DC Regis Denied; referneces did
not reply
Ed: Warsaw Technical College
1926 520 Southern Bldg (bd)
1927 301 Vermont Bldg (bd)
1928 Capital Fireproofing
Construction (r)
Brick Contractor
1929 5601 NE Ave NW (r)
1930-32 Not listed
Building Contractor
1933 2121 H St NW (r)
1934 1129 NH Ave NW (bd)
1935 Woodward Bldg (bd)
President, Interstate Constr Co
1936 1115 14th St NW (r)
1937 Not listed
1938 1318 14th St NW (r)
1939-43 Not listed
1945-47 301 Adams Ave
Alexandria VA (r)
Lublin, Alfred M.
see also Lublin-McGaughy & Asso
1952 1346 CT Ave NW (bd)
1953 Page missing
1954-56 1001 CT Ave NW (bd)
1957-60 1300 CT Ave NW (bd)
Lublin-McGaughy & Asso
1952 1346 CT Ave NW (bd)
1954-56 1001 CT Ave NW (bd)
1957-60 1300 CT Ave NW (bd)
Lubschez, Benjamin J.
1917 Rutland Cts (bd)
1918 208, 1725 17th St NW (bd)
Luckman, Charles Asso
see also Pereira & Luckman
1960 1700 K St NW (bd)
Lueders, Albert D.
(6/11/1905 North Bergen NJ-
DC Regis # 1220; 1/22/1960
Ed: Columbia University
Extension 1921-28 Certificate
1947-49 1513 N Uhle,
Arlington VA (bd)
1950-56 2049 15th St,
N Arlington VA (bd)
1957-60 2045 15th St,
N Arlington VA (bd)
Lukei, Reese F.
No profession listed
1888 1915 PA Ave NW (r)
1889 1915 PA Ave NW (r)
1890 Not listed
1891-92 1915 PA Ave NW (r)
Real Estate
1893 812 5th St NE (r)
1894 812 5th St NE (r)
Real Estate
1895-96 812 5th St NE (r)
1897 812 5th St NE (r)
1898 Not listed
1899 812 5th St NE (r)
Builder/ Contractor
1900-01 812 5th St NE (r)
1902 66 R St NW (r)
1903 66 R St NW (r)
1904-05 Not listed
1906 123 Todd Pl NW (r)
1907 1944 2nd St NW (bd)
1908 1944 2nd St NW (r)
1909 1944 2nd St NW (r)
1910 1749 Kilbourne Pl NW (r)
Luquer, Lynch
(2/7/1878 Dresden, Germany
DC Regis # 17; 4/15/1925
Ed: Harvard College 1895-99 A.B.;
MIT 1900-1905
1919-20 1443 RI Ave NW (r)
1921-26 819 15th St NW (bd)
1927 810 Hill Bldg (bd)
1928-33 839 17th St NW (bd)
1934-39 1701 NH Ave NW (r)
No profession listed
1940-42 1701 NH Ave NW (r)
1943 1701 NH Ave NW (r)
No profession listed
1945-46 1701 NH Ave NW (r)
1947-57 1712 22nd St NW (r)
Luwis, Frank Francis
(8/30/1932 Cleveland OH
DC Regis # 1306; 6/1/1961
Ed: Western Reserve University
1951-57 BArch
Lyles, James E.
1919-26 734 8th St NW (bd)
Lynch, Millard F.
No profession listed
1877-78 128 E Capitol St (r)
1879-81 128 E Capitol St (r)
Clerk, Pension Office
1882-86 128 E Capitol St (r)
1887 128 E Capitol St (r)
1888-89 128 E Capitol St (bd)
Lynn, David
Civil Engineer, Capitol
1917-18 Hyattsville MD (r)
1919 1221 12th St NW (r)
1920-23 Capitol (r)
1924 Capitol (r)
1925-26 Capitol Bldg (bd)
1930 Capitol (bd)
1931 Capitol (r)
1932 Capitol (bd)
1933-43 Capitol (r)
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